Long cycles and the tww

Hey all, AF hasnt hit me yet, i have cramping but that can mean anything.
Silas glad you are able to start a new cycle, sorry its not a positive this time round.

Glad to see your temps rising ksquared and BabeAwait, hopefully we can see some BFP's at the end of this tww!

O i went up to 3 pills for metfomin yesterday. Not too bad so far, causing bloading but nothing else.
I hope my body tolerates them so i can continue taking this amount.
Ksquared You're only 2 dpo behind me :) I have FX you won't need that appointment.

Silas Sorry the witch got you.

Hopefullyopto Glad to hear the tripled metformin didn't upset your tummy. I hope you get AF soon so you can start a new cycle.

The progesterone has made me very emotional this time. I saw a man holding a baby on tv and instantly burst into tears. Seeing a smiling baby in a commercial did the same thing. Also I've been having weird crazy dreams every night. The past two nighfs when I lay down for bed I get nauseous and heartburn. It could just be from eating out over the weekend. Today I've felt dull crampyness in my uterus and lower back. Not sure what it's from but it's pretty mild.
Hey babeawait, lets hope those symptoms are something positive hey!
I spoke to soon on the metformin front. Nasty upset tummy this afternoon, but i started spotting today and i must say i dont think i have ever been so happy to think i may be cd1 tomorrow!
BabeAwait - sorry you're feeling so emotional this time. I too have been having a really hard time seeing other pregnant people or babies, as you can probably tell by previous posts, lol. FX the crazy dreams and dull cramps are a good sign!

HopefullyOpto - Hooray for the spotting!! Sorry about the tummy troubles though. Hopefully it won't last so you can keep taking 3 metformin. I'm so happy your super long cycle is finally coming to an end!

Afm - Nothing really going on. Getting some sad moments because I'm just ready for answers and feel like this cycle wasn't lucky (especially with no symptoms). I think my progesterone is extra weak this cycle because my temp isn't as high as past cycles and not a lot of cm. It has been nice to have the long holiday weekend though. Hopefully things change over the next few days to give me more positive feelings!
Ksquared, try not to be so negative about this cycle. There have been so many instances on bnb where woman have got their bfp's without any symptoms.

So does creamy cm denote progesterone levels then?

It has been a rather nice extended weekend here to, the weather held out unlike the last bank holiday. I don't want to go back to work tomorrow :(

Ksquared, how do you go about getting seen for fertility testing? Fx it doesn't actually come to that and you get your BFP this cycle!
Thanks, HopefullyOpto. I'll try :). Yeah I read the progesterone causes the creamy cm. For our fertility clinic, we just have to call and make an appointment. No referral needed or anything. Though it is only 50% covered by insurance so it is pricey. When do you go in for that semi-painful test? And your blood work?
So i have my bloods on Thursday as its cd1 for me today, yay! And my HyCosy is Wednesday next week, scary i must say. I then have a follow up the week or so after that. Im going to ask to see if metformin helps without intervention from fertility drugs but i probably wont wait too long as I'm impatient.
Sorry that the fertility testing is pricey, its so very unfair that you have to pay so much for something that should just come to us naturally :(
I have both fingers and toes crossed that you wont need to pay out and that you will get your very much deserved BFP! :hugs:
How hard is it to get a doctor to prescribe metformin (US)?

With my cycles so crazy would it even be beneficial for me?
Hi Silas, it certainly seems the luck of the draw in trying to get metformin prescribed in the US, unfortunately im not based there so i wouldnt be able to give a definite answer.
From talking to a lot of ladies it would seem that those who have been prescribed have had it from their RE's who are much more likely to prescribe than a gyn.
But someone else may say otherwise. Do you ever have regular cycles because i haven't had one in a very long time.
Thank you, HopefullyOpto :). :hugs: I hope I'm one of those ladies who makes a fertility appointment and then has to cancel it because of a natural BFP! DH does his SA tomorrow. We haven't BD for the last couple of days because they told him to save up for a couple of days. Did your DH do his yet? They sent us the kit so he can do it at home and then bring the sample in for testing within an hour. I feel like that has to be so awkward for the guys!

I saw on another thread that you got AF today - yay!! So glad the meds worked. Oh yeah, I had my bloods a few months ago on CD 3 too. I really think my issue is after ovulation with my progesterone because my temp rise is so slow. And possibly cysts. But anyway, I'm eager to hear about the HyCosy because I really want to get one too to know if my tubes are clear!
Hey ksquared, no SA for my DH as of yet, he had to wait two weeks for an appointment so hes doing it next week. He goes in to the clinic for his donation which i think is much more awkward than at home, we have had a few giggles about it :D
Yup its cd1 for me today. Finally a new cycle! I shall let you know how the HyCosy goes next week, slightly nervous about it... I think i also have estrogen dominance, with low progesterone, but my bloods should confirm my suspicions. I definately have elevated androgens and testosterone :( i just know it.

Did your bloods from cd3 not tell you anything definitive?
Hey ladies

Hopefullyopto I'm happy to hear you finally got AF! Hopefully this will be a great cycle for you. :) I've always suspected I have estrogen dominance as well. I used to use an advanced opk kit that tested for an "estrogen surge" in addition to LH, and I got nearly two weeks of positives. It was expensive but luckily the IC work perfect for me now. I too have high androgens :( there is no question in my mind about that one. I have to keep the hair removal tools and acne medicine close! :haha:
I hope your bloodwork and procedure next week bring you great results! :)

Ksquared Don't be down on yourself about your temps and lackb of symptoms. I honestly feel ss does more harm than good. Some women experience things totally opposite of what we're told to expect and some nothing at all. Plus every pregnancy can be different too. I think it's pretty uncommon to experience a lot of symptoms only 3-4 weeks into pregnancy. :)
I have FX you have to cancel that appointment due to a :bfp: !

Not a lot going on here. Still having vivid dreams every night. Today my back and boobs were achy. Mostly my back. I plan to test on Saturday morning. Part of me wants to on friday tho so we'll see. I refuse to let myself test before 12dpo because I start playing head games with myself!

I forgot to mention it in this thread but I'm knitting my future baby a baby blanket! :) it is a pretty pattern in a gender neutral mint color. Maybe I'll share pics with its progression.
Yeah babeawait its so very unwomanly what pcos ladies have to deal with sometimes. Thats an interesting way you diagnosed your oestrogen dominance. I might have to try that. What is an IC?
BabeAwait, make sure you don't test too early. Work out what is worse seeing first a BFN or AF? We all have our Fx that the progesterone does the trick this time and you get that BFP!
IC = Internet cheapies Hopefullyopto :)

Hey I was wondering how is your AF? I'm curious since provera is essentially progesterone. My first AF post progesterone was super light. I even tested a few days in because it was confusing lol
Cd1 was super light but yesterday i was not so lucky and had a cycle almost exactly how AF is on a non-induced cycle. No bad cramps like i normally get which was a blessing in itself. Not sure how it will be today. Do you recon that indicates anything?
Hey guys - sorry I haven't written back for a couple of days. I have been reading your posts, though.

HopefullyOpto - My blood test said all of my hormone levels were within normal range, except testosterone was slightly high. But now I actually think it was a CD 21 test, but it was my second cycle on Vitex when I ovulated on like CD 18. I'll have to look again. But it was on one of my most normal length cycles as a result of Vitex, so I want them to do them again. Next week will be exciting for you with your blood results in, the SA for your DH and the HyCosy! Hoping you start getting some answers about what's wrong so they can start fixing it!

BabeAwait - Only two more days until your planned test day! Glad the symptoms aren't driving you crazy this time and making you anxious to test early. Hoping that AF stays away for good! I love the idea of mint for a gender-neutral baby blanket. I'm sure it will turn out beautifully!

Afm - Had some very slight dull cramps yesterday, just a couple of times. And last night I had a little bit of night sweats, which last cycle I had in the couple of nights leading up to AF. My temps post O this time have been consistently lower than usual, except today it went up a little. But I also woke up 2.5 hours before normal for a little bit before falling back asleep. Also, I'm a bit miffed at DH because he didn't do the SA yesterday. He told me the other night he was planning to do it early next week so we'd know for sure about this cycle, but I'm so impatient to get results and set our fertility appointment. And I told him that and said that we hadn't be BD-ing so he could save up, and in any case the test is already paid for, but he didn't do it. He already had it in his mind that it would be next week. It doesn't help that I've been feeling down most of this week anyway - *sigh*. So Monday he should be going in.
Yeah lots of stuff going on for me in the next few weeks, I'm a little apprehensive about all of the results because i mean if they come back normal then what on earth is causing these stupidly long cycles. I think if nothing much comes of these results then i am going to ask to get my thyroid checked. Hopefully DH's SA will be fine and it will be one less thing to worry about.

Sorry to hear about your DH ksquared, i must admit i do feel that men can be a little insensitive to it all sometimes. I mean at the moment their job is an easy one, they are not the ones taking meds, getting poked and prodded etc. anyway I'm glad to hear he will be doing it on Monday. Sorry you are feeling down, I'm a little like that at the moment as my tablets are making me sooo ill and its hard to stay awake most of the day but I'm powering through because if it can help shorten these cycles and lead to a BFP then i don't care. Hopefully your lower than normal temps mean nothing, I'm sure a noticeable temp shift is all thats required to get your BFP!
So today I've had a decent temp rise after my dip yesterday. I'm trying not to get excited thinking it's an implantation dip because last cycle I had one and the witch got me. So I've had a pregnancy and a non pregnancy cycle with implantation dips. A part of me really wants to test tomorrow at 12dpo, what do you guys think? Should I just wait for Saturday instead? My cousins bachelorette is Saturday so I probably will test Saturday regardless of tomorrow. Still having vivid dreams and my back is still achy. Otherwise I feel good. Some very light crampy feeling yesterday but not enough to feel like AF is coming soon.

Hopefullyopto I hope you get acclimated to the met soon. It's soundes miserable so far. I don't know if the light AF means anything I was just curious if it was the same way for you. I was kind of happy mine was light because I had such short luteal phases that I hoped maybe it meant my lining had thickened up a bit. Not sure if it is though.
I hope it's not going to be too stressful for you having all that done next week. We're here if you need to rant or if you get nervous. :hugs:

Ksquared Sorry your H made you mad. Atleast you've already ovulated so you don't worry about missing important BD days. I know that it doesn't help with the fact you want answers soon though.

Hey ladies I know it's rough but we all are going to be mommy's someday. Sooner than later! We all have taken this under our control and are consistently moving in a productive direction. Even if things don't work out with our current cycles, we will make it! And some day soon we all will be holding our beautiful babies and it all will have been worth every agonizing second of the wait. I'm sure we all will even want to do it again. :)

We can get through this! :hugs:
So I had my obgyn appointment today - and honestly it was kind of a bust. I didn't really get any answer, but I also had to see someone who I don't normally see. We talked a good 30 minutes or so and the only thing she was talking to help me was either taking progesterone (Provera) for 10 days to try and reboot my cycle so that I may not have such long cycles, or to go on BCP for 3 months and see if my cycles would be better after getting off of BCP. :nope: I wasn't really willing to do either of these, and the Provera was just a suggestion of something we COULD do because she didn't really want to do that either. So her only legit suggestion was to do OPK's every day post-period and only DTD every other day. I explained that I don't want this to be job for us, and I don't. But she basically said that I may have to do that in order to have another baby.

Needless to say, I finally just left. I do take what she said in to consideration, but its just not something I haven't already been trying. I did OPKs Jan-March every months and only got a +opk on CD22 in February. We had a chemical that month, and yes that seems promising but I didn't get +opks at any other time - so did I not ovulate? Was I taking them at the wrong time? I asked about possible vitamins to help me with cycles/ovulation/etc and she basically said there was nothing. :shrug:

Anyway, I made another appointment with my regular obgyn - the one who I had with both my previous pregnancies and who delivered Madelyn. Personally, I don't know why I even went today. A nice lady, but I didn't feel like I resolved anything and she kind of seemed like "oh what the heck" about my periods being irregular and that I was almost 2 weeks late this month. I mean - I know there isn't some easy fix, but I am sure there is some sort of steps I can take in order to get a better chance of pregnancy ... either way, I guess I will feel better if both of them tell me the same things. What do you all think, am I being a bit irrational?
Hey BabeAwait, what was you decision in the end, are you waiting to test tomorrow or have you tested already?? AF is much heavier than it is normally which makes me think that i definately have low progesterone and the reason i only get one/two heavy days on a normal cycle and lots of spotting is because the progesterone hasn't built up my lining. This is just a theory mind you. Its complete an utter guess work until i get my blood results.

Silas, sorry about your sh***y appointment, i had quite a few of those appointments which felt like a waste of my time until eventually i saw my Gyne. Out of interest what were your hopes from the appointment? Was there something im the back of your mind thinking that you wished they gave you something or was it just to at least have a plan of action. Where are you in your cycle right now?
Maybe you can take a supplement to bring on AF if you know you havent conceived, like dong quai (may be spelt differently)
Personally i wouldnt go on BCP i think they are evil, and they can sometimes exacerbate hormone imbalance. But thats a personal opinion and anyone that does think its a good idea i can understand why. Is there a reason you dont want to take provera? I took it due to the fact that my cycle was over 60+ days! But if you are not sure you have ovulated and the cycle isn't that long then maybe you can wait it out a little longer. Sorry we dont have the answers you seek. I think we are all just as frustrated with our horrid cycles also. Keep your chin up hun, we will get there.

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