Long cycles and the tww

There's a slight possibility that it's too early, I was only 10dpo; however, I'm pretty sure the results are pretty definite. If I got a bfp on a urine test, a blood test should definitely be positive. So odds are the bfp I thought I got was just an evap. I think the FRERs are just indent lines. I took another one today because I like to torture myself and I swore I saw a line again. But it's not darker and I know I'm not pregnant, so the only real conclusion was that it was an indent line.

Like I said, though, there's a slight possibility that the blood test would be a false negative. If I implanted anytime after 7dpo, it would have been too early to tell, even on a blood test. I'm not holding out much hope, though. :nope:

I'm just ready for this cycle to be over. Having some cramping today, so I'm guessing AF is on her way. We'll just keep trying and hoping for the best.

BabeAwait - Welcome back! Glad to see you! :) How have you been? :flower:

ksquared - Why did FF change your ovulation date? I don't temp, so I don't use FF and can't be much help, but I would think that if you had all the ovulation signs Saturday/Sunday, then that would be your ovulation date. :shrug:

Everyone - Thanks so much for all your support. It really means a lot to me. :hugs:
Sorry to hear aidensxmomma, just see what the next few days bring. How long was this cycle?

Ksquared, it does look like FF is wrong, strange that it says ovulation on a day when your cm was now ew. Just go with you original calculation which probably makes you around 5DPO, realistically you are the only one that's going to know because you are experiencing the symptoms.

AFM - I think I am finally seeing some ewcm!! Yay! I feel a little "wet" down there (sorry tmi) so I'm hoping this is it. Have your fx for me ladies :)
Sorry to hear aidensxmomma, just see what the next few days bring. How long was this cycle?

Ksquared, it does look like FF is wrong, strange that it says ovulation on a day when your cm was now ew. Just go with you original calculation which probably makes you around 5DPO, realistically you are the only one that's going to know because you are experiencing the symptoms.

AFM - I think I am finally seeing some ewcm!! Yay! I feel a little "wet" down there (sorry tmi) so I'm hoping this is it. Have your fx for me ladies :)

Yay for ewcm! :happydance: FX for you!

This cycle will be 38 days long, if AF arrives on time. I ovulated on cd23. So not the shortest it's ever been but definitely not the longest either.
Aidensxmomma I'm really hoping that i ovulate around cd23 also, let's hope it's a false postive blood test and 23 is our lucky number. I'm starting to cramp so I am hoping that's a good sign. Tbh I'm not sure what to expect as I have never ovulated this early so I don't want to get my hopes up...

I'm sure we will all agree that the waiting game is awefully hard!
Babeawait - welcome back! I have thought of you often and hoped you were doing ok! Glad to see you back on here ready to join us again!

Ksquared - ff changed my o day by 1 day and I'm not positive I agreed with it fully. But it's all good now I guess. I'm thinking it has to do with the temp shifts but obviously you know all of your symptoms better than a computer. I'd stick with your original o day.
JamieLee - Welcome if you'd like to join us!

Aidensxmomma - If AF is on her way, I hope she comes soon so you can get started with a new cycle :(. But FX that you were just too early. For me, FF must have changed my chart because I had a second surge of ewcm just a day or two after O. But my temps seem to steadily increase after a dip on Friday. :shrug:

HopefullyOpto - YAY, time to do lots of BD!! Good luck! Thanks for looking at my chart and the advice :flower:. I think I will count O day as Sunday since that's when I had the darkest OPK. That way I won't try to test a day too early just in case.

Thanks, TexMel!

Afm - My CM turned creamy today, so the progesterone is surging :thumbup:. But I'm not having the little pinches anymore. But, I am still having an upset, gassy stomach. Not all the time but sometimes during the day. Also felt really irritable this evening. Wonder if it has to do with the progesterone. Hoping my temp shoots up in the morning! :)
I am happy to be back ladies :) :hugs: I've missed you all

Ksquared I actually have had issues with FF a handful of times changing my o date, totally false early o date, and removing my o date. Because I have a vip membership I would chat with one of their staffin the troubleshooting board and they would always fix it for me. If you don't have vip you can always manually enter it. Even though I knew my chart problems were due to my wacky cycles I couldn't help but get po'd at FF each time lol.

Aidensxmomma I'm sorry you're having a difficult time in the 2ww. Fx it gets easier and you get a good result soon!

Hopefullyopto I have FX for you! I hope it's a beautiful mature egg on it's way!

TexMel Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm so happy for you :)

Afm I am happy to be feeling somewhat human again. I'm not going to lie it was rough. As far an update on myself I will try to cover the gist of it. My journal has all the details. On Tuesday I have my first appt with my new obgyn. I'm pretty nervous for it. I'm hoping they will treat my PCOS and luteal phase defect asap. My cycle post mc improved I O'd sooner and my lp lengthened so that was good. And I think I am gearing up to O now which would be a week earlier than I ever have but I'm not counting on it. Oh and my gp said it's very likely I will be put on metformin and clomid. And that there's a possibility I will need progesterone. So it's kind of sucky that I might need to depend on drs now :/ of course if that's what it takes I'll do it.
Welcome back babe await !

Ksquared those symptoms are still sounding really good! Fx!
Hi ladies!
I read through some of this thread and feel like I can relate to all of you pretty well.
I have an average cycle length of 33 days, but since ttc starting in November (after having Mirena removed in Sept.) I have had a cycle as long as 37 days!
In March AF was 5 days late and I o'd on CD22. Had a very faint bfp on 14dpo, but the next day started bleeding heavily & so here I am on CD2.
Hi Silas,

Welcome to the board, I saw you over on the April board, sorry for your mc/chemical. Hopefully this cycle will be your successful one.

Ksquared, just a quick one, you are taking 2x 400mg of Vitex daily right?

BabeAwait glad to hear your cycle is coming back into gear and that you ovulated earlier this time round.

AFM well my cm has changed today so I guess it was a one off which is a shame, it's now more milky and runny (sorry tmi) maybe my body tried but just couldn't do it :(
Thanks, BabeAwait. I submitted a message to FF for help because I'd like them to look at my chart before I change it. Hopefully they agree! I did read your journal yesterday. Thank you for sharing your journey so far - I'm sure there are lots of ladies out there who just search the boards and don't ever comment who will be helped greatly by reading what you've gone through. You have lots of courage to lay it all out there - I'm sure it also is therapeutic to share your struggles, like we've all done on these boards :). I'm so excited to hear how your appointment goes early next week! I like that the doctors have a plan, so you have a team to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy! And FX that you do O soon and then they can put you on progesterone to lengthen the LP!

Welcome, SilasLove! I'm sorry to hear about your chemical too. Hoping you get a sticky bean this cycle. Besides being a bit long, are your cycles otherwise normal?

HopefullyOpto - I don't think you failed to O just yet. I usually get a little bit of EWCM, then it often goes back to wet or milky for a day, and then the EWCM comes back. And you said it was stretchy but not clear, right? I think your body is gearing up and just maybe isn't in a steady increase in fertile cm but fluctuating a little.

Afm - Still gassy and every morning have had (tmi) bad diarrhea. Looking back at my old charts, I usually have some gas but not every day and not diarrhea. So I don't know, maybe those are symptoms and we got lucky. Implantation actually would be happening in the next few days if it does happen, so I'm on the lookout for a temp dip or cramps. Or is it even possible to be having symptoms before implantation? Hmm.
Yes, except for longer cycles they are relatively normal. I have a 14 day luteal phase. But this last cycle was my first cycle getting a +opk. Not sure if I ovulated any other cycle because couldn't get a +opk. :shrug:
So I'm cd24 today, can't really tell what's going on with my cm as we BD'd and I don't know about you ladies but I find it hard to tell the difference between his and my own haha...
I do sometimes use OPK's crazycat but as I drink a lot I can't do a long enough hold to get any kind of results so I don't tend to do them often.

Silas 33 day cycles are not long cycles, I have only once ovulated before cd33 after coming off of the BCP.
Did you conceieve the other 2 relatively easily?
Hopefullyopto - I got my o on cd26! So don't count yourself out. Do an opk tomorrow am, maybe you'll o the same day I did!

Ksquared - I had all those lovely type symptoms, gassiness etc in my first few days. Then I had nothing until a few days after my bfp I got the pinching feeling off and on, and then nothing for a couple weeks till the symptoms hit. I think those gastrointestinal type symptoms were related, there was nothing else to attribute them to for me. But I didn't have any other symptoms until after implantation.
Craztcat, wouldn't that be amazing if I ovulated the same time as you did in your cycle :p maybe that's the lucky day haha.

Ksquared I really hope those symptoms are pregnancy related, it would be so nice if you got a BFP!

Crazycat how far along are you now?
SilasLove - yep we've all had issues with those darn OPKs, lol. This was actually my first cycle getting a definitely positive one (two days in a row!). My longest cycle was 51 days before I started taking Vitex, and most of the ladies on here have had longer, so 37 isn't so bad. Though anything longer than the perfect 28 days can be so annoying. Do you temp? I think that has really helped my peace of mind to be able to see a temp shift after ovulation and not rely on catching the OPK at the right time. I temp orally but I think vaginally is more accurate because it's not affected by sleeping with your mouth open like I do sometimes.

HopefullyOpto - Lol. I think I can tell the difference between his stuff and mine, but I usually wait several hours before trying to look at cm again. And we usually BD at night anyway. My first cycle on Vitex, I seemed to have ovulated 10 days sooner. The 2nd cycle it was another 9 days sooner. So FX it will happen for you like that or better! I'm still taking 2 Vitex but if I get a BFP or AF, I had planned to drop down to just 1 like the bottle suggests.

Crazycatlady - Maybe this is it then! I had diarrhea again this morning. On Thursday when I was out running and I did my usual mid-run bathroom stop, it was soooo bad. Embarrassing! I found this awesome chart that shows that ladies who get a BFP often see diarrhea just a few days after O! I really, really hope my body isn't just tricking me like it has the previous 6 cycles of TTC. Eek! :winkwink:


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This website is interesting when you're symptom spotting. This morning I have the sore legs like I did a good workout yesterday but I didn't. And even my run on Thursday was not good - had no energy. Ok, I have to stop thinking about all of this! Lol. I'm only 6-7 dpo.

Ksquared I would be doing the same thing, there is no harm in symptom spotting :D
They all look like good signs, let's hope that in a weeks time (give or take) that we get a nice BFP from you :)
Ksquared I looked at that exact same website like three times a day during the tww that I got my bfp!!!! I am convinced this is your cycle!

Hopefullyopto I think I am 10 weeks tomorrow. I have my dating scan on Wednesday so I'll know my exact due date soon!

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