Long cycles and the tww

Hey ladies, a full month on vitex (cd31) now and nothing new going on... My cm is almost non existent and creamy.

I just need to rant as I have no one else to share with, I really hope vitex does what it seems to do for everyone else and help with their cycles. I'm not going to lie I am rather disappointed and disheartened that nothing but acne has happened since taking it. I definately feel a bit of a failure. Can't wait till Monday. It certainly seems like i am going to have to throw money at getting this sorted though...
So sorry hopefullyopto :( where do you live again? Hope your healthcare system covers some of it.
Hey ladies! Missed you all! :flower:

There's not much going on with me - cd6 and AF is almost finally gone. I've been doing pretty good, surprisingly. I'm getting ready to start another cycle of TTC and looking forward to it. I'm thinking of taking a more relaxed approach this cycle, but I'm undecided...I was thinking that maybe we'll just DTD every other day and hope for the best without taking OPKs. We'll see how I feel as ovulation day gets closer, though. It might drive me crazy not to know when I ovulate.

ksquared - :hugs: I'm sorry that you had the spotting and BFN. Hopefully it's just implantation and you'll get your BFP in a couple days!

HopefullyOpto - :hugs: I understand how you're feeling. TTC, especially with long cycles, can be incredibly frustrating. I hope your doctor appointment goes well and you're able to get some answers. How long have you been trying for (I'm sure you've said this before, but I forgot)?

BabeAwait - I'm glad your appointment went well! Hopefully this TWW flies by for you and you get your BFP at the end of it! FX!

CrazyCat - I'm so happy your ultrasound went well and you got to see your precious bean!

Sorry if I missed anyone...just trying to catch up quick. Hope all you ladies are doing well!
Thank you, guys. :hugs: Having a rough weekend but I'm pushing through it. I'll feel better when AF is done and I can look forward to ovulation again. DH is calling Monday to set the appt to get his swimmers checked. He's worried that he's the reason we haven't conceived yet. I would just rather know if it's just more time we need or if we need help. I'm thinking we didn't time BD well for many cycles because they were so long before and I didn't ovulate when I thought I did. So DH is more focused on that this time - this past cycle he wasn't very good about BD even when he wasn't in the mood. Plus this time we'll be on vacation so it'll be easier to BD daily!

HopefullyOpto - I'm so, so sorry you're not having any results with Vitex yet. Of course you can always vent to us! I was so hoping it would have started kicking in by now. That must feel so unfair. :hugs: Hang in there - the acne means at least something's changing, even though it sucks that it's the only change so far.

Aidensxmomma - Glad AF is ending for you. I'm just 4 days behind you now at CD 2. Glad you're feeling excited and I think every other day is a good plan. OPKs can be too stressful to deal with sometimes.
Hi ksquared, sorry your having a rough time. The first few days of AF are always a painful reminder, but it's the start of a new cycle and one cycle closer to your BFP!

I hope you DH's results come back positive. It will just mean you can focus on yourself :)

I really hope vitex works soon I have read that if you get acne it could be possible that I already have enough progesterone and am estrogen dominant in which case vitex might make things worse... It's all so very confusing :(

How is everyone doing anyway? Where is everyone in their cycles and pregnancies?
Sorry again to the girls going through a rough time.

I'm doing well. 10 weeks and 2 days. I'm showing already I think, unless it's all bloat (which I'm sure most if it is at this stage :s). But I have one harder spot popping out a bit. I can't wear my normal jeans anymore. So that's my latest news! I don't have another scan or prenatal apt before 12 weeks, so I'm slowly starting to tell friends as I see them. I'll wait till I hear the heartbeat again at the next prenatal apt to put the news on Facebook though I think. That's be just before 14 weeks.
Glad to hear the pregnancy is going well crazycat, I live in the UK by the way. We have the NHS over here which is classed as "free" healthcare but is paid using our tax deductions each month so essentially not "free"
But unfortunately they won't help me out, they won't give me blood tests or referals which means I have to pay for private care and appointments which cost a fortune! and no UK health insurance covers fertility care.

Ksquared and aidensxmomma I hope AF ends quickly for you two! FX you both have beautiful early ovulation this month :)

Crazycat I'm glad to hear your pregnancy is going well :) Isn't bloating the worst?! I'm terrified I will look five months pregnant six weeks in because I bloat so easily. Are you going to do an early scan to find out the gender?

Hopefullyopto I had the same experience with Vitex. I was only on it for a month since my gp asked me to stop it. Horrible cystic acne and nothing else. They say it can take several months for it to take affect. I think for women like myself with multiple hormonal problems it may not be enough. I'm sorry your treatment is going to be expensive :( health care systems really suck sometimes. I hope you have a good appointment tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.

I had a possible implantation dip today. I'm getting impatient waiting for my test date! Come on and get here 14dpo!
Babeawait when are you testing? I'm going to find out the gender at my 18 week scan. We don't get another one until then here in Canada.

Our health care is I think pretty good here compared to what I've heard about some other places. But my husband and I both have benefits so if we didn't there are some things that would still be expensive. I guess if I wanted extra scans I may have to pay for them? I'm not really sure. Private health care is so uncommon here because we do get pretty good public health care. I don't know anyone who has had a private scan. If I didn't have benefits my diclectin that I'm taking for morning sickness would have cost $180 though! Most fertility treatments aren't covered here either though. I know my benefits wouldn't cover it. A coworker had to do IVF last year as she had been ttc for years, and her husbands benefits did happen to cover most of it. But wouldn't cover it for her! Which is ridiculous since he could obviously never do IVF himself! So if they cover it then a spouse should be able to use it.
HopefullyOpto - Did you have your appointment? Curious how things went. Thinking of you!

BabeAwait - How exciting! I hope it was an implantation dip! FX!

Afm - Feeling really down today. Having trouble acting happy at work. I'm trying really hard to think about our vacation and get excited for that, but I find my mind slipping back to last week when I thought I was PG. I really think there was something that didn't stick, and maybe the rash was a warning. Now I wonder if I should have gone to that appt on Friday and I could have convinced them to do am ultrasound. My rash is healing but still itchy, and my rough tongue feeling is almost back to normal. Otherwise I feel normal. Seems like Wednesday was the turning point, when my symptoms started to fade. AF is light now so hoping it'll be over in the next day or two so I'm not reminded every time I use the bathroom. I'll need to change my mood soon so I can get focused on my next fertile window! Thanks again to everyone for being so supportive.
I feel like I may have got your hopes up ksquared, sorry. But like you said, it really sounded like you were. And I've wondered the same thing, as heartbreaking as it would be, maybe you were and it didn't stick?

I've been chatting with you here on these boards for several cycles now and it just sounded so different than any of your other cycles. And such a shorter cycle too, has your af been normal?
Hopefullyopto I hope your appt went well. Not sure what time it is over there since we're on opposite sides of the pond.

Ksquared if I could burn the witch at the stake for you I would. I hope once af is gone you're able to relax a bit easier. I always use af as an excuse to have a several glasses of wine, eat lots of chocolate, and complain about everything guilt free. My poor husband. FX your vacation will be exactly what you need this cycle.

Crazycat My insurance sucks so I can sympathize with some situations. I can't imagine paying out of pocket for IVF tho I hear it's upwards of $10,000! A lot of people in my area do early u/s privately for gender. I know at my office it's from $75-250 depending on what add ons you get like dvds and things. But it is only about a month earlier than the covered 18 week scan so it just depends on how impatient they are lol.

Afm temp is back up today not quite as high as before the dip but almost there. So far everything this tww is eerily similar to when I had my cp. Hopefully this cycle will have a better end result. So far today I have had this pinching feeling in the same spot of my uterus all day it's pretty uncomfortable. I have lower back pain which isn't typical for me. My bbs don't hurt anymore and this is the first day I haven't taken a nap since starting the progesterone on Wednesday. I feel like I might be getting a little more comfortable with the dosage.
I called the drs office to get my results today. She said my progesterone levels were 13.7 and that it confirmed my ovulation and that it was right in the middle of average. I forgot to ask the range so I looked it up. It said that anything above 10 was okay and showed ovulation happened and that 15 was preferred for those taking progesterone. So I feel okay about it. I'm happy to be on the progesterone otherwise my fear of mc would be worse than it already is.
My original test date was on Saturday when I will be 14dpo. Now I'm thinking of testing Wednesday or Thursday but I'm not sure yet. I keep trying to blame all my symptoms on the progesterone so I won't be as devastated by a bfn.
Oh and I haven't spotted at all this lp. Every other lp I had brown spotting starting on 2-5dpo and it wouldn't stop til af. So I'm very happy about that!
Ksquared - I feel awful. Like crazycatlady, I feel I aided in getting your hopes up and I'm so very sorry! It sounded like all the right things. My heart breaks for you. I feel like we are all in this together and I can't wait to see the day you all get your BFPs.

Babeawait - trying to learn from previous posts and not go all crazy, but those things do sound good. Keeping everything crossed for happy news for you! Glad the Drs seem to be on top of it and are able to reassure you this far. Can't wait for you to test!
Thanks TexMel! I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself. Obviously I still will be devastated if I get a bfn no matter how well I try to prepare myself. It doesn't help that there's a little extra pressure from spending a couple hundred dollars at the drs and pharmacy this week :/
You guys are so sweet :hugs:. Please don't feel bad for thinking I would get my BFP! I would have gotten my hopes up just as much on my own because my symptoms were so very different. I'm hoping if there was something that didn't stick, that my body will be better prepared for the next time a little bean comes knocking! I read in a couple of places that as much as 60% of first time conception are chemicals or mc, so hopefully I got mine out of the way. Not to scare you guys or anything! Just saying it's pretty common. FX this cycle is lucky #8 :).

Crazycatlady - AF was a little odd at the start with the bright red/pink spotting at first (usually I have brown spotting to start) and pretty heavy flow for about 12 hours, but otherwise it's been normal and seems to be tapering off at the regular time. And yes, this cycle was 5 days shorter than my shortest cycle. I guess I'll never know for sure. Makes me wonder how many ladies have a chemical so early that there was never a BFP. There would be no way to know :shrug:. How exciting for you that you're almost showing! I can't wait to have a baby bump!

BabeAwait - Haha, I like that - burn the witch at the stake :). Oh yes, DH has gotten an earful and held me while I sobbed and told me it wasn't all in my head. That first night especially he was the best. I think this experience has really increased his motivation for TTC, and he'll be much more focused because he's been much more relaxed about it than me. I'm glad the progesterone symptoms are mellowing and that you're having similar symptoms as your first BFP. FX!!
Hi all,

Sorry I have been a bit vacant, I had a day of mixed emotions yesterday. I really hoped that the private gp would kick start the process but she was reluctant and didn't refer me as she said the NHS would refer me otherwise it would cost a small fortune! So the long and short of it was that I didn't get a referal for bloods and she is writing a letter to my gp to tell them to help me out.
I then spoke to the hospital to check whether my other gp had made good on her word and put in a referal to a gynae. They said that no referal had been received... I Then rang the GP secretary who said that for some reason it had gone awol and she recognised my name which meant something was going on... So I have to call back again to check then call the hospital for an appointment!
All this malarkey is not doing well for my emotions.

Anyway enough of the rant, Glad to hear that AF is exiting the building ksquared, sorry you are having a rough time with it, that's why as hard as it is not to do I try not to symptom spot because I don't want the disappointment. Maybe you should instead just write them down on a notepad that way they are out of your system and you don't dwell on it and then if you get your BFP that month you can look back and know that those were BFP symptoms.

Glad to hear your temp went back up BabeAwait and that your levels are right where they are meant to be :) let's hope it's a sticky one for you. Can I just make a suggestion, it might be worth not testing soo soon as you don't want it to lead to dissapointment. Maybe when your are 12DPO you will likely have a more solid result. That's only a suggestion though so you don't have to listen to a word of it :D

:hugs: all round
Only 10dpo today. I couldn't help myself I had a strong urge to test. Took this with fmu and the pic is right after the 3 minute mark. I don't see anything at all. I know it's still early though.


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Hopefullyopto I wish I had taken your advice. Unfortunately I had already pulled the trigger before reading your post. I'm sorry you're still in limbo with drs. How frustrating. Hopefully the will call you with another appointment soon.

Ksquared I know my cp lit a small fire under my H to try harder. When any of us get so close to that bfp or we lose it I think it really shows them how bad they want it.
Babe await - like texmel said, without trying to get too ahead of myself this time, those do sound like good symptoms. I was having spotting a couple days before af the last couple cycles before I got my bfp. But no spotting the month I got my bfp. I tested at 12 dpo.

Just ignore that test, doesn't count so soon. Try again in a couple days.

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