Long cycles and the tww

Haven't the foggiest ksquared... But that's only because I have only been in 2x Tww as my cycles are so long. So I see your temp is still going up. When are you going to test?
I'm so hoping that the Vitex really helps shorten your cycles, HopefullyOpto. The worst thing about those long cycles is knowing that your opportunities to conceive are so spread out, and it makes those BFNs so unbearable. It was about this time last year when I was planning to stop taking the pill. If I had conceived the first cycle of TTC then I would have been due around now. Crazy. Lots of luck and baby dust that you O very soon!

I am testing tomorrow evening. Yes I was very pleased to see my temp jump up. It had been going between 98.1 and 98.3 for a few days and today was 98.5. Even still, feels like a miracle if I get a BFP tomorrow since it's eluded me for so long. Come on, lucky cycle #7!
Ksquared I would love to ovulate soon... I have had mild cramping for quite a few days now which might be my body trying to do something but somehow I doubt it :p

Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day! Looking forward to your results. Fx for you hun big big :hugs:
Ksquared I am so excited for you! All of your symptoms sound so promising! Like, if you don't get a BFP I will be so confused. Your temps look great. I just cannot wait to hear your results!

TMI - I've been super gassy and had diarrhea every morning since I was in the tww! I still can't decide if it's pregnancy or the vitamins I am taking. My dr gave me about 20 more samples when I went a few weeks ago, so I may try another one soon and see if it changes.

Other than that, I'm doing pretty well. Crazy pregnancy dreams have started. Last night I dreamt that I gave birth to a black baby girl who looked like she was already 18 months old. Also had 2 tornado dreams, a dream that I chopped my hair off, and a dream that I woke up ugly one day. I think I'm in for a crazy ride the next 7 months.
I'm starting to feel less confident. I have had hardly any of the little twinges yesterday and this morning except some near my ovaries when before they were more in the uterus. And my temp was lower today than yesterday - still in the range as the previous few days. And no diarrhea this morning, though I did go running yesterday evening and had it so maybe I don't have more yet (sorry for the tmi). I do still have that rash that could be PUPP and the swollen lymph node, but maybe it's some other rash and the lymph node is reacting to that.

I'm nervous!! Hopefully throughout the day I'll get more confident. :/
Thanks, TexMel! I really hope so but now that testing day is here I worry about seeing that stark BFN again and being crushed! I would be so confused too - my body has never had symptoms like these before.

Haha - those dreams sound hilarious! Last week I dreamt that I was shaving my DH's chest for him. That was my funniest to date :). But I've had vivid dreams in previous cycles too and this cycle hasn't been every night. The gas/diarrhea is good to know because that's my most convincing symptom plus the rash (I've never had a rash like this and it keeps slowly spreading). Glad things are going well for you and hopefully I'll be joining you soon!

Edited to add: I have also had this weird, rough and dry tongue feeling. Most strongly yesterday. Did you have that too? I've heard of dry mouth as being a symptom.
First of all, symptoms come and go. A day or two without twinges doesnt mean anything! Even after my BFP, I would have 4-5 days with no symptoms at all, making me think I was just going crazy!

Second, I know you are excited about tonight, but just know that 11dpo is still a little early and if it is there, it may still be very very faint. Don't give up hope this early if it is not a glaringly obvious line. It was more like 13 or 14dpo before mine was an actual dark line. I'm not telling you to not test, I'm just trying to prepare you for what could be super faint. I don't want you to be discouraged in any way!

Either way, you have a bunch of people here cheering you on or here for you whatever happens! Fingers crossed!!

Ps. I didn't really have the tongue thing early on. I seem to not be able to drink enough water right now, but I don't think my tongue ever felt different. Sorry girl!
Thank you SO much for talking me down, TexMel. You've made me feel tons better. Seriously. I haven't been very successful at not getting my hopes up, lol. FX I can get distracted enough at work until I get home and test. Going to use a FRER and hoping I see that faint line!
Ksquared, I'm really glad TexMel was able to reassure you. We are all looking forward to seeing what happens with your test, don't put to much pressure on yourself :hugs:
OK you guys, I swear I see something VERY VERY faintly. And in previous cycles on FRERs I saw absolutely nothing. DH didn't see it but his contact prescription is outdated (lol). As I was taking pictures, the line went away so my later pictures I didn't see it anymore. What do you guys think? I don't know how to reverse out the image? When should I test again?

Also, my twinges are back this afternoon/evening. Feeling quite a lot of them actually. And I emailed my doctor about my rash and she said to come in right away to get it checked - they'll call me tomorrow from the doctor's office to see if they can do same day. And she'll also prescribe me progesterone like we talked about when I saw her in January.


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I can't quite see anything Ksquared but I think your chart looks beautiful for a pregnancy chart! It still could be a bit early. I didn't get a line the camera could really pick up on my frer until 13dpo and I honestly am not the greatest at reading tests on the computer. I have everything crossed for you! I hope you can get a without a doubt definite answer soon! :hugs:
How is everyone doing? :)

My appointment went really well! :happydance: I take my first progesterone suppository tonight. Yay! I never thought I would be excited about a suppository lol! The doctor ordered day 21 bloodwork for me on Friday (I will only be 6dpo not 7) to check my levels. Then I will get a call about my results on Monday. :) I did in fact ovulate on Saturday so I am 4dpo today. I am pretty confident that our timing was good and with the progesterone that we could a healthy pregnancy that possibly could be confirmed in about ten days. Eek! :cloud9:
You know what ksquared - I think I see it! Really faint, yes, but often I can't see anything on those squinters so I think in real life it must show up more if I can see it a tiny bit! Oh my gosh I'm so excited! I got mine on 12 dpo, why don't you try day after next and then should be darker? Or tomorrow evening instead of am? I didn't use fmu, I took mine at like 7:30 at night.

Rash is also another symptom, my friend had that as her very first symptom.

Anyway, I had my scan today!! Got to see my little one! Sooo excited! My long cycles bumped my due date back to nov 13. I have my prenatal apt tomorrow so dr will confirm, but my ultrasound tech was very chatty and helpful.
BabeAwait - Thank you!! Yeah it was hardly there in real life. I had to turn it slightly back and forth and I kept saying to DH that I thought I could see something. So I'm still not sure it was an actual line or something else, but it gave me a mood boost not to see a stark BFN! I'm so glad your appointment went well and that you're also in the TWW :happydance:. That's awesome that you have progesterone so you don't have to worry about making enough on your own. If I go in tomorrow for my rash I might just ask for it so I can start taking it the second I see a definite line. I still have a little bit of creamy cm so I hope I'm producing enough. Good luck and hopefully the next 10 days will fly by!

Crazycatlady - Eeek I'm so excited someone else sees something besides me! Thank you! I tried really hard to look at it from all angles and then look away then back to make sure the line I thought was there was in the same spot, and it was. The other day I read this article about the 5 senses in men vs women, and for eyes it said they discovered that women can see details and finer things better while men can pick up fast movements better (from back in the hunter/gatherer days). I'm going to try tomorrow night or maybe if they do one at the doctor's office if I get in. DH wants to see the BFP if/when it happens so I have to make sure he's there on my next test :). That gives me more hope that your friend also had the rash!

Yay about your scan! Wow, how amazing that must have been :hugs:. I'm so happy that things are going well and before you know it you'll have a baby bump! I'm so looking forward to having a round pregnant belly. :) :) Best of luck for your appointment tomorrow!
Hi all!

Ksquared I can't see anything but I'm lame at seeing squinters especially on my phone :) I really hope that this is your cycle. It certainly seems like a lucky board for BFP!

BabeAwait I'm so glad your appointment went well and they have given you something to help your lp. Maybe that's all you will need and you will be on to that BFP at the end of this tww :D

Crazycat, I'm sooo happy that your scan went well. It must have been so emotionally overwhelming seeing the little bean. Just think at Christmas time this year you will be dressing your new little munchkin in baby's first xmas outfits and having a lovely family Christmas :)

Afm I think I'm hitting a bit of a low point I'm cd29 and nothing is really going on. I'm really not sure vitex is doing anything but give me spots and I'm getting disheartened about it. I wish for once that I can have a cycle under 40 days. I see the private GP on Monday for a referal for bloods and then on to the RE so maybe this is the start of something good... Who knows
Ksquared, when I look at it on my iPad and zoom in and out, something definitely keeps catching my eyes in the right spot!! Try again tonight or tomorrow and it will hopefully be a sure line! I am so excited for you!

Babeawait, I'm so glad they are taking good care of you! Sounds like the beginnings of a very promising tww! Fx!

Crazycatlady, so glad you finally have a due date! I know that waiting was hard for you! That puts you almost exactly 1 week before me!

HopefullyOpto, I got goosebumps when you mentioned the first Christmas this year! I hadn't really even thought about that yet!!! I am very sorry you are down right now. Glad you have your gp appt coming up. Hopefully between the gp and the re, you will get a good plan in place for you. I am still optimistic that this will happen for you soon!!

Afm my husband just left for a bachelor party in Las Vegas for the weekend. I am a little sad and lonely this morning, but I know I'll enjoy the peace and quiet, too. I have to work the whole time except today, so really it won't be too bad.
Texmel that seems about right based on when we got our bfps! So exciting!

Hopefullyopto - hopefully gp has some good advice.

Fx for you ksquared, can't wait to check in tonight and see if you have any news!
HopefullyOpto - That's ok :). When I click it open on BnB on my phone it looks like the resolution isn't as good as the original pic, so I can only see it when I look at the original myself.

I'm so sorry you're feeling down :hugs:. Hoping that at your appointment on Monday you get all of your questions answered to your satisfaction and they take good care of you. And that your cm gets on track very very soon. I read on another thread that you were starting some new exercises and cutting back on sugar and gluten. Use that strength training to power through those negative feelings! I think having a project and focusing on yourself does wonders for the mood and if nothing else can give you a little more distraction :).

TexMel - Yay! I'm so excited that you see something too! That's how I'd describe it too - my eye keeps catching in the same spot. Eek! If I am PG my due date would be Dec 26 so Christmas would be a very exciting time for me, lol. How fun that your next Christmas will also be the first family Christmas!!

Afm - I kept waking up last night and when I temped at 4:30am I was only 97.4! But at normal time I was 98.1 but I hadn't been asleep for 4 hours straight and I had woken up sweaty. I'm worried I don't have enough progesterone to sustain a little bean if it's in there. Also I didn't have diarrhea yesterday and then today it was difficult to go. I know they say constipation is a sign but I had diarrhea like clockwork every morning and now it's abruptly changed. Not sure what to think. I hope I get into the doctor today :/.
Ksquared I hope you are able to get to the dr today and get some answers. Wow you could have a xmas baby! :)

Hopefullyopto I am so sorry you are feeling down. It sounds very similar to how I felt before I had my dr appointments. I'm sure after monday you will start feeling much better because you will be working towards improving your cycles with medical professionals. Even after my first appt with my GP I felt a lot less hopeless. Monday is right around the corner so if it helps focus more on what you want to accomplish at you appt. I understand the feeling :hugs: but it will get better and you will get through it.

Crazycat I'm glad to hear your precious bean is doing good! It must be an amazing feeling to see them on an ultrasound :)

TexMel I'm sorry you H is leaving town. You can always talk to us when you're lonely. How is your pregnancy going?
Thanks all, I know you have all been in my shoes so the reassurance definately helps. Hopefully the GP is the first step in the right direction.

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