living with kids with allergies group

Thats good that he finally got the testing done.

Tried Maria with yoghurt yesterday and this morning. She spat it out each time but didn't react at all (she used to react to the tiniest touch of dairy) so thats promising.
His school decided to go kiwi free (and it is already nut free)!!!! I never asked them to, but I feel relieved. The good news too...epipens are $100 EACH, and we had to buy three, but through our extended work benefits...we didn't have to pay anything!!
Wooo for free epi pens!

Maria ate something cooked with cream at her dad's house and she reacted to that :( she can still tolerate small amounts of dairy but that must have been too much. Need to get her appointment sorted with the allergy doctor.
Hi all,

Was just scrounging through BnB to see if there was an allergy section and was about the ask admin to consider starting one when I found this thread.

Logan turned 1 a few days ago. We have not done any official allergy testing, but we suspect dairy and gluten sensitivities/intolerances.

He struggled for a number of months with constant upper respiratory tract infections. By the time he turned 10 months he got his 9th course of antibiotics :shock:

I finally said 'enough is enough' and changed tactics and started taking him to a homeopath rather than paed or gp. She suggested that we remove wheat and dairy from his diet as she suspected he had developed sensitivities due to his body being so run down from all the antibiotics. I did that and noticed a slight improvement, but not as much as I'd hoped. Then a lady in a health shop I went into suggested I remove all gluten from his diet, not just wheat. She asked if he was bloated and I said that i thought he might be, but i wasn't sure. He'd also had a rash under his chin for over a month which I at first thought was caused by drool, but it wasn't improving at all.

I took him off all gluten and 3 days later the rash literally disappeared overnight. Within a week his tummy no longer looked bloated. Since then I have tried cheese twice, first just a tiny cheese wedge, and the second time half a slice of cheddar, so not huge amounts. Both times resulted in lots of crying and obvious stomach cramps that night, and lots of snot the next day. I had also suspected even before seeing the homeopath that yoghurt caused him to become snotty, but then I doubted myself and so let him continue to have it. Since then I have seen very clear evidence that both cheese and yoghurt result in him becoming snotty the next day, and the cheese definitely causes tummy cramps as well (he hasn't had yoghurt for so long I'm not sure if it ever cuased cramps or not).

He's been on a cow's milk based formula since 8 days old and I always thought he was fine with that. He started sttn at 5 months, and did so for almost a month, until he got admitted to hospital with RSV. He'd been on oral antibiotics for 5 days, and then got IV antibiotics for 5 days after that. It's been since then that he's had the constant recurrent infections, and he's never sttn since then.

For at least the last 2 months (i can't really remember how things were before then) he's been waking every 4 hours at night crying and crying, often seeming like he had cramps. I was confused as I expect this from a newborn, not from an almost 1 year old.

A week ago, the day before and the day of his 1st birthday party he got a really bad cold, and his nose got so blocked up that he could not breathe enough to drink his bottles. He went to bed without having any formula, and STTN! He seemed to be getting better the next day, then I managed to get him to drink some formula at 4pm. Exactly 4 hours later, shortly after he'd fallen asleep for the night, he woke up crying and crying and acting like he had cramps. I managed to get him through it by just giving water and rocking him etc, and I think i might have given him a bit of rice milk as well. Once he went back to sleep he sttn again!

So I have now taken him off his formula as it has become abundantly clear to me that it has been the cause of his sleepless nights and that it clearly does affect him badly.

So now I'm trying to figure out what milk combo is best for him. I can't really afford Similac Alimentum which is for allergy kids - a tin that would last at most 4 days costs the same as a tin of his 'normal' formula that would last 2 weeks. So for now I've got him on calcium enriched rice milk. The calcium content is the same as cow's milk. I'm also trying to include healthy fats in his diet like avocado's, oily fish (although that's expensive so I can't buy it often), and olive oil. And today I went and bought some organic hemp seed protein powder to add to his bottles. But that seems to be a bit of a flop because it doesn't dissolve properly so keeps clogging the teat and half of it stays behind so i'm not even sure he's getting any in. So i might have to go and buy the pea protein powder instead.

Oh, and the reason I haven't gone the route of soya milk is because I gave him a soya yoghurt once as a "treat", and an hour and a half later he projectile vomited everywhere, far worse than I've ever seen him do.

ETA: He has now been antibiotic free for two months which is the longest he's gone since he was 5 months old. Longest time he's gone in his whole life without antibiotics is 11 weeks, so I'm really hope we manage to beat that! he's definitely getting stronger and stronger and managed to fight off this last cold without any antibiotics at all which is a first :dance:
Hi there, glad you found the cause of his issues! In regards to the milk, rice milk can contain arsenic and so isn't really suitable for babies/toddlers. There's a lot of other milks you can try. Maria has oat milk but there's lots of other ones. Coconut milk is supposed to be really good (I tried it with Maria but she didn't like the taste) and so is hemp milk.
Thats great you have figured what the triggers are. K has almongd milk with extra calcium. There are a lot of choices out there. We didn't do oat milk as at the time she was gluten free. Good luck!
Hello! Glad things are getting better for you :) We all drink coconut milk and love it.
I've never heard of rice milk containing arsenic! :shock:
Will definitely look into that!
Unfortunately oat milk is not an option due to gluten. I did try coconut milk - was doing 4oz of rice milk + 1oz of coconut milk but I noticed it also seemed to be making him snotty.
I tried to make my own almond milk but it was a total flop. Haven't seen it sold anywhere but will look around a bit more. And I also haven't seen hemp milk anywhere, but will look a bit harder for that too - will save me having to put the hemp protein powder in his bottles.
:hi: Huggles welcome to the group!
Glad you have got to the bottom of the allergies and seen some improvement. Kids with cows milk protein allergy are usually allergic to soya aswell. My son was allergic to both but has now grown out of the soya allergy.

Lucas has started developing rashes on his face, I hope we arent going down the same route with him :( He is breastfed and im not sure if I could cope with being dairy free myself. My diet is so bad as it is.
I forgot about this thread.
Ds had allergy clinic back in September. He has out grown his lactose intolerance but still has cmpi and soya allergy. The consultant is very confident he is also starting to out grow them as well. He have added very small amount of dairy to his diet and he can now cope fine with margarine on his bread and very small amounts of cheese without any reactions. He can't go near any cheese powders though without reacting. He's still on Pregestimil milk and we are set for an oral challenge of a glass of milk in months
Rockell - That's great that he seems to be outgrowing his intolerances and allergies and can now tolerate small amounts!

I *think* i might have narrowed down logan's milk issue to lactose intolerance.
We've never done any allergy testing, it was just through the homeopath's suggestion to remove dairy from his diet and then my own observations that I know dairy affects him badly and have therefore deduced he has dairy sensitivities/intolerances. But as a result i didn't know what exactly it was about the dairy that he struggles with.

After Nantsku posted about rice possibly containing arsenic i freaked out and went and did some more googling and discovered she is right! I was horrified to say the least. I had done loads of googling before that and read countless times of dieticians and paediatricians and allergists recommending it for different babies, so thought it must be ok. But i had not come across any mention of arsenic before nantsku's post. But i am definitely NOT willing to take that risk!

So then i looked into hemp milk as another option but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be available here. The hemp seeds are so i coudl technically make it myself, but my attempt at making almond milk was a bit of a flop so i wasn't sure it would work to make my own hemp milk.
So i decided to be brave and try a brand of cow's milk here that is lactose free.
It's normal full cream UHT cow's milk that has been treated with lactase and so is marketed as lactose free.
Logan's main problem with his formula was cramping and obvious discomfort. Cheese and yoghurt cause snottiness. So i wondered if it might be as simple as lactose intolerance. He was on colief lactase drops with his formula for the first 3 months and that definitely did help him, but i forgot about that when currently wondering about his milk.

So i decided to be brave (i was super scared of making him sick again) and tried him on the lactose free cow's milk (started on sunday), and it seems to be working! :yipee:
He hasn't woken up crying and cramping and in pain on any of the nights (he still wakes up once to drink but doesnt' seem to be in any discomfort), and his nose is drier than it was even on the rice milk. :happydance:
The only problem now is his tummy seems to be running. But that could be due to the sudden change in milks, or it could be due to him drinking some really gross water on monday morning, or it could be a rogue tummy bug. So i'm going to stick with this milk at least until the weekend, maybe a bit longer, and see if his tummy sorts itself out. Really hoping it does because aside from that this new milk seems to be working really well!
That would be great if its was the lactose and you have found a solution though if I'm not mistaken lactose intolerance is for life so its far more restricting but dairy allergies are usually just kids allergies and they grow out of them at some point.

Just keep an eye on it and see how it goes! Good luck! :thumbup:
I *think* late onset lactose intolerance is for life. But prem babies are more prone to lactose intolerance (he was 4 weeks prem) which i think is why he struggled initially, and i suspect (though could be wrong) that now it's as a result of his gut being so run down from all the antibiotics he was on every month. So hoping as he gets stronger and his tummy recovers he might outgrow it too.
But even if he doesn't, i'm just glad i've found a solution for now.
Thats good to hear you may have found a solution. Not that allergies are easy to live with but I think Lactose intolerance would be easier than full CMPI.
I *think* late onset lactose intolerance is for life. But prem babies are more prone to lactose intolerance (he was 4 weeks prem) which i think is why he struggled initially, and i suspect (though could be wrong) that now it's as a result of his gut being so run down from all the antibiotics he was on every month. So hoping as he gets stronger and his tummy recovers he might outgrow it too.
But even if he doesn't, i'm just glad i've found a solution for now.

Makes sense! :thumbup: If he has had a lot of antibiotics I would also give him probiotics. They have made a huge difference on K.
Glad you may have found the cause. Lactose intolerance is definitely easier to live with, its easier to get lactose free dairy products here than the normal kind!
Hey, just wondering how everyone is doing? Maria has outgrown her citrus allergy which is excellent as she absolutely loves clementines and will eat them all day long (wasn't eating much fruit before)
Hello! :wave:

My son outgrew his dairy allergy by just past 2 (he's 3 now), but my daughter is still allergic to dairy and eggs. Her chronic hives are under control now though (she's almost 15mo) and has pretty normal skin with prescription creams. We tried natural creams, but the eczema was so bad her eyes would crust shut and bleed. :( But with he creams and daily baths, she has almost normal skin! Still reacts with hives and distress when she comes in contact with dairy/egg though.
Thats great that your son outgrew his dairy allergy! Did you test him regularly to see if he had outgrown it? Wondering when to test Maria on dairy again.
Good that you got your daughter's hives under control. Maria's skin is mostly normal now too, just a bit dry on the body and a slight bit of eczema on the face but not so bad that I have to use any strong cream, just basic emollient.

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