Long cycles and the tww

TexMel-That's really exciting that you'll be finding out the gender soon!

HopefullyOpto-How did your appointment go?

AFM - I have an appointment with the specialist on June 30th. :happydance: Really excited but really nervous. The coordinator I talked to said that they will more than likely want to do the surgery to confirm and remove the endometriosis right away and probably test my OH to make sure he doesn't have any issues too. The coordinator seemed really nice and I think I'll feel really comfortable working with her. Hopefully the doctors are just as nice and easy to work with. And as an added plus, the appointment and surgery will be covered by my insurance.

3dpo today as well. Nothing to report yet though.
Aidenxmomma - Awesome about your fertility appointment coming up so soon! And that they'll do surgery for your endo right away. And that's it's all covered by your insurance! :happy dance: I'm so happy for you that you're getting all of this taken care of and it's all working out for you. And that you're in the TWW instead of waiting to O. What a great week it's been for you :). That would be so awesome though if you got your BFP on Father's Day. But either way, you're on a great path to help you achieve your BFP. So happy for you!

TexMel - How exciting that you get to know the gender soon! How are you doing the gender reveal? I think the cake idea is fun, where you have the doctor put it in and envelope that you give to a bakery to make the cake either blue or pink, with white frosting (I guess chocolate works too). For me, I think I'll want to find out at the appointment with DH so we can react naturally. DH and I are both hoping for a girl, but obviously would be happy with a healthy little boy too. I'm actually eager to start feeling crappy since I don't have a growing belly to confirm that something is happening in there. At least crazy cravings and hunger - not really eager to puke but it'll at least make me feel preggo LOL. I've had hardly any symptoms all week.

HopefullyOpto - I'm hoping your appointment went well! Eager to hear from you, hon. :flower:
Any updates from anyone? I'm anxious to hear how you're all doing! :)

AFM - Struggling through the TWW - sooo ready to test but that's just ridiculous. I know it's way too early for a bfp. I've had some symptoms, but nothing I'm looking into too much yet. Just gotta keep myself busy until the 20th, when I'll allow myself to test.
I'm eager to hear from HopefullyOpto about last week's appointment and if O is approaching yet. Hope you're Ok! And BabeAwait and Silas too!

Aidensxmomma - Just 5 more days before you can test! I'm sorry it's been a tough tww so far :(. You guys did a great job during O time so I have hope this will be a lucky cycle. Hang in there just a few more days! :hugs:

Afm - Took a nap yesterday and had some nausea this morning. I'm hoping the classic pregnancy symptoms are starting to kick in, though I hope the nausea isn't too bad. I told my other friend on Saturday so now two people know :).
I hopefully find out gender this week too, I go weds.

We're not going to do a gender reveal party or anything too fancy, just keeping it simple. I can't wait to know!
This thread has been quiet! Where is everyone in their cycles right now? I've lost track!

Anyway, I find out we are having a little baby boy! I saw the boy parts too fairly clearly so I'm pretty confident the report was right! Haha.
HopefullyOpto - I hope you're doing okay, hun. Anxious to hear from you! :hugs:

ksquared - How are you feeling?

crazycat - Congrats on your little boy! :happydance: Have you started discussing any names you like yet?

AFM - Still in the tww. 8dpo today. I've had tons of symptoms, but I'm not convinced any of them are true pregnancy symptoms. The most unusual one that I've noticed has been cramping. I've had cramps since I ovulated, which is strange. Normally they go away after I ovulate up until AF is due. FX this is a good sign! I'm going to try to wait until the 20th to test, but my resolve to wait is wavering. :haha: I'm getting so impatient!
I started Clomid 25mg this cycle...and today, for the first time ever, I got a CLEAR positive on DAY 14!!!
Plus, I had an HSG last week to check that my tubes are clear and I read that the 3 months after are suppose to be prime baby-making time.
I'm ecstatic!!!!!!

Now, we know that those of us with PCOS have a greater risk of miscarriage, so I've read countless articles about PCOS diets and have been on the strictest of whole foods regimens.

All we have to do now is BD like crazy and hope for the best! :happydance:
Hey ladies. Well I went in on cd21 to do blood work to see if I was ovulating and I got the results today. My progesterone was .7 and with everything else looking normal Dr thinks I have PCOS. I am starting clomid on my next cycle. Since I haven't ovulated this cycle I know I'm out so looking forward to the new cycle and trying something new. Any advice from anyone who uses clomid is welcome. I need to catch up but its been busy with work and doing summer stuff with kids.
Aidensxmomma - Have you tested? Fingers crossed the cramping is a good sign! So sorry I've been MIA from this thread. I'm still feeling about the same - barely any symptoms and I'm nearing 7 weeks. Makes me a bit nervous. I did take another pregnancy test on Friday for peace of mind and it was a very dark positive still, so I think all is fine. We are telling both sets of parents and out siblings today!! I'm so excited about that!

Nmv - WOOHOO!! I'm so happy that clomid helped you ovulate right on schedule! That must feel so so so good. Now you're in the tww and fingers crossed this cycle will continue being lucky for you :).

Silas - I'm so so sorry about your results and that you'll need meds to help you ovulate. I'm glad though that this result means you can get the clomid since that seems to help so many ladies here. Are you continuing to wait for this cycle to finish on its own, or will you take something to induce AF so you can get started on the clomid? CD 21 seems early so maybe they'll have you wait until after CD 28?

Miss you ladies! It has gotten so quiet here and I want to be here for you all! :hugs:
Not inducing AF - waiting for her to show and then will do clomid on cd3-7. I'm optimistic about it though. :)
I'm glad to hear it, Silas :).

Told our families today! My Mom had the best and happiest reaction, and my Dad too. And my sister said she got goosebumps and everyone was so excited and happy and surprised :happydance:. I'm so happy the secret is out. And my mom told me it took her two years before she got pregnant the first time and had my older brother. And her and my sister both said 11 months wasn't bad at all, and told me all of these examples of people who have been trying for years before it happened. I guess you don't get that side of the story unless you're close with the person. Facebook announcements always make it look so easy for everyone else. And also my aunt had really bad cycle issues too, way worse than mine because she'd only have 1 or 2 periods a year. So it sounds like all of the issues we've all had is way more common than people let on.
Ksquared, so glad your family was so excited and you found out so much more about your family history! I love how babies bring families closer together!

Well, my intuition was right all along, I'm definitely having a BOY!! So happy that now we can start planning the nursery and picking out names and getting everything we need to prepare! I'm not sure why, but we haven't started anything yet! Also, started to feel tiny movements in the last week, mostly when I am laying down to take a nap or to go to bed.

Hope you guys have a great week! Where did we lose babeawait? Haven't seen her post in a few weeks! Hopefully everything is ok!


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Just wanted to pop in and let you ladies know I haven't disappeared. Just going through a bit of a rough time...I got what looked like positive tests (even OH saw the lines) Sunday and Monday, but my blood test Monday was negative. I'm heartbroken. :cry:

I'm just waiting on AF now - she's due today.
Aidensxmomma - I'm so so sorry to hear you're having a rough time. How awful to have two false positives, or a possible CP. i know exactly how you feel. It was such an emotional roller coaster. I really hope the blood test just didn't pick it up and AF won't show. At least your appointment is coming up soon, right? :hugs: Perhaps you can take another test in a couple of days if no AF.

TexMel - Congrats! You and crazycatlady are both having little boys!
Hey ladies! :hi: I've missed you all! :hugs:

Sorry I've been MIA for a while. Life has been SUPER busy. And honestly lately the more I think and talk about TTC the more depressed I get about the situation.

I am 7dpo today, like the past several cycles I ovulated earlier than the last. Just a few more days and I'll be in the "normal" range. I've had a cold the past few day, sore throat and super runny nose. I've got no clue where it came from. But I'm not really experiencing anything else. Had a crazy dream last night but that's normal for me on progesterone.

Ksquared CONGRATULATIONS! ie so happy for you :hugs:

Aidensxmomma I'm so sorry. If you need someone to talk to you can PM me. You all know about my cp. I hope it isn't the case for you. :hugs:

I hope everyone else is doing well!

Congrats on the BOYS crazycat and TexMel! :)
Hi BabeAwait! That's great that you ovulated even earlier this time. Fingers crossed your cold at this stage is a good sign! I actually got a slight cold before my BFP too. But of course I've had other cycles where it was a bfn. When are you testing? Early next week? Has your LP been a good length the last couple of cycles? Good luck! It's great to hear from you!
hi ladies may i join? 11dpo, bfn this am. due to test again on sunday.

most of the time my cycles are anywhere from 30-40 something days.

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