***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Well I for one am offended by your Ethiopia comments Cleck, I have a long lost cousin from there and your comments really hurt ..........................:haha::haha::haha::haha: just kidding, obviously, I hate political correctness, sometimes I think the world has gone mad!!

Well I don't wanna post my "skinny" pic now, cos I am nowhere near as skinny as Spidey was :haha: I did only weigh about 6 stone though! Excuse the photo, I am 18 and on my first holiday away with friends after we finished school, it was about 6am and we had just got back from a foam party (thus I had blue feet where the dye in my shoes had run, and am not in an outfit I would normally wear!) My hair is also wet and slicked back, i didn't rock the lesbian frequently! :haha:

Spidey, I saw your first preggo photo and thought , "ha that's not that big", then saw the next one and was like "woah" that is what a slim woman carrying a 10lb baby looks like :haha:

Cleck, well done on your weightloss. That is a real result still losing weight on an off week. You are so close to being pre-emma weight!:happydance:

Hmmm nakedness. David sees me naked when I am wandering around before bed and stuff but i can't sleep naked because I freak out and have bad dreams about people seing my naked butt! I am certainly not confident about by body, but am looking forward to having a proper bump again as like you CLeck, I felt really confident in whatever I wore, because it was bump, not fat!


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Shiv- you are ethiopia style skinny too! :haha:

I was a walking freak show during my last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy and I dreaded having to leave the house. Nearly everyone would stare and make unnecessary comments, like "you should have sex and that will make the baby come out". I can laugh about it now but at the time I wanted to kill everyone! :haha:

Kira is still a miserable girl
The poor thing is covered in hives. She's hardly eaten any solids this week and I can feel my milk supply going up from all the nursing she's doing. Twice today I had to walk away and let her cry because there was nothing I could do. I thought a trip to the store would cheer her up, but she was whining and crying so badly that I only got as far as the carseat and then gave up and we came back inside. I know she's miserable, but the whining and crying is driving me crazy. The stupid thing is that she's perfectly okay when I'm not around. But when she sees me, she unloads all her whines and doesn't want to play or do anything fun- just sit on me and nurse and cry! She's regressed too, and hasn't been saying any words and has started gagging on food like a 6 month old!

I am sooo not wanting to make another baby at the moment :haha: I started doing my opk's twice a day today and still no positives.
Shiv- You are super skinny too! I hate you all. :rofl:

spidey- I wasn't all that big in the end and I still had people asking if I was having twins. :wacko: People are rude IMO. I would never comment to a pregnant woman like that.

Poor Kira. :( She looks miserable. I guess enjoy all the extra cuddles while you can. :hugs: I hope she's better soon. I hate when they are sick. :nope: Emma had one day of being 'sick' last week and I say 'sick' because I'm not sure what the hell was wrong with her. She had a fever of 102 and that's it. She wasn't coughing, wasn't throwing up or anything like that..just a fever. :shrug: And it only lasted a day. But she BF all day long too and wanted cuddles and if I moved her too much she'd just whine.
Thats so bizarre Cleckner about Emma's fever. Kira had the same thing. No other symptoms- not even a snotty nose. Hers lasted more than 2 days though so thats why I took her to the doctors and the doctor said her ears were infected. Part of me doesn't believe it was her ears since she wasn't touching them or anything, but we gave her that stupid antibiotic and now she has hives. I just need to make it thru Sunday and Monday and then Tuesday I'll get a break when I go to work. I feel awful for saying that. I am so close to my breaking point right now that I'm considering not co-sleeping tonight and let DH deal with it. I don't know how you do it Cleckner. DH is gone all day every day recently, but atleast he's here at night.
It's a gift really. Just bow down to my greatness. :smug: :rofl:

Is she allergic to the antibiotics or is that just one of the side effects that could happen?
LOL, I am bowing! I'm all talk and no action- laying in bed now with my sleeping whiney princess.

She's on a new antibiotic since that first one she's allergic too, but the hives might stick around for a week or so. She inherited my crappy allergy genes. The antibiotic that she's on now is one that I get hives from, so its probably only a matter of time!

Did you feel yourself ovulate again this cycle Cleck?
Haven't ovulated yet so we'll see! Hopefully tomorrow. Last month I got high readings four days before I peaked. Today was day four of a high so hopefully in the morning I'll have a peak. :D I have noticed more CM the past few days too. It's crazy how I am finally noticing these things now that I actually know where I am in a cycle and I'm paying attention. :haha:
Oh SPidey I hope Kira cheers up soon, I know EXACTLY what you mean about the whining and needing a break. Give it a week and she will be back to her happy self and it will be so great becuase you will have forgotten how great that is!

Cleck, that is funny how you ar enow noticing cm, I always wondered how people couls miss it, but of course i was the same until I started looking out for it!

David is now away again until Thursday, but Sophia has been sleeping like a dream (sorry Spidey!) and I had to wake her up at 10.45am this morning (although really it was 9.45am as the clocks went forward an hour last night). Although I do wonder what time she will go to bed tonight now! And she won't nap in the afternoon if she wakes up late, so it's swings and roundabouts really!
our clocks went forward a few weeks ago and I was such a nerd. I adjusted bedtime and nap time by 20 minutes each day for 2 days leading up to the change. So instead of a drastic 1 hour change, it was 3 days of 20 minute change. :haha: I also had Kira outside most of those 3 days to really wear off her energy. :thumbup:

Thats so cool Cleckner about you noticing ewcm! I'm certain you'll get knocked up the first few weeks that Corey is back!

Shiv- I hope you're right about Kira! She's still a cranky princess this morning and I'm considering taking her into the city where DH is working today for a change of scenery.
I Peaked today!!! :dance: I'm almost 100% certain I peaked on CD 18 last cycle. Today is only CD 16 for me. So fingers X'ed my period doesn't come for another 2 weeks. :D

Oh yeah, I also gained a lb. overnight again. :dohh: So definitely ovulation gain. :roll:
at least you know it'll fall off again, that egg must weigh a pound :haha:
No I have no problem with my rings now - I had to take them off when I was about 7 months pregnant though or they were going to have to be cut off and I wasn't having that so I just bought a cheap band as I missed them like crazy. Spidey I'm glad I'm not the only one thats feet have changed I'm about a half size bigger - funny what pregnancy can do for our bodies.

Yep that pic is definitely super skinny spidey - I have a friend that is the very same as you and can't put on weight - she has even drank those special complan drinks that really sick people drink to help put on weight before she got pregnant. She has made me realise that we all seem to be unhappy with our shapes as I presumed everybody that was super skinny would be so happy with their size, but she gets so upset that she can't put on weight just as much as I do about putting it on.

big *hugs* for Kira being sick and miserable - I hope she is better soon, I hear ya on the breaking point - Natasha had two weeks of not sleeping and was like a demon around the time I found out I was pregnant and I was exactly the same - for the first time I actually was happy to go to work as my patients was at its lowest. Funily enough she is back to not sleeping this week and again is like a demon with tiredness but I actually seem to have more tolerance - I think part of it is because of the mc I just keep saying to myself well where would I be without the whinging and what if her pregnancy had ended the same way, although I actually have a funny feeling it is a lot to do with DH being here all the time instead of me having to manage her on my own on my days off - it makes such a difference when there is too of you dealing with it - so it must be tough when your dh is working so much at the moment - Cleck I also bow to your greatness lol as I would be useless on my own for that long. As shiv said though when she is back to yourself it is so so great after bad weeks - Natasha was actually back to her normal self today and I spent all day telling her what a great girls she was and I just couldn't stop kissing her for being so good lol

Cleck: Yay for peaking earlier this month - fx af stays away for at least 12 to 14 days and it is great that you at least know this time that it is ovulation weight so as it wont get you down as there is nothing worse when you are being so good to see that scales go up. I love that monitor lol - does it keep a note of what days your highs are on each month in the memory or do you have to keep track of that yourself. I still think you are great that you are so confident at home as I'm not hense that is why I dont walk around naked - I dont mind DH seeing me but I hate seeing myself if that makes sense - I wish I was more at ease with myself.

Shiv: you are super super skinny in that pic too, but then you are lovely and slim normally. How are you feeling now? when is your next appointment?

Well not much news from me, we were out for dinner last night and it was lovely to catch up with the girls - I was a bit apprehensive as 1 of them has moved up the country so we dont get to see each other much and she is 22 weeks pregnant. Dont get me wrong I'm so happy for her and I know she felt bad when I mc and I told her not to feel bad for a second and just to cherish that lo in her belly but I was a big apprehensive about seeing her with a bump but It was fine - the only thing that bothered me was I look more pregnant than she does at 22 weeks lol - she is super skinny too and only has a slight bump and looks fantastic for 22 weeks, so I do envy that lol
shiv- I must be producing ostrich eggs. :haha:

jelr- No the monitor doesn't save that for me to look up. I wish it did though! I just have a little calendar that I'm using specifically for TTC and 'charting' I guess you'd call it even though I'm not doing temping or anything. But it's easy to just look back to last month this way. And about me being confident at home, I'm always checking myself out in the mirrors. :rofl: The closet in my bedroom has sliding doors and they are giant mirrors so I'm always standing and spinning to check myself out. :blush: Being in denial a little bit always helps with the confidence. :rofl: When I see pictures of myself, that's when I freak out.
POP goes Cleckners ovary!!!

I took Kira to the house that DH is fixing up. It's almost done so it was pretty safe for her to play in. She had fun playing with screws and nails and running up and down the length of the house! She's still not eating so her only food has been booby milk. She's having poops like a newborn again! Runny breast milk poos that don't smell bad! She's had firm stinky poos since 8 months when she really started to eat solids, so it's been a shocker having to use tons of wipes and change her clothes from leaks again. She will put food in her mouth but she spits it all back out. It's upsetting not having her eat, but today I acted like I didn't care in front of Kira. I have a feeling that she's extending her food strike from the attention she's getting.

jelr- I'm glad you have a nice dinner with the girls and you did well seeing your pregnant friend. :hugs:

Cleckner- I bet your neighbors are always happy people- they can look out and get a good peep show :haha:

Still no positives on my opks and my nips aren't telling me anything either!
Your DH is fixing up a house?! That's so awesome! It would be so nice to have a woodworking type of husband. You could buy a total crap house for cheap and he could fix it all up. :haha:

I always am super paranoid about having my blinds closed tight. So definitely nobody peeping here. :D The neighbors attached to me are the only ones I'd care about though, the husband is seriously hot. LOL! And I thought he was hot when I was still getting :sex: regularly so you can only imagine how hot I think he is now that I'm basically celibate. (Do celibate people masturbate??)

What cycle day are you on spidey? You think this is gonna be one of those long cycle again?
LOL Cleckner, so YOU don't have to be careful of your neighbors, THEY have to be careful of you! :haha: I suppose celibate people can masturbate too :haha:

I'm still early yet- cd 14. So in the next few days I expect some nip soreness and a positive opk. But with everything that's happening this month, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a long cycle. Kira is still nursing like a newborn, so that might slow this cycle down. I have 50 of the opk's so they should get me thru.

Cleckner- what hormone does your fancy device measure? The opk's I have say they measure LH and from the graphs I found online, LH seems to peak right before ovulation. So I assume that once I see a positive opk then I should start :sex: ASAP. If I get a positive opk tonight, DH won't be home, but I guess when I see him tomorrow night we can get it on and still be okay. Hmmm.. soo complicated!
Apparently it measures LH too which is weird because with OPKs you are supposed to take them in the afternoon but my monitor asks you to use FMU. I'm not really sure why that is.

Also, I have peaks on 2 days and I don't know if I should count the first day or the second day as my day of ovulation. But I had distinct cramping yesterday so I'm sure I must've ovulated than. Today I've had no cramping at all but it's still a 'peak' reading until tomorrow when it'll turn to 'high'.
Also wanted to add, I do think you should :sex: as soon as you can after a positive OPK. Just the be safe. :thumbup:
Cleckner- I think you should count your ovulation day as the one where you felt cramping. Thats weird how your device collects first morning pee. I pee on my sticks at 1pm and 9pm :) I often pee in the middle of the night, so I'm not sure if that would screw up my readings once I buy myself one of those nifty monitors!

No positive opks for me yet so I'm super boring Spidey!

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