***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

I think you need 10 inches for it.

I always get itchy to do new things to my hair. I've even dyed it black with bright red tips once. :shock: It was AWESOME! :rofl: And I've bleached it. It looked horrible bc I'm so pale. One day while DH was at work I cut my own hair off. It was down to my waist and I got so sick of it so I chopped it up to my chin. :rofl::rofl: DH was NOT amused. But I felt better!
I got a high on my monitor today!! It's only CD 12. Last month I got my first High reading on CD 14. So hopefully I ovulate 2 days earlier and have a longer luteal phase!! :dance: I've still been taking that B6 so we'll see if it worked.
That's great news Cleck - that would be so cool if you get your longer luteal phase sorted in just one month!
wow, 10 inches is alot of hair! I would love to see a picture of you with black hair with red tips! I've never been that daring :haha:

I'm really liking your monitor Cleck... I'll get one if the next couple cycles are failures!

I peed on my first opk last night and it was negative. It was cd 8 for me. I can't wait to see if my nips get sore before, during or after ovulation. If they get sore before ovulation I won't need to buy a monitor :haha:

Part of me doesn't want to ttc this month but I need to stop being silly and get over my aversion to having a baby with a birthday close to x-mas. I just really hated it as a kid. Maybe I won't ovulate this cycle since Kira is back to nursing 100 times a day, LOL! She's still not eating solids so her ears must be hurting still, poor thing.
I was explaining the monitor more to DH today on Skype and he thinks it's pretty cool too. :haha: He thought it was much bigger but I held it up and showed the size compared to my hand and it's about the same size as my hand.

I'll have to dig up the pictures of me with black hair. It didn't stay that way for long. I loved it but it was hard to keep up with my roots. :haha: The pictures of me with dark hair I don't particularly like though because I was super chubby. :blush: It was my chubby newlywed phase in our marriage. lol! (Although I was still like 15 lb. smaller than I am now. :dohh:)
Kira is being super duper cranky this evening! The whining and screaming from the past 3 days have brought me to the breaking point, so I'm hiding upstairs right now as DH deals with it downstairs. It's either that or lay on the floor and cry, so this seems like the better option.

I need to look for pictures of when I had short hair. Maybe I will do something drastic in the next couple of weeks!
Okay. I spent all evening going through old pictures on my other computer. And I updated my randoms folder on facebook if any of you want to nosy through. I even had to start a second randoms folder. :haha: They are in order that it occurred for the most part too. Including pictures of me with black hair, than black hair with red tips! :haha: And short hair, etc. I get so nostalgic looking through old pictures. :blush: There are a few that I was pregnant with Cameron in and it makes me sad because I looked so happy. No one would know which pictures they are though.
Cleckner- I just had sooo much fun peering thru your old pictures :blush: I love all your bump pictures in your other randoms folder. It took me awhile, but I found you with black hair and red tips!!! Dark brown hair actually looked good on you, although I prefer your natural red hair :thumbup: We must have been doing the exact same thing last night because I got out all my old pictures and was being nostalgic. I can't believe how skinny I was 10 years ago- and I'm skinny now, so imagine me 25 pounds lighter! I've been with DH for 13 years so we were just kids in some of the pictures. Then I looked at some old bump pictures and my god!!! I was huge! I really can't remember being that pregnant. :rofl: I also have pictures of me minutes after pushing out 10 pound Kira with no epidural and I look awful! I haven't shown those pictures to anyone, and I haven't really looked at them myself until last night. So embarrassing!
I love looking through old pictures too! The ones of DH and I earlier in our relationship are just picture form not digital on a computer or anything. Those are the best ones to see. I was 15 when we started dating so it's weird to see. I can't believe I'll have been with him for 10 years this year. :shock: I can't believe you guys have been together for 13!! That's awesome! You should post up some old pictures! :D I love nosing through people's pictures too. :haha:
You are such a poser Cleck :haha: Love looking through old piccies. I used to have really short hair once upon a time and was really skinny, I'll see if I can find a piccy!

Spidey, I'd love to see a pic of you whilst pregnant with Kira, I can't imagine someone so slight, carrying a 10lber!
Well the lesson of the day is definitely dont go chopping your hair off when hormonal Spidey because I really hate mine lol - aw well it will grow back. - Sorry to hear Kira is so cranky, she is probably wrecked after being sick all week - although you probably are too. I hate days like that, they are so hard. I bet you will be pregnant this month because you have such an aversion to becoming pregnant this month lol - I'll will be posting pics of the room when it is all done but I have got loads as the stages go along. I love looking at other peoples houses too lol

Cleck your monitor is cool but I will wait and see how money goes for the moment and I spent enough this week between Natasha's room. I'm going to have a nosey at your pics now, I would say Corey got a shock to see all your hair gone, we are the oppoisite here at the moment DH keeps telling me my hair suits me short but I hate it but then I reckon he is only saying that to make me feel better. I know isn't it funny how some things bring back the memories and the pain of a mc - my mam says that she still sometimes remembers back and it still hurts so I guess it will never truly go away just get easier with time. Nope I have no pics on fb as I'm hiding from the camera at the moment as when I put on weight I always see it in pics - I might put some up but only let you guys have access - they are not very nice though :-(

Shiv: You are always skinny but I would love to see you with short hair.

Well not much news from me I'm just shattered after work this week and Natasha is not sleeping again so the tiredness has made me pretty cranky and weepy and my brother went back to London this morning but I'll be grand at least work is finished for the week and hopefully next week will be easier. I think it was just hard to dodge the questions as my boss and one of the others girls just knows and everyone else was just told I was in hospital and I'm terrified that people will guess so I have been wearing trousers which are too tight all week as I feel I look pregnant in any of my Jumper dresses so it has been hard in that sense as I would have been 12 weeks this week and would been telling people. Aww well at least that is the first week over and next week should be easier - i guess they are all stepping stones.

Anyway on a good note we are heading to the nearest city tomorrow for the day and are going to order the sliding doors for Natashas wardrobes and we have seen the cutest little childrens couch that will match the decor - its funny its like I'm on a mission to spend money this week when I should be watching the pennies but then I had saved €1500 to do the wardrobes as we got the ones in our bedroom done last year and they cost €2000 so I reckoned the ones for her room would be a little cheaper as it is a smaller wall and it has only cost us €700 as DH made up the frame and we just need to buy the doors so technically I'm just spending the money that would have been spent if DH was working as he wouldn't have got the time to do them himself - well thats my excuse anyway and I'm sticking to it lol

We are also heading out for dinner on Saturday night 2 of my best friends and their husbands so i'm looking forward to that.
Shiv- You are still skinny now! :D Well, you may be getting fatter by the week for some reason though. :winkwink:

jelr- definitely post piccies for us on here to see! You can leave it up for like a day and than delete. :haha: That's what I did when I posted my weight loss pictures cause I'm in a bra and yoga pants so not exactly something I want to show the world. :shy:

Pretty soon I'll get to add to my weight progress pictures!! The 210 mark is just within my reach. I sneakily weighed myself this morning and I was down to 211.6 and that's 2 lbs off from last week. And I wasn't even trying to lose weight this week. Just relaxing and enjoying DH instead. Although I did still work out most days.

Thinking of Shiv talking about how thin she was, I've never been super thin. Always had a softer middle but I'm curvy and I love that. Even now I love my body. The only thing I hate is the spot that hangs over my c-section scar. And I'm not super fond of my stretchmarks but only because I would love to get a tattoo on my side but there isn't much room with the stretchmarks. :rofl::rofl: Are you ladies the type that don't really like your OH's see you naked? I have talked with friends and they talk about only wanting to do it in the dark or they leave their tops on, etc. I walk around my house completely naked and don't care. :rofl: I know I'm a sexy beast. LMAO.
tonight I will post some pics here of me fully pregnant and of me and DH when we were in high school.. and maybe super skinny short haired Spidey :haha: Kira had another rough night since she developed an allergy to her antibiotic and broke out in hives everywhere yesterday afternoon. She's on another antibiotic now and allergy medicine for the hives, but she was still itchy and miserable last night. I'm so sleep deprived that my whole body is feeling it and I'm peeing out my butt :haha: I had to wake up waaay too early for work this morning so thats not helping things.

jelr- enjoy shopping this weekend and your dinner Sat. night! I bet your hair really does look great- when I get a drastic haircut it always takes a week for my hair to settle down and for me to get use to it. Congrats on making it thru 1 work week :hugs:

Cleckner- yipee for losing weight on your week off :happydance:

DH sees me naked all the time because him and Kira hang out in the bathroom as I take my bath. But I prefer lights to be off or dim when we're in the moment :haha: It might sound silly, but I get distracted easily so if the lights are off I have a better chance of focusing on the task at hand, LOL! Cleckner- you are a sexy beast!!

Shiv- post some pics of super skinny Shiv!

I've never felt pretty and whenever I see a picture of me I always see my flaws, but when I was looking back at 10 year old pictures I looked great! So my new- new years resolution is to stop being hard on myself because I'm sure in 10 years I'll look at pictures of myself now and have the same realization!
this is what I found so far...

me at 37 weeks.. silly me thought she would come any day. I still had a month to wait!

8 days overdue and still 2 more to go!

me and DH at our wedding almost 5 years ago. I had shorter hair and was 15 pounds lighter than now, but not super skinny (I still need to find that picture!). We were drinking really nasty wine when this picture was taken. DH is Jewish so to please his mother we agreed to drink wine and then stomp on the wine glass. :haha:
OMG spidey are you a punk?! :haha: You look SO cute on your wedding day! And you say you aren't super skinny in that picture! :shock: That is my idea of super skinny. Anything under that would be someone from Ethiopia. :lol: Also, you are another that didn't get stretchmarks I see..just another reason to hate you. :winkwink: :muaha:

So I weighed in again this morning and I ended up officially losing 1.6 lbs. this week. I have no clue how because I even skipped 2 days of workouts. But I am going to take it anyways. :rofl: I'll take it where I can get it. So only 11.8 lbs before I'm at pre-Emma weight! :dance: Which is my first main goal. I'm so excited. I feel like I can just about do it before getting knocked up again. :rofl:

DH even saw me naked on our skype dates. :rofl::rofl: He's always asking for dirty pictures. Such a sick man.....but I still sent the dirty pictures...:rofl:
Cleck: You are a sexy beast - You are so confident and ooze sex appeal in all your random pics, I'm am so not confident like that - DH does see me naked and like spidey - himself and Natasha sit in the bathroom when I'm having a bath and we dont do the deed with the lights off but I dont walk around naked either and do tend to cover myself up - its only in the last few years that I let him see me naked and we are together 10 years this year. lol at you sending the dirty pics, I think your hubby is just normal my DH would so want the same if he was away, he even wants them when he lives with me lol - but that sort of confidence I definitely dont have lmao

Spidey: I agree with Cleck, you are super skinny there - i have never been that skinny not even as a child lol - I so wish I could be that skinny - You really were all bump when you were pregnant lol - I put on weight everywhere even on my fingers ha ha It took me 4 months or after Natasha was born to get my wedding rings back on, I know it was partly the odema but it was also weight as well.
Ok I finally put the pics of my hair on the laptop so I'll upload them to fb but I will only allow you three to see them as we have been chatting about it - If anybody wants to see my disasterous hair (well its not that bad really, I just dont like my hair short, but in fairness I am actually staring to get used to it today) just let me know and I will add you to the list of people allowed to see - I was gonna put it up for all of bnb to see but I reckoned the others will be thinking why is she putting up pics of her hair lol
Oo I commented on the pics on facebook without even realizing I'm one of the only ones that can see it. :haha: I feel special. ;)

I still can't take my wedding rings off properly since having Emma. Even with all this lost weight. For the longest time I literally couldn't get the band off. I could get my engagement ring off but not the band. Now they both come off but it's still a struggle. :dohh: I think I may just have to resize them bc I'm just stuck with fat hands now. :haha:

I'm confident while at home. But if you get me down to the pool in a swimsuit in front of strangers, than I feel nervous but not to the point that it'd stop me from getting in and enjoying myself. But nervous enough that I want a towel covering me as soon as I'm back out. :lol:

I think that's one thing I miss about being pregnant. I would wear anything in my closet and feel completely confident about it bc I thought my bump was so beautiful. People can't think 'oh look how fat she is' because I was clearly pregnant. :haha:
haha.. I agree that I was super skinny in my wedding picture, BUT I was even more skinny (ethiopia style) a few years before that. :haha: I ate like a horse, but I couldn't keep weight on. Right around the time I got married I was diagnosed with having a food allergy and when I cut the food out (wheat, rye, barley, oats) I went from 95 pounds to 115 which was great! When I was super super skinny it was around the time that eating disorders received a lot of press, so I had complete strangers asking if I was anorexic. :shock: I really wanted to be curvy and fill out my clothes nicely, and I hated how everyone would assume I had an eating disorder. Once at my work the secretary brought in donuts and made some remark like "I'd offer you one but you probably wouldn't eat it" and I got so mad that I stuffed 2 of them in my mouth while she watched me in horror. She always made comments about my weight and after that she never commented on me having anorexia again! :haha:

Oh, and my wedding ring still doesn't fit since pregnancy. My feet also grew a size :haha:

jelr- I checked out your hair pics and it looks really good! It's a stylish cut, but doesn't look immature. Thats the kind of cut I want :thumbup:

Cleckner- congrats on the weight loss! I know you can lose those last 11.8 pounds :happydance:

Me as ethiopia spidey!
LOL ethiopia style. :haha: That's probably really racist of me to say or offensive in some way. :blush: Ahh who am I kidding, I'm not politically correct, I like comedians like george carlin. :D

You are super skinny in that picture. Like your clavicle bones especially sticking out. But I don't think you look sick, just super thin. I wish I had the problem of eating like a horse and not gaining. :haha: I definitely think you look better now with a bit of weight on your bones though. :flower:

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