Long cycles and the tww

AF is due Wednesday or Thursday morning so I'll see if the witch comes first and if not I'll test Thursday. My lp has been good thanks to the progesterone it's been 12/13 days since I started taking it.

How is your pregnancy going?
Good luck!! I'm rooting for you! :)

So far so good with the pregnancy. Symptoms are very light so it feels like it's not real. Most consistent symptoms are bigger and tender boobs, gas, bloating and I often get very mild AF-like cramps. I've had some super mild nausea here and there, and some heightened sense of smell, and lately been a bit more tired. That's really it. But it's all so mild and not all the time; mostly I just feel normal.I'll be 8 weeks on Tuesday based on O date. One more week until my first appointment!
Hey ladies! I'm wondering if anyone else out there is going through similar situation!

I find tww so difficult because of having a really long cycles, and not really knowing for sure when I'm ovulating!

This is just my third cycle off bcp so I haven't got into opks or temping or anything yet (which would obviously help), but I'm just not wanting to go there just yet since it's only been a few months. My couple apps also have me totally different ovulation dates, one says the ninth and one says tomorrow! Next af is expected around 23-24. So either way tww is a lot longer than two weeks!!! Anyone else in this boat??

Hi i understand your boat because im sailing right along with you. I got off the depo shot in october any my cycle still has yet to even out all the way. My last cycle was 120 days and this current cycle is at the lovely cd59. I started temping around cd 45 or so just because like you my cycles are extremely long and it will drive you insane not knowing whether your late and just waiting on your BFP or if your even actually late at all. From my experience as lovely as the period tracker apps are when coming off of bc and waiting for your cycle to regulate they are super unreliable. I say that because for me anyhow, my body was no more near regulated and my first two cycles following getting off depo were 29 days apart and so i literally drove myself insane during the 120 day cycle and took more hpts then i could count all BFN. All because i couldnt actually verify ovulation so i had no true idea when af was actually expected. I suggest temping just until your cycles become a little more regular just so you know when you ovulate in your cycle. Like for me this cycle according to the chart af is due on july 3rd and i know that for certain because based on my bbt chart ovulated on cd50. Good luck to you. Feel free to pm anytime, i know what your going through and i hope this helps.
Yay ksquared I can't wait to hear about your first appointment! FX your just one of those ladies who doesn't get ms. I bet it will all feel much more real after your first ultrasound.

Crazycat I hope the cold is a sign! I'd take a cold if it meant a bfp, otherwise it kinda sucks having a cold in the middle of summer. How many weeks are you now and how have you been feeling?
I'm 20 weeks now! Half way!

Feeling good. I have had a bit of ms into the second trimester but it's mostly gone, just the odd day here and there. My sides of my growing belly were hurting a lot and Dr said I needed better shoes with arch support, found some that weren't too bad and that helps a lot so now I'm feeling good again. Dh is away on training but I'm visiting him for the week. He had the weekend off and then has a long weekend off for Canada day next weekend (July 1 is Canada day). So nice to see him again. He's on a ten week training course. I brought him a onesie from his favourite baseball team for late Father's Day gift.
i've got nothing. 14 dpo. temp dropped today, and no af still. bad cramping on left side. but she should've been here yesterday.
Awww that's so sweet that you've got time with your hubby crazycat! Onsies are so adorable I bet he loved that. Woohoo for the halfway point! Oh and happy early Canada Day. It's cool that the Independence Day in the US is just three days later.

Afm I'm 11dpo and temp is still pretty high. Back when I got pg in February I used a less sensitive thermometer so out of curiosity I also used it today so I could actually compare my temp to my pg chart. My temp on that thermometer was 99.2 that's higher than it even got on my pg chart! And then on my nice basal thermometer my temps are way higher than the other two charts that I've used that thermometer for. Hoping it's a good sign.
My "cold" has been gone the past couple of days. But I swear I've sneezed more the past week of my life than the past five years. I'm not really having other allergy symptoms so I feel like there's just something up with my nose. Also my boobs have been killing me and I notice they're veiny at night but sore bbs are a known side effect of taking progesterone so I try to ignore it. Three more days til AF or fingers crossed a BFP!
I'm alright. Didn't ovulate this month so I am waiting for AF and I'll start clomid on that cycle. She is due anytime unless I have another 45 day cycle on my hands. :(

When are you testing??
Aww man I'm sorry hun. Long cycles truly suck :( Is it possible you could ovulate late? It's happened to me before, that's the cycle I fell pg. I think my egg was actually better because of it.
Will this be your first cycle of clomid?

AF is due for me Wednesday or Thursday morning so I plan to test Thursday. It can't get here fast enough! :wacko: :lol:
When I did my cd21 blood draw my progesterone was only .7 so Dr prescribed clomid for next cycle. And it will be my first cycle with clomid.

Hurry on Thursday!!! I bet your excited. Just one more full day.
Hi ladies :)

I've been super busy over the weekend so I haven't had much time to post. On Friday I had the rehersal for my friend's wedding and then I spent some much-needed time with OH. Saturday we went to the wedding, which was a really busy day since I was a bridesmaid and then Sunday and early today were spent visiting with family. I'm absolutely exhausted and so happy to finally be home.

I'm pretty sure I did have a chemical pregnancy this last cycle. AF was really weird - shorter and lighter than normal. From what I've read, that can be caused by a chemical. Plus the two faint positives tests I had have me convinced that I truly was pregnant. I'm going to talk to the doctor to see what he thinks, but I'm pretty confident about it. I'm really upset about it still, but recovering.

I have my appointment with the fertility specialist tomorrow. I'm extremely nervous about it. I think they're going to have me schedule my surgery right away, but other than that, I don't know what to expect. Luckily, OH can go with me which helps me feel a little better.

Silas - Sorry to hear that you didn't ovulate this cycle, but I'm glad you're getting some help and are going to start clomid next cycle. FX that you don't wait much longer for your bfp!

TexMel - Congrats on your little boy!

ksquared - So happy to hear about your families' reactions :) I wouldn't worry too much about symptoms - I didn't have much in the way of symptoms with my first two pregnancies.

BabeAwait - Nice to see you! :) Keeping my fingers crossed for you for a BFP! I can't wait for you to test!

mommyxofxone - Welcome to our group :flower:

Sorry if I missed anyone. Has anyone heard from HopefullyOpto at all? I hope she's doing okay.
Update from my appointment:

The doctor said that he's certain I have endometriosis, but we're going to wait a few months for me to get the surgery to confirm the diagnosis. He also plans on checking my tubes to make sure they're clear when I do eventually get the surgery done. The reason we're waiting on the surgery is because he thinks I have PCOS as well. :nope: Next week I go in for an ultrasound to see if he can tell anything from that and I'll also be getting day 3 bloods done when my next cycle starts. He wants to make sure that it is PCOS causing my long cycles and then get that treated before moving on to treating my endo.

While I didn't get great news at my appointment, I do feel relieved that I have a plan in place and a doctor who is going to help me find answers to what's wrong with my cycles.
so nice to have someone confirm a diagnosis isn't it?! so uplifting!!! you don't feel insane when you have a reason, and then you can begin the healing journey!!!

i was having medical issues for a year, and my drs all thought i was insane. i had to diagnosis myself and actually wound up treating myself as well and now i'm ok! nothing like having that diagnosis and having a dr say 'oh, actually i think you're right'

afm, :witch: here. cd 1.
Sorry wasn't better news aidensmomma :(

At least now you know what's up and have a plan to move forward! Hope there's some progress!
Sorry you now may have two diagnoses on your plate aidensxmomma :( I've actually had the exploratory laparoscopy done years ago. If you want to hear my experience with it let me know. I'm glad you now have a plan in place. It feels so much better to have people actually try to help you instead of feeling like you're on a hamster wheel.

Silas Good luck with the clomid. FX it's your magic pill!

I've been feeling experimental lately.. muahahahaha :haha: I've heard of opks sometimes showing positives when your pg. Because lh and hcg are structurally similar sometimes opks can pick up hcg (but NOT vice versa with hpts). So the past couple mornings I've taken opks just to test it out and to feed my need to pee on things lol. They have progressively gotten darker and a definite pos today. I'm not counting on it meaning a bfp I just find it interesting. I hope Thursday I will have a super strong bfp that I can see across the room!
Babeawait - I totally did that one of the days I was waiting! I can't wait to hear your results!!
Thanks ladies :hugs:

mommyxofxone - It is really relieving to have a doctor confirm my diagnosis. I've been going through this all for years. I've had doctors tell me there's nothing wrong and I've had other doctors who admitted there was something wrong but just didn't care enough or want to help. So to have a doctor who is so determined to help me figure out what's wrong with my cycles (and hopefully increase my chances of getting pregnant in the meantime) is just such a nice change. It gives me a new sense of hope.

Sorry to hear that the :witch: got you! But you're one cycle closer to your bfp - that's how I like to think of it :flower:

crazycat - I'm definitely feeling good that there's a plan in place. And at least I won't have to wait too long to start getting some answers either. My ultrasound is next week, so hopefully I'll have more information and an even better plan in place shortly after that.

BabeAwait - I'd definitely like to hear your experience with the laparoscopy. I'm incredibly nervous about it, even though it'll still be 3-6 months until I get it done.

I've used OPKs as pregnancy tests a lot, just to see what happens :haha: But it sounds really good that yours are getting darker/positive! I'm so excited for you to test! Tomorrow is the big day! :happydance:

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