Hi girls

I am back again, I really am at a loss and just want to cry
I called little mans dietician this morning, I spoke to a cover dietician as his is on maternity leave
basically, she wants me to stop his prescription formual because she said at almost 2 he shouldn't be having it and it should have been stopped at 1! I asked about fat and she basically told me to find other ways of getting it into him ..... easier said than done when he can't have dairy!!! I have to totally cut out all dairy & soya again (he was having tiny bits in bread etc), keep a food diary as I think there might be something else going on to, then she went on to make me feel like total crap!
Apparently it is my fault he is fussy, I give in to his demands and give him what he wants to get him to eat, I need to offer food, and tell him 'I am your mummy, I know what is healthy for you to eat, so you eat what I give you'! ...... seriously, he isn't even 2!!!! then if he doesn't eat I am to give him nothing until the next meal. She made out like I give him 6 pints of milk a day (he has 1 x 3oz bottle at nap time and 1 x 8oz bottle an hour before bed), she said I need to get rid of the bottles ..... and well just made me feel like crap
I am seeing the GP next week and I'm to demand a referal to the allergy clinic, apparently this should have been done when he was diagnosed at 5 months old as the NICE guidelines say that any child with 2 or more allergies should be refered for more testing
Him bowels are awful right now as is his skin. We finally found a combination of creams that works for him (aveeno twice a day and doublebase 1-2 times a day), it took us months to find a combination that worked, but that worked great and we used hardly any steroid, then we moved and because it is a different trust they won't prescribe aveeno as they have a cheaper alternative (zerobase) which is crap, nothing like aveeno, it is more like E45 and makes his skin WORSE, we must have gone through about 5 tubes of steroid since moving here (a year ago) and I have had enough. I am speaking to the GP next week, he is a toddler thats health & comfort is being effected because of the bloody post code lottery!!!, if I get nowhere with the GP I am going to write to the trust, I am willing to meet them half way on costs
ugh sorry for the brain dump, just had enough and want to cry