***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

From what I saw, 100mg shouldn't affect your milk. When I was having ms with Kira, I took B6 and unisom which is an antihistamine. It helped a little, so if I need it again I'll have to be careful about how much B6 I take so as not to affect my milk too much.

LOL about my nipples. Sometimes I wonder if they're wrong and playing games with me :haha: I had a slight urge to test this morning, but I'm determined to wait and trust my nipples!
AF arrived this morning! I woke up and felt like total crap and thought "hmmm.. maybe my nips really are playing a joke on me and I'm pregnant!??" So I took a pregnancy test and it was a BFN. 1 hour later AF arrived :haha:

This was a record breaking month for me. My cycle was only 26 days long! It beat out my old record of 28 days. I decided to be a nerd and look up all my most recent cycle lengths. Since my period returned, my cycles have been:

34, 28 (my old shortest record, LOL), 32, 34, 29, 46, 43, 26 (my new shortest record!)

I have no idea what to expect next month. Part of me wants to get some cheap ovulation strips to find out how nipple sensitivity corresponds to ovulation. I'm really curious about my nip power :haha:

I also found out that the meeting with the BIG boss is part of the process of them firing me at the end of September :cry: They don't have the budget to keep me and September is when the federal government's financial year starts.
Spidey - sorry AF got you, 26 days is pretty impressive! Are yo not tempted to get a cool gizmo like Cleck so you can pee on a stick etc?

So sorry about your job ( I know how that feels, it seems like science is sufering as much as any other area with the current financial climate. Will it mean you have to find another job or can you survive without? :hugs:
I'm tempted to get the same gizmo as Cleckner! But I might take baby steps and start with something cheaper and once I get addicted I can get one of those super cool monitors for the next cycle. :haha:

It will be really hard without my income, but we could survive for awhile off savings. DH works for the local government and he's had a pay cut for the last 2 years which was NOT in our long term plans for the future. DH has been working a 2nd job and he could start selling the furniture he makes if things get really tough. I'm not too stressed about it yet but I'm going to start looking soon, right now I'm more concerned about my crazy periods, LOL! Shiv- how is your DH doing on the job search?

Oh, and my psychic abilities point towards a BFP for me next cycle! It would be just my luck to be due in early January. My birthday is January 9th and I've said my entire life that I would never have a December or January baby due to the conflict with x-mas. "I'm sorry Spidey, with Christmas just over, I'm out of money and can't give you anything for your birthday so here's a card" :devil: Or maybe I just had shitty grandparents :haha:
Aww spidey, I'm sorry about AF and your job. :(:hugs::hugs: You totally gotta get opks!! They really are fun. Well, I think the monitor is way more fun because there's no questioning whether it's positive or not. :haha: Which reminds me, I have to buy more sticks! They are dropped in price to $23 on amazon so I need to snap them up while they are cheap!

I'm jealous of you educated ladies. I never had a chance to go to college and now we could never afford it and I refuse to take out loans. :nope:
I knew someone's OH was a carpenter! That is so cool that your DH can make stuff Spidey that he could sell, David is one of the most intelligent men I know, but cannot do DIY for shit!

As for his job hunt - well he has applied for lots, and not heard back from all but one, which he has an interview for next week. I am trying to be supportive, but I am not sure I want him to get the job, and I think he will get it. It is about a 2 hrs drive away from here, so we would need to move (and it wouldn't exactly be a pop down the road to visit my parents anymore). The job involves 30% European travel for which he has to be available at the drop of a hat. So basically out of every 6 weeks he will be away for 2 weeks, but I won't be able to plan when he is away. I know you would probably give your left arm for that sort of arrangement Cleck but I am SOOOOOOOOOO scared about moving to a new place where I know nobody with a toddler and newborn and then David jetting off. Serioulsy Cleck how do you do it? are you lonley? I am so scared of being lonely. I mean being a SAHM mum can be lonley anyway even if you have friends and family nearby, but I am scared that i will just never leave the house and become some sort of recluse (which I know you haven't Celck, so tips would be welcome). Also teh area where this job is, is in the commuter area for London so house prices are really high, so we would only be able to afford something smaller than we are in now. If I'm honest the ONLy sweetner for me moving is that we might get a bigger house - without that I can't find a positive spin to put on it.

Thing is the job is right up David's street, i think he would really enjoy it..........so I said go ahead and apply and we'll discuss more if you get offered it. What would you do girls?
Cleckner- I will look into some cheap opks to start with... I can already tell that this month will be fun! It's going to be neat to see how accurate my nips are. :haha: Don't be jealous- you can go to college later and you'll probably have a better idea of what you want to study too. It's hard to decide at 18. I went to a community college for the first 2 years and with tax breaks it was basically free :thumbup: Sometimes I wish I had my babies young (haha, I guess I'm not quite an old hag, YET), and then get them off to school and then study nursing or something more hands on. But as they say... the grass is always greener on the other side. :haha:

Shiv- My DH is a health inspector for his day job, but a carpenter at heart. He makes amazing wood furniture and he does it the "old fashioned" way with only hand tools. We just need to find rich people willing to buy some of his furniture! Regarding your dilemma... there is always the option of him taking this job, but continue to look for something else. My DH had a moment of "going to be a daddy" panic when I was 8 months pregnant and filled out an application to be an FBI agent, LOL! The job was very much the same where he would travel with no notice and not beable to tell me how long or where he was going :shock: At first I said "go ahead, whatever makes you happy" but after a few days I had to tell him how I really felt. I needed him to be home in the evenings and to be on a reliable schedule. I told him that in a few years he could re-visit his dream of having an exciting job with a gun, but for now he had to keep his boring low paid job. I'm not good being a full time mom 100% of the time. I NEED my breaks in the evenings and I need to know that I'll have a break. Once I lose my job, my mom will probably still take Kira 1-2 days a week. So if I was alone and away from my parents I would probably go crazy! But thats just me- obviously it can be done because thats what Cleckner is doing- but I honestly don't have it in me. (Cleckner- you really are my hero, LOL!). Sorry- probably not much of a help and certainly not very encouraging. I'm also on the rag, so I'm not feeling very energenic at the moment :haha:
I'm sure you guys wouldn't think I'm much of a hero if you saw me on a bad night when I lock myself in a bathroom and cry while Emma has a tantrum in the next room. :rofl::rofl:

I agree with spidey that it'd be a job for now but he can still keep looking. And who knows, you may be surprised and find good friends and love it there. I'm not really one to ask though because that really would be a dream situation compared to what we are now. :haha: 2 hours isn't too far to be away from family. That's just a quick day trip for me. :D I just think with you being pregnant and neither of you having work, you don't really have room to be picky. Something that will keep a roof over your head and keep food on the table is all you need for now and he can keep looking in the meantime. :hugs: It's really not that bad being alone. I am a million times stronger than I was when I first married him though.
Thanks for your opinions guys, I know hwat you have both said makes sense. I guess what is playing on my mind is that we could probably last with neither of us having a job for maybe a year and a half (on savings and David's redundancy package) and I guess having David home with me and new baby is kind of appealing :winkwink:
hey girls

Well our internet is back up and running so i said I would fill you all in.

Well d&c went as planned, we were in about 9.30 and they admitted me straight away and gave me the pessery to soften my cervix around 11 and I went down to theatre around 2 and was home at 7. It went a lot better than last time as last time after the pessery - the cramps I had were really severe, where as this time I barely even felt them so I'm hoping if I do ever have another baby that because my stomach muscles have loosened since having Natasha that means that labour will be much easier.

I'm slowly but surely getting there, I had stopped bleeding by saturday but it actually started again yesterday but it is only really light so physically I am fine except I'm extremely exhausted but then anesthetic tends to do that to me.

Emotionally is still a bit hit and miss, but I dont feel completely overwhelmed by the whole thing like I did last week and each day is getting a little easier. We have had some great days with Natasha so that is what I'm focusing on.

I am dreading going to work next week as only my boss knows, so it will be a little weird for everything to be back to normal if you know what I mean, but then that is life and it does carry on and it will the first time ever that I have been going to work while DH stays is at home with Natasha or even been at home before she came along, so I know I will feel like I'm missing out on the fun, but sure it has to be done.

There is a little angels grave nearby that we had looked into the last time as they explained that if the fetus is found when they do the d&c, that they give it back to you and we had decided to bury it there if we did - but both times little bean had deteriorated too much and there was only tissue so we didn't need to do that - but I did bury a little box with my pregnancy tests and it did give me some closure - just a way to say goodbye if that makes sense so I think we will do the same again - even changing my signature today helped me a little - silly really as it was only writing the dates down, but it is just some sort of closure if that makes sense.

I have gotten an appointment for gyne in June - but I'm hoping that I might get a sooner date as the nurse that was looking after me was going to try and make an appointment for 6 weeks time - but they had already sent me one in the post as I had also asked the nurse from the early pregnancy unit - so fingers crossed I get the earlier one too and can cancel this one. We are going to wait and not ttc until after the appointment.

I did speak a little to the doctor that was on and according to her there isn't any increase of mc with pcos, where as I was always told there was, so not sure if she or I are wrong on that one, she did explain though that there is an increased risk of mc with autoimmune diseases which my type of arthritis is so it may be that. She said that just as my body rejects my immune system causing my arthritis that sometimes it can reject a baby too as it thinks its an allergy. she does'nt reckon they will do much more with me as usually they dont do more tests unless you have had 3 concecutive mc - which is a bit mad as it would mean I would have to go through this again another 2 times, which I just couldn't cope with. She did suggest talking to the doc I see about low doses of asprin - so hopefully I will get some answers and suggestions. I know I probably wont and that will drive me nuts as I'm a real fixer and have to know the hows and whys and try and fix them so it is already driving me nuts not knowing what caused this and I know I will never know unless the results of the d&c show something genetic or a molar pregnancy which they didn't the last time. Load of people have said that maybe I can't carry boys, which I know they just dont know what to say and are trying to make me feel better, but they dont realise that I would have loved a little boy this time and had a feeling that it was a boy. So I'm hoping they are wrong, again I'm going to talk to the hospital about this, the doc I did see said though that it was too early to know the sex so I will probably be in the dark about that too.

Anyway enough about me - time for a catch up.

Cleck: boo on the 10 days, fingers crossed the b6 helps to lenghen it as it is only 2 extra days that you need. Well done on the 5 inches, that is amazing - just goes to show you that you shouldn't rely on the scales. I'll be joining you as I had put on 5lbs over christmas and another 8lbs in the pregnancy and I had 2lbs left to get back to pre pregnancy weight so I have just over a stone and that will probably be a stone and a half by the time this week is up and I have finished stuffing my face. by the way you dont have anything to be envious about when it comes to education, I left school early and went back and got my qualifications so it is always something you can do in the future when Emma and your children to be are older and you dont need to be educated to be smart and you are smart so if you do decide to ever go back, you will fly through it all. You are a hero so dont sell yourself short - I would love to be at home full time but would never last without dh and my family, I would go nuts and would be a basket case.

Spidey: I love your nipples lol (that sounds so wrong) - I would go and get the machine cleck has as the opks sound much harder to read, go on you know you want too lol - Sorry about your job - I really hope something else comes up for you, the economy sucks everywhere.

Pippin: I hope that cold is gone or it didn't turn into one, there is nothing as bad when you can't take anything and even if you never usually take anything for a cold like me, it drives you nuts knowing you can't have anything if you wanted too. Work sounds crazy for you at the moment, I would be wiped working until 8.30 also without being pregnant. Best of luck with the hydrotherapy tomorrow.

Shiv: Boo for the tonsillitis - I hope you are feeling better now, I know what you mean about having a rest though without Sophia. I dont know what I woud have done if DH was working this week, I think I would have just fell in a heap. It really is a 24 hour job minding a toddler and so hard when you are sick. I think you definitely have to tell David how you feel as you both need to make the decision together and you dont want to resent him for taking it later on if you haven't both discussed it to death and decided what is best. It is definitely a hard one as I would be like you and would become a total recluse if DH wasn't around and my family and friends weren't near and this week has brought it so much to home how important everyone is to me and how much they have all helped me get through this. I would have said the same as the girls that maybe he should take it and look for something else at first as the main thing is to keep a roof over your head and food on the table but I think that if you can last a year and a half - maybe it might be best to wait - but then do you definitely think he will get something in this time, that is the main question and I think the main thing is to talk to him and see exactly how he feels about it all and be honest about how you feel, but then that is just me - I probably a bit selfish as I couldn't keep something as big as that from Dh and I'm always terrified that if you dont communicate and say exactly what is going on - it will come back to bite you later if resentment starts to come into it. But everybody's relationship is different.

Anyway I have just realised how much better I must be feeling than the last few weeks as I'm back to my mammoth posts lol - No thankfully today has been a good day as we spent the day with one of DH's work mates at the playzone with the children as they have a little boy who is 3 months older than Natasha and also my brother made a surprise visit from London to cheer me up (I didn't expect to see him again until July) so it has been a busy and fun day so my mind has been occupied which is good.

Thanks again for helping me through everything the last few weeks and I hope you dont mind me popping in here every now and again - I know I'm not ttc but I am waiting to ttc.

:hugs: to all.
Just to say hi and :hug: to you all and I have read everything but bit too tired and in bed to respond to you all now. Will do tomorrow. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :friends:

Jelr glad you're starting the emotional healing already :hugs:
Thanks Pippin - Its a case of having to really as I have a beautiful little daughter and a wonderful husband that need me to be okay.

Poor Sam's post in fb kind of blew me out of the water today though and brought a lot of it back, I'm really saying prayers for her and hope all will be okay.
jelr- I'm so happy to see your massive post! Doing a little burial of your pregnancy tests is good way to say goodbye. :hugs: I'm glad you didn't have bad cramping and everything went well given the circumstances. Keep us updated on what the doctors say. Honestly, from a scientific standpoint, I don't see how the gender of the baby could cause a miscarriage, so don't think that you can't carry a boy.

I ordered some super cheap opk's and they will be here tomorrow. What am I getting myself into!!??
Spidey, I actually have a kinda scientific thing to ask your opinion on. I've heard rumors that the guys in the navy on ships like DH's have a harder time having boys because the nuclear exposure apparently hurts Y chromosome. :rofl: Do you think this could be true? Everyone I know has only girls. :wacko: His ship is powered by nuclear reactors. I just found that little rumor interesting.
LOL Cleckner, I don't think that can be true either! I'm not even sure how male sperm and female sperm could behave differently to begin with (for the shettles method to work). As far as I know, sperm are powered off the mitochondria provided from the father, and the actual DNA inside the sperm that will give rise to the baby aren't even contributing to the sperm's function. So to me, there is no logical explanation to why a male sperm would swim faster than a female sperm and live shorter, or whatever. I'm no sperm expert though, so what do I know!?? :rofl: Perhaps male sperm weigh a tiny bit less than female sperm since 2 X chromosomes weigh a teeny bit more than 1 X and 1 Y.

I can really appreciate how complicated early development is. It's truly amazing how exact everything must be for an embryo to grow properly. When I was pregnant with Kira I had such a hard time believing that she could ever develop properly and become a healthy baby because of all the things that could go wrong especially in those early weeks.
just read through and Jelr i am so sorry hun :hugs: it seems so unfair that things like this happen to so many of us :( xxxx

sorry ive not been on here in a while ive been sidetracked lately, as most of you know now im pregnant again! really hoping this one is a sticky one xxx
Cleck - you've got no weightloss tracker now, how am I supposed to keep up with your success?!?!? How did today's weigh in go?

Jean - how are you lovely? Did you hear whether you got an earlier appt yet?

Boothh - fx for a sticky bean for you

As for me, well i am 12 weeks today and I can actually say that the last 4 weeks have gone quicker than i expected, I think being ill and having Sophia ill gave me something else to focus on. i actually managed to get some sleep last night, I still woke up once, but didn't have to wee and managed to go back to sleep - hurrah. No more morning sickness either so I guess (assuming everything is ok with bubs) that I must be nearing second tri. I feel so much better within myself. I remember I got kinda depressed in first tri with Sophia, and I am glad that i seem to be turning the corner this time as well. Just need a positive scan on Tuesday and (apart from having to move away form friends and family etc which I try toforget abotu mostly!) things will be A ok!

David is on his way home so once Sophia is up from her nap (she has started napping again in teh afternoons which is just amazing and makes such a difference to both our moods) so I am going to go and buy some yummy marks and spencer food for us for tonight, and I'll get him a bottle of wine as he has had a hard week studying. It is Comic relief tonight (for you U.S girlies it is a big fundraising event on the tv with lots of comedians and stars doign stuff). In the past i would alsways be out on the night and come home drunk and donate money I didn't have on my credit card. But tonight I shall be in and sober (and donating money I don't really have on my credit card). It is always such an up and down show as it is full of comedy interspersed with videos from Africa and UK of children dying and in poverty etc, I shall cry buckets and David will laugh at me!

Wow what a ramble, sorry, have lovely weekends everyone :hugs:
Hey Shiv, does this mean David got the job???? So glad you are feeling better and second tri is firmly knocking your door down. :yipee: for 12 weeks. Can't wait to see pictures on tuesday. Are you going to be telling everyone then?? Just think we'll be in 2nd tri together for four (or five weeks if you count 12 weeks as 2nd tri) weeks before I move on. How weird is that :wacko: it's gone very quickly.
I'm glad you're feeling better Shiv. It's crazy how a few hormones can change our moods and make us feel like crap and depressed. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday and you'll have to post a picture ASAP!! Enjoy your dinner and tv tonight :thumbup: I can't imagine not having an afternoon nap for Kira. She would be such a little grouchy pants!

Boothh- I love how sick you are! Not in a mean way, but I have a great feeling about this being a really sticky bean for you :thumbup: You certainly deserve it after being thru so much :hugs:

Got my opk's in the mail last night. I'm thinking it's about time that I get knocked up! I bought 50 so that should get me thru several short cycles or one of my loooong cycles :haha:
David hasn't even had the interview yet :haha:

I will be telling everyone (otherwise knows as announcing on facebook :haha:) if scan is all good on Tuesday. I think most people know anyway to be honest, I have been a bit slapdash at keeping it a secret this time!

I still can't believe you are over half way Pip, crazy!

Spidey, I think it's about time you got up the duff as well, hope the OPK's do the trick:thumbup:

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