***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

So Cleck when are you hoping AF will turn up?

Spidey - and +ve OPK yet?

Well the news here is that David has been offered that job that he went for the interview a week or so ago. Which should be a relief but now I actually have to DO something! They want him to start on June 1st (so only 2 months) which works out well with his last day at his present job which should be around May10th. SO we need to get our house up for sale ASAP. But with the market as it is I can't see it selling very quickly and we can't afford to pay our mortgage and rent a house where he will be working so I don't know what we aer going to do :wacko:
:hi: ladies, I've been super poorly last two days :( with a stomach bug. Think I'm out the other side now just have to get some food in me but not looking forward to that.

Shiv that is fantastic news about the job, bet you are relieved and I'm so happy for you. I realise it's all a bit quick but you'll get it sorted somehow. How far away from you is it? Could David commute for a while or even stay up there half the week and come back at weekends until it's sold? You never know it might fly off the shelf! My Aunty put her house on the market a month ago and it sold to the first viewer, didn't even get the leaflet printed. Good luck though.

I've hit V day :yipee:
Cleck: Pity the monitor didn't record as well but sure I suppose then I just expect to much I would want it to pee on the stick for me too lol - still it is pretty cool and cool you can now feel yourself ovulating. I know what you mean about photos though - I can see straight away by my face if I have put weight on - I think your great. it is good to have confidence even if it is at home, I wish I did. Mmm good question about celibate people - man they would be terribly frustrated if they didn't but then maybe if they have never O'd they wouldn't know what they were missing lol

Spidey: any positives since or any nipple pain?? I would definitely dtd as soon as you get a postitive one. I hope Kira is better now, times like that are so stressful, We are into full blown tantrums here these days and it is not easy I dread when DH goes back to work as I know I wont cope as well.

Shiv: Congrats I think, is this the job you were having doubts about because of moving away and DH travelling. How are you feeling about it all now or is it just a case of dealing with the stress of moving. I hope it all goes well for you.

Pippin: Sorry to hear you have been ill - I thankfully never seem to get stomach bugs and it is a good job too, give me pain anyday but I turn into a total baby when I am sick - I hope your feeling completely back to normal soon.

Well not much news from me, Natasha is really hitting the terrible twos these days and it all seems to relate to how she has slept - if she has a good night then she is top form but on the days where she hasn't, boy it is tough work. I actually thought she was going to have one of those horrible melt downs that you see on the tv in the supermarket today and that would be my worst nightmare - DH was packing away the shopping and shortly before we got to the checkout we had let her out of the trolley as she was getting fed up (lesson learned, she will never get out of the trolley again) - I was trying to get her to hold my hand but she wanted to just run off and she lay down on the floor when trying to escape me trying to catch her hand and I though Oh boy here we go, but thankfully she got back up again and just ran off. I really do dread when DH goes back to work as at the moment she will only listen to him and just ignores me *face palm* - aw well I guess we have to take the good with the bad and she does get cuter by the day too.

I think AF will probably appear in about 10 days as I had that horrible pms depression the last few days and there were lots of tears and snapping at poor dh, although I wasn't totally blameless as he hasn't been in the best of form the last few days himself - I think not working is really starting to get him down as Natasha's room is finished bar the curtains and wardrobe doors which still have to be delivered and he really does need to keep busy and I know he hates not being the provider at the moment. I reckon I will be doing well though if AF does arrive as it means my cycle is right on target and it usually never is when I have put on weight or haven't done low carbs as weight and carbs seem to affect pcos or it does with me anyway. I'm starting back on the low carb on Monday to shift this extra weight and hopefully have my body and cycles back to normal for ttc later in the year.

No more news from me - happy mothers day to all for Sunday (Is it mothers day on Sunday in the us also)
congrats Shiv on David getting the job! You're going to have a busy few months ahead of you! If you find any potential houses you can share the link here and I can check them out. I LOVE looking at inside pictures of houses :blush: Are the houses more or less expensive where you are moving? How are you feeling about the whole thing?

Pippin- I hope your food stayed down. I hate throwing up- it feels like the end of the world to me when I'm sick like that. Congrats on 24 weeks :happydance::happydance: To me the time has flown by!!!

jelr- Mothers day is in May here.. it's funny how it's on different days. I'm so glad Natasha didn't have a total meltdown in the store! That is one of my fears too because I'm always too worried about what other people will think. I always bring a purse full of distractions for Kira- things that she loves but I usually don't let her play with. My keys, a tube of butt ointment, lollipops and fingernail trimmers. :haha: So when I sense a tantrum coming on, I pull one out and it buys me a few more minutes. But that being said, I NEVER go grocery shopping alone with Kira. Once you have a half full cart, you're pretty much committed to finish shopping and Kira doesn't always have the patience for long shopping trips like that. Your DH will need to find another project around the house to keep himself busy so he stays in good spirits. My father is like that too. He gets so antsy if he has nothing to do.

Still no positive opks and my nips aren't telling me anything! I had a little cm yesterday, so perhaps things are starting. But I predict a long cycle due to the increased bf from Kira when she was ill, and all the sleepless nights and stress. We're plenty busy :sex: just incase I miss my LH surge. I'm very curious to see how accurate my nips are! I have a good feeling about this month, but I say that every month :haha: Wishful thinking :)

Kira is all better and such a little sweetheart. She can be a great girl when she wants to be! :cloud9:
I'm exhausted so mostly just reading today but Shiv yay for a job!!! :dance: I know the fear of the house not selling. Ours was put up in November 09 and didn't sell until May or June 10. :wacko: (I can't remember the exact month is sold) But it was SO hard paying for both places. And California is super expensive to begin with. We ended up draining everything we had after moving here. But thankfully it sold and I paid off all debts and even managed to save some. So it's stressful but it'll all be okay in the end. :hugs::hugs:

AF shouldn't be due for me for another week and a half I think. :D
house prices are MUCH more expensive where we are moving to than where we are now which is a bummer, so I won't be moving to my mansion any time soon :dohh:

Pip- it is a 2 hour drive round the M25 if there is no traffic, so goodness knows how long it would take at peak times, so i would say not commutable.

If am honest i am struggling to be happy, I know I should fel releived but i don't, I feel panicked at what needs to be done and sad that I am leaving my friends and family.

jelr- it is the job where David will have to travel, although they have made the travel seem wuite manageable, on average 3 lots of 3 weeks a year which I can handle I think.

Spidey - I am so glad Kira is back ot her old self, it is lovely when they are little sweethearts isn't it?

Jelr - sorry Natasha is being a bit of a madam, I hope it passes soon :hugs:
Aww Shiv that's understandable :hugs: where is the job if you don't mind me asking (you don't have to as I know this is a public forum). Hope it's a smooth transition for you. xxxx

I'm feeling much better today and have my appetite back which is great.

Spidey, yes this is going fast for me too :dohh: July seems waaaayyyyy to close for my liking!
The job is in Ascot Pip. Glad you are feeling better :hugs:
glad you're feeling better Pippin!

Shiv- maybe once it settles in, you'll feel better about the move. Too bad the house prices are higher though, because moving into a mansion would be a good incentive. It's so overwhelming to find a new place, sell a house and move in a short period of time so any normal person should feel panicked :hugs:

Still no ovulation action from me! It's cd19 now.
spidey- hmm it'll be interesting to see if you have a short luteal phase too. I hope you don't just because that's just an unnecessary hurdle. You better get to ovulating soon though! Are you even really getting a second line at all yet?
Yeah, I hope I don't have a short luteal phase too. But I do suspect something must be up since I haven't gotten a bfp yet and every month we've dtd plenty of times to make it happen. I've seen a faint 2nd line this entire time, but it has never gotten as dark as the control line. I can't wait to see if your luteal phase is longer this month Cleck!
Spidey: Yeah DH definitely needs to find a new project, the problem is the first week my mam took Natasha while he was doing the room as we all know and he has realised over the past few weeks, it is not so easy to get stuff done with a toddler and we dont want to be leaving her over in my mams as usually I pay her and we can't afford to do that at the moment with only 1 wage coming in and it wouldnt' be fair to take advantage. DH is really enjoying spending the time with her too and doesn't want to keep dropping her over, but I can see he is getting bored with out a project or his mind being totally occupied all the time. he is much better over the weekend as he got another few bits and pieces done when i was here with Natasha. I'm so glad Kira is back to herself, that is like heaven when they have been in such bad form. I would definitely dtd as I know I used OPK's before Natasha was born for months and never got a positive one but yet I must have been Ovulating as Natasha was conceived so I definitely always missed my surge.

Shiv: thanks Natasha is back to being an angel the last two days thank god - maybe I shoudl jinx myself my always saying she has been a terror on here lol - I'm so sorry you are feeling unhappy about Davids new job, I can totally understand not wanting to move from family and friends, I would be the very same. But hopefully you will meet new people and be happy there, I guess the main thing is to take it one step at a time and get all the buying and selling and moving sorted first. How is David feeling about the move? Does he know how you feel? At least the travel doesn't sound as bad as it did. *big hugs* the hormones are probably not helping the situation.

Pippin: Glad you are feeling better too. It definitely has flown in.

Cleck: I really hope your Vit B6 is working. that will be great if it worked so quick and at such a low dose. You will be completely ready for when Corey comes home.

Well not much news from me. Natasha is back to being a little angel the last few days thank god ( although I'm going to know on wood now lol that I dont jinx myself) I had a lovely mothers day and DH spoilt me rotten. DH hopes to find out this week what is happening with his job so fingers crossed his boss just makes him redundant and doesn't keep him on this short time and at least he can go and look for work and we have that to fall back on. if not the only other option will be to bring his boss to an employments rights tribunal as legally after 4 weeks he either has to put him back into 13 weeks full time work (which is unlikely if the company is in that much trouble) or make him redundant.
Some exciting news from me!!! My opk tonight is showing a positive AND my nipples are starting to hurt! My nips started feeling funny this morning so I've been expecting a positive opk today, so I took 3 opk's throughout the day instead of 2. The only one that gave a positive was the 9pm one. My nips are so awesome!

Today is cd20, so does that mean I'll ovulate on cd21? I want to keep track of my luteal phase too.

haha, so I need to go bump uglies now, LOL!
spidey- I feel weird knowing you are probably having sex at this very moment. :rofl::rofl: If your OPK is full blown positive than you should count today as ovulation I think. But I could be wrong here.I think OPKS turn positive literally when you are ovulating like within a few hours.
LOL Cleckner.. when you posted I was already in bed :rofl:

My 1pm opk today gave a positive too! So in the future I could probably switch to one opk per day and still see my positive, or start doing 2 per day once my nips give me the hint.

DH isn't going to be home tonight so I'm not sure if we'll get time to :sex: today. But yesterday's spermies should be hanging out for the eggy right now, so I still have a good chance. I guess if I still have a positive opk then I haven't ovulated yet.
It must be wird to know we are all thinking about you whilst you are havign sex Spidey :winkwink: Hope you catch that eggy:thumbup:
Congrats on the positive OPK Spidey, at least you know you are definitely ovulating. Just shows you how great your nips are too lol - we will definitely all be asking for psychic readings soon lol. I really hope you catch the eggy this month.

Cleck: How is the weight going this week? You mustn't have much left to go to your target now?

Shiv: How are you feeling about the move now, has it settled in with you any better? How is the house hunting going?
I'm sitting here looking back over the last few cycles, and I think my luteal phase should be okay. AF usually arrives 14 days after my nips are fully sore, and they are fully sore today. So with the opk information, I might be ovulating today (or last night) and that gives the eggy plenty of time to find a sperm. Just one month did AF arrive only 11 days after my nips were sore.

I'm waiting to feel ovulation- I want to be as cool as Cleckner :haha:
I may have cool cramping during ovulation but my nipples can't read minds and predict the future. :rofl::rofl:
Oh yeah jelr- I gained last week with ovulation and the weight didn't come back off. :( BUT, this week I started using myfitnesspal and I"m actually tracking my calories and it turns out, with the amount of exercise I do I wasn't eating ENOUGH calories so my body was going in starvation mode and this is why it was coming off slow for a while I think. I just started using that site on Saturday and I've already dropped down 3 lbs! :shock: So hopefully I can keep it off and have an awesome main weigh in this friday. If it stays the way it is I'll be at 29.6 lb. weight loss and 30.4 to go! But only 10.4 for my first goal before June.

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