Long cycles and the tww

I see it too, TexMel!! But you're saying that the line isn't in the spot it should be? Looks like a pretty clear BFP to me!

Thanks, HopefullyOpto :hugs:. I really appreciate you guys here to help me figure things out - even when I don't want to accept them at first, lol. I read some more online and it said that even without ovulation, I should get my period as normal. My body tried to ovulate nearly 2 weeks ago and even though it didn't succeed, I think it's still going through the motions. My cm is actually pretty dry today, so hopefully that means AF is on the way. Also backache and cramps, but also dizzy. Maybe by mid-week. FX.
Thanks, ksquared. Yeah, it is a definite line but in the wrong spot on the stick. I will look again when I get home tonight and see if I can take a pic to show you what I mean. It is quite cruel if it is just something these tests do.

I think it looks more like a BFP on the picture than it does in real life, though.
Hi ksquared, that's what we are here for!! Glad we can help where we can :)
It is very possible that you will get AF when scheduled as anovulatory cycles can be more common that we are lead to believe. It's probably just a once off for you and I hope the vitex does its thing as it has been before. Fx for a short AF and a nice timed ovulation for the next cycle.

AFM I am 5/6DPO, temps are still up but I am so nervous every morning that they are going to go down once more. My last two cycles I have a 14/15 day lp and I really want it to be the case this time (if I'm not pregnant of course!) I hope some of crazycat's baby dust rubs off on the rest of us soon! I'm sooo fed up with these long cycles. I really hope vitex helps me as much as it had for you ksquared. Out of interest have you changed anything else to help shorten your cycles or has it just been all vitex?
Ok, i took another one tonight and it did a similar thing, but I believe they are both just pooled dye at the "start" of the test. After googling, the wondfos do this regularly apparently. Guess I'll just wait a few more days and try again.
Attaching a pic, trying to show what I mean. The one laying flat is what I took tonight, the one I am turning on its edge is from this morning.


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Well as suspected it would my temp dipped this morning, not below cover line but very very close, within a minute I tested again and it was 0.4 degrees higher!! I don't get it. I do hate temping sometimes. I think I am going to temp vaginally next cycle as I sleep with my mouth open and my chart is always sooo rocky!

TexMel it looks like those wandfos are being extremely mean. Just wait a few days and test again.
Ksquared I have a question for you, what brand of vitex are you using, what is the dosage and how much do you take daily?
TexMel - Oh, I see what you mean. Bummer I guess that's negative then. How mean!

HopefullyOpto - Sorry for the delayed reply! Been extra busy at work. Glad your LP is progressing nicely, and maybe the dip was implantation! It's about the right time for it, so hopefully you start noticing some signs. I wondered about temping vaginally too but I usually do it while I'm going to the bathroom in the morning, lol. I usually take my temp once on each side of my mouth under the tongue. Weirdly my left side is usually warmer than my right. And then I record the highest temp. My Vitex is the Nature's Way brand from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001E101L2/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_Na4.ub02CGAEA. It's pretty inexpensive and yes that's the only thing I did differently. Even with eating poorly and not exercising as much over the holidays. Now with it being light after work, I'm getting back into running during the week so I'm excited. Hopefully getting healthier will make a big difference.
Oh, and I take 3 capsules at 400mg each. I'm supposed to drop to just 1 a day after I've been taking it 12 weeks, but I've been scared to because this cycle was so messed up. I might after I get AF drop to 2 for a week and then 1.
My body can't make up its mind. Yesterday I said my cm was dry, then last night I had some EWCM and then a bunch this morning. Then throughout the day it's been creamy. CD 29. Wonder if my body is still trying to O and if I'll get AF soon. I'd rather get AF so I can have a regular cycle!
Not since late last week. I figured I'd wait until this weekend to test if no AF.
Hey ksquared thanks for the information, I got very confused as there are ones with rather high potency which seemed as though they were more effective, my have 400mg the same as yours. I may take 3 a day as I heard you can take 2 a day of the high potency ones which are 1000mg each!!
Out of interest is there a reason you want to lower the dosage?
Also it does sound like your body is doing what mine did this cycle where my cm was changing rapidly. Sounds like it's gearing up. Fx it sorts itself out soon for you :)

*posted to early

As I said I'm 7DPO and had a spike in temp today which I'm happy about, I hope it stays up there. Apart from cramps I have no symptoms so I will hold out another week and test then (if I can hold out that long) :D
I feel as if I'm going a little crazy trying to read these! Am I just imagining a line where I want it to be? Or is there really a very very faint line there?

11dpo today. Some cramping again, feels a little like AF. BBs feel huge, but not sore. Felt a little nauseous yesterday, but I was on a road trip all day in cars and trains, so I thought it was just slight motion sickness.


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HopefullyOpto - No problem! Mine says on the bottle to take 1 capsule two to three times daily for 8 to 12 weeks. Thereafter, take 1 capsule daily. I take all 3 capsules first thing in the morning based on other people's recommendation to take it 30-60 minutes before eating. Awesome about the temp increase! :)

TexMel - I think I see it too! Hopefully it's really a line and not an evap :).
It was in the first 5 minutes, ksquared. Aren't evaps normally outside of the window?
Oh I'm not sure. If you can see it with some color in person, then that's a positive! It was very faint in the pic so I just didn't know. FX it gets darker and clearer in the coming days!
Ksquared I think the reduction is recommended as vitex is used for menstrual cramps and moodiness so maybe that's why they tell you to limit the amount, I might do as you do as I will no doubt forget to take them in the afternoon haha. I can't see 1200mg causing too many problems when women have reported taking 2000mg daily. I just want it to shorten my cycles that's all. Is that too much to ask :D x

TexMel I think that's within the window but as ksquared mentioned if it's not a definitive colour then it might be an evap (I sure hope it's not though) x

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