***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

I rather stupidly got pregnant just before a huge holiday with a bunch of hard-drinking friends - that was not much of the fun. Idiot. I just didn't want to waste any chances. As it was, I wouldn't have been able to try again until October, and I'm pretty pleased with how our timing has worked out and I'm not a patient person when it comes to TTC, so I guess that was the price I paid!

My MS came and went with this one, and hung round until about 15 weeks, but it was more feeling sick and having a sort of watery mouth. I was only actually sick once.
Awww AE, I don't think you're stupid at all hun. Nor an idiot. Many women get pregnant like that. It doesn't make them stupid. It just happens. And I'm glad it happened so easily for you like that. I wouldn't wish the frustration I've endured with both ttc bry and now on anyone. I'd much rather it be so easy. You're lucky IMOHO. :flower:
Kim do you use FF can we look if you do as I know about temping, learnt when I was trying with Sam but got pregnant the same cycle I started temping but never went back to it as I'm too lazy to temp in the mornings :rofl:

Boothh yes definitely in with a chance :yipee: so did you have an anovulatory cycle then do you think? As you haven't had a period have you? xxxx
pippin - nope i havnt had a period, i do think i had an anovulatory cycles cus i got ewcm for one day and not really alot of it and assumed id OV but never got a period, i was pretty stressed around the time too so maybe that could have been why, i definatly think i OVd this time though had alot of ewcm over 4days and got spotty and had the little cramps xx
Hi Pippin, yes I do chart with FF. Here is my chart. https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/22f221

I had to temp late again today because DH disturbed me and I had to pull my laptop out to check something for him this morning before he left for work only for me to suddenly realized i hadn't temped yet. :dohh: Oh well. :dohh: Anyways, I'm just taking this thing one day at a time because for some reason I doubt I actually ovulated. :wacko: Anyhoo, I cant wait till next week for DH to be off work for a week. :thumbup:
I'm going to agree with FF that you have the three rises before the two out of time still indicate the shift up. Soon find out with the :bfp: in two weeks :winkwink: Good luck hon hope you get a sticky bean.
pippin - nope i havnt had a period, i do think i had an anovulatory cycles cus i got ewcm for one day and not really alot of it and assumed id OV but never got a period, i was pretty stressed around the time too so maybe that could have been why, i definatly think i OVd this time though had alot of ewcm over 4days and got spotty and had the little cramps xx

Fab so you are in the tww now as well. Let the count down begin :yipee:
Pip - love the avatar :)

Kim - no idea about temping but FX'd

AFM - well AF finally left after 8 days!!!!! (usual is 5) so I am back in the game for another month :)
good luck Joeyjo, fx'ed this is your month!
Omg I am so upset!!! I'm only 4 dpo and I'm already spotting!!!!!!!! :hissy: :cry: :grr: I cant believe this! It went from happening at 8 dpo to 4 dpo!!! WTF!?!?!?!?! I am so upset and angry and frustrated!!!! Why is this happening to me??? Why cant my body just do what it's supposed to do?? Is that really asking so much?? ](*,) When I put spotting in on FF too, it takes away from crosshairs and says I haven't OV'd yet. :dohh: I dunno what to do! All I do know is that I believe that this merits a phone call to my doc office tomorrow. :trouble: Now it seems that that damn provera did more harm than good. :grr:
hugs Kim, defo phone your doctor and see what she has to say :hugs:
Well my temp is back down this morning to pre OV range and I'm still spotting. So definitely out this month and definitely no ovulation. FF also removed my cross hairs. :cry: I'll be calling my doctor office as soon as they open as it's only 6:30 am here right now. I'm gutted and very frustrated. It seems like that damn provera only made things worse instead of better. :growlmad: I will be insisting on clomid now for the next cycle which will also help to regulate my cycles as well. Grrrrr.... now I wonder how long I will have to wait for AF so I can get this useless pointless cycle over with. :growlmad:
well im not a happy bunny :mad:

ive been waiting ever so patiently for my midwife letter to come through the post, you know the one about your booking appointment and your scan date etc, well im 10 weeks on thursday (going from LMP like the dr's do, but 10 weeks on sat according to the early scan) and ive still not heard a peep! Decided to ring up this morning, just to see if things were ok, and all went through as it should, and they've not even flippin referred me!!!!! :brat: :brat: not happy!

the receptionist said, the midwife doesnt even have and hour long appointments left until JANUARY!!! :dohh: but she said as im 10 weeks i need to be seen asap, and she will get the midwife to call me on friday - i hope they dont forget, i dont want to have to wait another month before i get my 12 week scan! I'll be knockin on 14 weeks by then :( ggrrrrrr! i really want to 'announce it around xmas new year too :( bloody nhs is so crap! :growlmad:

My pregnancy is HIGH RISK FOR CRYING OUT LOUD surely they should know this and have me monitored early??! :nope:

so what do you guys think will happen, maybe move someone who is less far along as me back to jan, and squeeze me in, or do you think im going to have to wait?

also i want to have my baby at st mary's in central manchester, but i think they are going to force me to have beanie at tameside/ashton, can i refuse this??

sorry for the mini rant, just so peed off!

i have been reading, just so tired and sick all the time, i dont have the energy/time to post much, sorry girls, forgive me lol!

i'll do a catch up soon i promise!xxxxxxxx
ash i had jesse at tameside and can i just say they were really good, i got everything i asked for straight away and the midwives were all amazing, id deffo go there again but i live way too far now, x

thats awful theyv not even referred you, hopefully they will squeeze you in or put someone back, i know it sounds awful but im sure a few appointments would open up with mcs and stuff :/ x
oh its nothing personal towards the hospital hun, its just st mary's is A LOT easier for family and friends to get to, and david works on the same road as the hospital, so for scans and appointments, he wont need to take the day off to be there, he can use an hour here and ther in holidays etc!

thats the only reason, otherwise i wouldnt mind tbh xx
That happened to me with Imogen - patiently waited for appointments, then rang to chase them only to find out that nobody had even referred me! Luckily they could squeeze me in for a 12 week scan and I had my booking in appointment afterwards. Grrr. I wasn't high risk though, so I'm sure they'll make more of an effort.

I've had a similar sort of problem, my antenatal consultant referred me to cardiology when I saw him last, but no appointment has come through, and I see him again in Jan, by which point I think he expects me to have seen the cardiology consultant. So it took me four different departments and twenty minutes to get through to the right person - who wasn't there. Sigh.
Ash, I'm so sorry that you feel so lousy hun. It'll get better in just a few weeks when you hit 2nd tri. :hugs:

I just got off the phone with my doc's office. They want to see me at noon tomorrow. So I'll be there. I'm now 100% certain I didn't ovulate and now my body is really on the fritz and that the provera made things worse. :dohh: So I'm pushing for clomid now to regulate things because I know THAT works as I have been on it in the past. I just wish I could go ahead and start my cycle all over again right now instead of having to wait goodness knows how long until AF shows up since this is an anovulatory cycle. :growlmad:
kim you know i really think all this stressing is making things worse with your cycles you know, i think you need to relax a little bit :flower:
i have to agree with Boothh a little Kim, your period will show up sooner if you try to relax a bit. Easier said than done I know. But try to enjoy Christmas and then get set again in the new year :hugs:
Ash I still haven't heard either and range my doctor who said they would chase it up and I still haven't heard from them. So cross too :hissy:, I missed my 12 scan and had to go private with Sam looks like I'll be doing the same for this one as it'll be Christmas and they have a long wait. I feel your pain hon :hugs:

Kim sorry you are spotting hon, don't know what to say/suggest :hugs:

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