***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

hmm wierd! Yeah wait a couple of days and see what you get - either way it is all good Boothh - if you get a BFP then yeehaa you're up the duff, and if you get a BFN then you get to go on all the best rides at DLP!
yeah im happy either way, were ttc in november anyway so not long to wait! x
Hey this is really interesting!! Just for fun, I was just curious and nosing about the web and I thought to myself, I wonder what the chinese gender prediction charts would say for me this time around and if it says I'll have a boy or a girl this time. Last time I did this I was preg with Bryson. However, I didn't realize that all of those charts require you to use your LUNAR age which is NOT the same as your actual age right now. So last time it said a girl because I put in my biological age instead of my lunar age which is according to the lunar calendar. I found a lunar age calculator and it says my lunar age is 31 and if I conceive in October, it's a GIRL!!! :pink: I checked like 10 different charts from different websites (and no, they don't all have the boy/girl marks in the same places on each one) but each of them said I'm gonna have a girl. After consulting the calculator again for my lunar age for when I was pregnant with Bryson, I went back to all of those same ones and I put in my LUNAR age for when I was preg with Bry. I got pregnant with bry before I turned 30. I was 29 but my lunar age would of been 30 at the time. Each of the charts all said a boy for that lunar age and conceiving in December which is when I conceived Bryson. I'm not saying that it's 100% accurate as I'm not even preg yet but there must be something to it for that many to be correct about my having a boy (Bryson) and now saying I'm having a girl! :shrug: At the least, it sure is fun to think that it COULD be right even if it isn't. I went through every single gender chart on the first page that google gave me. All said the same thing and they were different charts I even opened them in different tabs to compare them and they were different. Kinda interesting though even if it is just for fun. :winkwink: I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. You ladies ought to try it and calculate your lunar age for when you got preg with your lion cubs and see what they say for you and see if the gender is accurate for you as well. Remember, just because you may be one age right now doesn't mean that's your lunar age. I'll include a lunar age calculator for you all. My lunar age now is 31.


PS - I'm on cd 13, still neg opk's but have ewcm and my cp is high soft and closed now (instead of medium, medium, and closed) so not long now and my bbt is looking right on track too. :thumbup: Trying to stay calm and relaxed so that OV doesn't get put off again this cycle. DH and I will :sex: one last time tonight and I plan to use a vinegar douche to help make things acidic to freeze the male spermies haha. Hey it can only help after all. I guess we will see. I should OV on cd 16. Which is in just 3 days so fingers tightly crossed that this will result in a bfp for me and our baby girl! Please keep your fingers crossed for us!! :flower:
I calculated it back when I was pregnant with Emma and it said girl so it was right for me!! :thumbup: Fingers X'ed for you!!! :pink::dust:

So all of my OPKs are now completely negative so I think that one day really was my surge and I just didn't catch it on the OPK because I only took 1 that day. So I think I ovulated on CD 18. If I ovulated at all of course. :haha: I'm really undecided about doing these OPKs again next month. Because they are a bit stressful but I really didn't get what I wanted out of them this month. I wanted to know for sure that I was ovulating in the first place but obviously none of my tests were positive so it's kind of inconclusive at the moment. :dohh:
Hope u girls are all ok :)

kimberly -fingers crossed xx I had a go at the chart but it was sooo confusing on my phone I'll try later on the proper compuetr

I'm trying not to get excited since AF restarted I have had her Sat Jul 10th, Sat Aug 7th & Sat Sep 4th - so exactly 28 days although before G I had 29-30 day cycles. Anyway I'm now on day 29 and still no sign....

We almost used protectiomn this cycle too as it would be so inconvenient but decided we were so busy especially mid cycle that the chances of catching the egg were tiny....

Oh well if I've caught due date will by 6 dats after my sister in laws wedding that I've known about for 18months and can't really miss! Not sure when to test - DH thinks I should wait till after my birthday on Thursday incase it's a bfn and makes me feel older & badder...
OOO fingers X'ed for you Joey!! :happydance:

Well, DH really is gone for a week now so I won't see him until Friday. :( At least we got some good :sex: in before he left so hopefully the month isn't a total waste. :haha:
:thumbup: Good job Cleck! Fingers crossed for you!

Joey: Ooooo!! That sounds promising!! :test: :test:!! Haha. :haha:

AFM - I'm cd 14 and due to ovulate in just 2 more days (cd16). Hubby and I :sex: almost every night (only missed one night) since AF left and now that's its cd 14 it's time to abstain according to Shettles Method. So that's what we're doing and now is the beginning of the waiting game. The next step is a pos opk hopefully tomorrow. Then hopefully a bfp and a baby girl! But we will see I guess. I've already got my self soothing comfort treats on stand by just in case AF shows up. :haha: But with a little luck it wont be needed. :winkwink:
Fingers tightly crossed and lots of :dust: for us all!!

Please G-d, bless us with a healthy baby girl! :pink:
Kimberly- Woo! Fingers X'ed for you too!! Your cycle seems to have flown by already! Is that weird to say? :rofl:
lol. No it's not weird and it's only almost half way over. :winkwink:
joeyJo - sounds promising, let us know when you test!

Cleck- glad you got some good loving in whilst Corey was at home. Did you stop using OPK's in the end. I think i am going to give them a miss, i think it will stress me out.

Kim, your DH is lucky, getting all that baby dancing action. if I am honest I am not that fussed about sex, so TTC can be a bit of a chore for me :blush: My hubby loves it though cos at least for one week every months he gets some action!
LOL Shiv. Yes he is lucky that his wifey has a healthy appetite for lovin :blush: and is dedicated to the cause. :rofl: He certainly doesn't complain lol! :haha: Honestly I'm ready to get to the point that I'm allowed to orgasm again though. Having to hold back has been the hardest part of all of this so far hehe. :winkwink: Orgasm causes a woman's secretions to become alkaline so I have to hold off so as to not help the male swimmers out any hehe. I also did a small mini douche vinegar and water last night before :sex: so hopefully that will help kill off whatever male swimmers there were so that they wont get up into my tubes and stay alive and beat the girl ones to the egg once I ovulate. Haha. Now it's just wait and see. Other women have sworn by it though so I'm giving it a try. :shrug:
Shiv- Yeah I think I'm done with the OPKs. I have about 6 more left from my pack of 20 and I might take them just for fun but at this point they are all negative anyways and truly they were just a pain in the bum more than anything.

Kimberly- Your very dedicated to this! I could definitely not give up my orgasm for the sake of having a girl. :haha: But than again, I'm not to that point yet. If I don't have a boy by the next go around, I may resort to your method but the opposite for a boy. :haha:
Have I completely lost it and gone off the deep end? I mean is all of this effort insane? Is it bad that I'm determined to have a girl? :blush: Gosh I sound like a looney. :wacko: Haha. I promise I'm not though! :haha:
Kimberley - I can't imagine putting so much effort into aiming got a girl - oviously a girl would be nice so we had one of each but i can see the benefits of 2 boys too. You gotta do what u are happy & comfortable doing though - I hope you get what you want but that you are still happy (once you are used to the idea) if you get a baby boy too :hugs:

AFM - I gave in & tested - BFN :( so in the shower I checked my cervix position (tmi) and it feels low so hopefully AF will arrive soon & I can get going again...
Have I completely lost it and gone off the deep end? I mean is all of this effort insane? Is it bad that I'm determined to have a girl? :blush: Gosh I sound like a looney. :wacko: Haha. I promise I'm not though! :haha:

I don't think your insane at all because it's perfectly understandable to want a girl after having 2 boys already. And if this is your last baby, the pressure is on when you want a girl so badly. BUT, I would really hate for you to be disappointed and I truly hope your prepared for the chance that it may be another boy. :hugs: I am behind you 100% with your trying for a girl and I will continue to send my positive girl vibes your way. I truly think the Shettles Method is interesting and I love hearing about the different things your doing. I just don't want you to get hurt in the process. :hugs::hugs:
AFM - I gave in & tested - BFN :( so in the shower I checked my cervix position (tmi) and it feels low so hopefully AF will arrive soon & I can get going again...

:(:hugs: Where are you in your cycle? If you want I can make a ticker for you on the first post! I'd just need to know the first day of your last AF, how long your cycles are, and your luteal phase(if you know it).

I'm fairly certain I'm not pregnant this month either. I know it's still early but I have absolutely no signs or feelings of being pregnant and I did with my other 2 pregnancies. I hate that it's all a waiting game once the initial fun of :sex: wears off. :wacko: For me it really wore off with DH being gone. :haha:
Have I completely lost it and gone off the deep end? I mean is all of this effort insane? Is it bad that I'm determined to have a girl? :blush: Gosh I sound like a looney. :wacko: Haha. I promise I'm not though! :haha:

I don't think your insane at all because it's perfectly understandable to want a girl after having 2 boys already. And if this is your last baby, the pressure is on when you want a girl so badly. BUT, I would really hate for you to be disappointed and I truly hope your prepared for the chance that it may be another boy. :hugs: I am behind you 100% with your trying for a girl and I will continue to send my positive girl vibes your way. I truly think the Shettles Method is interesting and I love hearing about the different things your doing. I just don't want you to get hurt in the process. :hugs::hugs:

Cleck is so much more eloquent than me & put what I was trying to communicate so much better!
AFM - I gave in & tested - BFN :( so in the shower I checked my cervix position (tmi) and it feels low so hopefully AF will arrive soon & I can get going again...

:(:hugs: Where are you in your cycle? If you want I can make a ticker for you on the first post! I'd just need to know the first day of your last AF, how long your cycles are, and your luteal phase(if you know it).

I'm fairly certain I'm not pregnant this month either. I know it's still early but I have absolutely no signs or feelings of being pregnant and I did with my other 2 pregnancies. I hate that it's all a waiting game once the initial fun of :sex: wears off. :wacko: For me it really wore off with DH being gone. :haha:

I'm cd30 at the mo - I've only had 3 periods since G and had a 28 day cycle both times (ie 2nd & 3rd AF were after 28 days) not sure how long this cycle is gonna be.... Hopefully not much longer and I can get back in the game :)
Have I completely lost it and gone off the deep end? I mean is all of this effort insane? Is it bad that I'm determined to have a girl? :blush: Gosh I sound like a looney. :wacko: Haha. I promise I'm not though! :haha:

I don't think your insane at all because it's perfectly understandable to want a girl after having 2 boys already. And if this is your last baby, the pressure is on when you want a girl so badly. BUT, I would really hate for you to be disappointed and I truly hope your prepared for the chance that it may be another boy. :hugs: I am behind you 100% with your trying for a girl and I will continue to send my positive girl vibes your way. I truly think the Shettles Method is interesting and I love hearing about the different things your doing. I just don't want you to get hurt in the process. :hugs::hugs:

Awww thanks Cleck. I know that if it's a boy again I will be disappointed at first but after that I will definitely love him too and be very blessed to have him.
Another day, af still missing but still bfn... Just wish either af or bfp would arrive!

Oh well at least it looks like I'll be able to have some champagne on my birthday :)

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