Long cycles and the tww

Crazycatlady, I went through the same range of emotions last month. Even after the blood test said negative, I just couldn't believe it until AF finally came. I don't think it is completely crazy to think it is possible (I read all the thousands of comments online a few different times), but I also think it is probably unlikely if you are still continuing to get negatives. How far out would you be now?
I hope that you are, that would be awesome! Fx!
Oh how mean, and he didn't even offer to do a blood test! Can you just schedule on on your own? I totally would if I were you. Because you haven't had an symptoms that O is coming yet, right? Have you taken your temp lately? Mine usually in the mid 97s before O, and above 98 after O. You could still have just had a weird AF, but it's definitely interesting that he thinks it's possible. Try not to get your hopes up too much, but let us know of any new developments!
Just checked my app and I was off a week about my window of opportunity! It says it should be Feb 25-28, but we'll see. I will probably start testing this Friday either way. Still haven't invested in a thermometer, so no temping yet, but I'm excited that window is sooner than I thought.
I haven't done any temping yet, they took my temp when I was there and I was right at 98. I had some cm yesterday that I think was ew. But I'm not so good at spotting that kind of thing.

I took my last frer that was in the house and it was bfn, which is what I would've expected. But it just through me that he would say that.

My one app said I would ovulate on the 15th, the other says 21st. I tend to believe the later one since that would give me a two week lp. So we'll see what happens this weekend. Hopefully my cold is gone for it!
Finally a post I can relate to!! So he last 9mo. or so I have been kind of random anywhere from 31-42 days!! M last few cycles have gotten close to my normal 31 days. My problem is also ovulation. I never know when I just go by apps. I am fairly positive I ovulated on the 11/12th this month last period being 01/29. I know that is early but I have noticed that I always have ovulation symptoms just before 14 days after my last period. So this month I decided to start trying a little earlier and I have a good feeling this month so I guess we will see!! Does anyone know the earliest I can start testing??:wacko:
Mrshallowell, I try to wait until as close to my af is due as I possibly can hold out to. Just because seeing bfns is disappointing.
Hi, mrshallowell! I usually wait until at least 10dpo, but I think 14dpo is pretty safe. Though ladies with long cycles don't always follow the norm so technically you're never out until AF shows! FX your good feeling is right!!
Do you guys know of any male fertility vitamins? Or are your men doing anything to improve fertility?

I have heard that vitamin E is supposed to be good for male fertility. I haven't looked into it yet, though. My OH hasn't really made any changes since TTC, although if it takes us a while, I'll be pushing for him to take vitamins and whatnot...we'll definitely start looking into it more if it takes us more than 6 months.

Hey all, so I went to the dr today about this brutal cold or virus, whatever it is, that I have. And while I was there I told him Dh and I are ttc and was telling him about my long cycles and stuff, and I mentioned my weird two day period that I had last time. And his eyebrows perked up and right away he said "maybe you're pregnant" and I said I didn't think I was, since I had tested bfn. But he said you can still test negatively and be pregnant, I even told him it was a few weeks ago that this happened since I have long cycles and everything. He said I guess we 'll find out if I get my next period or not!! I should have asked him to do a blood test and then I could just know for sure!!

This is driving me crazy ! Now I'm second guessing and getting my hopes all back up all over again!!!

I'm sure I'm not though, I took several tests including frers!! And I took them well after it happened!! But my dr said I could be! So that kind of through me a bit! And he brought it up, it's not like I asked him if it could mean that or anything! Dh is now convinced I am even though I told him it was still unlikely...

I don't know what to think! Ahh!

I hope your able to get a blood test soon. That would definitely drive me crazy, too. I really hope that this is your bfp! :flower:

Finally a post I can relate to!! So he last 9mo. or so I have been kind of random anywhere from 31-42 days!! M last few cycles have gotten close to my normal 31 days. My problem is also ovulation. I never know when I just go by apps. I am fairly positive I ovulated on the 11/12th this month last period being 01/29. I know that is early but I have noticed that I always have ovulation symptoms just before 14 days after my last period. So this month I decided to start trying a little earlier and I have a good feeling this month so I guess we will see!! Does anyone know the earliest I can start testing??:wacko:

Welcome :flower: I usually start testing at 10dpo, which might still be a little early, but that's about as long as I can hold out for :haha: FX that your good feeling means a bfp for you!

AFM - I have a question for you ladies. Last week, I took an ovulation test that was very negative - just a really, really faint test line. I started taking OPKs again the last couple days and now there's a definite line, although still negative. Does this mean that my body is starting to get ready to ovulate?

I think I'm starting to get watery cm which is so exciting because that means I should be ovulating within the next week. :happydance: My OH and I have been pretty good about BD every other day, so I'm hoping it keeps up until after I ovulate. I feel good about this month. Even if I don't end up pregnant, I know we'll have done all we could have which will make me feel better than last cycle where I didn't feel like we did enough.
Ok so hunch was def right, def not pregnant. BUT! I got my first ever positive opk!!! So exciting! I swear I thought I'd never see anything positive on any kind of test!

So these clear blue tests say they show my two most fertile days, so I guess I'm probably ovulating tomorrow?? Because there was no smiley face on yesterday's test. Dh gets home this afternoon so that's good, but I'm wishing he was here yesterday so we could've bded then too, then I'd feel more like we covered our bases. But if we bd a few times today and tomorrow do you think that should be fine??
Come on now, is this a joke?! This is the box that my new OPks + HPTs came in from Amazon! This is on the outside of the box! Hope it is labelled correctly!!! :happydance:


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Aidensxmomma - normally it means your body is gearing up for ovulation yes, and I hope that's the case for you. For me unfortunately it wasn't a sign, I had a faint one then a few days later an almost positive one to only then be followed by a very faint one again. And I didn't miss my positive because my temps indicated no ovulation. My cm seems a little bit all over the place also, had a good few days of ewcm and then nothing and then a day or 2 again with it. Now I'm so confused...
I really hope you ovulate soon! Fx for you

Crazycat - so glad for yor positive opk! Let's hope those swimmers find the egg this month!

TexMel- let's hope that box is a premonition :)
Aidensxmomma and Crazycatlady - Sounds like you should O very soon! Happy that it's finally here for you both. Have fun BD-ing these next few days :winkwink:.

TexMel - That's too funny. Hope it's a sign!

HopefullyOpto - So you still haven't officially O'd this cycle, then? That's so weird because it sounds like your body is gearing up for it. FX you finally get that temp increase so you'll know you did!

Afm - I'm on CD 10 and I keep forgetting to do the OPK. My CM hasn't done much yet, so I'm not sure whether to hope it starts changing now or hope it waits until after I get back from my business trip. Ugh, why do I have to be on the other side of the country right in my fertile window?! I'm leaving Sunday morning and back Wednesday night. CD 14 will be Monday, which before I thought Cd 14 was Tuesday so that's slightly better. Definitely need to BD tonight and every day until I leave. Doubt we'll be awake enough at 5am Sunday when I have to get ready for the airport :nope:.
Oh no ksquared that's bad timing! Hopefully you ovulate really soon or after you get back though!

I'm really hoping I get pregnant before the summer , my husband is going to be away almost the whole summer for work! But trying not think about that much yet since is still a ways off! Lots of cycles before then so I'm hopeful.

How often do you girls think it's good to bd during fertile window? Should I be trying for a couple times a day or will that actually hurt our chances?
Thanks, me too. I think once a day is good. They say every other day is plenty, but I feel better with every day. More than once a day is probably too much because his swimmers don't have time to build up so he won't be as potent.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys about my awful dream. I dreamt that DH told me he finally realized he was gay, and so it was good that we hadn't conceived. I was crushed! My dreams can be so mean sometimes! LOL.
Hi, can I join? My cycles vary from 31-39 days. Just got bfn today, waiting to test on 3-1 if no af.
Baby dust to everyone :)
Hi Springermommy and welcome!
Glad you came to join the group, the more the merrier.

Ok so AFM according to FF I am 5 DPO!! I had had small but consecutive temp rises in the last 4/5 days and mild cramping and my cm is pretty much gone so I'm thinking it might actually be right. I was convinced that I haven't because normally my nipples are really really sore the past 3 times I ovulated and I haven't got that this time, but maybe it's because my hormones are a little more balanced this time... Who knows.
I really hope this is my month, I would love to give my husband a BFP for his birthday at the beginning of March :)
I'm going to avoid symptom spotting as much as I can and just hope that my temps keep on rising, we BD'd the day before and day of predicted ovulation so don't think I could have done anymore.
I really want to share my chart with you guys, don't know how though...
Hi Springermommy! Sorry about your BFN.

HopefullyOpto - Hooray that you can finally confirm O!! FX this was your lucky cycle!
Hey ksquared! How is everything with you?
My temp took a dive below cover line today :( hope it's inplantation or a blip for that matter, I really don't want it to mean that I didn't ovulated like I think I did. Even if it doesn't result in a BFP it would still be nice to know that I have ovulated for cd60 like last time :(
Hi! Things are going OK for me. I haven't had any EWCM yet, so now I'm hoping that stays away until at least toward the end of my trip. We've BD last night and tonight, and we will tomorrow night but then I have to wait until Wed night to BD again. Worried this cycle will be wasted :(.

I think if you've had a few days of a steady rise, then you most likely did O. Especially with your CM drying up. Hope you have another nice high temp tomorrow!
Ksquared, just get as many BD'ing in beforehand, and try not worry to much that you haven't seen ewcm just yet. I'm sure it can hold off till Wednesday, I mean it's not that far away :) lets hope it's not a wasted cycle.
Where are you travelling on your business trip?

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