Hey guys - sorry I haven't written back for a couple of days. I have been reading your posts, though.
HopefullyOpto - My blood test said all of my hormone levels were within normal range, except testosterone was slightly high. But now I actually think it was a CD 21 test, but it was my second cycle on Vitex when I ovulated on like CD 18. I'll have to look again. But it was on one of my most normal length cycles as a result of Vitex, so I want them to do them again. Next week will be exciting for you with your blood results in, the SA for your DH and the HyCosy! Hoping you start getting some answers about what's wrong so they can start fixing it!
BabeAwait - Only two more days until your planned test day! Glad the symptoms aren't driving you crazy this time and making you anxious to test early. Hoping that AF stays away for good! I love the idea of mint for a gender-neutral baby blanket. I'm sure it will turn out beautifully!
Afm - Had some very slight dull cramps yesterday, just a couple of times. And last night I had a little bit of night sweats, which last cycle I had in the couple of nights leading up to AF. My temps post O this time have been consistently lower than usual, except today it went up a little. But I also woke up 2.5 hours before normal for a little bit before falling back asleep. Also, I'm a bit miffed at DH because he didn't do the SA yesterday. He told me the other night he was planning to do it early next week so we'd know for sure about this cycle, but I'm so impatient to get results and set our fertility appointment. And I told him that and said that we hadn't be BD-ing so he could save up, and in any case the test is already paid for, but he didn't do it. He already had it in his mind that it would be next week. It doesn't help that I've been feeling down most of this week anyway - *sigh*. So Monday he should be going in.