Long cycles and the tww

Hopefullyopto - let us know how your apt goes! Hope you get some results!

Ksquared - sounds like you had an amazing time! How many dpo do you think you are now?

I'll be 14 weeks Friday, so I think technically that's the start of the second trimester, although after that 12 week hurdle it has felt like second trimester. Now that I can tell people and relax a bit more. I told my students at the end of last week, they were so excited, they cheered and clapped! Have my next mat apt thurs, hope they listen for the heartbeat again. Love listening to it! I might join a couple prenatal fitness classes. This warmer weather has me thinking about bathing suit season....
Hey ladies! Happy mother's day to everyone :)

Although I haven't posted I have been stopping in every few days to see how everyone is doing. I still haven't ovulated as expected. I am due to around my 23rd birthday on the 23rd of this month. Focusing in losing weight instead of obsessing over ttc has been helpful. Although I have been eating badly this weekend lol.

Aidensxmomma glad to hear you found your venue that was the hardest part for me! As far as maybe postponing ttc or ntnp I feel you should have a bigger say since you will be the one to carry the baby. Our wedding days are sacred to us women so the bride should be able to enjoy it whichever way she wishes.

Hopefullyopto I am sorry you're still not ovulating :( I get how frustrating it is. Please don't blame yourself. If we could influence our bodies so easily I'm sure you would have the perfect 28 day cycle like clockwork. If you want any help preparing for your appointment let me know as I had just went through a very similar situation about a month ago.

Ksquared I'm glad your vaca went good. FX you made a vacation baby! So lucky to ovulate again so soon, that vitex is like a miracle worker for you :)

Crazycat Glad to hear you're moving on to the second trimester :) I bet that is an amazing feeling. It must be nice to have everyone know and to be moving on from the not so fun first trimester symptoms.

TextMel I hope all is peachy for you too! :)

Hope I got everyone! Did any of you other ladies ttc have a difficult time with mother's day? I would have been far along enough to know our babies sex now, also since we got pg on the first cycle I thought we would have gotten pg again by now... :(
How exciting, Craztcatlady. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. Feels like a couple of weeks ago you got your BFP and now you're already in the 2nd trimester. Crazy!

HopefullyOpto - I know, it sounds like you take such good care of your body. Which makes me think that it's something that a doctor needs to help with, so that's so great you're getting in this week. I'm hoping it's an easy fix!

Afm - Today I'm 6dpo, according to FF, and I've had a really grumbly belly. Almost feels like ovulation time like last month, except I took an OPK just to be sure and it was definitely negative. It's CD 24, so O was on CD 18 which is slightly later than last cycle (makes sense with the travel). Temp took a dive today too. I still feel out of whack from coming back to my own time zone after being two hours ahead for a week, so this morning I took my temp at 5:40am. Hoping tomorrow it shoots back up and makes me more confident that I did actually ovulate. I worry that all of these temps have been wonky and unreliable. But maybe it's an implantation did and this gassy grumbly belly is from that. Although I'm not feeling confident with being so out of my normal routine. Time will tell!
BabeAwait - Yes today and all of the Mother's Day commercials on TV have been really hard :(. DH changes the channel or puts the TV on mute for me when those commercials come on. Last year at this time I was thinking that this would be the first Mother's Day I'd get to celebrate because we were about to start trying and I thought for sure I'd be pregnant by now. And seeing people on Facebook say things like how lucky they are and how wonderful it is being a mom, it just hurts. And almost every time I see my father-in-law he asks if I want a drink or tries to see if I've had a drink lately, because I know he's just trying to find out if I'm pregnant. So he said it again today and that always hurts to be reminded all the time. I know no one does it on purpose, but we still haven't told anyone besides my one friend so they don't realize that seemingly innocent comments can be so hard to hear.

Glad AF is over and you're looking forward to another fertile window. Lots of baby dust to you!!
Ksquared, sorry mothers day wasn't the type of day you hoped it to be. Its always a tough one and i must admit i pretty much ignored the day when we had it here in the UK. It definitely makes it harder when someone makes an innocent comment without realising how much it could effect how you feel.
Keep smiling we will get there soon :)

So Monday work day is over which means one step closer to my appointment. Im worried that I'm getting my hopes up a little too much and therefore it may be all the more a let down if i don't get what i want.
Babeawait, i hope you ovulate soon hun, i hate the waiting, its painful! Im cd54 today and heading for my longest cycle since coming off of the BCP. Something must be messed as my BMI is 21 so right in the middle of normal and yet I'm still having these issues. Its so very unfair... :(
WTFFFFFF!!! I'm trying to keep it together right now. My BFF who is the only one who knows we're TTC just told me she's expecting. It happened her first month TTC - they had been waiting until spring to start trying, and we'd talked at length about our struggles with coming off BCP. I knew it would happen, that even though we'd been trying for 10 months she would get pregnant before me. I'm happy for her but also close to tears right now. :(.

HopefullyOpto - Thank you :). Glad you're one day closer! Just don't leave without having a next step - like another appointment for tests, or something to try. I'm sure they'll at least get a plan started for you. I don't think they'd do this appointment without planning to start doing tests or trying different things. I have hope for you!
Ksquared I'm so sorry about your BFF, i know you are happy for her but its equally gut wrenching to hear. When i found out about my brother and his teenage gf accidentally getting pregnant i was beside myself, crying and angry (the works basically) its perfectly normal to have those sort of feelings so don't bottle it up, thats what we are all here for. My closest friend is trying and she doesn't know that i am but im nervous for that day that i hear she is expecting. Of course i would be happy for her but that doesn't mean it wont be upsetting.
Oh gosh ksquared ;( so sorry!!! That is one of the hardest parts of ttc.

I know how you feel. My best friend got pregnant a couple months before me and it was so hard to hear. But just think - you could be pregnant right now and just not know yet! And then you'll go through it together! Fx this is your cycle!
Ksquared, my fingers and toes are crossed that you made a vacation baby! Time will tell! I'm sorry about your BFF, only those of us in the ttc gang know the sting that causes. I actually announced on fb today and one of the first commenters was a good friend of mine who miscarried just 2 months ago and I just felt awful knowing it probably brought her some pain. I should probably text her, but I'm not sure what to say.

Hopefullyopto and aidensxmomma - I'm sorry your bodies are being so mean! I'm anxiously waiting to hear how your appt goes, Hopefullyopto!

Babeawait, I feel like I've totally avoided Mother's Day for the most part the last few years while I was waiting to ttc. I knew we weren't ready, but I wanted to be a mom so bad, and all those posts and commercials were like a stab to my heart. I am so sorry that you had to go through that again this year and I pray it is the last year for you!

That being said, I am going to share my pics from my NT scan (or what I out on fb) from this morning and I really hope it does not inflict any pain on you ladies. I feel like we are all in this together and I can't wait to jump for joy when you all have pics to share yourselves.
Got to see the brain, the heart valves pumping, the hand over the face, the legs kicking, and the sweet little feet. I'm so in love.


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Hi TexMel, its soo lovely to see your scan pictures. I cant talk for everyone else but it hasn't upset me in the slightest, i look at it as a goal and i really couldn't be more happy for you.
Do you have any new 2nd trimester symptoms or have you been lucky so far :)
Thank you so much, you guys. It's true. You are the only ones I can talk to who understand that mixed feeling of hurt while also being happy for someone else. I let myself shed some tears when I got home to DH. Right after I heard the news yesterday my sister texted asking if I could watch her 3 kids tonight. So that didn't help my emotions one bit! But at least I've had a night of sleep to help shake it off and put the feelings behind me.

Also, according to my temps it looks like I haven't ovulated yet after all. I suspected as much when my temps didn't go to 98 or higher. Looks like vacation stress strikes again, which is a bummer because we were so on top of BD-ing! My CM has been creamy, acting like I ovulated, so I'm not sure what's going to happen. We haven't BD since last Wednesday, so we better get back to every other day at least.

TexMel - I admit I feel a pang of jealousy, but I agree with HopefullyOpto that I'm overwhelmingly excited for you! We've all struggled with TTC so seeing others on the same path with success lets me know that the goal is attainable :). Thanks for sharing the scans!! How amazing!!
Ksquared, how strange that your temps went up for a couple of days and then back down again, so is it the case that your cm is still creamy? Your body is definitely sensitive to vacations, its almost as if its also taking a holiday itself. I hope you get back into the swing of things soon, I'm sure you will :)

How is everyone else getting on? Aidensxmomma, BabeAwait have you ovulated yet?

Cd50+ for me and nothing is going on. Meh
Yeah the temps were only up slightly while on vacation and came back down once I got home. Yep, my cm is creamy and increasing the last couple of days. I wonder if it's going to try to ovulate soon. All the more reason to BD, but I think this cycle is a bust. The egg that was ready to be released and then didn't is probably not super healthy at this point.

Boo - sorry there's still nothing happening :(. Only 3 more days until your appointment! Maybe they can induce ovulation with meds or at least induce a period to get the next cycle starting fresh.
Ksquared are you just temping or using opks too? Hope you ovulate soon if you haven't already.

I guess I should put something on Facebook too texmel, your collage idea is cute. I haven't done anything yet! 14 weeks this week so I guess I really should, a friend just announced and she's not due till December so I probably should get on that! Haha.

Well I am feeling a bit down tonight. Dh is gone for ten days for training, and then back for 3 days, and then gone for ten weeks!!!!!! We knew this was coming but it is still soooo hard! I've been with him for over 8 years and I've never gone this long apart :( I do get to go visit him once during the ten weeks, but it's still unbelievably hard...
Wow the thread certainly picked back up again! :)

In regards to mother's day. I texted one of my close friends who lost her baby several years ago as a teenager at 18 weeks to wish her a happy mother's day. I told her she was not forgotten and I understood it could be a hard day for her. Pretty much everything I would have loved to hear. She made me cry happy tears with her lovely response. On Facebook I tried to avoid reading everyone's posts. Although I did make a post myself not only wishing moms and moms to be a happy mother's day but also to those struggling with fertility and to the mother's who hadn't gotten to meet their babies. I included a link to an infertility awareness site that educates others on supporting those struggling ttc.

Ksquared False ovulation sucks! I'm glad you're handling it so well. The last time it happened to me I was pissed! I'm sorry about the shock of your bff. I went through a very similar situation. It was a time when I was depressed crying every night because I so desperately wanted a commitment from my husband for a ttc date. My bff had just met her new bf and got pregnant the first time the dtd. It hadn't even been a month. And neither one of them was ready. It devastated me. Of course I'm happy for her though. She is due next month and I am the god mommy. But I feel a wedge between us because she is very insensitive about my feelings especially when it comes to my mc.

Hopefullyopto I have fx they can jumpstart O or af when you see the dr. Don't blame yourself hun. Sometimes we just have shi##y cycles. If it helps you feel any better the cycle I O'd the latest was when I got pg.

TextMel I love seeing your u/s pictures! Please keep us in the loop :) I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say we are all happy for you and want to celebrate your pregnancy with you :)

Crazycat I'm sorry you're H is going away for so long :( What type of work does he do if you don't mind? We are here to hold your hand through it :hugs:

Afm Still waiting to O. I've been working out like crazy hopefully the scale and my jeans will show it soon.
Crazycatlady - Just temping this time because I didn't want to bring OPKs and pee cups on vacation, lol. But knowing now that I haven't O'd I'm started the OPKs back up again. Yay, you get to do your Facebook announcement! Sorry your DH will be gone so long :(. The longest I've been away from my DH is 10 days. But you guys will get through it! It'll probably be the hardest the first few days but then it'll get easier and the 10 weeks will go by fast. And of course we'll be here for you!

BabeAwait - :hugs: Thanks so much. That stinks about your BFF - why does it seem to happen so easily for everyone else? I know it doesn't, and we only hear the success stories but it feels like it sometimes. I feel like now that my BFF is expecting, I'm the last one of my friends to conceive.

Temp is exactly the same as yesterday so no O yet. Which is good because DH was all sleepy and grouchy last night because he took Benadryl for these hives he keeps getting. Then I started wondering if Benadryl affects fertility. Ugh. Good news is that he is getting his sperm checked! He called yesterday and they're sending him a kit to do it at home, except I guess he has to take the sample to the lab within an hour of doing it. So hopefully by next week he'll have submitted the sample and we'll have results. He also talked to them at length about everything and he wrote down a bunch of notes, but he hasn't told me all of the details about what they said yet. I mistakenly started talking about how I might O soon but I know he's too tired to BD, and then he said he was too tired to talk about it all and he just wanted to sleep. Oops. He also made a wellness appointment to get his hives/allergic reactions checked because it's been going on for months now. And he had really bad ones yesterday. Which makes me worry about him but also makes me worry about TTC! But anyway, getting his stuff checked will be our first step before we decide to get a full fertility consultation.

I'm wondering if I make it to a full year of TTC with no BFP if I should tell my family. What do you guys think? Maybe if we start fertility treatments. But I'm also looking forward to saying that we're pregnant and by the way, we've been trying since July last year and it was really difficult. Kind of want people to realize that they've made comments while we were trying and not succeeding, and that it can be hurtful.
Crazycat, sorry to hear your DH will be away for so long, the longest i have spent away from mine is 2 days and that was hard enough, make use if your time to nest and not worry about him telling you not to do this or that :) its great that you get to see him in that time he is away. Hope the pregnancy is going well, you will be having your next scan in no time!

BabeAwait your facebook announcement for mothers day sounded very thoughtful and heartfelt and im sure its touched more people than you realise. Im sorry to hear that the relationship with your friend isnt what it used to be, unfortunately people change and we grow and understand that something that once felt normal no longer applies to a friendship. Things that you may have had in common may no longer exist. I hope thats not the case and when the baby is here then it will get better.
Fx for your ovulation soon.

Ksquared, sorry to hear that your DH is having a hard time with the hives, out of interest do you know whether stress is exacerbating them? Its great to hear that he is getting tested. Not sure what will happen with my DH at the appointment, they might ask to test him also. Try not to think of the worse case scenario when thinking about it coming up to a year. A lot of woman do take that long sometimes. You will get there, we all will :)

Aidensxmomma, as we havent heard from you i just wanted to say that i hope everything is going well :)

Only two days left for me, yay!
Hey ladies! I'm gonna try to get all caught up here. :thumbup:

Mother's Day actually went pretty well for me this year. I got to spend the few days before Mother's Day with my kids and part of that Sunday with them. We had a really great time. It was bittersweet though. I don't know if I've said anything about this, but my kids don't currently live with me. :nope: I have some mental health issues that I struggled with for a long time and I was having a really hard time for a while. So during this hard time, while I was unstable, I gave my mother unofficial guardianship of my children. It's the hardest decision I've ever made in my entire life. So for the last almost two years, my kids have lived with my mom. Last year, I moved in with my OH and I started becoming more and more stable and getting my life together. Finally, last fall, I was at a good, stable point in life. However, I didn't want to transfer my kids during the school year and there was the problem of my OH and I needing to find a suitable home for my kids. So now everything is great and we've got a good place for them, so all I'm waiting for now is my kids to be done with school. Then they'll be moving back in with me. :happydance: It's been a long, hard road for all of us, but I think I made the best decision for all of us at the time and now the hardship is finally coming to an end. So getting to spend Mother's Day with my children was wonderful, but it was hard seeing them have to leave to go back to my mom's.

Another thing that made Mother's day kind of hard was missing Seraphina. Her birthday, the anniversary of her death, and holidays/celebrations are typically harder than regular days. It's hard knowing that I should have all three of my children with me for the day and I only have two of them with me. :( I miss her so much.

Sending hugs to the rest of you who had a rough Mother's Day. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

HopefullyOpto - So sorry to hear that you still haven't ovulated yet. That has to be so incredibly frustrating. Hopefully you can get some answers at your doctor appointment. I'm keeping everything crossed for you that the doctor helps you out as much as possible.

ksquared - Sorry to hear that you don't think you ovulated yet. Hopefully it happens soon for you. :hugs: to you about your friend announcing her pregnancy. I completely understand the mixed emotions of TTC and other people announcing pregnancy. Also, I'm glad your DH is able to get a kit done to check his fertility. FX for good results!

As for telling your family about TTC, for me personally, I would end up telling my family and close friends and more than likely will if my OH and I get to that point. I think it would help me to have the support and to have people actually know that it's been difficult. It might help them understand the effect of what they say as well.

BabeAwait - I think it's such a nice thing you did messaging your friend on Mother's Day. And also including *all* mommies in your facebook post. Seeing something like that on Mother's Day probably would have made me cry. In a good way, of course, because of someone being so thoughtful.

TexMel - I agree with the other ladies that I enjoy seeing your scan pictures :) I love getting to hear about yours and crazycat's pregnancies and getting to celebrate with you both!

crazycat - Sending you big :hugs: I imagine it must be very hard to have your DH gone for so long. We're all here for you if you need us, though :)

Once again, sorry I've been gone ladies. This wait to ovulate just kills me. I feel like all I do is whine about it and I feel bad for bringing that on you guys. I'm going to try to be better about coming on, because I love the support from all of you. :) I'm on cd31 now. Still no signs of ovulation whatsoever. It's getting very frustrating. As an added slap to the face today, the app I use said today is ovulation day, which kind of makes me just want to curl in a ball and cry. OH and I are on month 6 of trying now - halfway to that one year mark. I'm getting discouraged. I know that it's still early on and the odds are in my favor that I won't hit that year mark, but I can't help but worry thanks to my last experience TTC and the thoughts of how the endometriosis could possibly be affecting my fertility. My anxiety is definitely getting the best of me.

I hope I didn't miss anyone is my post and I'm looking forward to talking to you all more again!

P.S. I hope that you all don't think less of me because of my situation with my kids. It was an extremely hard decision to make but it was the best one I could make at the time.
Aidensxmomma You are a mother who is doing her best for her kids. No one can judge that. If that means you needed to get your life sorted out to be a better mommy then so be it. Kids are like sponges and being in any less than healthy environment can affect them. I commend you for making such a tough decision for your children. I'm sure starting out as a teen mother made it all the more challenging. It sounds like you are in a much better place now in your life and I hope it nothing but improves :) :hugs:
I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I cannot imagine the pain of losing your child. You are one strong woman. It sounds like life has been very rough for you and the fact you are still standing is really something to admire. :)

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