***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Spidey: Glad you had fun with your brother - 1 of my brothers lives in London and I miss him like crazy too and wish I got to see him more but we do have great fun when he is home. Yep I reckon stocking up with definitely jinx you into being pregnant - I spent a fortune on lowcarb foods the week before I got pregnant this time and had to give them all away as I couldn't start the diet and I also gave away a huge big bag full of smaller size nappies. So fingers crossed for you - lmao at shivs comment with your spare room full to the ceiling with pads.

Shiv: I know my situation is nothing to go on at the moment but my symptoms were all gone at the start of this week too and are back in full force the last few days - so hopefully all is well and it is just things easing out as you get closer to finishing 1st tri. I reckon you will definitely be able to breast feed, I know you had issues at the start last time but look how long you managed to do it for, and I have heard you help and give advice to other august mummies - you will be an expert this time and will fly through it.

Pippin: Yep another day over with and I'm still feeling positive so it is all good. - that dress is adorable, girly stuff is so cute - I will probably end up with our attic overflowing as there are so many of Natasha's cute dresses that I know I will never give away lol.

Cleck: Well what number is your monitor at today. Have you told Corey all the weight you have lost or are you going to surprise him.

Well another good day here - I have battled with arthritis since I was 19 years of age and really really hate it so I never thought I would see this day come, but it is majorly flaring up today and my hands are even swelling and I'm delighted as it another pregnancy symptom for me - so fingers crossed.

We also kept busy today and went to the nearest city that is about an hour away and looked for bed clothes for Natashas new room and no luck - DH reckons they haven't made what I'm looking for lol - I want to do one of the walls a deep pink so I want more colourful bedclothes with pastel, pinks, yellows and greens and would love either flowers or butterflies so it is girly but not over kill on the pink and I can't seem to find them anywhere in a double size as we have a double bed in that room so when she is ready to move from the toddler bed we are going to put her in the double as there is no point in getting rid of it and she will have more room - Although it is keeping me really occupied trying to find something which is great to have something to focus on at the moment.
Pip- Cute dress!! :dance: I really like that. Keep the piccies coming! :D

jelr- I'm glad you had another good day! :hugs: Today was CD 15. And yes I've told DH about my weightloss. He is able to see the pictures I post on facebook too so he's seen me as well. He's already sent an email saying OMG look how skinny your neck looks. :rofl::rofl: He's only seen the pictures from my chest up because it's not like I can take good full body shots all by myself. :haha:
lets see if I remember everything I want to say!

I love the dress Pippin :happydance: Dresses are so fun to buy!!

Shiv- symptoms are supposed to come and go, so don't let it worry you. From the sounds of it, I'm guessing you're still having some symptoms since you're not diving right back into eating chocolate again! I'm certain that you will be a pro at bf this baby. You'll know what to expect and how to do the proper latch and all, so it won't be nearly as hard.

jelr- fingers still crossed for you! Your symptoms sound promising and I'm glad you're finding things to keep you busy :thumbup:

Cleckner- Corey will be amazed to see you in person... pictures can't capture it all! In my family it seems that every other generation struggles with weight. My mom is plus sized, but my grandma was skinny, and my great grandma was plus sized. My mom eats much less than me but she can't keep the weight off- genetics is a real bitch sometimes.

Last night I was really doubting my decision to TTC. I think because I'm having so much fun doing the non-baby thing these last few days that the thought of having a super needy newborn is scary. I also have some really nice clothes now- I actually spent real money on them rather than shopping at walmart AND I have a nice flat tummy again. I also ordered my vegetable garden seeds and I have plans to grow a nice garden this year. For the last 2 years I've been too pregnant or too busy caring for Kira to garden. I LOVE to garden and if I get pregnant soon I'll be having m/s and unable to move! AHHHHHHH! Yeah, I had a major freak out!! :haha: I think I'll be okay once my brother leaves and my life goes back to being boring!
Spidey - I know how you feel with regards to TTC, I felt as if my life was kind of resuming to some sort of normality (allbeit a new normal that involves my world happily revolving around Sophia). I was happy to leave her overnight with my parents so was getting out with my friends maybe once a month (or two) etc - but then I figured what is another 2 years in the scheme of things?!?!? The last 2 yeasr has flown by pretty quick, so I guess the next 2 will, although it might be a bot more tricky getting a babysitter for 2 kids instead of 1!! So what clothes did you buy?

Cleck - Corey is gonna be so proud of your weightloss when he gets home :hugs:

Pippin- that dress is very beautiful.

JELR - glad you are managing to keep busy, that is 3 and half days down now - half way!
I did some more shopping today and it felt GOOD :haha: I'm still looking at them. I've posted images in the TTC/Pregnancy FB thread save posting them again (it's so slow in here).

Have read all your posts but pregnant brain means I can't remember what to answer too so hugs to you all :hugs: Hope you are all well and dandy today.
Well my monitor is still showing High so I hope I peak soon! I'm on CD 16 today. :wacko:

Pippin- Shopping ALWAYS feels good. :D
Cleck - did youpeak yet??????

Jean - How are you doing?

Spidey - hope you had fun for the rest of your brother's stay?

Pip - the little girl clothes you got are lovely - what size are you buying?

As for me, a rubbish few days here. We had to take Sophia into th eemergency docs on Saturday as she had a crazy high temp (39.8 degrees C - that's 103.6 degrees F for you U.S ladies). Turns out she has tonsillitis, so she is on antibiotics. But she is swinging between seeming fine and being distraught, curling up into a ball and screaming and not letting me anywhere near her :cry: I hope she feels better soon. this is also the second week on the run that we have had to avoid any other children as she is contagious, i am seriously struggling to entertain her at home now!

Anyway moan over - I am definitely back on chocolate full time again now , i popped to the shop to get Sophia some balckberries (it is all she has eaten for the past 3 days) and there were so many yummy offers on so I got loads of treats :blush:
Awww poor Sophia hope she feels better soon Shiv. I hate it when they are ill especially when they can't tell you what is wrong :(

As for the clothes I'm buying a mixture but the baby grows are Newborn size so she has something to come home in. With Sam we only took 0-3 as we were told he'd be big but they swamped him and it looked ridiculous. The dresses etc are 6-9 as it fits with the seasons. The handmade dress has no size so just going to try it and see.

Jelr, another day down :yipee: Hope you are ok.

Everyone else :hi:
No peak yet! :wacko: But the lines on the actual test look like they are getting close to the same color so hopefully soon. I am just praying to have a long luteal phase this time.

Shiv- So sorry she's feeling so rotten. :( :hugs: That must be awful. I hope she starts feeling better soon. :flower:
I'm getting out of my funk, LOL. I tried talking to DH about my concerns of having another baby, and his response was "I'll go get a vasectomy now!" NOOOO!! :haha: After thinking about it I decided that the next baby will have no choice but to fit into our current lifestyle. It won't be nearly as hard with a second one, and I think a second baby will be ignored more which might be a good thing.

My brother's plane took off already, so tomorrow I go back to work. I also need to start taking :sex: a little more seriously this week incase this cycle is 28 days. Today is cd 11

Shiv- I'm sorry to hear about Sophia. Poor thing :cry: It's so sad that she curls into a ball and doesn't want to be touched. I hope she feels better tomorrow and you can get out of the house soon!

Pippin- I'm heading to FB now to see what I've missed. I love looking at cute baby outfits :happydance:
Hey girls just a very quick run in as I'm only on the laptop for a couple of minutes just to set up an out off office for my work email.

I'm afraid it is all over - went for a nap at lunch time when Natasha was napping as I was really uncomfortable and bloated last night and hadn't slept and when i got up and went to the loo there was blood when I wiped.

DH was half ways up the country so he had headed home as soon as I phoned him and my mam came over as I was hysterical - I phoned the Early Pregnancy Unit and left a message as nobody answered and was just about to ring maternity after an hour of waiting when they phoned me back and they said to come in to A&E as there was nobody on duty in the EPU for the afternoon.

So went into A&E and the gyne SHO took me up the the Early Pregnancy Unit and she had no idea how to use the bloody machine - eventually she was talking about bringing me back for another appointment (good job she didn't or I would have screamed blue murder in the hospital for somebody that knew what they there were doing to see me) but eventually she phoned the gyne registrar who scanned me and explained that it wasn't good news as the baby still has not grown, she said that she is not worried about no HB as the baby is still measuring to small to find it and that she is not completely ruling it out as sometimes measurements can differ with different people scanning but that with the spotting she is not hopeful.

So I was sent home and told that hopefully it will happen naturally at home but that if the bleeding gets too much to come straight in or if not I have an appointment next Monday to be scanned again and then they will arrange a d&c if necessary - they are also holding my appointment for Wednesday open in case bleeding or pain becomes too much in the meantime that I can be seen quicker rather than having to go in through A&E again.

Have some cramping now and have had a few small clots.

I am absolutely devastated as I had myself convinced that everything was going to be okay, I'm not religious but I do think there is something there and it is my grans anniversary of her death tomorrow and my nanas next Sunday so I had stupidly convinced myself that they were both going to mind this baby and that everything would be okay.

I just can't believe this is happening us again and it is not straight forward again with all the waiting around. I honestly just can't get my head around the reasoning of it at all - we weren't even trying and tried for so long on Natasha and 1 accident out of DTD every week or even twice in the week in the last 10 years and I end up pregnant and then it is taken away. I mean why give us a baby that we didn't even expect and for us to start loving with all our hearts to take it all away again. It is just so cruel.

Sorry I know this is a totally selfish post and will come back in tomorrow to catch up properly when my head is clearer. Thanks for all your support girls. xx
Oh no!! :cry: I am sat here in tears for you. :(:(:hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry hun. Nothing I say will help right now but I really wish I could give you real hugs right now and tell you that it will all be okay. It will be hun. I just know it. :flower::hugs:
Oh Jean I am SO SO sorry it has turned out this way, I was hoping with all my heart for a positive outcome. I know nothing I can say will make you feel any better, but I am thinking of you and Jim all the time. Life is cruel and i think if I did believe in a God then this sort of thing would definitely try my faith. I hope things happen quickly for you now if that is what is best and that you and Jim can heal quickly together. Hold on tight to your lovely Natasha as she is the biggest healing power in your world. Big big hugs lovely :hugs:

Oh and never worry about a self indulgent post - we all make them and nobody minds :hugs:
jelr- I'm so sorry :cry: I was really rooting for everything to be okay :hugs: I hope you're okay today- let us know how you're doing. It's hard to keep positive, but try to have faith that everything will work out in the end. Also trust your body because it knows what to do and what is best. :hugs:
Awww Jelr I was so hoping we weren't going to read a post like that I am so so so sorry :cry: :hug: I know nothing I can say will help right now having been there but I'm always here if you want to talk, scream, shout whatever. In the nicest way I hope it happens quickly for you and won't be a long drawn out process. I thought I'd never get pregnant again after my mmc but here I am so I know it'll happen for you again when it's the right time. Give lots of cuddles to that wonderful daughter and husband of yours and take time to grieve and rest :hugs: :hug:
In TTC news, I peaked today! :dance: Today is CD 18. I need to go read how long my luteal phase has to be because I forget. At least 10 days right? I hope it's 12 days long though at least. Here's a photo of my lovely peaked monitor!! :haha:
Whoop for peaking Cleck - must be a relief to know for sure that you are ovulating, and yeah I think it is a luteal phase of at least 10 days you are looking for.

Jean honey, i am thinking of you :hugs:
Yay Cleckner that's a nice bit of news. Bet you were excited to see that. You do need a lp of 10 days. I've always had 10 day lp and got pregnant fine. I had 9 once but after taking vit b50 (I think) it lengthed to 11 from memory. X

Jean hope you are holding up hon. Xxx
So I am cramping right now! :shock: Does that mean I'm ovulating at this very second? A peak monitor and cramping! Thats so cool!! :haha: I'm totally excited in a stupid kind of way.

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