Long cycles and the tww

Thanks, HopefullyOpto :hugs:. My bad day was totally unrelated to ttc, but yes I get those ttc-related bad days often too. If AF shows up I'm sure I'll have another one! I have had quite a lot of creamy cm today. But with the lower temp it could be pre-AF stuff? I'm thinking if no AF tomorrow then I'll test. Unless I just get inspired to do it tonight.

Sorry your DH was uncomfortable with the SA - but yeah, that's the only thing he has to do while you have to get poked and prodded multiple times!
Yeah thats what i said to him, i don't imagine its going to be a very fun experience for me tomorrow but i am hopeful that al goes well.

Your doing well to hold out so long. I have decided that i will wait till after AF is due once we get these cycles in order (and if I'm ever in the tww). I cant bare to see a chemical, I'm so sensitive and i think it would really hurt me if it ever happens.
I think this is the first time since August last year that I haven't tested. I've said before that I would wait for AF but that never happened. Though I guess I was never sure when I O'd until I started temping in late November. I don't blame you for not wanting to see a chemical - it sucks thinking you're pregnant and then being devastated! But sometimes it's SO HARD not to have those thoughts.

I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. Dry throat and slight overall headache. Could be a symptom but I was with my sister's kids on Sunday and two of them have colds. Still no sign of AF at 14dpo though, unless O was later than I thought. :shrug:

Good luck tomorrow!! :hugs:
Hi everyone! How are you all doing?

Sorry for my long absence. I've been incredibly down about TTC, so I've been distancing myself from the forum a bit, which has helped a little since I'm not obsessing over every little thing. Currently waiting to ovulate, which is dragging by, as always.
Hey Aidensxmomma! Sorry you are feeling crappy with this ttc process, it really is a very stressful time when everything isn't going to plan and sometimes a break from the board can be what you need, just know we will be here when you come back :hugs: Where are you in your cycle right now?

Im due to see the consultant for my HyCoSy procedure this afternoon and i am pretty nervous i must admit. Been having a few niggling pains in my left ovary so i might mention it so they can take a look and see if everything is ok.
I shall let you all know how it goes :)
Hey Aidensxmomma! Sorry you are feeling crappy with this ttc process, it really is a very stressful time when everything isn't going to plan and sometimes a break from the board can be what you need, just know we will be here when you come back :hugs: Where are you in your cycle right now?

Im due to see the consultant for my HyCoSy procedure this afternoon and i am pretty nervous i must admit. Been having a few niggling pains in my left ovary so i might mention it so they can take a look and see if everything is ok.
I shall let you all know how it goes :)

Right now I'm waiting to ovulate - on cd18. So it shouldn't be too much longer until I ovulate hopefully.

What's a HyCoSy? Good luck with your appointment! :flower:
Hey, cd18 isn't too bad! Lets hope ovulation happens soon for you.

A HyCosy is like a HSG without the xray, just done through a transvaginal scan and saline. I had it a couple of hours ago and i dont want to scare anyone as i know everyones experiences are different but it was horrible :( the only blessing was it was over soo very quickly i mean they were super efficient!
The results were mixed, when i asked how bad my pcos was he said it was pretty bad :( and i have a small cyst on one of my ovaries but he said it was nothing and he wasn't worried about it at all (doesn't stop my worrying though) on the flip side my tubes are all clear but that didn't really give me that much solace.
I feel it may definitely will have to have help from meds to get me that much desired BFP :(
Hey, cd18 isn't too bad! Lets hope ovulation happens soon for you.

A HyCosy is like a HSG without the xray, just done through a transvaginal scan and saline. I had it a couple of hours ago and i dont want to scare anyone as i know everyones experiences are different but it was horrible :( the only blessing was it was over soo very quickly i mean they were super efficient!
The results were mixed, when i asked how bad my pcos was he said it was pretty bad :( and i have a small cyst on one of my ovaries but he said it was nothing and he wasn't worried about it at all (doesn't stop my worrying though) on the flip side my tubes are all clear but that didn't really give me that much solace.
I feel it may definitely will have to have help from meds to get me that much desired BFP :(

I'm sorry to hear that it was painful and you didn't get good news. :hugs:
Hey guys! Good to see you, Aidensxmomma. I hope ovulation is early for you this month! Sounds like you're on track, but there's still plenty of time :).

HopefullyOpto - I'm sorry the procedure was horrible! At least it's over now and you have your results already :). Glad your tubes are clear and no other issues you have in addition to the PCOS. I guess we'll have to see how the meds affect your cycle this time around. You haven't gotten the blood test results back, right?

Afm - I'm freaking myself out expecting to see AF every time I go to the bathroom. But all I have is creamy cm so I feel damp. I have had long, wacky luteal phases before Vitex so I'm panicked that I'm not really 15 dpo. I'm remaining skeptical so I don't get my hopes up. I'm testing when I get home in a couple of hours and fully expecting a BFN. I've had a sore/dry throat all day though and drinking water feels good! DH is slightly sick too. Temp is still up but have felt slightly feverish, so not sure. Lol, I'm so pessimistic from all the times my lack of AF tricked me!
Aaaa congratulations ksquared!!!!!
See like i said right before you were going to go for fertility testing!!
So I've decided to get a second opinion about getting fertility testing/treatment. I emailed two fertility clinics in my area to ask about their eligibility requirements (if it needs to be a year of TTC with known fertility issues), the options they offer, and their costs. I should hear back within the next few days and we'll take it from there.

I also realized something slightly depressing. Not only have we been actively trying for 6 months, but the two months before we made it official we had "oopsies." So really, we haven't been using birth control and we've timed it right for 8 months now, not just six. TTC is a very frustrating journey.
Omg ksquared!!!!! I am so excited for you! I got goosebumps when I saw that!
Thank you, guys!! I'm still in such disbelief. It's been such a LONG and emotional journey. Sometimes I thought it would never happen. I really hope it sticks for 9 months. Thank you all so, so, so much for all of your support this year. You have no idea how much it has meant to me and how you guys kept me sane. Of course I'll still be here cheering everyone else on too!! :happydance: Take it from me who took nearly 11 months of ttc and was so pessimistic this cycle - it WILL happen for you.

Crazy how as soon as I got my BFP the symptoms started increasing. Mostly just a full crampy feeling in the uterus. Could be because I'm thinking about it constantly though (I only got about 3 hours of sleep I was so excited).
Aidensxmomma - Good for you for pushing for fertility testing when YOU want it, not when the doctors are ready to give it. I hope you find a great doctor that you can see sooner and get your questions answered. I agree, ttc is a very frustrating journey. Hopefully this cycle will be your lucky one, and like me it will be right before you make an appointment for fertility testing. Big hugs :hugs:.
Aidensxmomma - Good for you for pushing for fertility testing when YOU want it, not when the doctors are ready to give it. I hope you find a great doctor that you can see sooner and get your questions answered. I agree, ttc is a very frustrating journey. Hopefully this cycle will be your lucky one, and like me it will be right before you make an appointment for fertility testing. Big hugs :hugs:.

Thanks ksquared :)

I got some good news and some bad news from the fertility clinic I talked to today. The bad news is that it's more expensive than I was expecting. But the good news is that they are willing to take me on as a patient and do not require the one year of ttc, especially because I have endo. So that's really good. I'm going to talk to my OH tonight and we'll decide if and when we want to go through with this. I'm feeling a little more hopeful now that I know I have the option of seeing someone and getting some help.
Hey Aidensxmomma, thats great news! Im really excited that you can get the help before having to have been trying for a year! Is it really expensive then?

Im so sad today :( i really wanted the scan to go well, and tbh it didn't go badly in a sense that my tubes were clear and they just reiterated that i had pcos albeit quite bad pcos. I just cant shake the low feeling right now.

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