***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

its not on is it! I say ring again pip, demand they see you! Im going to wait until midday friday and if i havent heard anything by 12 on the dot im ringing again, its not fair that we should have to pay all that money for private scans, because THEY messed up! its bad, but its good to know you are having the same troubles as me pip lol, im glad we are going through this together lol! Am i right in thinking you will be due July too?x

AE - i dont mind waiting for my booking apt etc, but the scan is really important and ive waited my turn just like everyone else, so i have a right to that appointment in a way. i didnt know they messed up with imogen! And again you are being passed from pillar to post! Is it just me, or do doctors care less when its NOT your first baby?xx

kim, i can imagine how frustrated you are feeling, hopefully you will leave with some answers tomorrow, and a prescription for clomid lol!xx
Thanks Boothh and Shiv. I honestly wasn't the least bit stressed or worried about any of this up until the last couple of days. I guess since I know that no pregnancy can happen with this cycle now, I just want it over with so I can try again IYKWIM. Since I'm sure you all are tired of listening to me obsess and worry, I'll just be quiet now.
Aw Kim you can talk about whatever you want here you know that, if you want to stress and moan here then go for it, I was just thinking of your wellbeing! If you are going to be stressed anyway then best to get it off your chest here I say!:haha:
Kim- I hope the doctor has answers for you :hugs: Let us know what your doctor says tomorrow.

Ash and Pippin- thats pretty bad that both of you haven't heard back about having a doctors appointment. They better get things straightened out so you get your 12 week scan otherwise they'll have some really angry pregnant ladies to deal with!!

Nothings going on with me. I'm in the 2ww now and getting over a cold. No symptoms to report except for a very sore nose from blowing it all day!
spidey I got cold in the tww it can be a symptom :haha: :winkwink: :rofl: I'm symptom spotting already for you and I'm guessing your only 1 or 2 dpo I'm allowed though hahahahaha
Kim honey that's what the group is for for having a good old moan and letting all your fears come out. I do agree stressing won't help you but it's also good to vent the stress so carry on hon, it's therapy :hugs:
LOL Pippin. I'm actually more like 6 or 7 days post ovulation if I ovulated when I should have so you might be on to something :winkwink: I also had a lot of clear cm this morning, but I have the same looking stuff pouring from my nose so I'm not looking into it too much :haha:
LOL Pippin. I'm actually more like 6 or 7 days post ovulation if I ovulated when I should have so you might be on to something :winkwink: I also had a lot of clear cm this morning, but I have the same looking stuff pouring from my nose so I'm not looking into it too much :haha:

:rofl: I'll get excited then :rofl:
Ok so I went to the doctor today. I also got smart and printed up my charts from the last several cycles to show her how I usually ovulate and how my chart looks when I do and thus why I think I didn't ovulate this time. She saw the one big dip and said that she thinks I might of ovulated but she isn't sure. Regardless though I'm bleeding now. She went ahead and did a vag exam and said there is quite a bit of blood in there and she thinks I'm getting my period already. She thinks that my cycle might still be resetting itself after the provera. I hope she is right although to be honest, I disagree with her. I think my hormones are even more outta whack now and I need clomid to force them back into order again. She doesn't want to give me Clomid right away though because of "side effects" she said. I told her I used it before in the past with no problems but she still wants to wait on that. :dohh: She will see me back in March and said that I can feel free to call if this continues and if I do continue to have these kind of cycles, then at that point she will follow me with ultrasounds and give me clomid and see what is going on. So I guess I get to wait around again. She said that since the holidays are upon us that that can make things stressful and cause my cycles to be a bit wacky. However I don't think that's the case for me because I don't stress over it. I haven't had to do much of anything for it so I don't see it causing me any issues. She also wants me to relax and try the NTNP method until March and see what happens. Which I'm honestly not keen about. However, she does want me to keep temping my BBT and taking notes during my cycle in case things don't work out on their own and we have to refer to them (the notes and charts) while following me medically. But the good news is that this bleeding might be my period coming on (hopefully) so hopefully this useless cycle is about to be over. I'm tempted to get my hands on that herb that is supposed to be like natural clomid haha. :haha: Oh and my doc did say that she thinks that there might be some truth to the shettles method and said that we can definitely keep trying that too if we want to. I think DH knows I'm not ready to stop trying or NTNP and not pay attention to timing. :blush: :haha:

The other good thing is that her partner in her practice is a urologist and he's her husband. He is going to see my DH in Feb. and they are going to go ahead and do a sperm count since DH is 40 to make sure that we have some live ones to do the trick.

So that's that in a nutshell.

Spidey, GL this cycle! I hope you get your bfp! When I got my bfp with Bryson, I had a cold too. I actually wound up getting 2 of them back to back before my bfp! Haha. So Pippin might be right, it could be a sign!! :winkwink: :happydance:
kim i didnt mean that, i just meant with all the stuff you do temping and charting and what not it means ttc is on your mind alot and i think that can make a difference sometimes :hugs: xx sorry you didnt get what you wanted from your appointment :hugs:

afm - i have a cold too and i did with jesse and hiro x
Kim- even though things didn't go exactly how you wanted, it sounds good that you and the doctor have a plan. Giving your body some time to regulate itself sounds good. I guess you'll have to see if this bleeding turns into a full blown period. I really have no idea how clomid works, but I would guess you need to take it at a certain time of the month, so getting your cycles back on track is a good plan in the meantime :thumbup:
Thanks. I just cant help but feel a little frustrated. I just want my body to work the way it's supposed to. Right now not being pregnant isn't really bothering me. Honestly, it's knowing that my body isn't working correctly the way it is supposed to that is getting to me. If it would just work the way it should instead of being all wonky then going through the cycles even if I don't get pregnant for a few more months would be much easier to deal with and more acceptable. If that makes any sense. I really think I'm being reasonable here. :-k
Just popping in to say....I feel like I need to be part of this group because you are all my ladies....(in a creepy pimp voice) Good luck to all you pregnant mommas and trying to get pregnant mommas..maybe I will join sometime soon ....(ok....sneaking back out...)
Heidi, don't you dare have a 3rd before I even have a chance to get pregnant with my 2nd! :rofl:
Heidi, you are more than welcome here anytime!! I'd love to see you with us even if you're not preg or ttc. :hugs: You're still one of us. :thumbup: Besides, you were preg with Lily not that long ago. :winkwink:
Heeeiiiiddddiiii - ive missed your beautiful face over here, i never seem to go over to our main thread anymore, no idea why!

i think you should have another baby, this time it'll be a boy! you make GORGEOUS babies, that warrants you creating another lol! or you could join cleck in WTT over here :thumbup:

kim - i do understand how you must be feeling, its so frustrating when things are out of your control too! just try put it to the back of your mind for the next week or so, and see what happens, i know its easier said than done, but its the only advice i have hun sorry!

spidey & boothh - oooohhh colds hey!! looks like it could be a double line month for you both lol! a cold want something i had with Kara or new bean, but is does seem like a lot of ladies have! good luck!

afm - well hopefully i'll hear from the midwife tomorrow, and she will be able to squeeze me in before xmas! from LMP i'll be 12 weeks on the 30th, but i was scanned at 11 weeks last time, which would make it the 23rd! Just have to wait and see hey! I would have LOVED to announce it on christmas day, but life goes on lol!

the sickness is still here, and shows no sign of letting up anytime in the near future :( i am eating and drinking now, but i constantly feel sick and im running to the toilet heaving every half hour! i love it and hate it both at the same time lol!

ive also decided i have no idea what sex this baby could possibly be, i originally thought boy, but now im having the same early cravings of pink and blue cola bottles, that i had with kara, so its thrown me into confusion! Maybe its one of each and one was just hiding when i had my early scan lol!xx
on another note

does anyone know where i can get one of these?? I want this for bun!


can u help ladies?xx
I miss your face beautiful lady :hugs: How are you feeling? I had MS with Lily to the point I went into the doctor and cried and cried and begged him to either make it stop or kill me. I puked at least 10 times a day and could not get off the couch, I was put on 4 different medications...ahh it was so bad. I am so excited for you and I want a baby boy so bad haha!

Cleck..geshhhh FINE :rofl: I am taking me BC though haha, I am waiting but I miss that belly!
ash- are you planning to find out the sex or will it be a surprise?

I am so terrified about having severe ms again. How are you managing Kara while having ms Ash? Heidi- Caylee must have been so young when you had ms from Lily!? I just cannot imagine! When I was pregnant with Kira the only way to stop puking was to lay perfectly still on the couch ALL day, LOL. That will not be an option this time.

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