Long cycles and the tww

HopefullyOpto - FX that Vitex works just as well for you! I think you can even start it mid-cycle to bring on O if it hasn't happened yet, but I started taking it when I was more than 4 weeks past O and still no AF, and then AF came the next day :). But I think most people like to wait and start it CD 1.

Aidensxmomma - FX that the symptoms and spotting is implantation and early pregnancy! And cramps could be implantation too. Hopefully AF stays away!

Crazycatlady - Sorry you're so tired. Hoping you feel better soon! How many dpo are you now? FX you're tired because of a little bean too!

OnErth&InHvn - FX it's implantation! How many dpo are you now?

Afm - My temp is on the rise! My temp shift is earlier than last cycle :happydance:. I think it was 4 or 5dpo last cycle before I started to get the increase, and today is 3dpo :). Hopefully it keeps going up. Though looking at my temp chart, my temp dipped on Feb. 22 but that was the day I woke up early to catch a plane and I'm 90% sure that Thursday Feb. 26 was O day. I actually didn't get an obvious ovulation dip this time. But I was jet lagged too, so I probably can't rely on my temps from most of this week. Also since my spotting started after ovulation, it hasn't completely gone away yet. Still having brown spotting though it's light. Hoping it goes away so I can track my cm again.
Im 5dpo. I know some will say thats too early, but it could happen.
Back in the TWW! Temp shift this morning. So I am 1dpo. Happy that my body seems to be back on track this cycle!

Although, I think I'll be traveling at 14dpo, when I'd normally let myself start testing. I guess we'll just see how these next 2 weeks go...
Fx for all of you in the tww right now, too!
Thanks ksquared :) I'm really hoping that this is the lucky cycle for me and my OH. He seems pretty convinced I'm pregnant. :haha:

Im 5dpo. I know some will say thats too early, but it could happen.

It definitely could happen. I got a positive test super early with my youngest and also really early with my second. That must have meant that I implanted really early with both of them. :thumbup: FX for you!
Back in the TWW! Temp shift this morning. So I am 1dpo. Happy that my body seems to be back on track this cycle!

Although, I think I'll be traveling at 14dpo, when I'd normally let myself start testing. I guess we'll just see how these next 2 weeks go...
Fx for all of you in the tww right now, too!

Glad that your body seems to be back on track :flower:
Update: my opk this morning was still very +, does this mean o hasn't officially happened yet?

My temp was higher today than it has been, but maybe it wasn't as big of a shift as I thought I was looking for.

Aidensxmomma, onerth&inhevn, ksquared, crazycatlady, it sounds like we all have some good mojo going right now! Hopefullyopto, I hope you get your vitex and get your cycle back on track soon! I am hopeful we all get what we want! I really feel like we all have a good chance this time around! You ladies have taught me a lot in the 3 weeks or so since I joined this forum!

Update: I still had very pronounced ewcm this evening and I could tell things were not going to happen if I didn't just come out and say anything, so I laid it all out there. I basically said "no pressure, really, but tonight is most likely the end of our window this month, so if you really want to make a baby, tonight is the night." I then kept cleaning the dining room and keeping myself occupied, while he apparently went into the bedroom and lit candles and prepped. I'll spare you any more details, but I now feel confident we did everything this cycle that we could. Very excited about this tww!!
TexMel I have no idea about OPK's sorry, I have only seen 1 positive OPK since October last year so I'm not best placed to say.

So today I again have ewcm but no positive opk, not even near i don't think, so guessing it's another false positive, I shall keep my hopes up and see what happens with my temps. I think I am going to start vitex as soon as I get it, i really thought ovulation would have come by now.

On the plus side I hope we are going to be seeing some BFP's in the next 1/2 weeks as you look like you are all in the TWW, very excited for you all :)
TexMel - My guess is that you haven't quite ovulated yet, but are just about to. Some women have a longer surge I believe, so I don't think it's anything to get worried about :flower: That being said, I'm not an OPK expert, this was my first month using them, so hopefully the other ladies can either confirm what I said or give you the proper advice. :)

HopefullyOpto - I really hope the vitex works for you! I don't think starting it right away would hurt. Hopefully it can trigger ovulation for you right away.

AFM - My bfn from earlier today got me down more than I expected it to. I know it's still really early and I can't count myself out yet, but I broke down in tears earlier and had to wake up my OH to comfort me. :dohh: Being overly emotional was one of my first signs with my youngest, so maybe it's a good sign.

I wish I remembered my pregnancy symptoms from when I was pregnant with my other kids. It's just been so long though and I wasn't TTC the first two. If I would have kept track with them all, I could compare symptoms and get a better idea of what to expect. Oh well. I'm doing a pretty good job keeping track this time around at least. :haha:

I do remember that with Seraphina, my first major symptom was that I was super moody. I had no patience whatsoever for Aiden and Mady and I cried over a picture of rainbow cupcakes :rofl:
Hey aidensxmomma how you doing today?
I imagine it must be hard to compare pregnancies as I have heard they can be so very different, and what my be a symptom with one might mean nothing in a separate cycle so it might be a good thing that you cannot remember.
Don't get disheartened with a bfn on such an early dpo, some don't get it until over a week late so you still in the running.

AFM I have had a mini spot breakout on my face and my nipples are slightly tender (although I wonder if I'm hoping so bad that it's imaginary) so I hope that ovulatuon is around the corner, my cm is super duper stretchy but still cloudy, out of interest has anyone had this?
I'm feeling kind of down, I feel like I don't have a lot of symptoms this tww.... I'm 10dpo and not much going on. I haven't felt any implantation and no spotting or anything so I am not feeling super hopeful...
TexMel - Aw, I like how you laid it all out there for DH and let him make the move. Very sweet :). Sounds like you did everything you could!

Aidensxmomma - I think your heightened emotions are definitely strong symptoms! Like TexMel said, we have some good mojo this month for all of us :). Hopefully you'll get all emotional over something like the rainbow cupcakes and then you'll have a stronger clue, lol!

HopefullyOpto - it sounds like your cm is in transition. Mine was stretchy but cloudy right before it turned to EWCM this cycle. Let us know how the Vitex works for you! Maybe it will help push your body over the threshold and finally O this cycle :).

Crazycatlady - I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling down :(. I hate that point when it's too early to test but I'm just not feeling pregnant. And since you and I are TTC #1, we have nothing to compare it to. Hang in there! Hopefully your body just hasn't given you your symptoms yet and you'll get that BFP after all :).

Afm - Still spotting today, just very lightly. DH doesn't think I should worry since it's so light and could be remaining from O. He keeps saying little things like he has a good feeling about this cycle :). My temp dipped pretty low this morning, so not sure if that could be implantation because I'm only 4dpo. FX it spikes again tomorrow. Today I felt achey and tired. Like a bad case of the Mondays. But otherwise no other symptoms, though it's probably too early.
Your temped dipped and you had spotting? That really sounds like it could be implantation....

Could vitex cause you to have earlier implantation??

This is sounding really promising! Fx ksquared!
Thanks :). But i started spotting on O day, so I doubt it could be implantation. Unless I actually O'd much earlier but all signs and symptom pointed to O on Thursday. My temp hasn't jumped back up either. Usually it reaches 98 and starts steadily rising. Maybe my travel really did mess me up this cycle? :shrug:
ksquared - I hope that your travels didn't mess up your cycle too much.

I took a test today (11dpo) and it was negative. I'm starting to think that this cycle just isn't the one for me. :cry:

I still have some symptoms, though. It's still only been three days since I think I had the implantation bleeding, so maybe it's still too early for a test to pick up on the hormones. :shrug: I read that it's a possibility that tests can't pick up HCG until at least four days after implantation.

Do you ladies think that maybe I should get an FRER for tomorrow instead of using internet cheapies?
Aidensxmomma - 11DPO could still be way to early for testing as some lp lengths can vary cycle to cycle. Try and hold off until you actually think you might be late, I imagine that's hard but you don't want buy a FRER if it's still to early to test and waste one.

Ksquared sorry to hear that you think your cycle might have been effected by travel, I have heard that can happen. Fx it's not the case for you and your temp goes back up tomorrow.

AFM I finally think I am about to ovulate, I had a fantastic reading on the tester this morning, almost exactly the same colour as the test line and my breast are hurting more, plus dull cramping/full feeling around the womb :p
I hope I see my temps rise in the next day! Yay!!
Thanks HopefullyOpto. :)

I'm trying to stay positive, but I hear all these stories about all these women getting BFPs at 9dpo or something like that and I just feel down that I haven't gotten a BFP yet. Waiting is just so hard.

Also, very happy to hear that you're about to ovulate :happydance:
Aidensxmomma - don't be discouraged yet! I googled the sensitivity of the wondfo strips I have and came across a website that breaks down by day the percentage of women who get their bfps and false bfns. For the wondfo, it looks like 13 dpo is when it really jumps to like 89% of women. I think 10-11 dpo was still close to only like 60% of women who are actually preg get their first faint line. There's still hope!

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