Long cycles and the tww

I think it worked! I had to switch off mobile view.

Yeah I'm not sure how far along I am, it's still super early in the morning but once dr is open I will call. I'm either 12dpo like I've been assuming, of the 2 day af last month wasn't af and I'm further along. But got that pos opk 2 weeks ago...

I've also been crazy over emotional, ended up in tears last two days...
I would imagine that because of your positive OPK's then your probably 12DPO but bodies are a strange thing so I imagine the doc will give a more definitive answer. Fingers and toes are crossed for a healthy pregnancy for you. Make sure we are kept updated :)
TexMel, no that's without vitex, it hasn't even arrive yet haha :p I got two nice positive OPK's and BD'd about 3 times around then so I shall just have to see. What DPO are you now?

Crazycat, I wish I knew how to upload haha. I'm very very excited for you. So I'm guessing your not sure how far along in your pregnancy you are then?

HopefullyOpto, I'm 5dpo today. I've had constant dull cramping ever since 1dpo, with a few sharper pings yesterday. I had a dip below cover line in my temp today. No other major symptoms yet.

Crazycatlady, I read somewhere (I thought in this thread) that you can get +OPKs when pregnant. Like, if you have such a faint line on a hpt that you can't tell, sometimes a +opk at the same time is a good indicator that you actually are preggo. Can any one else confirm this?
The dr confirmed it! He's sending to me for a dating ultrasound to determine how far along I am, he said probably due nov 1 as opk was probably right but just incase that two period was implantation the ultrasound will tell us. In that case it would be due sept 18.
Wonderful news, Crazycatlady!! FX the good luck on this thread continues :).
Temp is still the same as of this morning. But I've been thinking about my situation, and SOMETHING must have happened a week ago because of the bright pink/red spotting that turned into 4 days of brown spotting. So either that was ovulation or implantation, right? What else could it be? If it was just brown, I would be more skeptical but the red was definitely something.

Also, since yesterday afternoon I've been really cranky. Last night I was sitting in bed reading, and DH had his foot against my leg and I just kept thinking "get your freakin' clammy foot off me!" Haha. Usually I like having some part of us touching while just relaxing - we're usually very cuddly together. And all this morning I've just felt super grumpy. I'm usually a very calm and generally happy person. This feeling isn't normal for me during the LP, except maybe after a BFN. Thankfully have been able to be outwardly friendly to my coworkers. :shrug:
Hah ksquared, that made me laugh! I was grouchy when I first walked into work this morning, but I seem to be better now. I think we are on or about the exact same dpo (6), right?
Ha! We're close, TexMel. I'm 8 dpo today, I think. I'm not as grouchy now but I think I definitely have a short fuse.
Sounds promising ksquared! I was totally the same way right before getting my bfp! I'll continue to check in here as I'm eager to see how you're doing!

Also had any of you heard that green tea can counteract the effects of folic acid??? I had never heard about this until reading it tonight in a book.
Thanks, Crazycatlady! Keep updating us on your symptoms and such too. Now you've joined the club of people who know what a BFP feels like!

Yeah, I've read that too on the spearmint tea thread. I had been drinking a green tea with spearmint.

I took a hpt tonight with an IC and it was BFN. Was too curious not to try, haha. Not upset about it though because I know it's too early. Even if I did O earlier than I thought.

DH and I are planning a tropical vacation! It's been 5 years since our last real vacation where we went on a plane and everything. This time we're thinking Caribbean :). Planning a trip that will work whether I'm pregnant or not. Hoping it will be a babymoon!
My symptoms are becoming horrible :(

Cold has gotten worse as I now can't take anything, cough syrup and Advil were getting me through but now I can't take that so I feel awful. Also, having trouble sleeping last 3 nights but exhausted during day.

Sense of smell has increased and feeling a lot of pinches. Some nausea but not much.

It's just the not being able to take anything for my cold which is really irritating, and this new sleeplessness isn't helping :(

I go next Thursday for my dating scan so that is exciting!

Your vacation sounds amazing ksquared! You're 8dpo now? Or was it 9?
Hi ladies! :flower:

crazycatlady - Congrats on your pregnancy! So excited for you! :happydance:

How are you ladies in the TWW doing?

AFM - I got AF yesterday. It sucks but I'm one cycle closer to the one that's going to be a BFP. :thumbup:
Hi all!

Crazycat - sorry to hear about your symptoms but least it's a good thing as you know your body is just adjusting to the new little bean :)

Ksquared sorry to head about your bfn, it's still very early days though so stay positive!

Aidensxmomma - sorry to hear the witch got you, like you said though it means your one step closer to that BFP, out of interest how long was your cycle this month?

AFM - I'm roughly 3dpo today, but I'm being cautiously optimistic about it as when I thought I ovulated last time it turned out not to be the case. I will see of my temps stay up for a few more days for confirmation. If not then I will start taking my Vitex. I do have a dull ache down there at the moment so maybe something is going on!
Crazycatlady - I'm sorry you are not feeling great! I am still so genuinely excited for you, though!

Ksquared - I am sorry you had the bfn, I am trying so hard to wait for 10 or maybe 11dpo to start testing. Fx for both of us!!

Aidensxmomma - very sorry the witch got you! Love your positive outlook. The one cycle that matters will be here before you know it!

Hopefullyopto - fx you get that confirmation. Did you time bd right and everything?

AFM - I am really really trying hard to not let my mind run away with crazy thoughts. I don't have many of the symptoms (boobs are fine, no nausea, etc) that women talk about, but I do have some things happening. I'm 7dpo today. I had constant cramping from 1-5dpo (with a couple of stronger pinches on day 5) and starting yesterday, it is more just every once in a while, but definitely still there. I was grouchy a little yesterday. I have a few pimples coming, which I rarely ever get. I had a temp dip on 5dpo and then a huge 2nd spike today (it rose almost 0.5 degrees f today!). I have read everything I could on ff about what the triphasic chart means, so I know it does not guarantee success, but I guess it at least increases my chances. The next 3 days are going to be very long! Good thing I have to work every day this weekend to keep my mind off of it!!

Just curious, do you talk to your husbands about this waiting game and exactly which day you're going to test? Obviously, mine knows when we DTD, but he is so in the dark about everything else. I am purposely not going to tell him I'm testing until I know something, but I realize that may be strange.

Happy Saturday all! Attaching a screen cap of my chart, any interpretation is welcome!


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Hi TexMel, your chart is looking great, fx that it stays that way and you get that BFP! Me and my DH timed BD'ing correct I think as we dtd just before and just after, I guess it's now a waiting game me thinks.

In regards to your question about telling the other half, tbh he is quite clued up on what's going on, whether he understands all this malarkey is another question. He knows that it's going to be much more regimented because of my PCOS and he is very sympathetic towards it.
I can understand why you wouldn't want to discuss every last detail as it's hard when they won't really understand how it feels to be in our shoes. I think you should share whatever you feel comfortable sharing and then the board is for the rest. We are all strangers to one another and that makes it a lot easier to discuss problems as we are all in the same boat :D
Crazycatlady - I'm sorry you're feeling so terrible :(. But knowing the reason for it, I'm sure it's a bit easier to go through it :). And it sounds like your little pea is getting settled in if your symptoms are increased. I think it's a good sign! Can you take Tylenol at least? I think that's the only thing you can take is acetaminophen (Tylenol). Might help somewhat, even though it's not a decongestant or cough suppressant.

Aidensxmomma - Sorry to hear that you got AF this time. I like your positive outlook! It's always nice getting out of the TWW at least and knowing you have a new opportunity.

HopefullyOpto - Welcome to the TWW with me and TexMel!

TexMel - Your chart looks beautiful! I wish my temps did that ... *sigh*. Is the cramping out of the ordinary? The other day I had some pinches but I feel like it's too high on my abdomen. Sometimes I get vaginal cramping too, and it was quite a lot earlier this week but after that maybe a twinge here and there. I do talk about my symptoms to DH a little bit, but not all of the little nuances. Usually more when I'm about to O so he knows that we should get down to business, haha. I don't tell him much about the TWW symptoms. He does know my temps aren't cooperating and that I was grouchy, but that's about it.

Afm - Temp is exactly the same - again. Today is 9dpo, I think. Does anyone have any thoughts about my red spotting that turned into 4 days of spotting last week? Maybe I didn't actually O but what else could that have been? But, I do feel like I'm in the LP with dizziness some days like I usually get, and been gassy. And (tmi), CM has gotten very wet over the past couple of days. Yesterday was like a cross between eggwhite and creamy - very stretchy and wet but cloudy. Also had a indescribable but very mild feeling like full boobs but all over my body, which makes me feel like maybe this time I am preggo? Last cycle I didn't feel pregnant at all and didn't even want to test. And that grouchiness too. But otherwise I feel normal. Ugh, symptom spotting. :wacko:
Yeah I can take Tylenol, my dr actually said I can take Advil too, which is what I normally take because I find it works better for me. But I'm not going to risk it unless I'm in extreme pain or something because I've heard otherwise, but it's good to know it's apparently not super risky. I'm going to try and cut out caffeine for the most part, I had one cup of coffee last couple days as dr said that was fine but I'm going to try switching to decaf or nothing. Maybe this will break my habit! I think I'm feeling a tiny bit better today, got a bit more sleep last night. I'm meeting my best friend who is also pregnant, she's due in August , and so excited to tell her!

Ksquared I think your symptoms are sounding really good, sounds soooo similar to me! I don't know about the bleeding and I know nothing about temping. But your cm, gassiness, and moodiness are exactly what I had! Have you been tired?

Aidensmomma - sorry to hear about af

Hopefullyopto - fx!
Ksquared - can you upload your chart so we could take a look? Maybe some additional eyes can help out :)
No I haven't had the tiredness really. When you say you have some pinches, is that around the uterus area or on the sides? Today I've had quite a few pinches around my ovaries. Not like O pain but just short little sharp pinches last last a few seconds. I feel pretty normal today though.

Thanks, HopefullyOpto. Here's my chart. I had the spotting start during the evening of Feb 26 after having O pain that afternoon. But my temps are showing nothing. :shrug:


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