Long cycles and the tww

Hey ksqaured sorry to hear the witch got you but I'm soo glad that vitex is doing you some good and that your cycle is within 'normal' limits! I hope I can follow suit, I really hope I ovulate in the next few days so my cycle is also within normal limits.

TexMel I get my OPK's from ebay, otherwise it would cost me a fortune. I don't rely heavily on them though. For instance this morning I got an almost positive opk and then this afternoon it was no where near the same. Not sure if it was because my urine was more diluted though...that's why I also temp to confirm.
Fx for you, I hope the doctor appointment goes well.
Texmel how much are opks at target? Our targets are closing here in Canada and everything's clearance so I wonder if that's better....

Ksquared - sorry about af but awesome only 32 days!
TexMel - My case was pretty easy because my cycle was steadily getting longer. But yeah, I've heard some people with normal cycles and just want lighter periods or to ovulate a few days earlier might have the opposite effect, at least for the first couple of cycles.

Thanks, HopefullyOpto and crazycatlady!
Woohoo! AF is here (never thought I'd be so happy about that)! A new cycle has arrived! My last one ended up at 51 days, let's hope it was just a one time thing.
KSquared - 32 days is wonderful! congrats!
Tex Mel - Yeay for AF !

I too am drinking spearmint tea and am in the Spearmint group here on B&B. Havent seen any positive effects yet but crossing my fingers. Btw I am on cd 61. Took a HPT today and BFN. Not going to test for another week or so.
Happy Friday! How's everyone doing? AF should be finishing up today for me. I've had a busy week at work, so I've only been able to have the spearmint tea two days. I feel like it doesn't make a very strong tea, so I'm wondering if I'm getting enough of the spearmint. Maybe I should check out that spearmint thread here on bnb.
Crazycatlady - I think they are like $30 for 10 tests. I placed an order last night on Amazon for a kit that has 50 ov strips and 20 preg tests for $21.99
Hi all,

So very glad it's the weekend!
Ksquared - definitely check the thread, they are lovely ladies on there! Glad AF is going, let's hope she stays clear for another 9 months :p

As for me I'm cd22 had two days of what I thought was ewcm and now nothing... My cervix has softened and risen slightly but no confirmed ovulation on temps so I'm sooo confused... Slight cramping today also.

Any suggestions anyone?

How is everyone else doing?
Wow texmel good deal on Amazon!

I'm cd20 and nothing yet here either, but I wasn't expecting it... This time next week maybe :s unless things shorten up which would be nice! Although my husbands away this weekend but here next weekend so I'm actually not wanting this cycle to be too much shorter!

I've had some cm last few days but not sure what kind, and opk was negative.
Hey ladies! :flower:

Sorry for my absence...been really busy. :) What have I missed? How are you all doing?

AFM - CD13 here, waiting to ovulate. I took an OPK today and it was the most negative I've ever seen one. :haha: I'm hoping next week I'll start taking them and seeing them getting closer to positive. According to my app, I should ovulate March 5. Let's hope my app is right, or at least close to right. I don't think I could handle another cycle as long as my last one.
Hi aidensxmomma,

Fx for an earlier ovulation, I'm hoping the same also, I'm cd24, no ovulation as of yet... I have had a few days with ewcm, which has now gone opaque??
According to FF I won't ovulated until the end of March because my last cycle was sooooo long. I hope that's not the case this time round.
Starting tomorrow I am going to cut dairy and gluten out of my diet for a couple of weeks to see if it helps.
I can't get my head around these OPK's. I drink so much during the day so I have no idea when to test...
I'm testing in the morning because apparently with the clear blue that's what you're supposed to do? But I have no clue about them :s my problem is that I've read if you wake up in middle of night for washroom and you've slept longer than you will sleep when you go back to sleep then you're supposed to do it then. So I did yesterday, but couldn't wait the 3min before going back to sleep, so then the screen was blank when I looked after waking back up. So this morning same thing, woke up, but waited till when I woke up for good to use the opk. So I don't know how valid these past two days were :s. I'm assuming I'm not ovulating till end of the week anyway bit I really don't know :s. Who would've thought it was so complicated to get pregnant! And all those years I spent trying to prevent it!
Hi aidensxmomma,

Fx for an earlier ovulation, I'm hoping the same also, I'm cd24, no ovulation as of yet... I have had a few days with ewcm, which has now gone opaque??
According to FF I won't ovulated until the end of March because my last cycle was sooooo long. I hope that's not the case this time round.
Starting tomorrow I am going to cut dairy and gluten out of my diet for a couple of weeks to see if it helps.
I can't get my head around these OPK's. I drink so much during the day so I have no idea when to test...

FX for an earlier ovulation for you too. :flower: Let us know how it goes with cutting dairy and gluten out of your diet. This is going so sound like such a dumb question, but what is cutting out dairy and gluten supposed to help with?

I'm testing in the morning because apparently with the clear blue that's what you're supposed to do? But I have no clue about them :s my problem is that I've read if you wake up in middle of night for washroom and you've slept longer than you will sleep when you go back to sleep then you're supposed to do it then. So I did yesterday, but couldn't wait the 3min before going back to sleep, so then the screen was blank when I looked after waking back up. So this morning same thing, woke up, but waited till when I woke up for good to use the opk. So I don't know how valid these past two days were :s. I'm assuming I'm not ovulating till end of the week anyway bit I really don't know :s. Who would've thought it was so complicated to get pregnant! And all those years I spent trying to prevent it!

I know, right! I'm just baffled at how much work it takes and how difficult it really is. My first two kids were happy accidents, so I didn't think much of TTC. When I tried for my third, it was heartbreaking to me that it was difficult and couldn't "just happen" like we were always told it would. I'm a bit more prepared now for the challenges of TTC, but still....I wish it were like what they tell you in high school - have sex once and bam! you'll be pregnant. :haha:

AFM - I'm not really sure about when I'm going to be taking the OPKs either. I was thinking that I'd take one every day when I get up in the morning, but then I heard that you aren't supposed to take them with FMU? :shrug: So I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with the timing of them yet...
Yeah I guess it depends on each individual opk. Apparently mine are meant to be with fmu, but mid afternoon is better with others? Which seems tricky with work so right now I'm glad I have these clear blue ones. But then some have said they didn't have any luck with these ones. They were pricey enough so I hope they work! We'll see how I feel a week from now, I'm expecting a positive one within a week or so..
Hi aidensxmomma,
The reason for cutting out gluten is to do with the insulin response, a lot of gluten\carbs cause spikes in sugar levels which cause insulin levels to increase drastically and because with PCOS you already have sensitive insulin response it makes it worse because the more insulin in the body the more testosterone you produce which leads to side effects of PCOS.
Dairy is sort of the same but more so that standard dairy and organic dairy is taken from pregnant cows which produce a hormone which is passed to the milk, this hormone called IGF-1 is already in our system but with PCOS our ovaries are more sensitive to it which causes even further imbalance in our hormones.
So this is the reason I want to attempt to cut it out for a couple of weeks and see if it helps any of my symptoms.
Sorry for the very long winded response :)
Hi all! Been drinking the spearmint tea inconsistently for the past week, and every day since Friday. I've got a bit of a grumbly tummy and diarrhea, but I guess that's common. Hoping it helps reduce acne if nothing else! Otherwise AF is over and I'm on CD 7. Hoping I O by the end of this weekend. I'll try OPKs starting on Wed or Thurs.

Do you guys know of any male fertility vitamins? Or are your men doing anything to improve fertility? The only thing mine has been doing is avoiding the jacuzzi, lol. I feel like he should be exercising but that's a hard battle, especially because he's lost about 15-20 pounds since August just by having a bit more physical job. He's skinny but not in physical shape, and he always blames not exercising because of his bad knee. And he's so tired all of the time. I worry his swimmers aren't as healthy but not sure about getting him tested. In reality, I'm only on my 6th cycle TTC. I'm just very impatient.

HopefulluOpto - that's really interesting about the gluten and dairy. I used to eat a lot more cheese and such, so hopefully I'm at a good level with dairy. I don't have much besides cheese or sour cream. Gluten is in so much, I'm sure I could cut down on that. I don't have bread much but I do have sauces and pretzels.

I hope the ladies waiting to O have those positive OPKs very soon!!

My husband takes my folic acid sometimes, he says he read it's good for the man to take it too, and he excercises a lot and probably eats healthier than I do. He reads up on it and says he does his part. The only thing I wish he was doing better is being home more often so we can bd more! Haha!

Yeah it seems to take forever to ovulate! My friend who started her last cycle around the same time as me is waiting to test already, and I'm still waiting to ovulate :(.

Dh is away next two days, so we bded today and yesterday and then we'll bd a lot once he's back. So I'm hoping I ovulate once he's back.
Ksquared, I think we are pretty close to the same right now. I am on cd 7 today. I think I will start testing for o on Friday. I'm guessing it won't be until closer to the end of next week for me, I think my app says March 5 or 6 right now, but who knows with my last cycle being so long. I bought that cheap strip kind of opk so I'm not sure if FMU is best. I hope so, bc I definitely cannot take them to work for an afternoon test.
Just getting in the habit of BDing every other day right now. Hubby is quite thrilled with that prospect. I brought it up on Valentine's day, when AF was still here and he has mentioned it every day since. We finally got to start it last night. This is definitely the fun part of this whole process, getting closer with him. As for him, he does take some multivitamins, along with some milk thistle and fish oil. I'm not sure if any are specific for fertility, but i don't think they can hurt it. He is not in the best of shape, I'm thinking BDing so much will help with that some. He is very clueless about what actually goes into TTC. I try not to get too technical when I talk to him about my cycle, but I'm pretty sure he still thinks I can get pregnant any time we BD. I just tell him I'll handle the thinking part of it. :)
Crazycatlady - That's great that your DH is so invested! I think mine has a more laid back attitude about it and isn't as worried about everything like me. I wish he would look into this stuff on his own but he's not really a researcher. FX your ovulation happens when your DH is home!

TexMel - It's always nice to have a cycle buddy! I had always hear fmu is best, and that's what it says on the box of mine. I don't want to hold it in and not drink water during the day. I'm glad your hubby is excited to BD every other day, lol. On Valentine's Day, I lit some candles and wore a nightie and made it special, so that was nice. Thinking I should try seduction more often like that, haha. That's why I think my DH needs a vitamin because he used to always be all over me! Only thing that's changed is his job and now TTC. Maybe I'll have a talk with him about his overall health. He did go for a walk yesterday, but that's not going to do much. I don't mean to sound like my DH is lazy or uninvolved because he's the best and so loving and caring! Just needs some motivation sometimes. And I probably tell him too much about my cycle, lol.
Hey all, so I went to the dr today about this brutal cold or virus, whatever it is, that I have. And while I was there I told him Dh and I are ttc and was telling him about my long cycles and stuff, and I mentioned my weird two day period that I had last time. And his eyebrows perked up and right away he said "maybe you're pregnant" and I said I didn't think I was, since I had tested bfn. But he said you can still test negatively and be pregnant, I even told him it was a few weeks ago that this happened since I have long cycles and everything. He said I guess we 'll find out if I get my next period or not!! I should have asked him to do a blood test and then I could just know for sure!!

This is driving me crazy ! Now I'm second guessing and getting my hopes all back up all over again!!!

I'm sure I'm not though, I took several tests including frers!! And I took them well after it happened!! But my dr said I could be! So that kind of through me a bit! And he brought it up, it's not like I asked him if it could mean that or anything! Dh is now convinced I am even though I told him it was still unlikely...

I don't know what to think! Ahh!

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