Long cycles and the tww

HopefullyOpto - I'm so sorry your appointment was not as productive as we'd all hoped. Ugh - I wish they would stop giving you the run around and just get it together! I'm glad at least there are a few more steps in the works so you're not totally out of luck. FX you get that referral in place and the GP will help you after receiving the letter. Yeah, I usually am better about not symptom spotting because I know my cycles much better now. I'll just have to prevent myself from googling symptoms if I have another crazy cycle like this. Though usually research helps calm me down - it's when I speculate that I start to dwell on things. But like I said, this cycle was SO different.

BabeAwait - Aw, sorry there was nothing on the FRER today :(. Hoping it turns positive by this weekend. At least your LP is going well!

Afm - My OB/GYN emailed me today to check in and see if I ended up getting a positive test. It made me feel good and like she cared because I felt like she stopped responding to my messages last week when I wanted progesterone. She even offered to do some "serial blood pregnancy tests." Maybe she meant if I didn't get a positive test but also no AF. I responded with what happened, asked if it's possible it was a chemical, and asked if we could do an ultrasound and possibly some blood tests after O along with progesterone supplements. Waiting to hear back. AF is almost over - possibly today is the last day. I'm SO TIRED today for some reason. :sleep:
Hey ksquared, so glad it seems like your OB is taking an interest, must make you feel like your not so in the dark. Fingers crossed for a nice timely ovulation this month and a BFP at the end so you can put the last cycle behind you.

Since my appointment on Monday I have been having mixed emotions. I have thankfully found out that they have but my referal into the hospital and I can phone on Friday to make an appointment although the likelyhood is that i won't been seen for some months yet. I think my acne is starting to clear on my back although getting worse on my face so not sure what to think about the vitex. I have decided that I am going to take inositol. The reviews on it are pretty good and Im hoping that the combination of Vitex/inositol and regular exercise/healthy diet will bring my cycles into check.

BabeAwait how are you getting on?

Aidensxmomma where have you disappeared to??
Hey ladies :hi:
Still have good temps. I feel so anxious and tortured waiting for my test date. I can't find a good way to cope :wacko:

Ksquared and hopefullyopto glad to hear you're on your way to getting help from doctors

Crazycat when you had tested did you use frers? And did you get any bfn before your bfp? I'm just trying to reassure myself I'm not out lol
Chart is looking great hun! You are now in the normal range of an LP length so that's positive. :)
Hey ksquared, so glad it seems like your OB is taking an interest, must make you feel like your not so in the dark. Fingers crossed for a nice timely ovulation this month and a BFP at the end so you can put the last cycle behind you.

Since my appointment on Monday I have been having mixed emotions. I have thankfully found out that they have but my referal into the hospital and I can phone on Friday to make an appointment although the likelyhood is that i won't been seen for some months yet. I think my acne is starting to clear on my back although getting worse on my face so not sure what to think about the vitex. I have decided that I am going to take inositol. The reviews on it are pretty good and Im hoping that the combination of Vitex/inositol and regular exercise/healthy diet will bring my cycles into check.

BabeAwait how are you getting on?

Aidensxmomma where have you disappeared to??

I'm back, I'm back. :haha:

Was just taking a little break off the forums. I needed more time to recover from this last cycle than I expected. Plus, there hasn't been a whole lot going on. Gonna try to catch up with everyone today though. :thumbup:

ksquared - :hugs: Sorry to hear that you've been having a hard time after this last cycle. I had a hard time this last cycle too. I could have sworn I got a bfp early on and then I ended up getting AF; it's really heartbreaking to go through that and completely understandable that you'd be upset about it. I'm sending lots of hugs and dust for this next cycle! I'm glad your OB seems to really care though, and hopefully she can run some testing and help you figure out what's going on.

HopefullyOpto - I'm sorry that your appointment wasn't as productive as we all hoped. At least you've got your referral for the hospital in though. I hope you're able to get an appointment soon and don't have to wait months for one. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is inositol?

BabeAwait - Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for your BFP! I think 10dpo is still really early to get a bfp, so keep your hopes up! :flower:

crazycat and TexMel - I hope your pregnancies are going well! I can't believe you ladies are getting so far along already! :)

AFM - I don't think ovulation is in the near future for me. Only cd10 though, so I'm not worried about it yet. I had something weird happen though. Right after my period ended, I started getting semi-fertile cm and then what seemed like ewcm. This was on cd7-cd9. Honestly, I could have been getting cm confused with my OH's stuff ( :blush: ) but I can't help but wonder if this is some sort of freak cycle. Especially because yesterday my negative OPK wasn't as light as I would have expected and I've been having cramps today like I normally get after ovulation. I'm pretty sure it wasn't ovulation and just a weird coincidence, but I can't help but wonder. :shrug:

Also, in non-TTC related news, my OH and I have set a date for our wedding! :happydance: We plan on getting married February 29, 2016. We are an odd couple, so we figured an odd date would be perfect for us and what better odd date than the leap year day. :haha: Unfortunately, it falls on a Monday, but the people we talked to said it would work out fine as long as everyone has enough notice to take off work, so we're sticking with it. I'm so excited to start planning!
Glad you're back aidensxmomma!
I love the idea of leap year :) how unique! I am a newlywed myself (im sure you all can tell by my pic and siggie) I loved wedding planning! I did everything myself and it turned out perfect. If you ever want to know of good places to buy wedding items feel free to ask me. I've become the go to wedding advisor of all my friends and I love doing it.
Maybe you are ovulating, wouldn't that be crazy if it happened this soon?!
Babeawait - I had bfNs on 9 & 10 dpo before a squinter on d11 and a BFP on 12dpo. You are certainly not out yet!!

I used Wondfos for most of those, then Frer on 13dpo to confirm the Wondfo was correct.
Glad you're back aidensxmomma!
I love the idea of leap year :) how unique! I am a newlywed myself (im sure you all can tell by my pic and siggie) I loved wedding planning! I did everything myself and it turned out perfect. If you ever want to know of good places to buy wedding items feel free to ask me. I've become the go to wedding advisor of all my friends and I love doing it.
Maybe you are ovulating, wouldn't that be crazy if it happened this soon?!

Thank you :)

I will definitely be taking you up on that offer, I'm sure. My OH and I are doing whatever we can ourselves and planning everything ourselves. So I'm sure I'll need help down the line. :thumbup:

That would be absolutely crazy if I ovulated this early. I'm not sure that it's even possible, since it was only a couple days after AF. I really doubt it was ovulation but I can't help but hope a little bit. I just hate the wait to ovulate so much.
One more day til I test. I keep reminding myself I just have to get through today. My temp dropped slightly today but is still nearly a degree above my coverline so I hope it's still okay. I've had bad heartburn since dinner last night and feel worn out even tho I haven't done anything. FX toes and everything else

TexMel that is good to know. It makes me feel better to hear a first hand experience vs a statistic.

Aidensxmomma Waiting to O is torture when you have long unpredictable cycles. You constantly have to be on top of your game. I hope you do O soon so you don't have to wait very long.
HopefullyOpto - I'm glad the referral is in! Hoping that when you get to make an appointment tomorrow that it won't take months to get you in. But at least there will be an appointment to look forward to instead of being on your own. I'm not sure what inositol is either but perhaps it will be just the thing you need. I wish there was an at home blood test machine, like diabetics have to test blood sugar, that we can use to test hormones and figure out what our bodies need. Seems crazy we have to rely on a big hospital or the mercy of a doctor for a simple blood test - ugh.

Aidensxmomma - Congrats on setting the date! It'll be great to have wedding planning to keep your mind occupied, plus it will be so fun and exciting getting all of the details in place :). That's odd about the cm - I wonder if it could be remnants of AF? When I'm in the spotting phase of AF, I feel like I have creamy cm and sometimes even egg white mixed in with the brown. And you don't temp to confirm O, do you?

BabeAwait - That would be so awesome if you got your BFP tomorrow! It would be your second in just a few months, which would be amazing. But if it's a BFN and you get AF, you'll at least have known the progesterone supplements did the trick for a perfect LP and that will make it much less stressful the next cycle.

TexMel - Yes, definitely good to know that a BFN can still lead to a BFP. You're proof!

Afm - I haven't heard back yet from the doctor. I'm hoping she is just a busy lady and didn't have time yet and not that she doesn't want to set an appt for me. Also, for the past 3 mornings I've had the diarrhea again, and very gassy, and a few dizzy spells the last 2 days. But obvs I'm not pregnant. I did take a cheapie two nights ago just because I was curious and its was bfn of course (though it was very diluted evening pee). This just makes me worry that I have cysts or something is off. At least AF is over now. Last night I did a yoga class outside on the beach, which I'll be able to do every Wednesday, and it was SO nice and calming. I'm thinking it will help me de-stress while TTC :).
Hi ladies, I shall be finding out tomorrow just how long my wait is going to be, I imagine it's not going to be any less than a couple of months though which is upsetting :(

O and inositol it a glucose metabolising supplement. Part of the vitamin B group. As vitex doesn't seem to be working I imagine I have a problem with insulin as opposed to progesterone.
You should have a look and inositol and PCOS on Google, it gives you loads of information on very promising studies. It works a lot like metformin and as you can take both inositol and metformin together it can't hurt to start it whilst I'm waiting for the referal appointment.
Why is TTC so hard...!
Hopefullyopto I hope it helps!

Ksquared Wow beach yoga sounds amazing! Here in Kansas City I couldn't be any further away from a beach lol.

I'm in a weird mood today :( My H is doing a test for a job that could change our lives for the better. I'm a ball of nerves. I really do think I'm pregnant but I know I need to wait to test for my own mental state. I feel a bit depressed today. It could be more mood swings from progesterone maybe but idk... :(
How many dpo are you babeawait?

I didn't have any bfns first the cycle I got my bfp, but I also waited until 12dpo to test that cycle because I was fed up with bfns, haha. The one and only test I took was a frer digital.

Enjoy wedding planning aidensmomma! I loved planning mine. Can't believe it's been over a year since mine now, time flies!
I'm 12dpo today. I would have waited til Saturday but I'd rather know tomorrow before the weekend starts
HopefullyOpto - Interesting, I'll look up inositol. I hope things go well when you call tomorrow. But if it is a couple of months, maybe you can call once a week to check for any last minute openings too. Or if they can out you on a call back list to try to get you in sooner. It's insane how long it takes to be seen by doctors sometimes, and it sounds like the UK can be even longer. :hugs:

BabeAwait - I hope things go well with your DH today! I know it's hard, but try not to have it in your mind that tomorrow's test will be positive. The progesterone could be playing tricks on you. But maybe you're right!!

Omg - Only a week until we go on our Mexico trip!! It just hit me. :) Ugh I still haven't heard back from my doctor. I also have this weird numb toe that is spreading, possibly from running or bad shoes. Ugh!
Hi ksquared, I definately think the referal line will get sick of me with the amount of times I plan to annoy them with my calls. I know I'm not the only one TTC and there are many other woman out there in the same position so I must be conscious of that but I will do my best to get as soon an appointment as physically possible :) I shall update you all this afternoon on the outcome.

BabeAwait, I hope your DH's test went well. It's always nerve racking when big things like that are going on in your life :) I'm sure everything will be fine.
Well done for staying strong and not testing until now. So this is your longest lp to date now. Clearly that progesterone is doing wonders for you. When are you planning on testing?
Thanks for the congrats everyone :flower:

ksquared - it could have been remnants of AF. It was just really weird. I've never noticed that before. And no, I don't temp, so that can't be of any help.

That's exciting about your trip to Mexico! I bet you're getting excited :)

BabeAwait - How did your DH's test go? Good luck for your pregnancy test! I am keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you!

HopefullyOpto - I agree with ksquared - maybe you'll be able to get an appointment sooner due to cancellations. It can't hurt to ask them to add you to a list or something when they make your appointment.

crazycat - I'm sure that I'm going to enjoy wedding planning. Just the little bit I've done so far has been fun. :) Next week I think my OH and I are going to a resort to do a wedding tour. I'm super excited!

AFM - I have some cm already and my OPKs aren't as faint as I would have expected, so I think I might ovulate sooner than I did last cycle. I'll keep testing and hope to see a positive soon.
Looks like a BFN to me :( weird thing is my temp went up this morning.


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BabeAwait - I'm sorry that it was a BFN :(. Big hugs to you - are you doing ok? :hugs: How frustrating to have a bunch of symptoms and then that stark white FRER. Are you supposed to stop taking the progesterone at some point to allow AF to arrive? I would think so since AF is triggered by a drop in progesterone. At least it's the weekend.

HopefullyOpto - Looking forward to hearing how it goes with your appointment set up!

Aidensxmomma - Hoping the cm and slightly darker OPKs are a good sign for ovulation this cycle!!

Afm - Nothing new to report really. My belly was so grumbly and bloated and gassy last night. This morning has been better though. I'm just on cm watch now. Thinking I'll start OPKs on Monday at CD 11.

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