Long cycles and the tww

Ksquared I hadn't wanted to share with anyone at first. I told my mom because she works at my pharmacy and would have found out I stopped the pill anyways. Plus she also has pcos and tried 4 years for me. I really didn't want to tell my inlaws because they are judgy and have all only had accidental unplanned pregnancies. So they would probably be surprised if my H didn't get me pregnant by just looking at me. Since my mc I started to open up to our immediate families because they would ask questions or make comments that would upset me. So now we are open about the things we like to share and they've become more sensitive about our feelings. I think it's been easier with our families knowing because it keeps there from being so many hurtful remarks and they are supportive with drs appts and such. But it really depends on the person. Some people still can be insensitive or they think they should know every little detail like my sil lol.
I hope your H gets to feeling better. It sounds like he may be a bit stressed. Fx he has a good drs appt and his SA has good numbers

Hopefullyopto Yay it's almost appointment day! I still have everything crossed that it goes good. Are you going with anyone?

I'm super sore from working out. H and I went on a hike a few weekends ago and I'm really hoping the weather will be nice and my soreness will be gone so we can do it again this weekend. I'm hoping that I will be able to drink on my birthday the 23rd. Although chances are I will O before then. I'm curious if drinking has an affect before implantation? Something I'll have to ask my dr if I do O
Aidensxmomma - Thank you so much for sharing with us. I agree with BabeAwait - you were doing what was best for your kids and yourself, and that's totally understandable and commendable. I'm so glad that you've turned things around and everything is going so well. I'm sure your decision allowed for you to work on getting yourself better much faster and in a much healthier way for everyone, so that your kids can be with their mommy. I'm so sorry too about your daughter and that these major holidays bring back that pain. :hugs:

I'm so sorry you're not having any luck ovulating too. Seems like lately we've all had a string of bad luck on the TTC front, so hopefully things start turning around soon and then we can join Crazycatlady and TexMel in the BFP club. It really can happen at any time for any of us. Just hard not knowing when!

HopefullyOpto - 1 more day!! I really think they're going to get you started in the right direction tomorrow with tests and such. And if not, like you said you should just refuse to leave, haha. For the hives, I hadn't really thought about it but stress could be aggravating them. We just don't know what triggered them a few months ago. He didn't used to get hives like this. He thinks he's developed an allergy to something like maybe our cat. Which would be weird because he's lived 7 years with her, but I hear allergies can develop later in life. I don't know.

BabeAwait - Thanks for the advice. I'm generally a private person, so the idea of people knowing we're TTC does make me worry about nosy questions like your sil, lol. I feel like if want to tell my own parents and my sister, but telling my in laws seems like a bigger task. But if I tell my family, I'd want to tell his too since those are the people who would make those comments the most. My mom already sort of asked a couple of months ago but I brushed her off. I'll have to ask DH what he thinks. And good for you for working out so hard!

Afm - DH said the nurse he talked to when he called to set up the SA was really nice and helpful. And she said to call her when the results come in and she'll help us interpret. She also asked details about our TTC journey so far, and they talked about what the SA looks for exactly, and what our options are for getting a consult done ot we can do a full work-up on both of us. She sounds like we can call her with questions anytime, which is awesome because my OBGYN rarely replies to my emails so I stopped trying. I feel like I want to do the consult either way the results go, so I can ask about my weird cycle last time with the rash and lymph node and tongue thing and weird twinges and early red spotting and AF. Maybe it means something about what's going on in my body. I have a feeling that he and I both have some issues that are making it difficult to conceive. And I'm ready to dig in, I think. I think we'll set up an appointment once we get the SA results.

Otherwise, nothing different with me. Still creamy cm with temps still low. I've also had AF-like symptoms since the weekend and gas, which makes me feel like my body is doing something. We still haven't BD though. Both been feeling sick and also just busy. Not really into it anymore and just want to start a fresh cycle so I know the egg that gets released isn't all travel weary!

Hope you guys have a great day :flower:.
Hi aidensxmomma, i definitely agree with the other 2 regarding your choice to let you parents care for your children whilst you get yourself on the right track. Mental illness is horrific and something which i also unfortunately went through, knowing whats best for you and your children is probably the most selfless thing you could have done. Its great to hear you are now on track and soon your babies will be back home with you.

BabeAwait, great to hear that your keeping yourself active! I really hope it helps and you ovulate soon. My DH is coming with me tomorrow for back up. I dont want my Dr to just dismiss my concerns as nothing so hopefully having him there will do the job. Its nice to hear you opened up to those closest. I have a very close relationship with my in-laws bit not my parents. I dont want to tell either as i want ot to be a surprise when it eventually happens. Luckily they have never made any comments that cokld offend so i hope it stays like that.

Ksquared its great to hear about the supportive nurse, at least if your OB cant help then she is more than likely going to be able to. I feel like when we are trying to conceive that we over analyse everything. Maybe find a way to distract yourself so you dont obsess over symptoms. I know thats not easy :winkwink:
You arent too far into your cycle so it is very much possible for you to ovulate soon and get that BFP, providing you are well enough to BD that is :D

I cannot wait for my appointment tomorrow. My DH said something a little hurtful about he "bets they wont do any tests or prosedures" and although i feel he is somewhat right and meant nothing by it, it still hit a nerve. My reply was i refuse to leave unless they give me something to induce a period or help me ovulate (albeit extremely late is a cycle)
Wish me luck ladies i will defo be updating as soon as im done, plus i have a day off tomorrow so i am going to have a nice chilled day :)
Ksquared I have heard of changing laundry soap causing hives. My friend's daughter can't even be around Gain or her skin gets irritated. Wow the nurse sounds nice and helpful! It's sad they aren't all that way. Hopefully they'll be able to really help you soon.

Found out this morning I'm going to have to find a new insurance soon. Healthcare in the US sucks! :growl:
Why are you going to need to find new insurance babeawait, its funny how everyone thinks other countries healthcare is better than there own. Im in a position where i think i would love to be able to get health insurance that covers fertility, but no such thing exists in the UK. You either wait for your turn on the NHS or pay private which costs thousands.
HopefullyOpto - Good luck!! Looking forward to hearing how it goes. I'm sure your DH is just trying to brace you guys for the worst case scenario, but I don't think that'll happen.

Yeah I'll try to BD tonight. I feel like I'm on the cusp of getting a cold, but it comes and goes. DH is feeling better - he was having a stomach thing. Maybe there will be another egg maturing that isn't travel weary and I could have a healthy BFP. FX my CM goes back to fertile soon! I'm excited for us to get the sperm analysis done. With my insurance, the fertility stuff is covered 50% so I think the U.S. healthcare is pretty good. It just depends on which plan you have. For instance the sperm analysis is $23 for two types of tests (mobility and size/shape). Which is why we did his first because it's pretty inexpensive. The full 1 hour fertility consultation without tests is $150, and if we want to do the consultation plus a full work up on both of us it would be $500-$600. I'm not sure what any treatments would cost on top of all that. So we'll see. In the meantime I'm trying to be calm and not obsess about symptoms and whether I'll ovulate or not :). At least I haven't had any weird mid-cycle spotting like I did in February.

BabeAwait - Sorry you have to find new insurance! Southern California has Kaiser, which is nice because it's a one-stop shop for everything. I've had this insurance my whole life. Only bad thing is if you have a big medical problem I think you can get the run-around quite a bit. And you can't really shop around for doctors or other hospitals. But it's treated me well so far (knock on wood). I don't think they have it in Kansas though.
Hey ladies, haven't been by for a while. I am currently on CD36, AF is 2 days late. I tested on the 11th and 13th, both were negative. Going to test in the morning as well and see how that goes. Otherwise I am just waiting for AF to show up.
Fertility isn't covered with my health insurance either, it's all out of pocket for me. Because I'm under 26 I am able to piggyback off my mom's health insurance but hers is changing next month and will be too expensive so I have to find my own.
Last month my 1 obgyn appt, 30 day progesterone script, and blood draw of only progesterone cost me $300. That's with insurance on top of the monthly premium. And that wasn't counted as "infertility treatment" it was covered as a regular gynecology issue. I know I shouldn't complain because there are people paying tens of thousands of dollars for things like IVF. Hopefully my next insurance will be more accommodating. Here in ks we have Medicaid but no other state insurance I know of unless you have a terminal illness.

Ksquared Wow the SA is cheap! We're waiting for hubby to qualify for benefits at his new job to check out their insurance. I'm thinking after that we may have him do a SA too. I honestly think it's all my issues and not him but if it's that much of a price difference I might as well have him checked.
I'm sure if you got a bfp this month it would still be as healthy as a non travel month. I hope you two get to feeling better it sounds like you've both had a bad week.

Hopefullyopto I'm sorry you had to go through a waiting list I'm sure that's annoying. Not sure if it makes you feel any better but I had to wait about a month for my obgyn appointment. And that was even with my obgyn knowing I recently had a mc and have pcos. After you have your first appt will you be on a waiting list each time you go back?
Wow i must admit i was really naive when it come to how the US health insurance works, now i see that its not so straight cut and there are quite a lot of costs involved.
I must admit after i was refered it was only a short while for an appointment. It was the getting refered first that took an age! Im not sure how it works in terms of whether i keep on going onto waiting lists after appointments. I hope thats not the case, i imagine i will have to go back for scans and blood tests, so long as i get something to aid my cycle then i will know we are heading in the right direction.
Hi SilasLove - welcome back! Hope AF shows up for you soon. Maybe ovulation was later this cycle?

BabeAwait - Yikes that's expensive for what you've done so far! I would think insurance through your DH's work would be the best deal. Mine is through my work too and it's an HMO plan. Good luck getting that squared away! I hope you find something that at least covers part of the fertility stuff.

Thanks, I'll try to be less pessimistic about this cycle. :) My DH was sending me goofy texts from his work so I think he's feeling good today, lol. Yeah my OBGYN recommended getting the SA first since our stuff is so much more difficult to check!
Hi ladies, i thought i would give you an update on how my appointment went today. I must say it was pretty amazing!
I have been prescribed metformin which i start this evening. I have also been given provera to induce my period and then i get my blood tests on cd3. I have also been scheduled in for a HyCosy which i am rather worried about in terms of pain. And then a follow up appointment to discuss results. My DH also gets a SA! So its been a very very productive day so far :)
WOW, HopefullyOpto!! That IS amazing! I'm so happy they are finally helping you and getting you started on tests and meds! I hadn't heard of a HyCosy before, but after reading about it it sounds like you shouldn't feel too much besides AF-like cramps. That sounds like a test I want to make sure my tubes and uterus are all clear. Woohoo for finally having some help!

Afm - No change but we did BD last night :). I'm thinking of taking a stronger dose of Vitex this morning to see if that boosts anything for me. I've been only taking 1 tablet for a month or so. OPKs have been the same - there's a line but it's lighter than the control and not getting darker yet. CM was a tad lighter yesterday so maybe it'll stop being creamy and shift back to fertile.
Yay hopefullyopto that's incredible! I want your doctor now lol. How exciting that you are getting help now :) Is that like the HSG procedure where they fill you up with dye to check for blockage? I had kind of hoped my dr would put me on metformin for my pcos, mine is still untreated :(

Ksquared We're in the same boat. Wishing O would get here already! Lol
Hi both, thanks for the lovely words, tbh i was in complete shock when everything was said, my husband was smiling at me because he knew just quite how much it meant that i am finally getting some help.

Ksquared, have you changed your vitex dosage by much? It would make sense that if you have lowered your dosage then it will have affected the length.

BabeAwait yes i believe the HyCosy is like the HSG, my friend had it and she said it was very uncomfortable but I'm willing to do it so i know where i stand with regards to my fertility. Why wont your gynea put you on metformin, it looked like he wasn't going to give it and i mentioned it and he was like o yeah, here you are.

Tbh ladies i just want to start this cycle afresh. Im glad to have been given provera as this it almost the longest cycle i have had since coming off of the BCP.

Sorry you are both waiting to ovulate, i definitely know how that feels :hugs:
Woo! I just got some ewcm, you guys! *fist pump* Hoping it wasn't a fluke but definitely having more cramps and sharp pains in the ovaries today. Maybe that Vitex boost really worked, lol.

HopefullyOpto - Yeah I've slowly decreased my dosage over time because the bottle says to take up to 3 (1200 mg) for three months and then take just 1 after that. I've even read other people who say to stop taking it and the cycles will keep staying on track. And one person said to take short breaks here and there. I don't want to take it forever, but it seems like my body can get thrown out of whack pretty easily so it's nice to have Vitex to fall back on.

Eager to see how things go over the next few days for you! :)

BabeAwait - I know, right? What CD are you now? I think you're a couple weeks behind me, yeah?
Woohoo for egcm! I hope you O soon! Then we could be in the tww together again. I'm glad Vitex works so well for you ksquared! :)

Hopefullyopto I'm not sure why she didn't give it to me. She kind of seemed like one of those doctors who wanted to rediagnose me herself before treating me for it. She asked a lot of questions about how I was diagnosed. The more time that passes the more I am not happy with how my appointment went. I'm so happy you got everything addressed at your appointment. I'm sure you'll make it through the procedure okay. Us women are tough. Could you imagine if our men had to go through all these things? They're lucky, they just have to have sex with us :haha:

I am cd21 today. Last cycle I O'd on cd24 my earliest day yet. So far no positive opks but they usually don't turn positive until the day before for me. FF guesses I'll ovulate on cd26, or between cd 24-29. FX it's right and I won't have another long wait like I did last January when I didn't O until cd44.
Thank you so much for all the support ladies. :flower:

HopefullyOpto - I'm so, so glad your appointment went well :happydance:

ksquared - Yay for ewcm! :happydance:

BabeAwait - Hopefully you O soon. That's sucky that you have to find new insurance. :( I hope it's not too stressful of a process for you.

SilasLove - Welcome back :) Have you tested again or gotten AF yet?

AFM - Still no signs of ovulation at cd34. :nope: I decided not to focus on TTC as much this cycle and just go with the flow. Maybe I'll get lucky, maybe not. It's hard to stay hopeful sometimes. I would have thought that because I have endo, that maybe I could get some help or tests or something earlier in my TTC journey, but my doctor says it still has to be a year. It's very frustrating, especially when I have cycles like this.
That's so great hopefullyopto! So glad you're getting some help!

Fx you o soon ksquared and babeawait! That ewcm sounds like your body is heading in right direction ksquared!

How are wedding plans going aidensmomma?

Dh is now away for the 10 day stretch. Not looking forward to the 10 week one after this. He's in the army reserves. I don't know if you have this in the states or not, it's not like the reg forces where he would have to deploy or we would have to move. He still works a regular full time job on top of this too so he's very busy. So he's normally busy, but going away for this long is unusual with reserves, it's just for officer training.
Hey ladies ... CD38 today. Haven't had a cycle this long since getting out my IUD.

I tested yesterday and got a bfn on a digital. I got a cheapie test from Walmart and I think I see something on it, but nothing definite. I'm hoping this will be our month, but honestly I just don't know. Holding out on testing for now to see if AF arrives. How some dizziness and light headedness...I just feel off. Not sure what to think. Could be just 13dpo but idk when I o'ed for sure.
Hey all,

Ksquared, yay for ewcm, lets hope its your fertile period starting to show, are you both feeling better now?

BabeAwait, i hope your new Dr manages to get a good understanding of the need for metformin for pcos and you then get it prescribed soon.

Aidensxmomma sorry you havent ovulated yet, its really sucky when the cycle just drags. Its very unfair. Its so irritating that even with the diagnosis of endo you still have to wait a year, do uou think maybe it's because you have aready had three children that they are less likely to help??

Crazycat sorry your DH is away for a while, maybe the 10 days will at least give you that opportunity to see how well you will cope when he is away longer. Am i right in saying that you live in Canada? I think the army reserves works similar to how yours work in the UK as well.

Silas, sorry for your BFN do you chart your cycles, are you sure you ovulated when you think?

Afm i started Provera today, had to take a pregnancy test first to make sure which was a bit of a bummer as i knew it would be a BFN. I now have to take these 2 times daily for 7 days, then AF will show shortly after (i hope) the metformin is already working in my system as (TMI ALERT) it gave me diarrhoea this morning, although no stomach aches so that is good.
Out of interest how do you go about juggling time off of work when you need to go to appointments. Do ypu take the day off. Its not like im going to say "o by the way i need to go to a fertility appointment can i leave early?"

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