living with kids with allergies group

I didn't have any symptoms or discomfort before I was diagnosed either (5 years ago). Been managing fine until lately. My antibodies were a bit raised when they did a blood test recently, I think its probably cos I've been cooking with oat cream cos of Maria's allergies :dohh:
hey all not been on a while but i am a wondering how do you know if your child is allergic to wheat/gluten we know that alexa is reacting to something else as well as dairy, soya, nuts and carrots but dont know what.. It has been since introducing pasta, bread and biscuits to her diet.
Yet her dietician dismisses everything i tell her ad tells me that as my daughter doesnt react within 10 mins of eating whatever it is they wont allergy test her? :cry:

anyone? do you think this sounds like wheat or gluten intolerance/allergy?

What kind of reaction is she having?

she is a heavy sleeper always has been lol.... but with theses foods she gets eczema , she splits open and blisters on her bits , she has very foul smelling diarrohea that is green.

we took these things off her and her symptoms improve.

she is bad again now but only cuz she has her birthday cake which i made as dairy and soya free but obv still had wheat in and munching on bread sticks on dieticians advice
Well then I guess she is allergic to it. Don't worry about testing. Testing is not very accurate anyway. If you've seen the symptoms and improvement when cutting out the offering food then you have your answer. :hugs:
I agree, just cut it out and see how that goes, don't worry about testing for now.
thanks just not sure what to feed her at the mo, i went over the dieticians head and saw my gp she will be seen at allergy clinic on the 14th september but i will cut out until then. How can one chil.d have so many allergies how do u all cope?
It is hard to think of different foods to feed Maria. To be honest lately she's been eating a lot of jar foods :blush: she won't eat most of the stuff I cook except for salmon. When I visited England in the spring I remember it being really hard to find foods she could eat, especially bread!
It is hard to think of different foods to feed Maria. To be honest lately she's been eating a lot of jar foods :blush: she won't eat most of the stuff I cook except for salmon. When I visited England in the spring I remember it being really hard to find foods she could eat, especially bread!

yeah she likes chicken , veg and fruit but there isnt much... i found some bread she could eat today in holland and barrett but it was £3.99 for 8 slices eek. I might have to go back to buying jar foods for her x she is 1 now and since they changed her milk is gaining weight better but is still small at 18lb


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She's very cute!

I usually make my own bread, its much cheaper that way and I know exactly what goes into it.
She's very cute!

I usually make my own bread, its much cheaper that way and I know exactly what goes into it.

ty xxx n how would i do it?

You need the special flour but I think you can buy that everywhere there now, and xantham gum to sort of replace the gluten and then otherwise its pretty much the same as making normal bread except you don't need to knead the dough. I use a bread machine though, nice and easy!
Thought maybe you ladies could help me. I have a peanut allergy with a minor tree nut allergy and my mom is the same except she's more tree nuts and less peanuts. Now I hate to say it but I don't take my allergy *too* seriously, I only found out I had it when I was 19, so 3 years ago, because I had never eaten nuts before (they just grossed me out plus we never ate that many because my mom clearly didn't really offer them.. although my sister has always loved peants lol). I obviously don't eat nuts and I'm cautious, like I don't eat desserts at restaurants etc. but ill eat/buy may contain products and I'm almost always fine. Because of its hereditary nature in our family LO isn't getting nuts for a loooong time.

So my question: if I eat something that clearly gives me a tummy ache (usually how I react, severe cramping for a little while..) and my LO gets it through my breast milk IF he were allergic would it cause symptoms in him already? The last two times I've clearly eaten something nutty by accident the day after his bum just goes so red and rashy. Idk if its a coincidence or if there is any connection? :shrug: anyone had this type of possible reaction when discovering LOs allergies?

I'm betting its all a coinky-dink but it got me thinking.. I really don't want him yo have a severe allergy :nope:

Thanks :flower:
Hi girls :( I am back again, I really am at a loss and just want to cry

I called little mans dietician this morning, I spoke to a cover dietician as his is on maternity leave

basically, she wants me to stop his prescription formual because she said at almost 2 he shouldn't be having it and it should have been stopped at 1! I asked about fat and she basically told me to find other ways of getting it into him ..... easier said than done when he can't have dairy!!! I have to totally cut out all dairy & soya again (he was having tiny bits in bread etc), keep a food diary as I think there might be something else going on to, then she went on to make me feel like total crap!

Apparently it is my fault he is fussy, I give in to his demands and give him what he wants to get him to eat, I need to offer food, and tell him 'I am your mummy, I know what is healthy for you to eat, so you eat what I give you'! ...... seriously, he isn't even 2!!!! then if he doesn't eat I am to give him nothing until the next meal. She made out like I give him 6 pints of milk a day (he has 1 x 3oz bottle at nap time and 1 x 8oz bottle an hour before bed), she said I need to get rid of the bottles ..... and well just made me feel like crap :(

I am seeing the GP next week and I'm to demand a referal to the allergy clinic, apparently this should have been done when he was diagnosed at 5 months old as the NICE guidelines say that any child with 2 or more allergies should be refered for more testing

Him bowels are awful right now as is his skin. We finally found a combination of creams that works for him (aveeno twice a day and doublebase 1-2 times a day), it took us months to find a combination that worked, but that worked great and we used hardly any steroid, then we moved and because it is a different trust they won't prescribe aveeno as they have a cheaper alternative (zerobase) which is crap, nothing like aveeno, it is more like E45 and makes his skin WORSE, we must have gone through about 5 tubes of steroid since moving here (a year ago) and I have had enough. I am speaking to the GP next week, he is a toddler thats health & comfort is being effected because of the bloody post code lottery!!!, if I get nowhere with the GP I am going to write to the trust, I am willing to meet them half way on costs

ugh sorry for the brain dump, just had enough and want to cry :(
Big :hugs: I can't believe she thinks its your fault he won't eat some foods, he's too young to understand that he has to eat things!
Awwww does this dietician have any children? Probably NOT!!! Please try and ignore her. I'm sorry she made you feel like crap. I'm glad she is only a cover though! And do demand to get referred!! :hugs:
Well according to FOB, Maria accidently ate a bit of cheese the other day and didn't react so I'm thinking I might try her with a spoonful of yoghurt today and see what happens.
Just an update with my son who FINALLY had his allergy testing last month. If you all remember (its been awhile because we had to wait over half a year for allergy testing, but his tongue swelled and he got hives around his mouth). Well, turns out he oes indeed have anaphylaxis to kiwi, nd regular allergies to grass, tress, and cats. He is to have a Medic alert bracelet and carry epi pens with him now.

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