Long cycles and the tww

Ksquared I hope it's a :bfp: ! I use to ss a ton. Don't let it drive you crazy lol it's an easy web to get caught in. Thanks for reading my journal! You're making me blush :) I hope it really does help others.

Crazycat wow 10 weeks already! Was I really gone that long lol. How are you feeling?

Hopefullyopto are you still wanting to confirm ovulation? It sounds like we are at the same point of our cycle. FF says a good way to tell the difference is his is more opaque than all our business lol maybe tmi but yes it can get confusing. Making babies is dirty work!

Silas I have to agree with hopefullyopto those aren't very long cycles. Although I understand how not fitting into the typical 28 day cycle with ovulating around day 14 can be frustrating. If you are having regular periods you should be ovulating. Annovulatory cycles do happen on occasion but your period is typically a result of ovulation and a progesterone drop from your corpus luteum. Opk can definitely be tricky especially if you have a short window to catch your lh surge.

Afm I might have ovulated today. FX! I'm on cd 24. My other o days have been cd 31, 44, and 29 so it would be a definite improvement. I've had a day and a half of positive opks with a negative this evening. Usually I have very bad pains when I o but I didn't have any today. Not sure if I should take that as a positive or negative thing lol! Also because of my pcos I've had positive opks and then failed to o. So we'll see if there's any chance I did with my bbt over the next few days. FF and I are going to either be best buds or enemies this week.
Hopefullyopto I mean waiting to confirm o. Lol of course you want to know if you did or not :p
Hi BabeAwait yes I'm still waiting, no sign of it yet.. My cm is (tmi alert) creamy but stretchy slightly and I have had some low pressure (not pain) for a couple of days. Not sure my body is ready yet. Last month I didn't ovulate till cd41 so I guess anything is an improvement on that :)
I really hope your OPKs are right and you did ovulate :D are you taking vitex, if so how much?
I did conceive my first two easily. I was just 19 with my DS and my daughter was a big oopsie 4 months later (missed one day of my bc and six weeks later I found out I was pregnant :wacko: )

But I understand my cycles are not that long compared to some.
Hey ladies :)

Sorry for being MIA again. I tend to do that when I'm feeling down about this whole TTC business. Feeling much better now, though, even though the :witch: is due today. It helps that I'm with my OH again, too. I spent this whole week away from him, which was not fun at all.

Today is my son's 7th birthday, so we'll be having a small family celebration for him. I'm so excited to give him his presents! :haha:

ksquared - I really really hope this is *the* cycle for you! Lots and lots of :dust: to you!

BabeAwait - FX you did ovulate!

HopefullyOpto - Hopefully you ovulate within the next couple days. I know how frustrating it is to be waiting.
Hopefullyopto I hope your body gets ready soon! Then maybe we will be in the tww together :) I feel like my cm is never reliable because I get so many patches of fertile cm. This was the first month though that I really had a lot of it. I couldn't deny the ewcm it made itself known lol. When I saw my GP (I should also mention his name is Dr.Dick lmao) he asked me to stop taking it because he was unfamiliar with it. So I only took it last cycle for the whole cycle and then stopped on cd2 of this cycle when I saw Dr.Dick.

Silas Wow so close in age! My mom and her sister are like that and my grandma always called them irish twins lol. Good thing she's irish or she might offend somebody. I've always wanted my kids close together in age. Was it difficult being pregnant again so soon?

My temp rose a whole degree this morning! If it keeps rising I'll have my o confirmed tuesday morning before my dr appt. :) FX and toes
Aidensxmomma Congratulations on being a momma for 7 years! I hope he has a great birthday :) I'm sorry you've been feeling down. I'm sure I speak for all of us that you can always vent to us! :hugs: Glad to hear your OH is home it nice to get extra cuddles throughout the ttc rollercoaster :)
BabeAwait - It wasnt extremely difficult, but had a lot of discomfort towards the end of the pregnancy. I would do it over again; I love the age gap. They potty trained together and everything lol.
Aidensxmomma, hope your son has had a lovely birthday! And glad you are feeling better now your OH is back, I can barely cope when my DH is away for a night let alone a week!

BabeAwait nice to hear about your temp spike. I cannot believe your Dr is called Dr dick, I must admit that I would have to stop myself from chuckling at that one haha :)
So did he prescribe you with anything as you are not taking the vitex any more or do you have to go back regularly to check how your cycles are fairing?

Afm - nothing going on at all... Creamy cm and that's it, I think my PCOS symptoms are getting worse but I want to continue to give vitex a chance as I know it can take a while... Cd25 for me today
Hey all! How is everyone doing?
Seems rather quiet on the board as of late :)

Cd26 for me and still nothing, tbh I'm not getting that worked up about it. I have a plan of action ahead, I'm paying for a private gp who will hopefully refer me for bloods (which again I have to pay for) and then whatever the results are I shall be going to an endocrinologist (privately) so I can get some answers and help. Will cost a fortune but I think I'm ready for it now. I'm too impatient... :D
Thanks for the encouragement, you guys :) :hugs:. DH and I decided to test this coming Wednesday at 11dpo. Yesterday I felt like there was definitely something happening down there, and this morning I had the same bathroom stuff, but now I'm starting to doubt myself. I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. And sometimes I don't feel anything. BUT, in previous months I can usually imagine that my uterus feels empty, like I still had hope but could also imagine it being empty. This time it doesn't feel empty - I can't imagine it empty. Is that weird? And every once in a while I feel those brief pains (mostly toward the sides but not quite O pain) and some very light dull cramping, just barely. The one thing I'm not imagining for sure is the gas/diarrhea. :wacko:

BabeAwait - Hooray for your ovulation and huge temp jump!!

Crazycatlady - Congrats on 10 weeks! Can't wait to hear how the scan goes!

Aidensxmomma - I totally et staying off the boards when you're feeling down. I do the same. Glad your OH is there for comfort, and you had your son's birthday to keep you distracted!

SilasLove - You are a strong woman to handle two so close in age! Though my friend has twins so it might be a little like that, lol.

HopefullyOpto - I'm sorry that O is still a no show. You're still early based on your other cycles, so FX that fertile cm shows up this week!
Ksquared - that feeling definitely sounds promising. And if it feels different then it could be a sign :) I have my fingers and toes crossed for you :D

So AFM if I do ovulate in the next week it will still be earlier than last time which was cd40 so who knows...
Hey ladies! Temp is still up so I'm happy about that. I'm pretty confident I ovulated. I am super nervous for my appt tomorrow! My biggest fear is they won't help me right away. I'm afraid they are going to want to do a whole round of testing first or tell me I need to try on my own for longer. Any advice? I am bringing my charts and wrote a few of my concerns down for my new obgyn.

Ksquared I hope it's a little bean making you feel that way! How many days do you have until your test date?

Hopefullyopto My gp wouldn't do anything because he felt I needed the specialty of an obgyn. So my appt tomorrow I'm hoping my new doc will give me something to help with my lpd and low progesterone. Since my mc my cycles have been getting a lot better strangely. As horrible as it was I wonder if it helped reset my body in a way. Do you typically ovulate around the same cd every cycle?

Silas potty training two at the same time oh boy you are one tough mama! That's like ripping off one giant bandaid lol. I like the idea of planning our second child close to the first. But there's no telling what my cycles will be like pp if they are this messed up now. Are your cycles similar to how they were before your kiddos?
BabeAwait I am going to a private GP as opposed to an NHS GP (as they wont refer me for blood tests) as soon as I have the results I'm getting an appointment with an RE, whilst I await the NHS Referal for a gynae as that can take 6 months!!

Glad your temp stayed up, let's hope you get some answers from your appointment. Have you had any previous tests that the gynae can look at? I was told without blood tests I will not get any proper answers. But that's the UK and the NHS can be really god dam awful sometimes. So I'm sure yours will go fine. Just make sure you go in with a plan and stick to it. Know what you want answered and make sure you don't leave without it. I'm jealous that I can't see mine sooner tbh :)
Thanks hopefullyopto! I took your advice and I want to make preventing another mc from low progesterone my top priority. Then will be treating my pcos and lastly in a perfect world getting pregnant faster. The last time I had hormonal bloodwork was over ten years ago when I was diagnosed with pcos so I don't think it would be very helpful for them. I had hoped my gp would do the bloodwork but he wanted to let the obgyn do it to prevent me from possibly having to get it done twice. Six months is a long time! I thought waiting the one month for my appointment was bad lol
BabeAwait - Good luck tomorrow!! I hope you get all of your questions answered and a good plan in place. :hugs;

HopefullyOpto - Yikes, 6 months?! I'm sorry I can't remember, do you have some appointments lined up?

Afm - Just 2 days until we plan to test. I was thinking Wednesday evening when I got home. But now I'm a little worried because I found a lump almost where my leg joins with my body, a couple of inches below where I think my ovary is on my right side. Feels firm and I'm surprised I hadn't noticed it before, unless it just showed up. So I need to make an appointment to get that checked. I hope all of these twinges and light dull cramping isn't because of that! It doesn't feel close to my ovary or anything, so my guess is it's not interfering with anything. *sigh* Cysts run in my family, unfortunately.
Ah, it's in my groin - I couldn't think of the word for that area! And actually, it may be a lymph gland and not a cyst, which explains how it appeared so suddenly. Phew - I'm feeling a little better. Maybe a reaction to a little bean! Lol. I really, really, really hope that's it!
Hey ksquared, try not to get yourself worked up about something that might indeed be nothing. Focus on the positive, you are almost at the end of your TWW so let's just see what it yields. We are all hoping you get that BFP!
Thanks, HopefullyOpto. I actually started searching online and found a bunch of ladies saying they had a swollen lymph node in the groin in early pregnancy, so I'm taking it as a positive sign :). There wasn't a lot of official information out there like on WebMD, so I don't know how common it is. Before I make an appointment I'm going to wait a few days to see if it gets bigger or smaller. Feels the same this morning.

Temperature jumped up today and diarrhea like clockwork. If this isn't my BFP I'm going to be so frustrated with my body!!
Another symptom I haven't mentioned because I didn't even think it it as a symptom is this rash on my side. I thought they were spider bites at first - two big bite-type itchy bumps on my side and lower back on the right side. Slowly I've gotten a few more small bumps, so it might be a rash. Google found lots of preggo ladies with the same thing - either before their BFP or in the 1st trimester. Weird, huh? Anyone else heard of this? It's itchy and when I scratch it's painful.

Tomorrow evening can't come quick enough for testing!!

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