Long cycles and the tww

Aidensxmomma That's what my dr said to me about clomid when I asked. She said she wanted to see me to try naturally a full year then she would referr me to someone else for "fertility medication". Which I thought was odd because I know others who've gotten help sooner with diagnoses such as endo or pcos. I couldn't help but think "you want be to wait the year to come see you again just so you can push me off to be someone else's problem?" I guess it's harder to find a good obgyn than I thought :(

Crazycat Thanks for the fx! Sorry your hubby is out. It's interesting how different countries do things. We are here to keep you company if you get lonely :hugs:

Silas Sorry about your bfn. Remember you're not out until AF arrives :)

Hopefullyopto Thanks I'm thinking of calling my dr once this cycle is done and asking for a game plan. I'm sorry about the diarrhea :( I've heard a lot of women complain of it when first starting metformin. FX your body gets adjusted soon! Does the provera have any side effects?
As far as balancing work and appointments, I would just tell them you have an important drs appointment to go to. If they inquire for more information about why you're going tell them it's personal and it's not something you want to discuss. There shouldn't be any reason they need to know your medical information. As long as you give ample warning for your appointments there shouldn't be any issue. And if you're really worried about your supervisors than you could always bring a drs note after the fact showing you were there.

Afm I had an almost positive opk this morning! :happydance: So according to my history I should ovulate in the next 2-3 days. Of course unless I fail to ovulate with this surge like I have once before. I also had ewcm today! :) Needless to say I am happy about it. My cycles have continued to shorten since my cp. I thank my lost little bean for helping my cycles improve although I'm sad that they are gone.
Today I went out to celebrate my birthday with my parents. We went to my favorite steak house and I had a margarita, it was delicious. :) I also attended my cousins bridal shower today, it reminded me of the days surrounding my wedding which gives me butterflies :cloud9:
All and all it's been a good day.
Hopefully opto - as a teacher we can either book half days or full days off, so I did a half day a couple of times and just told my principal I had a dr apt. I think he thought it was for my cold at first and made a comment about hopefully I wouldn't still be sick as I told him a few days ahead of time, I just I would need to go either way. A couple other teachers sort of alluded to it being for my cold as I had one at the time, and I either ignored the comment and went along or said it was for a personal health apt. My principal figured out I was pregnant, the other teacher assumed it was somehow fertility related, but both were respectful and didn't say anything until I told them.
Hey guys. I think I actually ovulated yesterday! Crazy, right? My temp was .5 degrees higher today and I'm not having the cramps like I was yesterday or the mild ones I had all week. FX my temp stays elevated tomorrow. I did have more ewcm today. I feel like I missed the LH surge with my OPKs too since maybe I triggered it with my extra dose of Vitex yesterday morning. I guess it could be possible that today's temp was a fluke, but my instinct is that I'm 1dpo. DH has to save up his swimmers for a couple of days before he submits a sample, so he's planning on Wednesday to take it in. Assuming O did happen yesterday and we don't have to BD as much. Time will tell.

BabeAwait - Happy birthday!! And hooray for ewcm!! And darker OPKs! Enjoy your fertile window :). I'm sorry you don't think your doctor has been as helpful with everything. But it sounds like you're on a good path. That progesterone alone seems to have done wonders for your LP! Do you still have some for this cycle, or do you have to go back in?

Aidensxmomma - I'm sure a more laid back approach to ttc will be a big help while you're in the middle of wedding planning. Hopefully you get lucky. When will be the 1 year mark for you? I seem to remember that you have quite some time before then. At least you know that you've conceived three times before, so there's a good chance you'll be able to again. Frustrating that you have such long cycles to deal with though.

Silas - Ugh, BFNs are the worst! Hoping that Walmart cheapie really did have the beginnings of a BFP and you'll get a definite positive soon.

HopefullyOpto - Sorry you're having tummy troubles. That's the worst. But I seem to get it often, unfortunately. For appointments, I just say I have a doctor appointment and no one asks questions. In California, legally they can't ask personal questions about why you're going to the doctor. All they can ask is if you're able to work. But I do have a nosy coworker who might make a comment if I started having multiple appointments. And I'm sure people might speculate. But I think if I started going in for fertility appointments, I can brush off any comments or questions. I usually make them for first thing in the morning or the latest in the afternoon. So I just come in late or leave a little early.
Thanks for the advice regarding appointments ladies, tbh i think i will just ask to work through lunch and say i have appointments that i need to go to and ask if i can make up my time. Fx they will be accommodating otherwise i will need to start taking it as holiday which i really dont want to do.

Glad to hear you are round the time of ovulation ksquared and BabeAwait, hope these are successful cycles for you.

BabeAwait, i have been having headaches since starting provera and metformin so i cant tell you which one is causing it...??
My principal just covered my class for me for the last half hour one day so I didn't have to book a sub. But at that point he knew.

What do you do for work?
Crazycat i am a IT analyst so its not like i have to have someone to cover me during a class like yourself but i work in a very small team so i would have to check that my colleague can cover me. Its also that i have quite a long commute so i have to leave relatively early to get to my appointment on time which is annoying. But i have to look at it as its my future and therefore extremely important.

Out of interest did you conceive with or without the help of meds, i cant remember, sorry :p
How are wedding plans going aidensmomma?

Dh is now away for the 10 day stretch. Not looking forward to the 10 week one after this. He's in the army reserves. I don't know if you have this in the states or not, it's not like the reg forces where he would have to deploy or we would have to move. He still works a regular full time job on top of this too so he's very busy. So he's normally busy, but going away for this long is unusual with reserves, it's just for officer training.

The wedding plans are going :haha: We've got to go in and sign our contract/pay for our venue on Tuesday. We got a great deal on it though. Since we're having a Monday wedding during off-peak season, we get to use the chapel for free saving us $300 :happydance: My mom has also offered to help us pay for some of the wedding, which is so nice. Our next step is to find an officiant and figure out what we're going to do for music. I'm trying to focus on one thing at a time, which has definitely helped keep the planning stress-free so far.

And like others have said, we're definitely here to keep you company while your OH is away. :hugs:

Hey ladies ... CD38 today. Haven't had a cycle this long since getting out my IUD.

I tested yesterday and got a bfn on a digital. I got a cheapie test from Walmart and I think I see something on it, but nothing definite. I'm hoping this will be our month, but honestly I just don't know. Holding out on testing for now to see if AF arrives. How some dizziness and light headedness...I just feel off. Not sure what to think. Could be just 13dpo but idk when I o'ed for sure.

Sorry about your bfn. :hugs: Digitals aren't usually as sensitive as other tests, so it would make sense that you would see something on a cheapie before a digital is positive. FX for a bfp!

Aidensxmomma That's what my dr said to me about clomid when I asked. She said she wanted to see me to try naturally a full year then she would referr me to someone else for "fertility medication". Which I thought was odd because I know others who've gotten help sooner with diagnoses such as endo or pcos. I couldn't help but think "you want be to wait the year to come see you again just so you can push me off to be someone else's problem?" I guess it's harder to find a good obgyn than I thought :(

Afm I had an almost positive opk this morning! :happydance: So according to my history I should ovulate in the next 2-3 days. Of course unless I fail to ovulate with this surge like I have once before. I also had ewcm today! :) Needless to say I am happy about it. My cycles have continued to shorten since my cp. I thank my lost little bean for helping my cycles improve although I'm sad that they are gone.
Today I went out to celebrate my birthday with my parents. We went to my favorite steak house and I had a margarita, it was delicious. :) I also attended my cousins bridal shower today, it reminded me of the days surrounding my wedding which gives me butterflies :cloud9:
All and all it's been a good day.

Happy birthday! :cake: And yay for a positive OPK and ewcm! :happydance:

It is sucky about the OBGYN, but I guess I'll just be sticking it out and waiting the year. This is the second OBGYN I've seen and she's the one who's taken me seriously about the endo. The first one I saw straight out told me that I couldn't possibly have endo or any fertility problems because I've been pregnant four times. He failed to realize the last time I got pregnant was four years ago and my pregnancies occurred early in my life (16, 17, 17, 19). I feel like a lot could have changed in that time.

Hey guys. I think I actually ovulated yesterday! Crazy, right? My temp was .5 degrees higher today and I'm not having the cramps like I was yesterday or the mild ones I had all week. FX my temp stays elevated tomorrow. I did have more ewcm today. I feel like I missed the LH surge with my OPKs too since maybe I triggered it with my extra dose of Vitex yesterday morning. I guess it could be possible that today's temp was a fluke, but my instinct is that I'm 1dpo. DH has to save up his swimmers for a couple of days before he submits a sample, so he's planning on Wednesday to take it in. Assuming O did happen yesterday and we don't have to BD as much. Time will tell.

Aidensxmomma - I'm sure a more laid back approach to ttc will be a big help while you're in the middle of wedding planning. Hopefully you get lucky. When will be the 1 year mark for you? I seem to remember that you have quite some time before then. At least you know that you've conceived three times before, so there's a good chance you'll be able to again. Frustrating that you have such long cycles to deal with though.

Yay for ovulation! :happydance: Hopefully you caught that eggy! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

The one year mark will be the first of December. So I'm about halfway there now. I do try to keep in mind that I have conceived before so I should be able to again, my worry is just how long it's going to take. It was such a change in the three years between when I got pregnant with my son and then when I got pregnant with my second daughter. And that's what makes me worry - it's been another three years now since my last pregnancy and I worry about how much worse the endo could have gotten in that time. I think I'm worrying a little too much, though, with no real evidence to back it up.

As for recent news, I very unexpectedly got AF today. I don't know if I just missed ovulation or if I didn't ovulate at all. :shrug: Either way, this was a pretty typical length cycle for me. On one hand, I'm kind of glad I didn't go through the tww and test early and all that other madness, on the other hand, I'm a little depressed because it's AF and I'm not pregnant. But I'm ready to start another cycle and hope for the best. :thumbup:
Without meds. I was pretty lucky, if I didn't have such long cycles it actually wouldn't have taken me that long. Just 4 cycles, but it was more like seven months because of the length of my cycles. With Dh now gone I am feeling really fortunate that it didn't take longer, we wouldn't be able to try again until August! Unless we got really lucky when I go to visit him I guess, but that's pretty unrealistic. So we were talking about that the other day and being thankful that it didn't take longer.

I just announced on Facebook! The news is out into the world now!
O not confirmed yet. Temp was super low yesterday but I got up really early for a charity run. Temp today is back to what it was last week. :shrug: My OPKs have been really light so I'm not going to do them anymore this cycle I think. I only have a few left now. Yesterday though I had sharp left ovary pain that was pretty consistent all day. Guess we'll keep BD-ing until I get the temp shift or AF.

HopefullyOpto - Sorry you've been having headaches. I have an office job too in a small team, so it's not a huge deal to leave early or come in late. I also have a long commute so it's hard to just pop over to an appointment on a long lunch break or something.

Aidensxmomma - Glad the wedding plans haven't been super stressful and everything is going smoothly. In 6 months with long cycles, you've probably only had a few cycles of ttc so far. So yeah I understand why doctors want to give you ample time to conceive naturally. Hoping you get that BFP long before December!

Crazycatlady - That is lucky! :)
Aidensxmomma, glad your plans fpr the wedding are a go go. Sounds exciting, the day will be here before you know it :)
Strange about AF but at least you didn't have a super long drawn out cycle, they are the worse.

BabeAwait looks like a temp shift today, i hope you ovulated and caught the egg.

Craztcat, you definitely are most lucky in how long it took to conceive, lets hope we start seeing some more BFP's on here soon.

Kquared, sorry ovulation doesnt seem to have been confirmed, it certainly seems the change in your Vitex dose had an effect, that and the vacationing. Lets hope that you will ovulate soon and have a perfectly times bd tp catch the egg.

AFM i am on day 4 of metformin and 3 of provera, does anyone know if provera causes a temp shift as i have heard that it does but i am yet to experience it. Has anyone else taken it to induce AF or know of anyone that has.
Not really had any side effects from met so i am doubling up my dosage as of tomorrow and see how i fair.
Hey ladies! CD40 over here :saywhat:
My longest cycle since having IUD removed has been 37 days (previous 2 cycles) so I have even surpassed that. Of course one of the months I DO NOT do opk's I end up with a period thats 6 days late! :wacko:

I honestly have NO CLUE when I ovulated. Last cycle I ov'ed on CD22 and I ended up having a CP that month. Got my BFP on 14dpo and started AF the next day! But I did spot for a few days before that, but heavy blow for only 4 days (Normally 5-6) ANYWAY! Like I said, no clue!

I could say my period was either due on May 12 or May 16 based on a 37 day cycle (but I do my average of 33 days when figuring this stuff out) So I technically could only be 2 days late for AF which could explain why I am getting BFNs - but then again I just don't know! Its a mess.

I have tons of symptoms though, so I remain hopeful that I will get a BFP. I am just running out of time at this point. :(

I think I could have ov'ed on May 3 - had tons of ECWM that day & we DTD ... but then again I don't want to get my hopes up either. So I am testing tomorrow morning. I honestly think that if I am not pregnant there is something else wrong with me. I feel like AF is not even in sight - anytime I feel some cramps I end up passing gas (tmi sorry) ... so basically my sore breast could go either way, but other than that - not really. And it doesn't explain getting dizzy and lightheaded either because that isn't usual for me....

Anyway, I am rambling at this point. I am just frustrated. Thanks for reading :flower:
Hey ladies! I am pretty confident I ovulated sunday. Cd 23, one day earlier than I ever have recorded. I had two days of positive opks and a temp shift today. Almost the exact same temp as 1dpo last cycle. So I will be starting up my lovely progesterone on Thursday. I hate how messy it is but oh well.

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. My birthday isn't actually until Saturday, I was celebrating early with my parents because they will be out of town. I am slightly bummed that I won't be able to drink on my birthday. I was planning on letting loose and indulging myself with my favorites, jager bombs and margaritas. I suppose I could have one small glass of red wine with dinner since*my dr says small amounts is*okayed for pregnancy. My H and I will be in Kansas City shopping and we're going to my favorite habachi grill for dinner.

Silas It could be possible you haven't O'd yet. I ovulated one cycle on day 44 which was nearly two weeks later than normal. Also if you just had a cp last cycle then your cycle now may not be typical. My first cycle post cp was a bit wonky. Now they have consistently improved. Have you thought of temping?

Hopefullyopto I wish I knew about the provera. I took it once at 11 so they could start me on bcp to treat my pcos, so obviously that was a long time ago. I'm not sure how it works but I suppose if it effects your progesterone it could increase your temp. Since you had diarrhea you could have been dehydrated causing the headaches. FX that doubling your dosage doesn't cause you any side effects!

Ksquared Sorry your temps are confusing! Maybe you ovulated today. It seems your vacation threw things off schedule for you this cycle. FX for you!
Oh and yes I have more progesterone I got a 30 day supply and I can get refills as needed. Which reminds me I might need to go ahead and order a refill if I got a bfp this cycle I would run out soon and it can take them a week to make at my pharmacy.

Aidensxmomma Sorry the witch got you! I hate it when drs make assumptions and don't listen to us. I have faith you'll get a bfp before the year mark. Glad to hear your wedding planning is going good!

Crazycat How lucky! You and your OH must have had really good timing. It's so much harder with these long cycles. Woohoo for Facebook announcements!
HopefullyOpto - Glad you haven't had many side effects from the meds yet. FX you still feel good after doubling up today!

Silas - Sorry this cycle has been so confusing for you. Based on your symptoms, it does sound like you're at least in the tww. I hate that feeling like something is wrong because nothing is making sense. FX you get your answer soon!

BabeAwait - Congrats on O! And getting it earlier than ever! I can definitely see the temp shift on your chart and the positive OPKs, so looks pretty clear that you're now in the tww. Yay!

Afm - Still having ewcm and that sharp left side pain that started on Sunday. But no big temp shift yet. Maybe if I did have a CP last cycle that this one could be messed up because of that along with the travel. CD 33 today. Looks like DH won't be doing his SA until next week since we still need to BD frequently. Just waiting, waiting, waiting *twiddles thumbs*.
Hopefullyopto - *nerd alert* the active ingredient in provera is medroxyPROGESTERONE, it's essenitally a chemical made to mimic progesterone in the body. That's why you pulse dose for 10 days to make the body think it's the normal progesterone surge after ovulation, and then your period will start between 2-10 days after provera is stopped, as that's what usually occurs in the body when the progesterone tapers off and estrogen begins to rise again.

I would assume just like with regular progesterone, some women will get a temp rise, but not all will.
TexMel, thats fab information! I have to take it for 7 days 2x a day. I hope it induces AF relatively quickly as i have a HyCosy scheduled not that long after...

BabeAwait, yay for temp shift! I hope the progesterone does its thing and you get your BFP this month.

Ksquared, sorry your cycle isnt playing ball, unfortunately there is always going to be a few. I hope you get that temp shift and confirmed ovulation soon.

Silas, thats no fun that you dont know where in your cycle you are. Hopefully you will get some answers soon and if it's not AF then a BFP! Cycles can always be wonky after BC. I hope they sort themselves out soon.

TexMel, how are you doing? Are you showing yet?
I took this, this morning. Picture taken at 5 minute mark. I have a couple other pictures (of same test) but would like to know what you ladies think. :flower:


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I think I see something, SilasLove! Not definite, but looks like the beginnings of a line. How does it look in person?
Thanks HopefullyOpto. I am an open book when it comes to prescription drugs, I can always give info on those. I just don't know much about the herbals and vitamin supplements, as they don't teach those much in traditional pharmacy school.

I feel like I am showing, but it looks more like a beer belly to me. Looking forward to a cute little bump being a little more prominent. Sorry for the low quality (I'm not usually one for bathroom selfies), but attaching the pic I sent my BFF this morning. 14 weeks tomorrow! I'm convinced it's a boy!

Silaslove, I feel like I may see the beginning of a line. Take another one tomorrow or Thursday! Fx!

Sorry ksquared, that is definitely frustrating.

Congrats on o, babeawait!

Aidensxmomma. I know no one is happy about AF, but I look at it as a new opportunity for a fresh cycle. At least it means it wasn't a crazy long cycle this time, right? Also, I never got a chance to comment on it, but I totally commend you for doing what you had to do with regards to your kids. I see a lot of mental illness in my line of work and I think the choice you made sounds like it was the best for them to be in a healthy environment and to give you a chance to get better. You are a great mom!

Hope I didn't miss anyone!

Edit: why do my pics always turn sideways on here?!


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TextMel Your bump is so cute! :)

Silas I see a line but can't tell if it has color or not.

Ksquared I'm sorry you're still waiting :( that is one of the most annoying parts of ttc! I know I look forward to charting a new temp each morning to see if O is confirmed. I hope it is for you!

Hopefullyopto How was it doubling metformin? I hope af starts and ends soon for you in time for your procedure.

Hope I got everyone. Nothing new here. Tomorrow O will be confirmed. I've been really sleepy today I guess my body is preparing for the extreme sleepiness my progesterone causes lol
I agree, TexMel! Your bump is adorable!

BabeAwait - Sorry you're so sleepy. On Sunday night and yesterday, I was like a zombie. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

Afm - Thanks for the sympathy :). I have high hopes that my temp will be higher in the morning. My left side O pain was really strong all day plus I felt very bloated and crampy and low energy. Felt more like my previous O days. But I guess we'll see (I feel like I've been saying that for a week, lol).

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