Long cycles and the tww

Ksquared, im so jealous right now, what i wouldnt give to have a lovely beach vacation to look forward to, maybe the relaxation will do you a world of good and you will get that bfp at the end of this. A vacation baby would be amazing :)

I have a question for you all, im contemplating giving up vitex, its been almost 45 days and not a whif of ovulation, im just worried that i was already progesterone dominant and therefore its not going to have the effect on me that it would with ladies who have it the other way round. I really need help on the subject as i am very conflicted at the moment...
I started inositol 6 days ago and im curious how/if ot will help but not sure i will know as vitex may be masking its effect... Please help...
Ksquared - I'm super jealous of your vacation, too! Sounds like a dream to me! I hope you have so much fun and relax and make that baby!!

HopefullyOpto - I am so sorry, I wish I had some answers for you, but I don't know anything about either. If there's a chance it could be throwing you off in the wrong direction, I'd probably stop the vitex. I know it is great for some but bad for others. Sorry I don't know more!

Afm, Went to my dr today, thought it was just a general checkup and blood draw, but they decided to do a scan and I'm so glad she did!

Got to see baby swimming around, arms and legs all squirming about. The baby even flipped over while we were watching it! Heartbeat was 166. The dr used the word "perfect" to describe everything, so I'm over the moon.

Unfortunately the machine broke while we were in progress, so I didn't get a print out, but I go back May 11 for the NT scan, so I'll get pictures then.
Hey TexMel thanks for the comment, i know its really hard to know as to whether its making things worse. I just find it really hard that even when my bmi is exactly where its meant to be im still having such erratic cycles. I just feel there must be something else going on which worries me no end.

Anyway I'm so glad you got to see your little growing bean! So very exciting, it must be such a relief now you are nearly out of your first trimester. I hear that the first few months are rather stressful. I cannot believe how fast its gone!! Only a little over a week and you can get a print out of the little one to treasure. :)
I'm 12 weeks today! Woo I can tell everyone! I thought it would never get here! It def did not feel like it went quickly for me - that's for sure!

I don't know anything about vitex either , other than it's done wonders for ksquared. Having chatted with her before she started on it to now, seems like night and day.

On that note, enjoy your vacation ksquared, you'll have an amazing time!
Hey ladies. Hope everyone is doing well :)

AF is finally gone. It was the lightest period I've ever had. Which is the opposite of what I expected since the progesterone is supposed to help build your lining. I even took another test a few days in because I hardly could classify it as AF. Anywho the spotting finally stopped. I'm trying to put my focus more on losing the weight I've gained since going off the pill instead of obsessing over ttc. I feel like the more I think about it the more devastated I end up at a bfn.

Crazycat snd TexMel glad to hear your pregnancies are going well!

Ksquared I hope you enjoy your vacation!

Hopefullyopto I'm sorry you're having a rough time with your cycles. Hopefully your appointment coming up will help.

Aidensxmomma FX for O soon!
Crazycat im so glad to hear uou have hit the 12 week mark and everything is going well :)

BabeAwait nice to hear that af is gone, maybe your body is just adjusting to the progesterone so i wouldnt worry about the light period at first instance. I feel like i need to do what you are doing and concentrate of healthy eating/living and maybe just maybe it will happen.

Just under 2 weeks till my appointment. Very excited but trying to not get my hopes up as i dont know what will come of it. Cd45 for me today :(
Hey ladies :flower:

Sorry I've been missing. My OH and I just moved on Tuesday, so we've been getting moved and settled and I haven't had any time to log on.

I'm still waiting to ovulate, I think. I've been bad about taking OPKs this cycle, so I could have missed ovulation, but I doubt it. My cm seems to be becoming more fertile, but my OPKs aren't getting any darker, so I'm very confused. I'm on cd21, so I hope I ovulate soon.

ksquared - Hope you're enjoying your vacation!

HopefullyOpto - :hugs: I'm sorry you still haven't ovulated yet. That's got to be super frustrating. I'm not sure about the vitex. How long have you been taking it for now? I would think that if it's been a couple months and it's not having any affect, then maybe quit taking it. I'm really hoping they can start you on the right path at your appointment and help you figure out what is going on and why it's taking you so long to ovulate.

TexMel - I'm so happy your appointment went well and you got to see your little bean! :cloud9: That must have been so great to be able to watch it moving around and doing flips. :)

crazycat - Yay for being 12 weeks! I bet everyone is going to be so excited for you when you tell them! :)

BabeAwait - Glad to hear that AF is over for you, although that's strange that it wasn't a heavy period like you were expecting. I'm not sure whether it's something to be concerned about or not. Maybe it's just your body adjusting to being on the progesterone.

I think it's good that you've got something to help take your focus off of TTC. That's what I'm trying to do, too, with wedding planning. Hopefully it works out well for you and you're less stressed. :thumbup:
Hola from Mexico!! So sorry I haven't checked in. I don't have roaming turned on so the only time I have internet is at our hotel. And we've been going out on day trips. Went scuba diving today! I'm CD 18 today and no O yet. I have had ewcm every day, with quite a bit yesterday and today. I'm not doing OPKs - just temping but with travel and not my normal sleep pattern, I had a couple of wonky days. But we are BD every day (since Friday) so I'm doing the stress free approach this time :). Though we haven't exactly been relaxing. Out all day on tropical adventures!

Man, still no O for anyone yet. HopefullyOpto - maybe you should stop Vitex since this cycle has been longer so far being on it. I'm so sorry it didn't work for you :(.

Crazycatlady - Yay, congrats on 12 weeks! You made it through the tenuous 1st trimester!!

BabeAwait - Glad AF is over. My first Vitex AF was light too (though not as light as yours sounds), so I wonder if it's just a result of the change from progesterone. Anyway, now you can look forward to your next chance to conceive. Woo!

My apologies if I don't check back in soon. We're back home on Friday but I should be able to log in again. Tomorrow is the last big excursion we have booked - been spending too much, eep. Beunas noches!
Aww glad you are having a great trip ksquared! Sounds amazing! Enjoy!

Babeawait - the cycle before I got my bfp my af was only 2 days. It was so short/light that the dr sent me for that early scan to make sure I didn't actually get pregnant the cycle before. Just thought I'd point that out as positive wishes for this next cycle for you!

My mom bought me a TONNE of mat clothes this past weekend! More than I need yet at this point but they are so soft and comfortable! Things were starting to get snug and clingy, my hips have widened (which I so did not need as I have big hips to begin with!) so it feels so nice to be comfortable! And mat clothes are expensive so if it weren't for my mom I never would've been able to get all this nice stuff yet!
Ksquared, so glad you are having a nice trip away! I imagine wonky charts are a given when on holiday because of time differences and it being something different from the norm. I hope you have a holiday ovulation and manage to catch the egg. It would seem that a bfp should be right round the corner.
I have decided to give up vitex, today is day 2 without it. Maybe i didn't give it enough time but apart from the spots it didn't seem to do anything (that i know of anyway) i will continue with the inositol and eagerly await my appointment in 10 days!

Crazycat, thats lovely you mum has bought you some maternity clothes, i can imagine there super expensive, and to think you only wear them for such a small period of time. I imagine shes going to go baby mad and buy lots of stuff for the little one when the time comes. I forgot if you already mentioned this but are you finding out the sex?
Hi all, our board has definitely gone super quiet recently, thought i would check in and see how everyone is doing, nothing new for me. I stopped vitex 3/4 days ago and my skin is already clearing! Yay. I really dont think it was the right supplement for me. Im cd50 now and nought is going on apart from pressure and alight cramping every now and again.

So TexMel and crazycat are now over the 1st trimester! Yay!

BabeAwait and Aidensxmomma are you still awaiting ovulation?

Ksquared i hope you are having an amazing time in mexico. Your chart is indicating possible ovulation. I hope thats the case and you caught the little eggy :)

Luna, how are you also?
Hi HopefullyOpto! It has been a little quiet online lately. I'm glad your skin is already clearing after going off Vitex. You gave it a good shot before stopping, so I agree that it seems like Vitex wasn't what you needed. I'm sorry it didn't work out. But it should have some good time to leave your system so any tests at your appointment will be based on just the inositol in your body. It's coming up quickly! I'm happy you'll have a doctor to help figure out what you need to get your body on track!

Afm - Yep, it looks like FF is saying I ovulated on Monday. However, I woke up late yesterday which could have affected my temp. I haven't been able to track symptoms like cramps and O pain and gas really, because we've been doing so many activities that I don't notice them. And Monday was scuba diving day, so how crazy if my egg was released and fertilized while 50 feet underwater! Lol. But that would be super cool if I get my BFP and can have that as my conception story :).

Hope everyone else is doing well. Today is our last full vacation day and we fly back tomorrow. Going to make the most of it and go sailing and swimming. Sad it's almost over but it will also be nice to have the comforts of home again.
Ksquared i guess you will have to just see what the next few days say with regards to your temps. Fx you get that holiday bfp. Its crazy to think that you guys have pretty much ovulated twice before i have even once, wow my body is mean!
Tbh i just want this cycle out the way now. I have lost complete interest in it. I am gradually becoming obsessed with my cm changes but nothing new is actually happening so i think i might just be making it up in my head :( who knows... All i am grateful for is my skin clearing, makes me feel much more confident :)
HopefullyOpto - Yep, still waiting to ovulate. I keep thinking that I'm starting to get semi-fertile cm, but my OPKs are refusing to get darker. I think this is going to be another super long cycle. I'm on cd25 right now, so this will be a late ovulation either way.

I'm glad your skin in clearing up after stopping the vitex. It sucks that it didn't work for you, but at least you gave it a good try.

I'm sorry that you're *still* waiting to ovulate. That's got to be so frustrating. :hugs: Your doctor appointment is coming up soon, though right?

ksquared - Yay for ovulation on your holiday :happydance: That would make for such a great conception story :)

AFM - I'm over this cycle already...it hasn't even been that long of one yet, but my OPKs aren't getting darker at all and every time I think that ovulation is coming soon, I'm let down. Plus, my OH wants us to take a more NTNP approach to TTC now that our wedding is around 10 months away. I'm not so sure I want to step back, but I also don't want to be heavily pregnant for my wedding. It's a tough call and every time I think I make a decision, I change my mind. *sigh*

On the positive side, my OH and I found our wedding venue for both the ceremony and the reception and we found a photographer. So things are moving forward with wedding planning. :thumbup:
Yay for wedding venue and photographer Aidensxmomma! Things are definitely moving in the right direction. Sorry that you are yet to ovulate, trust me i feel your pain, i would love for this cycle to be over already.

Its a tough call on the NTNP front, i think it needs to be a joint decision as you don't want to feel like your going against his feelings towards it, equally you don't want to make yourself worse by making the wrong decision. There is a fine line and unfortunately its also a balancing act. Sorry if thats not much help but feel free to get your concerns off your chest as were here to listen.

So my appointment is next Friday, i cant believe how excited about it i am, i hope i don't come away disappointed.
I'm so sorry your bodies are being so mean! I'm not 100% sure I ovulated, but FF seems to think so and my cm has changed to more creamy. But we haven't BD yesterday or today, so I hope I'm post O or we're not doing a good job. But we are back in the U.S. now, on our layover before we make it back home. I have a wicked sunburn too. Tomorrow we're taking an easy day and going to see a movie, then DH will probably have to go back to work on Sunday. Time will tell if we made a vacation baby! Oh man, there were several families and pregnant ladies at our resort though and I had a few moments of feeling sorry for myself. DH thinks we should have gone to an adults only place because I felt like cute little kids or babies were everywhere! Ugh.

Aidensxmomma - Congrats on finding the venue! I feel like that's the biggest hurdle and then everything else starts falling into place. I know what you mean about being conflicted about NTNP. I thought about it so we wouldn't have a Christmas baby, but then I figured it would be a nice problem to have and wouldn't want to delay TTC since it's been so long already. But your wedding is certainly a bigger commitment than Christmas! And unless you can change your date 9 months in advance, it might be worth it to NTNP over those few crucial months.

HopefullyOpto - So happy your appointment is just a week away! Wow, time really flew by. Are they going to do actual tests at that appointment? Or just a fertility consultation at first?
Hi ksquared, I'm hoping they actually do some tests, i have had to wait long enough as it is to get a referral, i might refuse to leave unless they give me tests or meds haha!i suppose my only worry is that because I'm not overweight they might be less likely to prescribe something.

Getting sunburnt is not fun! But I'm really glad you had a nice time , its a shame we cant have holidays like that every couple of months :)
I guess its now just a waiting game for you, i hope you get your vacation bfp
Haha - I like the plan of refusing to leave until you get some tests! A lot of times you have to push for what you want with the doctors or they'll just brush you off. FX all goes well!
Yeah i really hope so, i just cant understand why my body is not ovulating! Its not like i am treating it that bad??

How is everyone else doing?

Aidensxmomma, any nearer to ovulation at all?

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