***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

I am the complete opposite of you guys. i am a control freak and that is why TTC gets to me so much as I can't really control the outcome. SO for me not testing is my way of exerting control on the situation! I also throw tests away after the 3 minute time limit and don't look at them again! I figure if I am preggers then it will show up visibly in the time limit (as I test close to AF due date) - again it's a control thing!

my pee goes everywhere, it is fairly hit and miss as to whether much goes on the stick at all. Although do you remember having to pee in the little pots when you were heavily pregnant and couldn't see down there. There were quite a few times when I went back into the midwife's room with just a dribble in the pot cos I missed!:dohh:
haha.. I'm glad I'm not the only one with unpredictable pee. Shiv- I remember those pee tests we had to do. For my midwife, I had to first wipe myself with these special wipes and THEN pee into the cup. When heavily pregnant it was hard enough to hold my pee, let alone sit down on a toilet, open 2 little wipe packets, wipe myself and then pee. :haha:

Since I hate the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, I would rather not find out I'm pregnant at 3 or 4 weeks, LOL. Thats a big motivator for why I like to test late.
Hi! Not long now, mostly I feel tired, grumpy, put upon, puffy, itchy and cross. I'd really like to just skip to the baby part now please ;) I have bought some cute boy stuff, and I'm really looking forward to moving Mog's stuff into her new room BUT I haven't finished decorating yet, so a week or so until that happens. I have bought a bedside crib for this one, but it's too big to have in our room until we need it, so it's in the spare room with all the bedding in it, and when I think I'm in labour, I'll move it into our room and attach it. We've been sorting out who has Imogen when we go to hospital, and checking that my birth partner from last time is still happy to come with us!

Unfortunately the fly in this ointment is my work situation. I don't have someone confirmed to cover my maternity leave, and two members of my team are probably leaving next month, and I'm extremely worried about what will happen while I'm away. The ideal thing for me would be to have someone turn up in the next week or so, then I could do a really good week long handover, and then take some leave and go early. I'm not supposed to go until the end of Feb, but honestly, I really need some time to get things sorted! Thankfully Mog and OH are away until Sunday, so I can get decorating done this week in the evenings, instead of trying to cram a couple of hours in after Imogen has gone to bed. I'm picking up her wardrobe on Thursday and I can order a chest of drawers to be delivered once I've painted the floor (and OH gets paid). There's just so much to do, and OH is absolutely no help at all really. He was going away for a week with the baby and he rocks up at home at eleven pm last night, having been to the pub, and hadn't even THOUGHT about packing all the stuff she needs for a week. IDIOT.
Here are bump pics - this is why I need more room in the bed, but does OH let me have my half? NO. He just crowds me on my side so I end up hanging off the bed and making my carpal tunnel worse.



Sorry for the moan, didn't sleep well last night and am grumpy :( I am quite a bit more out front with this one, and it's NOT comfortable.
AE - sounds like you are very busy - make sure you don't push yourself too hard.

well ladies I need a hug. i founf out this afternoon that David is being made redundant (that is both of us within 2 years). It has been all over the news Pfizer is shutting down in Sandwich. David will lose his job by August this year - great timing! I am really upset as everyone I know here is going to lose their jobs and there just aren't any other jobs out there. I am pretty scared about how we are going to cope especially with a new baby on the way so I can't really go out and get a job myself. And to mkae matters worse David is away on a course so he isn't back until wednesday night so I have no one to give me a hug!
Oh Shiv I just heard that on the radio and saw your fb status. So sorry, what a complete arse, things tend to work themselves out and have faith it will (hard I know I'd be on floods). Big hugs coming your way. They mention on the radio 'most' would go any chance at all he could stay or have they said definitely he has to go? What shitty timing too. Could a move be on maybe come and work for one of the big firms up in London? When does he get home? xxxxxx

:hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends::hugs: :hug: :friends:
AE- You look great! I bet you turn a lot of heads with that bump! I hope everything gets sorted out with your work so you don't have to worry about things once you go on maternity leave. :hugs:

Shiv- that really sucks! Such horrible timing. :hugs: Fingers crossed that David can find something else before August. If not- do you have any sort of unemployment program there that could help out so he can have more time to find something else? Try not to stress about it because worrying isn't good for you or the baby. I always like to think that things will sort themselves out in the end and everything will be okay :hugs: Being nosey- but what sort of work does he do at Pfizer? Did you work at Pfizer too or did you lose your job from somewhere else?
Pippin - everyone WILL go, the Pfizer PR machine is trying to make it sound better by saying some jobs will be moved to other Pfizer locations and the possibility of a science park etc etc but that is what they said when they closed down manufacturing there last year (thus why I got made redundant) and nothing like that happened.

Spidey - we both started off in Quality Control labs doing analytical testing, then I moved into production support and finally Learning and Devlopment (bit of a change) before being made redundant.
David moved over to research when manufacturing got closed (escaping redundancy) and now works as a study director for drug safety (basically directing animal testing studies - don't hate him someone has to do it!)

He gets back tomorrow night, and boy do I feel lonely without him, mainly I would love a drink! When we found out that manufacturing was closing we all went to the pub and got hammered, it was very therapeutic and i know that is what a lot of my friends are doing now. That is what makes it even sadder, EVERYONE I know here will be affected which means that i will basically lose all my friends as well as we will all have to move away :cry:

I don't think the hormones are helping!

Spidey how do you feel today?
Awww love that sucks really it does I'm so sorry. I should have guessed they'd try to make it less bad than what it is. Contrary to popular belief I know we need to test drugs so I could never hold it against anyone that works in that line of work. I hope he can find something, maybe it might be a bit of career change. Understand the need for a glass of wine and to get hammered I wish I could come and join you too. Glad he's home tomorrow :hug:
Shiv- here are some more hugs for you :hugs::hugs:

Thats awful that everyone must lose their jobs. Thats going to be devastating to the area since pfizer employs so many educated people... it's not good for a city or town to lose that. I work in research too so I'm not one to judge people who direct animal studies, LOL. I hope it all works out and all of your friends don't have to move away :cry: I would feel the same way as you if I found out they were shutting down my work... so I don't think it's all hormones :hugs:

Another day of spotting for me and my runs have stopped thank goodness! No other symptoms to speak of!
Oh shiv- I'm just now seeing this. :(:hugs::hugs::hugs: It will all work out. I just know it will. :hugs:
so is today the day you test again Spidey?
hahahaha... well... I suppose it could be another testing day because those 6 tests should be coming in the mail today. I'll see how I feel later in the day. The delivery man doesn't usually come till 3pm and it's only 8:30am now!
Oh Shiv, that's awful :( I have friends who run animal studies (looking for cures for Parkinsons, which my dad has, so I'm all for it) and I would never judge your OH! Are some of the big pharmaceuticals not recruiting, like GSK? You might have to move to Harlow, but it's not too far away ;) It's rotten, sucky timing.

Mat leave cover is now looking hopeful, might have someone confirmed in the next day or so.
Aunty E great news it looks like you have your post covered. I know how you feel about leaving it in capable hands I'm exactly the same especially this time as last time the person that took over my management role really messed things up I've been fixing it all since and it's a nightmare.

Spidey :test: I mean why not if they are cheap but might be worth waiting for tomorrow if your hearts not in it.

Shiv, sorry it's still crappy today but I hope you are looking forward to proper hugs from DH tonight. Bet you can't wait. How are you feeling? Any morning sickness kicking in just yet? Mine hit exactly on 6 weeks. That's so soon for you. Two weeks and you can get scanned :yipee: Have you booked it yet?

I'm so excited 10 days and we get to know the sex :wohoo: I'm starting to doubt my gut instinct of a girl though. Getting used to the idea of two little boys running around.
no-one is recruiting AE - everyone is making cutbacks

I was so looking forward to my scan and announcing to close family afterwards, but now all anyone is going ot think is "crikey but he's being made redundant". What should be really good news is now going to make people (quite frankly including me!) worry even more.

We have friends who are ttc who work at Pfizer and my mum know's. When I told her about teh closure she said "gosh what if she is pregnant" , little did she know I am!

I keep crying, combination of hormones and stress I think, I am looking forward to David getting home, but I so want to be strong for him, as Iknow he will be so worried as the provider for the household. But I know I will cry as soon as I se him. Crying now just thinking baout seeing him. What a mess!

Spidey, are you still spotting today?

Pippin, haveyou had any dreams about the sex of your baby? ALthough I was sure I was having a boy I kept dreaming about having a girl (called Elisabeth!)

AE glad your maternity cover is looking more certain. What do you do for a job? I can't remember!
My tests haven't been delivered yet! No spotting today but the runs are back, although not as bad. My grandmother died Sunday so we've been doing funeral things yesterday and today. She's been sick for a long time and we weren't very close, so emotionally I'm not hurting... but I'm so tired from running around after Kira to prevent her from breaking all the valuables in the funeral home! I should be napping since she's napping! If it turns out I'm pregnant, then I am nothing but bad luck! Last time very early in my pregnancy DH's Uncle died!

Shiv- I hope you start feeling better soon. All those hormones plus bad news is not a good combination :hugs:

Pippin- I can't wait for 10 days to go by!! I don't have a feeling yet on what you're having- not like my instincts are very good anyway, LOL.

AE- what a relief that someone will be able to cover you while on maternity leave!
My pregnancy tests got delivered LATE! So the truck must have broken down because he usually comes right at nap time (2pm) but the package didn't come till 8pm!

So DH was home when the package came and he opened it up and laughed :haha:. I told him that I might test tomorrow and he said "NO, test tonight or I won't be able to sleep!" He would fit right in on here :rofl:

I tested and it was a BFN!!! So it could be too early I suppose. I spotted on cd 22 (Friday) and it lasted until Tuesday. I have no idea what part of my cycle I'm in since I don't get cm or obvious pms symptoms like I did pre-pregnancy. I haven't had sore nipples yet this cycle, which seem to occur around ovulation. So perhaps this is another long cycle month with some freak spotting early on. I told DH to stop getting his hopes up because he wanted me to get pregnant 8 months ago when we started trying. So every month is a big let down for him.

sooo... maybe I will test again this weekend, LOL!
Aww that's a bummer spidey. :( I really hope you aren't out yet. :hugs:

AE- Your bump looks great hun! You have no stretchmarks! I'm pretty jealous. My stomach is still covered in dark purple stretchmarks and I'm not even pregnant anymore! :haha: Not long now for you!! :dance:
My pregnancy tests got delivered LATE! So the truck must have broken down because he usually comes right at nap time (2pm) but the package didn't come till 8pm!

So DH was home when the package came and he opened it up and laughed :haha:. I told him that I might test tomorrow and he said "NO, test tonight or I won't be able to sleep!" He would fit right in on here :rofl:

I tested and it was a BFN!!! So it could be too early I suppose. I spotted on cd 22 (Friday) and it lasted until Tuesday. I have no idea what part of my cycle I'm in since I don't get cm or obvious pms symptoms like I did pre-pregnancy. I haven't had sore nipples yet this cycle, which seem to occur around ovulation. So perhaps this is another long cycle month with some freak spotting early on. I told DH to stop getting his hopes up because he wanted me to get pregnant 8 months ago when we started trying. So every month is a big let down for him.

sooo... maybe I will test again this weekend, LOL!

Aww bum that's not good. Have you thought about opks or do you rather not go down that route, I know it's not for eveyone but it did help both times for me. Lots of love and happy thoughts. xxx

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