***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

I was doing great or at least I thought I was and was extremely positive though still shattered this morning and just kept busy and didn't think about it much but then this afternoon and this evening was a complete disaster.

It was like Natasha hit the terrible twos all in the one afternoon - she didn't want her nappy changed all day and kicked and fought me - she didn't want her lunch and spit her milk all over the place - everything was a screaming match and dinner time was the straw that broke the camels back - DH got a flat tyre and was late home and Natasha wouldn't even try her dinner and kept spitting it back and then upended her plate and threw it all at me and I completely lost the plot - I ended up shouting at her which I never do and ended up bawling in the middle of the kitchen and had a total melt down. I then rang DH and screamed down the phone at him for being late even though it wasn't his fault and ended up saying is it any wonder this keeps happening because I can't even cope with one baby so Id never manange two and this is what I get for being such a sh*te mother.

I feel so bad now and can't believe I lost it so much. I now have pains down in my nether regions that are worrying me because it is the same kind of pressure pain that I get for the 1st 2 days of AF - I dont know if it is entirely something to worry about because I have only had these pains since I had Natasha and think it may have something to do with my delivery and episiotomy so it may be normal now to feel it in pregnancy but I can't tell as I never had it before Natasha so I wouldn't have had it when I was pregnant on her or it may be to do with the poking around from the internal scan yesterday.

I'm really hoping tomorrow is a better day and that my lovely sweet daughter is back :-(
Awww hon it's understandable you had a melt down, YOU ARE ALLOWED!!!! :hug: Sam has hit that stage too so I do understand and I totally lose it sometimes too. I just tell Simon to get on with it and walk away. My hormones are the reason which I'm sure is the same for you with the added worry. Hope DH takes his words back, I'm sure it was heat of the moment stuff.

Re the pains I got loads of those at the start of my pregnancy I actually thought it was things stretching so maybe it's nothing to worry about, hope it's not anyway. Just think you are one day down already only 6 more to go :hug:
Sorry Pippin I must have worded that wrong - God no DH didn't say that - I said it to him - I totally felt like maybe this is why it keeps happening because I'm such a sh*ite mother and couldn't cope. God if DH said that even though that is the way I feel I would divorce him lol - No he was so full of understanding and kept telling me that I was the best mother he knows - bless him even though I had screamed at him.

Hopefully this is just a phase she is going through - she really did pick the wrong time - I can't even blame teeth as she has just broken through her 16th one so all that is left are the 2nd set of molars and they shouldn't come for a while. It probably is just hormones and the added stress that I lost it as I usually just try and ignore her when she is in a mood like that - although I must admit I do find those tantrums so frustrating and want to pull my hair out.

Yeah 1 day down and it went by quick enough - Natasha is my one saving grace this time as I reckon it will go by much quicker.
Oppps sorry Jelr that's probably me reading to quick to be honest. Sorry what a wally I am :haha: You're not a crap mother hon just human!! I think we can all say we have had days like that pregnant or not.

Here's hoping for a swift day two for you I'm off to London for a girly day out so it'll be quick for me I reckon so I'll pass on some of the quickness to you too :hug:
Some positive news on my end!! My fertility monitor says I'm high fertility today!! :dance: So here's hoping I peak soon and have a longer luteal phase finally!!! :yipee: I'm gonna attach pictures so you girls can see. Today is CD14 for me.

I also lost 1.4 lbs this week. :lol: I didn't do very good though. I skipped my hour cardio twice this week because I was just too tired and wanted to sleep instead. :dohh:
Some positive news on my end!! My fertility monitor says I'm high fertility today!! :dance: So here's hoping I peak soon and have a longer luteal phase finally!!! :yipee: I'm gonna attach pictures so you girls can see. Today is CD14 for me.

I also lost 1.4 lbs this week. :lol: I didn't do very good though. I skipped my hour cardio twice this week because I was just too tired and wanted to sleep instead. :dohh:

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: That looks such fun. Why didn't I get one when I was trying :haha: You peak the same day as me. I was always cd13 or 14 when the OPK came good. Well done on the lb you're going to be one hot Mama when C gets back.

Jelr another day down hon, how are you feeling?

Shiv hows the sickness hon? Any worse?

Spidey hope you are having fun with your brother. It is now isn't it? Hope AF is leaving you alone by now :hugs:
Well it's not peaked quite yet! Probably a few more days. It's just at a high right now so within my fertile period. It'll be one more bar and show an egg the day I'm gonna ovulate. :D I'm sure I'll take another picture to show when it peaks!!

And thanks for the compliments about my weight loss! I'm finally starting to feel really good about it all. Like it's actually an attainable goal to get to pre-Emma weight before DH is back. Only 17.6 lbs to go for pre-Emma weight. :dance:

How have you been lately? Have you bought any cute pink girly stuff yet?
Hey Girls

Sorry girls I just came in and hyjacked your thread with my doom and gloom and never even asked how any of you were. Thank a million for letting me come in and for being there for me - I was so lost the other evening and just couldn't get the words out to speak to anyone here and feel there is too many in the FB thread to have to share bad news with - hence why I hadn't posted when I got my BFP and it wouldn't be fair to discuss it in the Lion Cubs when we said we weren't discussing pregnancy or ttc. So thanks for letting me in.

Cleck: Well done on the weight loss I was just looking at your ticker - nearly 2stone altogether well done you - you can actually see it already in your photos - you look great. and yay for your dinky monitor saying high.

Pipp: Hope you had a lovely day in London.

Shiv: How are you feeling? Any more word on the job front. Have you any more symptoms.

Spidey: I hope AF is nearly gone or at least it is not sucking the life out of you - Hope you have a great weekend with your brother.

Well afm: Today has been much better - this morning I was convinced all was over alright because I was symptom spotting and comparing and driving myself mad during the night - but then decided to put it all out of my head and just concentrate on Natasha for the day and she was a totally different child today and back to herself - I think she was probably picking up on my mood yesterday and plus I probably wasn't giving her the attention she is used to as I was so busy staying busy and cleaning like a mad woman and the phone was hopping all day with close friends and family checking up on me. So today we had just a fun day - this morning we did loads of playing - I lay down when she went for snooze which I never do and it did me the world of good and after lunch we did some colouring and went and did the grocery shopping and she ran around the shop with my brother and had great fun and this evening DH turned on some music and we all danced around the sitting room like wallys (if anybody had of seen in our window they would have thought we were nuts lol) but she had such a ball and I think it actually did me the world of good to release some happy endorphins lol.

I also have been feeling a little queasy again and actually fancied and bought some custard when I was doing the shopping and I haven't craved custard since I was pregnant on Natasha and I had to make DH change his socks this evening as I could smell them all around the house lol - so I think they are all good pregnancy signs so fingers crossed.

So a good day was had by all and I feel like a much better mother today and also am not down on myself like yesterday and dont feel like I deserve this badness to be happening like I did yesterday.

I'm going to keep myself busy now for the night looking for bed clothes for Natasha's new room as she has been in the nursery until now so we are going to do up one of the spare rooms as it is much bigger this summer - DH is going to take out the bed and take up the floors this weekend. I have an idea in my head what I want for the bed clothes but haven't manage to find it yet - Well I have found similar but they are all over the 100 mark which is way too much for bed clothes that could possibly be thrown up on over the next few years lol
Ahh I see even more exciting if we get an egg symbol as well how exciting, I definitely feel like I'm missing out. I'm loving the pictures so keep um coming daily till we get that egg.

I'm good thanks, very jealous of your weight loss as mine seems to be piling on now. I put on three pounds only up until last week but I weighed myself yesterday after coming back from my Mum's and I think it's jumped to 6lb eeeek. I'm going to use breastfeeding as a spring board to lose it though after the birth so I'm not overly worried or stopping the chocolate I seem to eat everyday :haha: As for girly stuff. M Mum bough me this cute dress with matching tights and spotty top and I've bought this gorgeous handmade crochet dress in beige today at Spittlefields Market so cute. I'll take pictures when I have them out again. I also picked up a cot and bits today from my friend as she is having a clear out and couldn't turn down free things. I'm worried about having it in the house but I have nowhere else to put it.
Jelr I posted and didn't refresh sorry hon. SOOOO glad to hear you had a better day and such a good idea to focus on the positive, especially that big ball of positive that is Natasha!! What will be will be hey say and no amount of worrying will change what will happen. I do like the sound of you symptoms though so that is good. I'm trying to lok for bedding too as we'll change our spare room into a shared bedroom for the two children. One side will have to be girly though or we'll go for a unisex theme. Not sure what to do yet but plenty of time to plan and that's more fun than doing it I find :haha:

Don't apologize for coming into the thread you nana always here for you and understand it's more intimate in here, although I do see the odd other August Mummy looking in here too but they never post which I find a bit odd as when I saw it I couldn't wait to join in :blush:.
jelr- I'm so glad you are feeling more positive. Sounds like you have plenty of great pregnancy symptoms!! :dance:

Pippin- I WISH breastfeeding helped me lose weight. :lol: It's actually held it on more I think. Because I literally only lost 5 lbs after Emma was born. :rofl: Don't feel jealous of me! You have a gorgeous baby girl on the way and that is SOOO much cooler. My DH is getting absolutely sick of me bothering him about me wanting another baby. :shy: Some weeks it's an obsession and it's only made worse by coming on here and seeing all the gorgeous scan piccies and tickers. Of course, DH being gone makes it worse too because it's something I really can't have. Well, I could probably try hitting on the fedex man or something. :muaha:

And you definitely have to post pictures of all the baby stuff! Keep my obsession alive. :lol:
ha ha I was probalby one of the ones that you would have seen nosing but I guess I never posted because we weren't ttc but I'm just too nosey and loved hearing how you were all getting on and then felt I couldn't run in and tell you all my news when It did happen - but I knew you would all be there for me this week and I do appreciate it very much.

Yeah I can't wait to have Natasha's room all done - The planning is fun too but then I love it being done also but that is probably because DH does all the work on that end ha ha so it is great to sit back and be foreman lol

Pippin: those clothes sound adorable - you will definitely have to post piccies.

Cleck you and Corey will be at it like rabbits when he gets back - obviously because you will have missed each other, but because you will want that baba and because he wont be able to keep his hands off you with your new sexy body lol - So na Id leave the fed ex man for another while lol

Mother of God there is a couple on the tv at the moment that have 10 children under 12 - eeek fair play to them eh?
Wow!! I could never have that many kids. Actually after spending a ton of time with my friend that has 3, I think 3 might be my max. :rofl: It was just enough craziness without being overboard if that makes sense. :haha: I think 4 would tip the scales to insanity. 10 is unimaginable. :shock:
yeah I would agree - I always said 3 would be my maximum but I actually think we will probably stick at 2 because the economy is so really bad here as in we are in the middle of a bail out from the IMF that nobody's job is safe so I will have to stay working in case anything happens to DH's job so I dont think with working that I would manage any more than 2 to give them proper time and attention if that makes sense.

Yep I'm the eldest of 7 and that was mental enough but imagine 10 and number 11 is due in June - that house must be nuts and I know from my own experience the older ones end up rearing the younger ones which is not really fair on the older ones - she must have been pregnant nearly ever year - she must not get bad ms lol
Jelr- I'm glad you had a good day! Having a good laugh and a day of smiles is wonderful :thumbup: I take daytime naps with Kira alot and it always re-energizes me for the rest of the day. And don't feel bad about posting bad news! :hugs:

Cleckner- soooo cool!!! I might have to buy one if I'm not pregnant by the summer so we can both be hard core TTC buddies together, LOL!

For me, BF is a great way to lose weight. I know it's extremely annoying for me to say this, but I actually lose too much weight and every week or so need to go on a dessert binge to get some pounds back on. I'll miss it when Kira decides to wean.

My brother came out Wednesday night so we've been having lots of fun :happydance: Kira loves the extra attention too! Only 2 1/2 more days and he leaves.. it's too bad his trips here can't be longer and more frequent.

Oh, and I am jinxing myself to get pregnant! I bought a jumbo sized box of maxi pads AND I bought lots of new clothes since we went to the mall today! I'm pretty certain that I'm going to be pregnant this cycle :haha:
Spidey- Well, you already know I hate you for being so skinny. :rofl: Some women have it really lucky though. My mom is a plus size woman as well so it's in the genes. I'm trying to fight against those genes though!!

:rofl: @ you jinxing yourself. Do you think if I did that, I would suddenly be pregnant too? Like the virgin mary? :rofl:
AH nice and chatty in here, lets see what i can remember!

Cleck - i love your gadget, so what are the 9 and 14 out of? As in 14/20??? You are doing so well on your weightloss and it is so within your grasp to be pre-Emma weight before Corey returns. I look forward to seeing the next set of photos of you in jogging bottoms and bra!

Jelr - glad you had a better day, it sounds like fun dancing round with Natasha and Jim. And yay for Jim's stinky socks :haha:

Pippin - I think 6lbs in 19 weeks is good going, I am pretty sure by that stage with Sophia I had put on about 12 lbs! Baby girl clothes are really cute! When will you put new baby into the same room as Sam? Will you make usrethe new baby is sleeping through first?

Spidey - glad you are having fun with your brother. I am imagining your house with a spare room full to the ceiling with boxes of pads! I do hope you have jinxed yourself!

As for me, well my symptoms seem to have pretty much disappeared (since i had that bug last weekend) which is a bit worrying, but there is nothing I can do until the next scan so I am going to try not to worry about it. I am at present weaning myself back on to sweets and chocolate, it is hard as at first I really didn't fancy them, but I am persevering and managing to get a fair few down me daily :haha:

I found with breastfeeding, i didn't have any dramatic weightloss, but i did manage to get down to pre-preg weight without too much effort which considering my chocolate consumption must have been down to breastfeeding. I am scared to think about breastfeeding new baby as I had such issues to start off with (the whole eating nipple off thing) that it scares me think I might not manage it next time, and I really want to breastfeed.

SO that is all I can remember, I hope you are all having a nice weekend, Sophia was at my parents for the night last night, so we went out to dinner with some friends and will go and pick her up soon. I do enjoy a night off I must admit!
Ohhh lots to talk about. Cleck hon you are going to be at it like bunnies with that super hot body you are sculpting right now. I've attached the little dress I bought for you to see, it's more of a warm gold colour in real life but it's hand crocheted and heavy weight cotton which is fab for winter time. I thought a nice pair of tights and shoes it'll look really sweet. ONly cos £18 which I thought was good for something hand made.

Jelr.... another day down :yipee:

Shiv, with Sam I felt fine most of the time. It was a week off and week on regarding the sickness so I bet you'll get it back soon. All stopped at 11 weeks after getting less and less from 8 weeks on. Don't worry hon.

Spidey I hope this is your month hon I really do. I'll let you into a secret, for this pregnancy I bought a load of towels to last 2 month and before the one I lost I bought 4 boxes of tampax!!! So I always see as stocking up as a good sign of a positive month :haha:


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