***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

I know I got rid of my ticker bc they didn't have a cute weight loss one that matches the Emma piccie. :rofl:

I'm down to 213.4 this week!! So all the weight from AF melted back off and than some. :dance: Oddly I only lost 2.5 inches though. :haha: But last week when I only lost 1 lb. I lost 5 inches. :dohh:
Thanks for that info Spidey - I really hoped it was just an old wives tale when people said it, but it does still strike at the heart strings when they do so it is good to know that scientifically there shouldn't be a reason. Have fun with the opks and let us know how you get on with them.

Booth: Thanks for your kind words, I know it is not fair. I really do think your great for getting through it 3 times because it is so so hard. No you can see why I was off the cigs for 6 weeks as I was saying on fb - I had planned on telling the group at my 8 week scan but unfortunately it didn't go to plan and then I couldn't face telling so many my bad news, I nearly let it slip a couple of times when we were discussing the fags but didn't want to dampen yours and Sams news and especially after Sam got bad news as she doesn't need to hear negative stories now as I know how hard that waiting is and you really have to keep positive to get through it. Like Spidey I'm so glad you are feeling sick (I know that sounds terrible but it is a great sign). I'm crossing everything for you.

Shiv: Nope no earlier appointment so if it hasn't come by next week I will take it that they are sticking with the June one which isn't that far I guess, it would be nice if it was sooner though. by the way I meant to say to you earlier that is fantastic that your mam is doing so well on the champix as that is what I'm going to do in about a months time and kick these stupid things before becoming pregnant again and having to go cold turkey. I'm so glad you are feeling better, those hormones are really a killer. I get a black sort of depression for about 2 days each cycle and it is horrible - you can see no good in anything so I can imagine how horrible you have been feeling the last few weeks and you have had a lot to deal with on top of it. I can't wait to see your pics next week, It is amazing how you can see a really clear baby at 12 weeks and only a blob at 8. Enjoy your night tonight and I hope you dont cry too much.

Pippin: Wow your pregnancy seems to be flying by - mad to think you will be in 3rd tri so soon. How is your back now and how did the hypnotherapy go?

Cleck: 2.5 inches is still brilliant - imagine that is a whole 7 inches in the last two weeks, you are doing fab - How much did you lose this week and how much now altogether? by the way how much was your machine and what make is it. I'm strongly thinking of getting one so I can track OV and luteal phase before my appointment and if there are any problems I can sort them all out there and then together. I think it would also be cool to know when everything is going on as I do get very depressed for a couple of days about 10 days before AF and my weight drives me mad when it yoyo's up around OV and I never realise until after the fact what was happening for example when AF arrives 10 tens after feeling like crap I think oh yeah that was what was wrong with me last week and when the weight drops off again after the few days I realise it must have been OV so at least if I can track these things every month I might be able to expect them and know what is going on.

Well not much news from me, the last two days weren't great, more so yesterday but I'm feeling much better again today. It may have been hormonal along with everything else as it felt a bit like I do the week before AF. We went out yesterday to see the St. patricks days parade and it also could have been that is has been the first proper trip out of the house bar to the local shop or hospital in the last few weeks so it was a bit overwhelming. There is a local boy who is in a national talent show here on tv and he was in the parade, but they got him up to the viewing stand to sing and he is only about 8 or 9 and really does have the voice of an angel and he sang tears from heaven so I was stook there like an idiot with tears streaming down my face and from then I was in the worst form and spent most of last night crying. But sure I guess I'm going to get silly days like that and thankfully I feel much better today as some of my friends were out for the day and we spent the day in the garden playing with Natasha as the sun was shining all day. They also brought me the most beautiful and huge bunch of flowers so it all really cheered me up and we had a good day.

DH has been busy doing up one of our spare rooms for Natasha to move into so we are going to use the nursery to store all her toys in until we have another baby - it is really coming along now, he has it painted and the new flooring down and he is going to start making built in wardrobes next and hopefully if he gets back to work or gets another job - we will buy sliding wardrobe doors to go over them like we have in our own room and it is keeping him busy as he has never been off for so long and is the type of man that needs to keep busy.

There is a big festival in town tomorrow for St. Patricks day called sky fest which is a huge fireworks display that is sponsered by the national lottery and it has only been held outside of dublin 4 times so we are going to head into that with my mam and brother who is home from London. I can't wait to see Natasha's reaction, I just hope she isn't scared though, although loud noises dont usually bother her so I reckon she will be fine.

Anyway that is enough drivel from me - Hope you all have a great weekend. Xx
Good luck for your scan tomorrow Shiv, enjoy seeing your baby again :yipee: :happydance: I'll be looking out for the fb announcement!!!! xxx
I'll be thinking of you Shiv! Post on here too since they have FB blocked at my work. If not, I will try to be patient :haha:
Spidey - just for you an update :flower:
All went well at the scan, "Dilbert" as we have nicknamed him (Sophia was Philbert! and I say we, I mean me, David isn't keen!:haha:) was very chilled out and luckily was in the correct position for the NTmeasurement as he/she didn't move much ( hopefully nice and calm just like Sophia!)

here is the obligatory scan pic, feel a bit sorry for the poor wee mite hanging around upside down! Oh and I got moved forward 4 days!


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awwwww Dilbert was sleepy this morning :cloud9: I'm so glad everything went well :happydance: When is Dilberts due date?

I didn't make it to work today since poor Kira is sick. She started with a fever Sunday night (102F) and was feverish all night. Monday the fever went away for a few hours in the afternoon but last night it shot back up to 102F! She still has a fever but no other symptoms. Besides being clingy she's acting normal so I'm not sure what to do. I guess I could call the doctor- I need a "how to be a parent" manual :haha:
Dilbert is now due 26th Sept.

I would say if Kira's temperature reamins elevated then I would take her to the docs. Does calpol bring it down? Sophia had no real symptoms other than temperature when she was diagnosed with tonsillitis (obv her throat was inflamed etc but we could see that!), so it could be a throat infection, or ear infection etc. Hope she feels better soon!

It must be pretty early there isn't it?
Thanks for letting me know about Sophia's fever with no other obvious symptoms. I decided to take Kira to the doctors and it turns out that both her ears are infected. Poor thing. DH is out getting antibiotics and some other yummy treats since Kira's not eating today.

26th September is a great time to have a birthday! Far enough from Sophia's so they can have separate parties, but not too cold outside either. I would like to have an April baby since April is a beautiful month here. If I get pregnant this cycle I will have a Christmas day baby.. but with how things are going DH and I won't even get a chance to make a baby this cycle :haha: Having a sick Kira takes all my energy- I haven't even started peeing on my opk's I'm so worn out!
Shiv- YAY!!!! :dance: September is an awesome birth month. (I was born in september. :D)

Spidey- Awww :hugs: I'm sorry Kira's sick. That sucks. I hope those antibiotics work quickly.

jelr- I know I'm late on answering this but I lost 4 lbs last week. :D And the machine I have is a clearblue fertility monitor. It is usually $149 at amazon but I got it for $130 with 30 test sticks on ebay. So def. check ebay before buying!

I'm not being as careful with my weight this week and I'm not getting very much sleep since I'm staying up late to skype with DH while his ship is in port overseas. :blush: But the weight is creeping back on a bit because of it. :( I'm trying not to worry about it because it's not like I get to see DH very often so I think I deserve a week of a break. :D I'm still working out but the lack of sleep seems to make me gain.
Spidey - sorry Kira is sick, but so glad you got her checked out so she can take her medicine and get better. Antibiotics work really quickly in LO's so she will be better in no time!

Cleck - you SO deserve a week off, enjoy seeing your lover as much as you can!
Pip here you go, if I have understood your explanation of nub theory then I think there is a definite one on this pic (although it could just be a bone of some description!)


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Thanks Shiv, it could be but like you said that could look like a bit of bone but the angle is right for a boy nub, imagine it carrying on out the body, girl nubs come out the same but the run parallel to the back. Boys nub comes out at an angle pointing up, girls point flat I think it's more obvious on the first one if you turn him the right way up. It's missing the top bit but I'm pretty sure what I'm looking at is the start of the nub where it comes out of the body (the bit I circled on fb). Hope you don't mind me guessing I know some people do just tell me to stop if you want me to. :hugs:
Don't mind guessing, I'll do enough of it myself over the next 27 weeks or so!
I take my hat off to you as the guessing for 17 weeks drove me mad enough. I'm just so impatient I need to know. I think it's because I wanted a girl but more because I needed to give him/her an identity in my head. Silly really as why I don't know. I look forward to comparing bumps and symptoms for the next 27 weeks :haha: I found most of the wives tales that did come true showed themselves about half way. Like now I'm spotty, unattractive and feeling yuck, where as with Sam I was healthy and lively and looked much better! My nails and hair (including fast growth) were lovely with Sam around 20 weeks, now they are just normal if not worse! The spots are the biggest thing for me.... I feel like the pregnancy glow took one look at me and ran in the other direction :cry:
I didn't know the sex with Kira and I don't plan to find out with the next one either. It's fun having everyone make guesses :thumbup: If I tap down deep inside myself... I think Shiv is having a..... GIRL!

I am wrong 100% of the time so far, so that probably means you're having a boy :haha: Shiv, what did everyone guess when you were carrying Sophia? I went against all the old wives tales so everyone (and myself) were convinced I was having a boy. Even the sonographer looked at Kira's nub at 13 weeks and was 98% certain she was a boy! (she wrote it down and sealed her guess for me). I'm sure you all remember me saying how Kira had to wear boy clothes for awhile because everyone bought blue before she was born :haha:
Everyone thought Sophia was a boy (from my symptoms and the way I carried), I agreed on the surface but deep down I thought she might be a girl. I had a few dreams in third tri about having a girl (who was always called Elizabeth for some reason in the dream).

I am unsure this time, I think I quite want another girl, but a boy would be ok too so we have one of each. I think if I had another girl i could stop at that, but if I had a boy then i might try for another girl mainly because I have so many gorgeous girly clothes that Sophia only wore a few times and I would be sad to never have another girl to put them in. It feels horrible to admit I have a preference, but I guess I am lucky that either way i get a good result, as long as there is a healthy baby!

i am scared to have a boy as everyone I know who has had one seemed to find them very demanding, especially breastfeeding wise and that scares me as Sophia was SO relaxed and "easy".

hmmmmmmm ramble ramble
Shiv: - I'm so happy for you all went well as I know how nervous you were and yay for moving up for days. Your officially in 2nd tri now yipee. Sorry but I reckon boy for some reason, ha ha but then i'm only ever right half of the time, it is usually a lucky guess if I am lol - I reckon once they are second children they are not as demanding anyway as they have no choice lol so you will be grand even if it is a boy.

Spidey: Poor Kira - two ear injections - no wonder she is poorly. I hope she is better soon.

Cleck: Wow 4lbs is brilliant - Ah feck it you definitely deserve a week off and talking to and seeing Corey is what is important this week and you had such a good week last week you have some leverage so dont worry as you can sort it out next week. Mmm I may have to hold off on that so as we are watching the pennies here with DH off work.

Pippin: Wow I wouldn't have had a clue about nubs lol, Sorry you are feeling the pregnancy glow has missed you this time, I hope it all settles down and you feel a bit better soon.

Regarding the sex - we were team yellow on Natasha but I reckon for a 2nd baby I would find out, for pure lazyness as we have all Natasha's clothes stored in the attic and it would break my heart to have to wash them all and then a boy pops out - so next time I think we will be finding out, although I will have to convince DH as he had said with the recent pregnancy that he didn't want to know.

No real news from me - back to work for me and it was okay, I was very upset last night as I have put on over a stone to a stone and a half between christmas, pregnancy and eating myself stupid the last two weeks and it has all gone on my stomach and I actually look pregnant so I was really paranoid today that people would guess that I was pregnant after being off sick for 3 weeks and unfortunately as you all know I'm not anymore, so I just felt like today was going to be about dodging questions about why I was out when I should be 12 weeks pregnant and telling everyone good news.

It wasn't actually as bad as i thought it would be and I was so busy I didn't really have time to think about it all - I'm shattered though and did a very silly thing and decided to call my hairdresser to come and cut my hair - not a good idea to make radical changes when your fed up - I got her to give me one of those bobs that are long at the front and short at the back but I actually wanted it much longer in the front and I just wanted a different look where as now it just looks like I got most of my hair chopped off eeek - Ah it will grow back and it does look much healthier - just a bit school girl looking on me lol

On a good note - Natasha's room is nearly finished - DH was a busy bee today and my mam watched Natasha and he got all the wardrobes built into her new room, so we just need to get the sliding doors and curtains and some wall decals and it is done, he painted it and put down new flooring last week. Oh and I got some retail therapy in while on my lunch today and bought all Natasha's summer clothes, although I kinda feel bad now as we really are meant to be watching our pennies with DH off and I spent nearly €200 - but then again - she will need it and I shouldn't need to get anything else for the summer, although I probably will lol
:hugs: I'm glad you are back to work and doing okay with that. You seem to be in much better spirits! Did you post piccies of the new haircut on FB? If not, post them on here! :D I have long hair now but sometimes I get this huge urge to chop it all off. I have done it twice cutting off a ton and than I donate the hair to locks of love. (Do you ladies have locks of love there?) Anyways, it always feels so great to have all that weight off your head. :haha:

I also gained weight when I miscarried. I ended up gaining 20 lbs. from the august that I miscarried until November when I got pregnant with Emma. So that's a lot of weight really fast and I never lost it back off before getting pregnant again. :blush: I think eating is such a comfort when upset.

Okay, I'm off for a walk before it gets too dark out! :D
Jelr- LOL about your haircut. I use to have bad pms and right before AF each month I would be most likely to make a drastic change to my hair when I went thru my monthly "I'm ugly" phase. Hormones are awful things sometimes! I like the haircut you're describing and I bet it looks great! I wanted to do that to my hair but the hair dresser refused saying my hair was to thin! I'm glad work wasn't too bad for you. Don't beat yourself up about the weight. Between hormones and going thru a hard time it's to be expected. :hugs: I would LOVE to see pictures of Natasha's room when you're done. I could use some idea's for when we do Kira's room one day, and I'm very nosey when it comes to looking in other people's houses :blush:

Shiv- I've heard the opposite regarding boys and bf. I hear that boys are more laid back in general. It goes to show that it all depends on the baby! It's so funny because I would like another girl for the same reason- to give a second chance to some of Kira's cute outfits that she only wore once :haha: Plus I know what to expect with a girl. With a boy we have to decide whether or not to circumcise (DH is Jewish and I'm not- so we have mixed ideas on it). I think secretly DH wants a boy that will have similar interests in wood working as him... but DH claims that he wants all girls. But really, I would be super happy with a healthy baby who weighs less than 10 pounds at birth, no matter the gender :haha:

Pippin- are you feeling regular movement now?
oops.. took me forever to post! Cleckner- how many inches do you need for locks of love? I haven't cut mine since last summer and with warmer weather I'm getting the urge to chop it all off!!! I had really short hair once and liked it, but now that I don't get pms anymore I haven't done anything drastic in a loooooong time :haha:

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