***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

well af was due yesterday, but shes a no show, did a test yesterday morning and bfn :( its strange that ive not come on though as its been the 4th of each month for the last 3 months at least! maybe its due to me worrying about it etc! i think i'll wait till friday n c if af shows then ill test again! Only got one clear blue digi left lol!x
oh a couple of late af's - fx girls.

JoeyJo - you have probably said already but how many cycles have you had since George? I have had 4, teh first 3 were pretty much bang on 30 days and then for no reason my fourth was 37 days :dohh: god only knows what my next will be!
I'm on my 3rd cycle - 1st 2 were bang on 28days (pre G I had 28-29 day cycles) I'm on day 31 now, grrrr
It's crazy how our cycles can get so screwed up after having a baby. Fingers X'ed for both of you that have late AF!!! :dust:

Emma and I both have colds so I can't even symptom spot bc I am nauseous and have stuffy nose and all of that but it's just because I'm actually sick. :dohh::rofl:
Just popping in to say hi and to say I'm still keeping up with this thread :) I hope all the late AF's arrive soon so you can get started again! Soon I think I will be hitting my fertile time if I'm even ovulating. I shouldn't keep track of my AF on my work calendar because I'm hardly ever at work :dohh:
Ok ladies! Today is cd 16 and I just got my pos opk!! :happydance: Now here is to praying that there are still some alive swimmers hanging out in my tubes waiting for the egg to come out. Last days of :sex: were cd 7-9, and 11-13. If I just got my pos opk, then I should be ov'ing tonight/tomorrow am most likely right? Because LH hits the bloodstream before it hits urine by about 4-5 hours ahead and after a pos opk ovulation is usually within 12-24 hrs right? So yeah, tonight OV or tomorrow am. So let's see that's.... right now swimmers :spermy: were deposited 3 days ago (4 as of tomorrow), 4 days ago, and 5 days ago as well as 7 days ago (cd 9 and 11-13). So do you ladies think I'm in with a good chance for a bfp? :blush: Here's to hoping!

I hope you ladies with late AF's either get the witch so you can get back in the game or get late bfp's. Keep us posted! :flower: Lots of :dust: for us all! :hugs:
Kim- Yay!!! :happydance: I don't know how good your chances are but I'm definitely rooting for you!!

As for me....Okay...I'm definitely confused.com right now. For the past two days I've gotten nearly positive OPKs after days of nothing? :shrug: What the heck is up with my body?
Sounds like a late OV then hun. Which is definitely possible. I'd BD if I were you (if you can) just to try to catch the eggy. Here's :dust: for us both! :hugs:

PS - I hope your cold gets better soon. I know how miserable it is since I am having the same thing right now. Blah!
No BDing here. DH is gone until Friday. And even if we did, a luteal phase has to be at least 10 days for a baby to stick from what I've read. So it wouldn't be a sticky bean anyways.
Awww. I'm sorry Cleck. That really sucks. It seems like my luteal phase is always different. Last cycle it was 11 days long, the one before that it was 12 days long. My body likes to do strange things though to keep me guessing it seems. :wacko:
Cleck - you may just be having a long cycle, just because you have been regular since your af came back doesn't mean that this one couldn't be longer. I'd get on the case with Corey when he is back on Friday (as if you need any encouragement!) and see what happens. I'd bet my bottom dollar that your cycle will be longer this time.
still no af for me! caved and tested again, bfn! really have no idea what on earth is going on! very strange for me indeed!

when is everyone testing etc? i wonder if anyone will be lucky this month!

cleck & kim could you explain what the luteal phase is??? :blush:

im on cd47 and still no AF orrr BFP! iv not tested since sunday when i couldnt decide if i could see anything not so i just chucked it in the bin, i hate staring atm tests and tryna see a line haha, well i think im gunna test again tomorrow, i dunno what the hell is going on! boobs are very sore now though and they are NEVER sore before af ever only when iv been pregnant, grr I HATE SYMPTOM SPOTTING! i wish af or bfp would arrive i hate this crappy limbo part.
Ash: The luteal phase is the time between 1 dpo (days past ov) and the time that AF arrives.

AFM: It looks like I have ovulated already! I had a huge temp spike this morning. It went from 96.80 to 97.58!! :thumbup: So I hope to confirm it with a neg opk this evening and hopefully another high bbt tomorrow am. It's exciting to think that my little eggy could be either getting fertilized right now or already is. Here's to hoping!! Now bring on the 2ww. Haha.
oo how exciting! fingers crossed kimberly! xxx
i have to admit im not a fan of actively 'TTC' :( it feels like its taking so long :( even though we've only been trying properly 8 weeks, or 2 cycles, i know im dtd at the right time, i keep up on it all with an app on my iPhone, i get pos OPK's and the lot, but no baby yet!?!? whhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy!!!?? it took me 3 months after i came off the pill to get preg with Kara, and i only missed one pill when i got caught out with our angel baby! so i genuinely expected to get a bfp on the first cycle!

im not happy at all lol!

i too suffer with sore boobies as a result of pregnancy, but never af!

im so impatient i HATE HATE HATE waiting, and this is the worst because i cant do anything other than what im doing! it makes me have baby envy cos my next door neighbor is preg with her 2nd, and she finds out what shes having next week :(

gahhhhh i want my beany NOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW
:growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad:
:brat: :brat: :brat: :brat: :brat:

sorry girls, had to vent there, feel no better mind you!lol!xx
ash im the same with jesse i was on the pill and 2 mcs it was first month we didnt use condoms :/ i feel like it will take ages this time, if i were you id just have sex and not do anything else instead of worrying yourself with all the technical stuff, i do think worrying about it can make it worse i do,
and i can relate to you getting baby envy OHs sister is pregnant (i think she got pregnant on purpose though she says it was an accident with my mmc in april when i told his family i was pregnant she stormed out the room and we never got a congratulations then all of a sudden shes pregnant, lol)
well shes due in march when i wouldve been due with second mc and all i get everytime we go round is mil shoving her scan in my face (like i wanna see that) and her goin on about buying prams etc AND SHES STILL SMOKING :dohh: i just feel so jealous when i see there and it makes me feel shit cus im not that sort of person, but i know all my life ill have to see my niece/nephew and know my baby should be that age/doing that etc and i hate it, i really do think the only way for my heart to heal will be to have another baby, i just want a little newborn to hold :(
sorry to go off on one haha i feel better now x
i felt the exact same when i lost our baby, my close friend was due the same month i would have been, her LO is almost 4 now, that would have been me! I only got over my MC when i brought kara home from special care, i lay her on my bed and stared at her for 3 hours straight, it flew by. I still think of angel baby, but now im (not glad but you know what i mean) happy to have kara, she wouldnt be here otherwise!

I cant wait, i really cant, ive forgotten what it was like to have a baby baby lol!

Im so bad that ive already picked out furniture and decor, and buggies, and car seats etc etc, im organised to say the least haha!

I can picture a baby boy in my head, but i think another girl would be nice, not bothered one bit thought, a healthy baby is the most important thing! :thumbup:

i do hope it doesnt take toooooooo long, i really want them close, no more than 3 years apart!

i am going to just get down n dirty from no on, and try not to think about it (as much)

ahahah kara has this little doll that she takes EVERYWHERE and i mean everywhere, she cries and cries till shes got hold of her! Anyway i took the clothes off it to clean them and put one of Kara's first vests on it for the time being, it bloody fits!! I never realised how tiny my girlie was :( xxx
aw i think it always tends to happen that way my mum had a mc and my auntie was due in the same week my mum was my cousin is nearly 14 now! and she said she still thinks about her baby and gets angry about it but she wouldnt have my youngest sister (10) if she had that baby, im thinking about it more recently cus i wouldve been due next month, in a way im glad there wont be a newborn around in the next few weeks because i really feel like i wouldnt appriciate jesse for what he is at the moment, hes just the cutest little thing and i just love spending time with him right now and i dont think i would have the time to do half the things we do if there was a tiny baby around, i think a 2 year gap is just perfect so im hoping i catch in november or december!

and its mad how big theyve got isnt it my baby sister was 5lb when she was born (5weeks early) and theres a photo of her next to a babyborn doll and she house the baby born outfit on and the doll has her baby grow on and they are the same size haha! x
have to just post this piccie for those of u not on my facebook! I LOVE HER! model in the making lol!


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