Long cycles and the tww

Hi all,

BabeAwait sorry about your bfn, don't get dishearted, it's your first cycle on progesterone and it seems to have worked very well for you. Additionally if AF is not here then surely your not out just yet :)

So today has been a rather happy day for me. I rang the central referal unit this morning and got an appointment! I couldn't believe it when they said they can see me in 3 weeks!! So very happy/nervous/excited a step in the right direction for once. And my inositol turned up super early so i am starting that this evening. So i feel like im happier today than i have been of late :)

Ksquared have you started to ovulate around the same time each month yet or is it still a little unpredictable?

Aidensxmomma, i was so wrapped up in myself (sorry) i forgot to say congrats on setting a wedding date! Lovely having it on a leap year! Im also a newlywed so if you want some tips or advice then let me know and i shall help where i can :D
Whereabouts in your cycle are you now? How long was your last?
No AF not even a temp drop. My obgyn said to take it until AF. She didn't say to stop it if AF doesn't start on it's own. I'm depressed today I really am still hoping for that bfp. My husband did pass his test but won't hear back until later tonight or Monday.

Congrats on the early appt hopefullyopto
:( BabeAwait please dont feel depressed or down. I know im not in your position so i don't know how you feel but the progesterone is a step in the right direction. You are ovulating sooner and having longer LP's so thats great. Your not out anyway and feel free to rant away, we are all here to listen :hugs:
O and congratulations to your husband for passing the exam, such great news. So if all goes to pln what does it mean for you both?
HopefullyOpto - Thanks :) I'm sure that I will have to ask you ladies for plenty of wedding planning advice in the upcoming months. My OH and I are going to go see a possible venue for a tour next week Thursday, which I'm super excited about.

I'm on cd13 now. My last cycle was 38 days, but I'm expecting this one to be slightly shorter than that. At least I hope. My OPK today was very slightly darker than the one yesterday, but not by much. I'm moving next week though, so I hope the stress of moving doesn't push ovulation back.

Also, I'm so happy that you've got an appointment in three weeks! I'm glad it's not a months-long wait like you were expecting. It must be a huge relief to be taking steps in the right direction.

BabeAwait - So sorry you got a BFN :hugs: Try not to get too down about it (easier said than done, I know). At least the progesterone is doing it's job well. If you're unsure about whether you should stop taking it or not, could you email or call your doctor and ask them?

And congrats on your husband passing his test! Hoping for good news for you and him regarding the job!

ksquared - What cd did you ovulate on last cycle?
Hi Aidensxmomma, i hope your cycle is even shorter this time round. I cant remember if you mentioned this earlier but are you taking any medications for your cycles?
Good news is hubby got the job. Bad news is the witch got me :( The progesterone really tricked me this cycle. Now I know to be much more diplomatic next time.I am better emotionally now I just hope I ovulate as early next time. I may be off bnb for a few days, everything is good I just use af as a mini vacation from the ttc universe. I'm ready for my wine and lots of chocolate! :)

I hope everyone is doing good :)
Hey BabeAwait, sorry to hear the witch got you, she is most definately wanted after that tww. im happy to hear you had a normal length LP, i dont blame you for wanting to take a mini vacation from it all, we all have done it :D
Go an enjoy some wine and chocolate for a few days and we shall see you back here soon :) :hugs:
HopefullyOpto - I'm not taking any medications for my cycle yet. Although I have started a Vitamin D supplement since I know I have a vitamin D deficiency.

BabeAwait - Sorry to hear AF got you :hugs: I like the idea of a mini-vacation from all things TTC. Enjoy your wine and chololate!

And congrats on your hubby getting the job! :happydance:
HopefullyOpto - I'm so happy you got that appointment!! Hope inositol helps you O soon. So nothing yet I take it?

BabeAwait - I'm so sorry that AF showed up :(. Enjoy a little respite from TTC and we'll be here when the witch leaves. I myself enjoyed a large beer tonight since I'm still about a week from O :). And congrats to your hubby!

Aidensxmomma - Good luck with moving this week, and hooray that your OPK is getting slightly darker!

Afm - Last cycle I O'd on either CD 15 or 16. I'm at the end of CD 9, so we should start BD-Ing more frequently now. No fertile CM yet though. Today I bought a new swimsuit and an underwater camera and started pulling together the important things for our trip (like passports). I'm getting really excited now! Not sure if I'll be able to check in during the trip, but I hope so because I'll get my phone set up for international. We leave Friday :happydance:
Hi ksquared, nope no ovulation as of yet, maybe soon who knows... I really hope that the inositol works for me.
I hope your body is gearing towards a nice timely ovulation like before. Fx that the extra BD'ing catches the egg :D
Its just a waiting game for me now, these next 2/3 weeks cant move quick enough :)
Hi ladies! Happy to find a forum to share the frustration of long cycles. Mine vary between 26-36 days, sometimes even longer. I have polycystic ovaries so i may not ovulate every month. This month i promised myself not to be symptom checking as last week i was sure to be pregnant and so dissapointed afterwards. Well anyway can't help it as I'm feeling extremely tired and smells are really getting to me! At the same time i don't know what this woman in the bus was wearing to smell of roses so strongly, it was revolting. Have never smelled roses so strongly before. 😷

Af is due between 4-10th of may. So hard to decide when to test! Trying to wait as long as possible. Anyone else waiting to test around those times?
Hi ladies! Happy to find a forum to share the frustration of long cycles. Mine vary between 26-36 days, sometimes even longer. I have polycystic ovaries so i may not ovulate every month. This month i promised myself not to be symptom checking as last week i was sure to be pregnant and so dissapointed afterwards. Well anyway can't help it as I'm feeling extremely tired and smells are really getting to me! At the same time i don't know what this woman in the bus was wearing to smell of roses so strongly, it was revolting. Have never smelled roses so strongly before. 😷

Af is due between 4-10th of may. So hard to decide when to test! Trying to wait as long as possible. Anyone else waiting to test around those times?

I mean last month, not last week! 😅
Hi Luna, welcome to the board.

Having long cycles does suck but although your vary in length they dont look too long thankfully, do hoi temp or use opk's to confirm ovulation? If so i would wait to test till at least the day before a missed period, that way you know there is a higher chance of seeing a bfp!

Do you take any medications for your pcos or are you supplimenting?

Sorry for all the questions :)
Hi Hopefully and thanks for the reply!

Well luckily I don't have the actual syndrome, 'just' polycystic ovaries. Well the doc didn't do blood test, but he said the ovaries are only slightly polycystic and since I don't have any other symptomps.. he is the top of his field so fingers crossed he is correct! We are trying till the end of this year before taking any fertility treatments. I was just diagnosed with it and it was too late to start with the ovulation kit (that and I needed more time to come to terms with possibly not ovulating) I will use it next month every day from day 10 onwards. So nervous to find out if I ovulate or not! I am cutting carbohydrate, sugar and glucose from my diet and hoping it makes a difference. Do you have PCOS?

Every month I try not to think about it too much but this waiting game is just nerve cracking!
Yup i do indeed have pcos, and whilst i am not overweight i still dont seem to ovulate reguarly. I think its because i am sensitve to insulin and therefore have high testosterone. I am so far 40 days into my cycle and no ovulation. Dont let the stress of possible pcos worry you. Your cycles are within "normal" length and it takes most couples a year to get pregnant anyway. It shall happen for you :)

Just a quick one, dont rely to heavy on opk's someone with polycystic ovaries might not get a blatant positive. It doesnt mean you havent ovulated, just sometimes means it could have happened at a different time of the day. Temping seems to be the only way i can confirm :)
ksquared - You must be getting really excited for your trip! :happydance: Does packing and getting everything ready make you really impatient for it? I know it would make me really impatient. :haha:

HopefullyOpto - I really hope you ovulate soon and that time feels like it goes by faster until you do. :flower:

Lunabelle - Welcome to our little group! :flower: I'm still waiting to ovulate, so no idea of when I'll be testing yet. My cycles range anywhere from 32-64 days so they're very unpredictable. If I were you, I'd hold off testing as long as possible. I hate the disappointment of getting BFNs. That being said, I always break down and start testing early. :dohh: Also, like HopefullyOpto said, don't rely too heavily on OPKs. They don't always work correctly for women with PCOS.

AFM - I think I'm starting to see a change in cm, so hoping for ovulation soon. I haven't been taking OPKs religiously like I normally do, so I'm unsure if they'd be getting darker or not by now. I'm trying to take a more relaxed approach to TTC this cycle, so I'm trying not to become too focused on the OPKs.

How's everyone else doing? :)
Hey guys - Sorry for being MIA the last couple of days. Most of my free time has been spent on last minute prep for our trip. Today was CD 12 and I think my CM is starting to change into the more fertile kind too. Today was watery, with one little bit of stretchy cloudy stuff. Looks like O might be right on time again this cycle. Maybe we'll O at the same time, Aidensxmomma! Then we can share the TWW together. Haha - yes I'm impatient for the trip but also panicky because I have to get all of my work done and ready for me to leave, and I have to actually pack still!

HopefullyOpto - I'm so sorry that nothing's happening with your cycle yet, ugh. I wish I could spread some of my cycle timing luck on to you guys! I feel guilty for having normal cycle lengths now :dohh:. Sounds like you're hanging in there, though. Your appointment will be here before you know it too and then you'll start getting some answers. :hugs:

Lunabelle - Nice of you to join us! The TWW is the worst. I usually wait to test until at least 10dpo, but if I don't feel any symptoms I can hold out a bit longer. FX that you get that BFP!
Hi aidensxmomma, glad to hear your cm is changing and hopefully it wont be long until you ovulate.

Ksquared, i hope you have the best time on holiday! Im sure it will be amazing. As with aidensxmomma i hope you ovulate soon also. Certainly looks like its going to be that way.

Its cd42 for me today, a day past when i ovulated last cycle and i cant say that im feeling anything yet. Meh!
Ugh, I'm so sorry HopefullyOpto!

Got some ewcm last night and temp took a little dip this morning, but I don't think it's O day yet. I usually feel really crampy on O day. Also my OPKs haven't been very dark yet. We BD last night and if we don't tonight, then definitely tomorrow we will when we get to our resort. I was able to get my phone set up for Mexico so I should be able to check in with you ladies :). Last day of work until May 11 - yippee!

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