Long cycles and the tww

I left my appointment today feeling better, and with some possible plans. So I am happy I went back.

Basically, my dr said that if she sent me to a fertility specialist the first thing he would say would be that I need to lose weight - and the second would be that I haven't been trying long enough. The guidelines for them are under 35 - 1 year and 35 and old - 6 months. Basically, I am too young. BUT she said that if I come back at my 9 months TTC (2 months from now) and I have lost 10-15 lbs she would try a low dose of Clomid to help try to speed things along - given of course I can lose the weight and while losing the weight I don't get pregnant. She said even a 5lb gain/loss can mess up your ovulation. I go in on my CD21 because she wants to do some blood work to see if I am ovulating or not. So that is June 13th I do believe. So, at this point I know what I NEED to do. She also says she thinks I have a mild case of PCOS.

Basically, 5 years ago when I conceived our last child I was 20lbs lighter than I am now. Since I had no issues then the idea is that if I lost this extra weight then I would definitely be more likely to conceive again. :shrug: Heck, its worth a shot. I mean - its better than taking BCP for 3 months. And it definitely wouldn't hurt to lose the extra weight I have put on - depressing, no doubt but probably what I need anyway.

So, at this point that is where I am. If I can do what I need to do then I do have another option IF I don't get pregnant on my own. So, we will see.
Ohhhhh my gooooosh ksquared!!!! I'm SO excited for you!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

See it's the tww where things are just a little different! I'm so excited for you! Congrats!!!!!
Aidensxmomma - I'm so happy to hear that you guys have the option to go for fertility testing and treatment. Hopefully you won't need it. Does O seem to be getting closer?

HopefullyOpto - I'm so sorry you're feeling down :(. I totally understand that hopeless feeling. So when they say "bad PCOS", does that mean the meds are your best option? I'm still hopeful that the meds will make this cycle much shorter and more regular, giving you more chances over time. And I'm glad that they're doing so many tests and helping you figure out the path you need to achieve that BFP. It's certainly not impossible with PCOS, as we've seen with many ladies on here. By the way, how are things moving along with your cycle? How are you feeling on the meds? FX you move into your fertile window soon and you'll get a boost of positive emotions.

SilasLove - I'm glad you're feeling better and have a game plan. I have heard that even just losing 5 pounds can help a lot. I'm glad your doctor is willing to give you clomid and seems to really want to help you. I hope your fitness plans will make you feel good and happy, and those positive emotions alone can help a lot! FX you'll get that BFP before the 9-month mark!

Crazycatlady - THANK YOU!! This tww wasn't really different until the end of it, which totally helped me not stress about testing or symptoms. I'm so glad it worked out like that so I had a nice dark BFP! :)
Hey ksquared!
So i suppose it would seem that meds are my only option at this moment in time but i wont know for definite until thursday next week. Im getting on ok with Metformin, the stomach problems are easing up unless i eat something naughty, which i do very rarely anyway. Im cd11 today and not much is going on, i dont imagine i will ovulate any time soon but here is to hoping. I imagine i will be taking a further course of provera near the end of the month if i still havent ovulated so i can then take the fertility meds if they are offered. But its all up in the air until next week so i probably will continue to worry until then. :( o well

So happy for you though hun! I really am (albeit a little jealous) :hugs:
And now i have started bleeding, fun times! Guess its still irritated from the HyCoSy, i have read that it can happen for a couple of days after the procedure. I hope thats the case anyway...
ksquared - I don't know what in the world my body is doing this cycle. I have ewcm but my opks are definite negatives. I've been testing for the last week and they haven't gotten any darker. :shrug: I guess I'll just wait it out. I'm not feeling to hopeful about ovulation in my near future though.

SilasLove - I'm glad your appointment went well and that your doctor is willing to help you out. I bet it's a relief to have a plan in place.

HopefullyOpto - :hugs: Sorry that you've been having a rough time. I'm right there with you. This whole TTC business is draining. Hopefully you'll get some answers and a good plan of action next week and you'll feel better :hugs: As for the fertility specialist, they told me the initial consultation is going to be $466, which will be a meeting with the doctor to work out a plan and then a meeting with their business specialist to figure out finances. I'm not sure if OH and I are going to be able to afford starting this process in the near future, which really has me down. If the initial consultation is almost $500, I can't imagine how much testing and medications and everything are going to cost.

AFM - I keep going back and forth on what to do. I want to get pregnant as soon as possible, but I'm not sure if OH and I can afford the specialist right now, especially because of our wedding. Which brings me to another issue of whether or not I want to be pregnant for our wedding. I keep going back and forth between "I don't care, I want a baby" to "Well, maybe we should wait." It's such a tough decision and I'm having trouble deciding. I talked to my grandma about it and she said that she thinks we should wait until after we're married, then go see a specialist in March. That seems forever away though. *sigh*
HopefullyOpto - I'm glad you're feeling Ok on the meds now. I think that's a good plan to give it to the end of the month. It's so hard to be patient sometimes! Here's hoping your body starts showing signs of O soon. But if not, I'm glad you have the meds to try next. :hugs: You'll get there! I would assume the spotting is from the hycosy since they were poking around in there. Maybe once the spotting is finished you'll start getting O signs.

Aidensxmomma - Sometimes I got ewcm for almost a week before O happened, and I only ever got a positive OPK that one cycle. I always just relied on temps and just tried to BD as long as I had ewcm. I'm sorry you're having a rough time deciding what to do. As much as it sucks, because of the cost it might be a good idea to just ntnp until after the wedding and then go in. You're still young and I don't think your issues are going to progress rapidly, so I think you will still be in the same boat health-wise. And maybe you'll get a surprise BFP while you're ntnp and have less stress! But yeah, that's such a tough decision to wait. :hugs:

Afm - I took a FRER and another internet cheapie this morning to check if my lines got much darker, and oh man they're so dark! Would you guys want to see? I definitely want to be sensitive to you ladies so if you don't want to see them, I totally understand. This is all still very surreal!
Aidensxmomma sorry to hear about the costs and the fact that you might not be able to do anything about it at the moment. I think its a real tough decision about knowing whether to just go to NTNP. Personally i would just wait a few more months so it will be nearer to your wedding date, it gives you a few more months to put money aside that you are not using for the wedding and you will be not as heavily pregnant on your wedding day if you do fall pregnant. Ultimately its a descision for the both of you and its not an easy one to make :hugs:

Ksquared! I saw you posted your frer on the other page. Lovely lines hun, you are making progression which i am so happy to see.
Unfortunately the spotting is still around... Meh so i cant really tell what my cm is doing as a result. How are you feeling anyway?
Thanks ladies :hugs:

I think my OH and I have decided on what to do. We're thinking that we're still going to TTC until our wedding. I don't think I could wait to keep trying for 9 more months. I do think that we're going to be putting off seeing the specialist until after we're married though. We are, however, considering having him get a SA done before that, just more for peace of mind than anything. It's been a big worry of mine that he's got problems, too. So since that's a relatively cheap, easy test we might get that done early. Everything else will wait until after our wedding. On one hand, it's a relief to have made a decision. On the other hand, I don't like that we're going to have to wait.

But on the bright side, the OPK I took today was darker than yesterday's, so I'm thinking I may ovulate within the next few days if it hasn't already happened. We've been trying to BD frequently, so fingers crossed that we catch that eggy.

ksquared - I'm glad your lines have gotten darker! :happydance: I can imagine that it's very surreal to finally be pregnant after trying so long. I am so happy for you! I would love to see your line progression pics :)
HopefullyOpto - Aw dang it, I'm sorry you're still spotting. I can't imagine it would last much longer. FX you start getting some ewcm very very soon!

Aidensxmomma - I think that sounds like a good plan. It'll give you guys some ample time to let it happen naturally. Congrats on the darker OPK! I hope it steadily gets darker and leads to a nice early O this cycle. I hate when those OPKs are confusing.

Afm - I'm feeling OK, but definitely different. Mostly just gas and the twinges, cramps and pressure that lets me know something is cooking in there, lol. Also the constipation has been a bit uncomfortable to deal with (not that I'm complaining!). My BBs are also feeling bigger and firmer, and they're very - ahem - alert a lot of the time. Which is so weird because I have small BBs. DH seems to be excited but also nervous, and keeps wanting to know the foods I should avoid and asking questions. And today he asked if the baby wanted ice cream, lol. Not like when we were TTC and sometimes he would avoid talking about things. The progesterone suppositories haven't been as bad as I thought either. I just put it in, and then it doesn't really leak out or anything. I was worried it would be messier and more uncomfortable than it has been. Time has been going very slowly though - I just want to get through the scary first few weeks and get my scan.

Thank you guys for being so sweet and supportive. :flower:

Oh, and here are all of the tests I've done. The lightest is my first BFP on Wednesday, and the other two were done yesterday morning.


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Those are dark lines! Fantastic! So exciting!

Yep I remember the alert boobs and gas haha! That's great about your Dh! What was his initial reaction?

Hopefullyopto and aidensmomma I hope you o soon!
ksquared - Your line on the FRER is so dark! The progression looks fabulous! :) I'm glad your DH is so supportive...what he said about the baby wanting ice cream is cute. :)

AFM - The OPKs haven't gotten any darker. :nope: Idk what the hell my body is doing but it's getting very irritating. There's a good chance I've already ovulated - I had a ton of EWCM and cramps the other day. But just no positive OPK. This is the second month in a row this has happened. Very confusing. :shrug:

I also got some good news from the second fertility specialist I emailed. They told me that because I have long, irregular cycles, I'm eligible to be seen prior to the normal 12 month requirement. Also, from my understanding, they should be able to bill my insurance for my first consultation because it'll be concerning a medical issue (endo; long cycles) opposed to an infertility issue. Even if they can't bill my insurance, a consultation with this fertility specialist will be $100-$200 cheaper than the other specialist I talked to, making it more affordable for OH and I.

So OH and I may end up making an appointment to see this specialist, at least for an initial consult and then taking it from there. We may still hold off treatment until after our wedding, but it wouldn't hurt for us to talk to a doctor and see what they say/recommend. I'm feeling good about whatever we decide to do. :thumbup:
Aidensxmomma - Ugh, I swear those opks always caused so much stress for me. I can never remember if you temp? That was the only way for me to know for sure since I sometimes have a couple of patches of ewcm. Here's hoping if you ovulated that you caught the egg!

I'm so glad to hear that you have a better option for the fertility consult! That's fabulous!! It's nice that the decision is in your hands now, instead of being forced to wait. Getting the SA first is a good idea though, since it's so inexpensive compared to the full consult. Let us know what you guys decide!
Aidensxmomma, fantastic news regarding the fertility consultant. Like you said, if it only means you go in to find out where to stand and have a plan of action which you can then put into practice should it be required nearer the time of your wedding.

Ksquared. How are you hun. You getting any nausea or tiredness? Must be such an amazing feeling to know you finally achieved what you have been wishing for all these months.

So as for me im cd15. Just creamy cm at the moment, trying not to think metformin is going to miraculously change things for me so i try not to get my hopes up so its not so hard when things don't go as planned. This waiting to ovulate malarky is painful! I have my appointment on Thursday and i hope it goes well although i am extremely nervous that the news wont be great... :nope:
ksquared - No, I don't temp. I don't think I sleep well enough to get accurate temps. I didn't have problems with the OPKs until the last two months. I did finally get a positive OPK this cycle though. :happydance:

HopefullyOpto - Sending you tons of :hugs:! What's your appointment on Thursday for?

AFM - So I'm pretty sure I've ovulating...positive OPK yesterday and then tons of ewcm yesterday and today :happydance: OH and I managed to BD this morning and are planning on tomorrow and the next day just to be sure. Feeling hopeful this cycle. :)

We've decided that we are going to go see the specialist. I'm planning on making an appointment for next month. This month is just too busy for me to feel comfortable going through the process of starting treatment. Plus, I'm pretty sure one of the first things the specialist will suggest is for me to get the surgery done to determine how bad my endo is and to remove some of it. I am not prepared for that to happen this month. So we'll start the process next month. I'll be calling tomorrow to actually make my appointment. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time.
HopefullyOpto - FX that your appointment goes really well on Thursday! I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. I'm sorry you're not seeing any signs of O yet - ugh, all of the waiting is by far the worst! I agree. Hang in there! :hugs:

Aidensxmomma - Hooray for O and for good BD timing! Sounds like you guys are really on top of things and that's all we can do, right? FX you won't end up needing that fertility appointment next month, but I'm glad you're getting everything all set up. Having a plan always feels so good. Hopefully you won't have to have surgery.

Afm - The fatigue hit me like whoa tonight. The last week I'd been having trouble staying asleep, and felt like I had more energy. But at about 2pm this afternoon I started getting tired, and by 8:30 I felt I could fall asleep standing up. I'm still awake because I took a shower and DH isn't home yet, but it feels like 2am to me instead of 9:30 - lol. Otherwise I haven't had very strong symptoms the last couple of days. I am officially 5 weeks today, and apparently at 6 weeks is when the strong nausea usually starts. So we'll see. I also told my BFF tonight! She's the first person who knows besides DH and me, so that's a bit of a stress reliever. She cried she was so happy and excited! Thank you guys for checking in with me. I still feel guilty about talking about my BFP, so I'm sorry if I haven't been as quick with replies. I really, really hope you guys get your BFPs soon too! :dust:
Aidensxmomma, yay for ovulation! :happydance: what cd are you on? Im so glad to hear about your appointment plans. I must admit when i finally started having a plan of action i did feel a little more in control.
My appointment tomorrow is to discuss my blood results and scan results and basically decide on whay course of treatment next. I imagine its going to be a few clomid cycles first to at least get me ovulating in a timely manner because i know i do ovulate its just not that reguarly. We will also find out DHs SA results so i keep my fingers crossed for that.

Ksquared, please dont feel bad for talking about your BFP, i feel better that you actually check in and let is know how your getting on instead of completely disappearing :) we all back each other and knowing you got there after 11 long months is comforting and i personally couldnt be more happy for you. Its lovely you told your BFF, and the fact that she cried is very sweet. Sorry your tired all the time, i guess thats to be expected. Lets hope you dont get a nasty case of nausea :hugs:
HopefullyOpto - Yay it's almost time for your appointment! I'm eager to hear what they have to say about your results and next steps. Lots of luck that it all goes well! I think the results of my DH's SA looked good - the nurse had told him that as long as the numbers weren't 0, lol. I'm kind of curious to hear the nurse's interpretation even though we don't need the analysis anymore. Obviously he had enough, so I'm sure it was my body causing the long delay before getting our BFP.

Thanks for being so sweet :). Yeah it's been weird this week. Most of my symptoms are hardly there or gone completely. Seems common in week 5 according to the February due date board I'm on. I was super tired last night, but tonight it's not so bad. I'm actually having long stretches of time where I kind of forget about being preggo. Which is really nice so I'm not obsessing. Apparently the baby has a heartbeat already, which is just mind boggling! On Saturday I tell my other good friend, and then a week after that our families will know. Can't wait to let this secret out.
ksquared - I'm hoping I won't need the appointment with the fertility specialist either, but I feel better having a plan and I'll feel even better once we have a plan with the doctor.

There's no need to feel guilty about talking about your pregnancy. We're all here for support and it's great when one of us gets a long-awaited bfp! :) That's so sweet that your friend cried because she was so happy for you guys. It'll be really exciting to tell the rest of your friends and family, too, I bet. :)

HopefullyOpto - I hope your appointment goes well and that you get some good news and a good plan of action. Let us know how it goes. :hugs:

Also, I ovulated on cd23 or cd24; since it's after midnight, I'm on cd26 now and 2dpo (or right around there).

AFM - It's nice to be in the tww again, although I feel like it's dragging already. :haha: My plan is to stay pretty busy during the next two weeks to help pass the time. I'm hoping to test on Father's Day and surprise my OH. I don't really have much to report on for symptoms so far, but it's much too early for that anyway and I'm trying to avoid looking for them. Keeping my fingers crossed that this month is lucky. It is month number 7 after all. :winkwink:

Didn't get to make my appointment today - I was really busy with the kids so I didn't get the chance. But it's on my to-do list for tomorrow. :thumbup:
Congrats on o, Aidensxmomma! Glad you are working towards having a plan in place. I hope you won't need that appt.

Ksquared - when is your first appt? February babies! Love it!

HopefullyOpto - can't wait to hear the results from your tests!

Not much to report here. Belly is getting bigger by the day. I go in for my gender scan next Tuesday, but (hopefully) won't find out the sex until our gender reveal party on Saturday (6/20). My DH is going to find out at the appt and keep it a secret. So, we'll see how it goes. I feel great otherwise, no complaints here!

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