Long cycles and the tww

I wasn't really sure what I wanted from the appointment I guess. Maybe just some suggestions of what I could be doing differently. She mentioned Provera, but it wasn't a legit offer - iykwim. She offered it, but then took it away as an option by saying what I am experiencing isn't exactly what she would give Provera for.

I guess I was just hoping that maybe they would have some answers. I am going to go to the other appointment with my regular gyno and see if she has some suggestions for me since she knows me better. Plus the lady I saw the other day mentioned fertility help but that she didn't deal with it much therefore I should see my regular gyno to discuss those things. I just think I may need just a little help to get pregnant - and I am not sure where to start for that or if its even a legitimate request after only 6 cycles TTC.
Well if you are are going to get more answers and a better response from your gyn then go for it. From what i know about consultants/doctors they are less likely to help of its been a short amount of time and you already have two children. But that might not be the case in your situation. Im like you and have no patience with it all, it feels like time move so fast but your stuck if that makes sense. I hope you get some answers soon and get that BFP soon :)
Yes, and my regular obgyn knows about my issues with my first pregnancy (ended in miscarriage) and with my son - had tons of bleeding when I was first pregnant, slow hcg rises etc. So it will be better for me I think. Should've just waited to see her in the first place but was anxious because when I made the appointment AF was still a no-show and I was getting bad evaps/faint lines on tests so was very hopeful to go in for some blood work/test but that didn't happen.
Well it sounds like it will be heaps better seeing her as she knows everything she needs to help make a better evaluation of the situation and help you get that BFP, sorry to hear about your mc. I cant imagine what that is like :(
Oh thanks hon - mine was over 6 years ago, but it still gets to me sometimes. But I got my DD on Nov 8, 2010 exactly 2 years after I miscarried my very first - to the day. I like to think that means something.
HopefullyOpto - If the tests come back normal, then so they have other tests to do? I'm sure they do. What would a thyroid check tell you? As for your heavier AF this time, I too only have 3 days of heavier flow (needing tampons). I think my uterun wall build up and progesterone is my problem too since my temp rises so slowly after O. Seems like most other ladies get a big jump at 1dpo. I agree that I don't think I'll ever go on BCP again because I feel like it screwed up my body! Unless it was just hiding a problem that my body was going to develop on its own anyway. I just never want to go through this last year again. Oh hey, I have officially been off BCP for a year now. Yay!

BabeAwait - Glad to hear about your temp rise. I hope it does mean an implantation dip this time! It's now Saturday, so I'm eagerly awaiting your test results :).

SilasLove - I'm so sorry that your appointment was a disappointment. I had one just like that last fall, with a nurse who basically told me there was nothing I could do about my long cycles and I just had to be patient. Seemed like a load of crap, and soon after that I discovered Vitex and luckily it worked for me. I think some medical professionals are of two camps - ones who don't get how frustrating it can be and just think we should be patient, and those who get it and do their best to help. I do understand if doctors don't want to try anything too early and give us a chance to conceive naturally, but when we have obvious issues then I think that's lame that they won't even give us any options. And I'm supposed how little they know about natural remedies. Heck, even a simple blood test or ultrasound shouldn't be such a hard thing to get done but they never offer. Hoping your regular doctor is more helpful! Do you temp? If I didn't, I would be so confused like you are because my current cycle is over 2 weeks longer than the last one. But with temping I know I am about 11dpo.
Oops, posted too soon...

Afm - Sorry again for being absent. I've been on jury duty the last couple of days and I'm serving on a jury. Makes it harder to type a reply! Not much new with symptoms. I thought my temp was doing its pre-AF dip but today it went back up again. Have had some very mild dull cramps in the uterus and this morning had a bit of diarrhea. Definitely gas and acne the last few days, but nothing abnormal. I've also been eating really bad so the belly troubles to be exacerbated by that. Usually I get AF by 14dpo, so I might just wait without testing since I'm not really feeling it this cycle. Maybe if no AF by Monday or Tuesday. Oh yeah, my cm also started drying up yesterday.

Has anyone used essential oils? My sister hosted a class the other night and I sneakily looked up in the book the oils to use for fertility. But now I don't remember which ones! I think there were two to use together. But I'm not sure I want to start another natural remedy until I go in for the appointment. Just curious if anyone has tried them and if they noticed any improvement.
Well looks like I might be enjoying myself at the bachelorette party after all. I got a bfn yesterday and I'm having AF cramps this morning. When I wiped there was a twinge of pink. It's so frustrating. Idk what I'm doing wrong. I got pregnant the first cycle we tried now it's been three long cycles since then and nothing. :(
I'm so sorry about AF, BabeAwait :(. I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I've read in so many places that you can be doing everything right and it could still take a few months (average I think is 3-6 cycles) to get pregnant without having the crazy weird cycles like we all have on this thread. So try not to get too discouraged. It's amazing that you got a BFP on your first try, so you know it's possible for you. Just keep trying and keep pressuring the doctors to give you the attention and help you deserve, and we'll all get there! I just saw someone on here who said she finally succeeded after 2 years. Hopefully it won't take nearly that long, but even if it does there's still hope! :hugs:
Ksquared, i must admit i actually dont know what other tests they will do if it comes back normal (which is highly unlikely) I want my thyroid checked as over/under active thyroid can cause long anovulatory cycles so getting that on check can lead to more regular cycles. Im intrigued as to what the results will be :)

I have heard that Jury duty can be a right drag if the case isnt very interesting, i hope thats not the case.
Lets hope those symptoms lead to something good :thumbup:
As for essential oils im afraid i have no idea, maybe google will be the best for finding those that may have used them successfully.

BabeAwait, sorry to hear of the BFN, has it become full AF or was it just a small amount, it is possible to continue on to a healthy BFP even with some bleeding. Keep us updated :hugs:
Like ksquared said its nothing you are doing wrong it just takes a little while sometimes, your young and have plenty of time on your side and you know it can happen so keep the faith :)

AFM, AF is finally letting up, shes much lighter today thank goodness. I tell you what has been strange though is the complete absence of cramps, i cant recall having any. The only thing that may have made me not realise is how very unwell i have been with the metformin so it may have masked them... :shrugs:
Feeling better on the metformin today, i am still trying to find triggers however and i fear that tonights dinner may be one of them. Quinoa mac n cheese (no pasta) i guess we will see.
I am confused today. Last night I had stronger AF-like cramps and backache, enough to make me pretty uncomfortable, but this morning my temp jumped up really high! I've had almost no cm the last 2 days. Temp might be a fluke but I was expecting a dip since it feels like AF is coming based on cramps. I searched online and found plenty of ladies with no cm leading up to a bfp. I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. It was pretty warm yesterday and last night.

HopefullyOpto - Glad AF is on the way out. That is very odd about the lack of cramps. Usually a heavy flow is accompanied by more cramps for me. Hoping that the heavier AF is giving you a nice clean slate for this cycle! Looking forward to hearing all of your test results this week :).
Yay for the temp jump, mine did the opposite today and almost took a 1 degrees drop, i think thats because i had my mouth wide open (hayfever)
Normally a temp drop happens when AF is pretty much done so im hoping i have a shorter cycle this month. I imagine if i havent ovulated before cd25-30 that the gyne may tell me to take my provera once again... We shall see anyway.

Its so annoying how our bodies are never predictable, there are so many women that have no symptoms during the tww and some with loads. So strange.
I'm hoping your temp drop is a good sign about your cycle, HopefullyOpto!

DH is doing the SA today. We talked about it last night. Unless he totally chickens out. My temp is still high today. I think I'll wait until tomorrow's temp to see about testing. Or maybe this evening. Maybe I did ovulate a couple of days after I thought, but that would be really weird because all of the O cramps and symptoms stopped the day after what I have marked on my chart. Boobs have been feeing full and slightly sore, which I've had before leading up to AF. Temps are the only weird thing.
The suspense is killing me! i promise not to get your hopes up but im really gunning for you hun!
We really need a BFP on thos board soon, its gone awfully quiet :(
Alright I suppose. I am in a terrible mood today so I am grumpy. Work was horrible. Life. :nope:

But as far as my cycle its okay. Been having some random spotting & it really just frustrates me. But its day 2 no spotting today so hopefully that has stopped. Its depressing how far away it is for me to start testing again. I am feeling really down about this cycle. I go to my obgyn on Thursday morning so hopefully I can get some better suggestions/advice then. :shrug: Other than that DH and the kids are driving me crazy. :haha:
For me my tww leading up to bfp was way fewer symptoms than other tww. I did have more cm though, but everyone's different. It just seemed like a different tww.
Haha - Sorry to keep you in suspense! I still have not tested. Had a bad day yesterday and didn't want to test on a bad day. This morning my temp dropped a bit, but I did take it over an hour earlier than I had been. DH did his SA yesterday so we should have results in a few days. I've been having stronger AF-like cramps so I really think it's on the way. CM hasn't been dry the past couple of days though. Maybe I'll test tonight though DH works late so that always makes it hard to test. Thank you for the good wishes, HopefullyOpto!

Silas - I'm sorry you were in a bad mood yesterday. I feel ya. Glad your spotting has stopped. What CD are you now?

How's it going, Aidensxmomma and BabeAwait??
Hey Silas, sorry you were in a bad mood yesterday, hope today has been a better day for you.

Same to you ksquared, sorry you didn't have a good day either, they seem to be going round recently. I think the stress of ttc gets to us all :(
Hopefully the temp drop is just due to a change in wake time. My temps have been up and down these past few days because i am waking really early and then not having enough time to get back to a proper sleep afterwards..
Glad to hear your DH got this SA, mine did his today, i think he was very weirded out by the whole process of having to do it at the clinic. I said i didnt feel sorry for him as i have to take meds and have uncomfortable/painful procedures to get results :winkwink:

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