living with kids with allergies group

Glad the appointment went well! I guess he has a point if the Neocate didn't do the trick. It could be so many things that cause a reaction rather than dietary. I think you are right to try dairy again when the eczema has cleared! :thumbup:
Hnkybinky, it's so hard to know what's causing it isn't it? Although with Arlo I'm sure part of it is allergy based, I'm pretty certain that he also just has sensitive skin anyway. I guess the only way you can know for sure is to do a proper elimination diet, which is easier said than done when it's a little one that has to do it!

Arlo has just been sick. He's done this about 5 times in the last month or so. I'm pretty sure every time, he had eaten something with haricot beans in. He doesn't throw everything up and I wouldn't say it's particularly violent. On a couple of the occasions he was sick about three times within a couple of hours. He also doesn't seem out of sorts and there are no other symptoms.

It may well be teething (he's had 3 teeth come through in the last month) but the haricot bean thing seems a bit too much of a coincidence.

Think I'm going to cut beans out of his diet for a bit and see what happens when I add them back in. What do I need to cut out? I know a lot of them are linked - peas, chickpeas, soya (which he's not having anyway), lentils etc....
Khloeee I would also think the haricot beans is too much of a coincidence. I guess its worthing cutting it out!

Any advice on the soya girls? I was reading online its on many products, I had no idea? Anything that stands out to look out for? :shrug:
Hnkybinky, it's so hard to know what's causing it isn't it? Although with Arlo I'm sure part of it is allergy based, I'm pretty certain that he also just has sensitive skin anyway. I guess the only way you can know for sure is to do a proper elimination diet, which is easier said than done when it's a little one that has to do it!

Arlo has just been sick. He's done this about 5 times in the last month or so. I'm pretty sure every time, he had eaten something with haricot beans in. He doesn't throw everything up and I wouldn't say it's particularly violent. On a couple of the occasions he was sick about three times within a couple of hours. He also doesn't seem out of sorts and there are no other symptoms.

It may well be teething (he's had 3 teeth come through in the last month) but the haricot bean thing seems a bit too much of a coincidence.

Think I'm going to cut beans out of his diet for a bit and see what happens when I add them back in. What do I need to cut out? I know a lot of them are linked - peas, chickpeas, soya (which he's not having anyway), lentils etc....

Arcanegirl should be able to help you as I think she avoids these with Alex.

So, shall I start a thread called Living With Children Pretending to have Allergies :haha:
Ladies! Help :)

Has anyone got a LO with a wheat intolerence??

My LO has a wheat allergy, it is hard to avoid as its in so much. Most supermarkets do a range of wheat free food. Were lucky enough to get staple foods such as bread pasta spagetti on prescription because my LO has varios allergys. Id recomend going to see your gp and see what they say and go from there
How is everyone doing? This is going to sound stupid but we have an actually diagnosis for connor. He has allergic colitis which is basically the same as ulcerative colitis but caused by allergies. His has been caused because his wheat allergy went undiagnosed for so long and its damaged his bowel. Im quite annoyed that noone would listen to me when i kept saying there was something else apart from the cows milk protein allergy because if they had it would have never come to this
Thats great you have a diagnosis finally! But not so great it could have been prevented :(
Is it a permanent thing?

Were good here, jsut got Alex down for a nap finally and made some veg finger/burger things and potato croquettes. Disvovered they dont hold their shape well when breadcrumbing so its whatever shape i managed to make it stay as :lol:
I'm sorry about this Jemma! Is this smt that will get better in time? I hope its not a permanent thing!!

Katerina is doing better. It took her 3 days to recover from the soya but is doing well again. we have cut down on 1 of her medicines but she is still on antihistamines. I really don't get why but the doctor insists. I'm waiting to see how she is now we've cut down 1 of the mediciines and only if she is doing great I will consider cutting the other one down! Its such a pain! :dohh:
They are hoping that it will heal itself gradually but if it doesnt then surgery is the next option to remove the damaged piece of bowel
hi :hi:

i jjust found out my LO has a peanut allergy :(
he had smooth peanut butter on toast, it was his 4th time eating it, and he'd eaten things with traces of peanuts in (his vitamins have peanut oil in) i was on the phone to my mum at the time and said ''this is his 4th time eating peanut butter, so he can't have an allergy'' i turned to the fridge and back again and he was covered in hives, big red/white blotches all over.

i had to dash to out of hours clinic in a panic, he was fine, he just scratched them so they must have been itchy, and i have got a gp appointment this friday.

i'm gutted, we're vegan too and nuts are quite a big part of our diet and every vegan replacement item, for example 'fake chicken, fake meat pies,' all have traces of nuts, and although they aren't essential in a diet they are nice.

we've been told to avoid all nuts and traces off until allergy tests.

does anyone know where it will go from here? what should i expect at the gp?
the doctor said each time hes exposed the reaction will be worse, so i am soooo scared!
Oh hunny I'm sorry you are going through this. :hugs: The GP will most probably send you for allergy testing, but to be honest if you tried it and he's reacted then he's allergic. Allergy testing won't tell you anything more! I'm not sure about the different types of nuts and whether you are allergic to all if you are to one? :shrug: Maybe someone else can help!
^ as above the GP might send him for allergy testing to confirm the allergy, also to keep an eye as a nut allergy can be one of the more serious ones.

Welcome to the group :hugs:
thanks :)

the doctor said just nuts idk if thats all nuts or if he meat peanuts alone, i didn't ask, to shakey at the time! after reading a bit online, it seems lots of people if allergic to peanuts are also allergic to other nuts too, although i did just read a peanut is a legume not a nut :wacko: there is so much info to take in, i've not had internet for a week or so, got it back today and have fried my brain with info. i'm still non the wiser i dont think :lol:

does anyone know about waiting times for allergy testing?
i suppose i will find out on friday, but i spoke with a friend who said her baby was reffered for tests 2 months ago and her appointment is in mid sept!
i'm petrified of feeding him anything, as we've had a really varied diet hes only really had things a couple of times each, and with the peanuts taking 4 times (with traces too!) i'm going to dread all foods!
so it will be good to have the tests to see what else he is allergic to if anything.
Weirdly my LO has a legume allergy but peanuts dont affect him :dohh:

Did the doctor give you any antihistamines incase of another reaction?
no he didn't thinking about it now he was actually incredibly unhelpful.
they were quite busy but when i filled in the form with allergic reaction he was rushed right in before everyone so i guess he was having to be quick.

i've read online about epi pens, going to ask for one of those too.

sinse the reaction (although it could be coincidence) hes developed reflux again, it stopped around a month ago when he started properly consuming solids, and athough hes eating the same hes got the reflux back, hes also not been quite as regular as before so worried about that also. cant wait to get my hands on this gp!!!
Welcome to the group, with the epi pens my cousin has one as she has a life threaten nut allergy and im not saying your los allergy isnt serios but i think they only give them if it is life threatening. Appointment times vary from area to area, we were already under a paed so he arranged the blood test for his milk allergy and he was the one who referred him to a specialist at the specialist childrens hospital so we didnt really wait at all, only a couple of weeks for the appt at the childrens hospital. I hope your appt with the gp goes well friday
We had a long wait to see the specialist but before that, when the GP send her for blood tests for her milk allergy all we had to do was phone the hospital and book an appointment. I think we saw the GP on Monday and we went on FRiday the same week or maybe the week after, so not long at all. IT took a while though to get the results back and they came back negative! :dohh: Allergy testing is not by any means 100% accurate!
thanks for the advice :)

i spoke to a friend whos son has a nut allergy hes had a few reactions and each time they get worse, she pused for an epi pen apparently and got one. i suppose there will be no need if his isn't serious, i just dont know how we'll know how serious it is until he has a horrible reaction, its scary!

i will be back to update! hope everyone and kiddies are well :)

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