Long cycles and the tww

Hi again ladies. I'm currently CD10, think I will be hitting the 'fertile window' sometime this weekend, keeping busy in the meantime.

You know how they date your pregnancy from the first day of your last period, for people like us with longer cycles do you date it from slightly later? Because dating it that way seems to assume you ovulate on day 14 doesn't it? Random question but just occurred to me lol xx
Hi again ladies. I'm currently CD10, think I will be hitting the 'fertile window' sometime this weekend, keeping busy in the meantime.

You know how they date your pregnancy from the first day of your last period, for people like us with longer cycles do you date it from slightly later? Because dating it that way seems to assume you ovulate on day 14 doesn't it? Random question but just occurred to me lol xx

my cycle with dd i used ff and it went by my O date. it was later than the date of my period because i O'd on cd 21. my mw was annoyed but she was able to find the same date on her chart going by that instead of the af date. Guess what? she was born on the date that ff gave me. so yeah, i'd go by the O date!
mommyxofxone - OH and I started trying on December 1st, so we've been trying almost 9 months. But I have endometriosis and my doctor also suspects I have PCOS, so that's why I'll be starting treatment before the 1 year mark. I go in for my blood test on Day 3 of my next cycle and then we're taking it from there.

tinkerbelle - My doctors always originally dated my pregnancies from my last period. That caused a lot of problems when I got pregnant with my youngest - my due date and how far along I actually was were off by a full five weeks! I didn't know when I ovulated then, so I think if they would have known that date, it would have been easier to date my pregnancy. In that case, they had to use multiple ultrasounds to date my pregnancy.

So the short answer is that they'll probably date pregnancy from your O date instead of your LMP. :flower:
Tinkerbelle- if you ovulate late they add 2 weeks from when you ovulated. Going by my lmp I would be 5 days ahead, but since I chart and use opks my OB agreed on how far along I was. Of course they may change the EDD if baby measures differently on an ultrasound.

Mommyxofxone The dotted CH mean there is something making it not feel 100% about O date. Sometimes it's something minor such as ewcm after O or etc. I know I should feel grateful I feel pretty good lately but I can't help but wish I had a little more symptoms going on so I'd feel safer. Maybe that's just a normal thing to feel after you've lost a pregnancy? :shrug:

Aidensxmomma I hope you won't have a cd3! :p It's definitely your turn for a BFP! I hear of a lot of women getting pregnant right before their first fertility appointment. FX and toes for you! :)
Thanks so much BabeAwait :hugs:

7dpo today. Still nothing to really report on. I'm hoping for a surprise BFP, though. :thumbup: I may have already started testing :blush: Obviously BFN. But it's still early.
thanks babe i fixed it! was my ferning pattern. everything else lined up ok. so i have solid ones now.
Woowhoo solid cross hairs feel so much better than dotted ones :thumbup:

I could never test that early pregnancy tests break my heart too easily. I guess I'm a whimp lol
not a whimp hun you're smart. i just can't control myself. i'm a control freak and i HAVE to know! even if you can't really know until a missed period!
I don't think you're a wimp either BabeAwait. :) I just completely lack self-control when it comes to testing. Like mommyxofxone, I'm a control freak and I need to know.
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been off here the last while, trying to keep busy with dh away. Fx for you ladies in the tww.

Still no sign of hopefullyopto hey, hope she's doing ok!

Tinkerbelle, they start off dating by your lmp but usually do a dating ultrasound to get a more accurate date. When they did that for me it matched pretty closely with my o date.

I'm doing ok, had my mat apt this am and gained more weight :( so feeling huge at the moment. It's all in my boobs and belly, but still more than I should've gained by now. I've maxed out normal bra sizes and my belly seems bigger than it should for 23 weeks to me :( ugh. I need dh back here to make me feel attractive again! He's so supportive.
Hey crazycat! Thanks for thinking of me, I'm still here following the boards.

Helllooooo everyone else, im sorry i went awol. My appointment after my HyCosy didn't go quite as expected. The SA came back with a possible MFI and that we needed to repeat before i was to be given any meds.
Long story short the SA turned out to be a fluke and his second was perfect! I have been prescribed clomid and i start taking provera tomorrow as im cd30 and ovulation still hasn't occurred. Im on metformin and have progesterone for after ovulation occurs (i sure hope it does) so as to help any embie possibly latch on (well heres hoping anyway)

So i guess i owe BabeAwait a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS i knew it was only a matter of time before you got that BFP! I hope your doing well.

Ksquared i have already said so but a big congrats to you also :) you lucky ladies will be both getting to hold your little ones next year!

Crazycat, sorry you are feeling crappy, sounds like your little one is defo making his presence known. When is your husband due home for support? I couldn't imagine doing it without mine for so long. He is my rock.

Aidensxmomma, Im glad you have a plan of action in place. Maybe like BabeAwait says you wont need it and that BFP is around the corner :)

Silas congrats as well.
crazycat - Sorry you're not feeling the greatest :hugs: When is your OH supposed to be home?

HopefullyOpto - So glad to see you back! We all missed you! I'm glad you're getting meds to help you conceive now. Your BFP can't be far off! Keeping everything crossed for you that your next cycle is the lucky one!

AFM - 8dpo today. Still not a whole lot to report on. Just waiting it out and hoping for the best :)
I'm sorry you feel self conscious crazycat. I think I'm going to feel hideous by the end of my pregnancy. I already gained 20lbs going off the pill. So add another 25+ lbs and I'll probably weigh more than my husband. And definitely the heaviest in my life. The other day I realized I will have to put away about 95% of my clothes because I probably won't be able to wear them for atleast another year. How depressing. I better get a nice new wardrobe lol.

Hopefullyopto I'm so glad you're back! And thanks for the congratulations :) It sounds like you're getting a lot of help. Seems like it's a better outlook for you now. I honestly don't think I would be pregnant today if it weren't for the help of progesterone. Please keep us updated! :)

Afm I got my wish... lol. Last night I was extremely nauseous. I couldn't help but think I wanted this lol. I ended up dry heaving several times but didn't vomit. I think my horrible heartburn may of had something to do with it.
Today I'm terribly tired. I'm happy to be having symptoms though. They went away for a while and it worried me. This morning I took a $ store test and the test line was nice and dark, it made hubby and I feel good. Just eight days left until my first ultrasound! I can't wait. That potentially means just 8 days until we tell our families! :cloud9:
how lovely you get to tell family soon!!!!

i don't want to tell a ton of people (if i ever get pregnant) but i have to tell my grandpa first cause they think he's gonna die soon. :(
Hey ladies - we saw our little one today and its lovely little heartbeat. :)
You will get pregnant mommyxofxone! Sometimes it seems to take forever but once it happens it doesn't even matter what you went through anymore, it's all worth it. I'm sorry about your grandpa :( My great grandpa is kind of in the same boat. He was in hospice but suddenly got better after a few months. Recently he about cut his foot off with a chainsaw, he wants to be too independent so he ends up putting himself at risk. He's been farming since the 1930's and still wants to do everything his damn self lol.

Silas congratulations again :)
BabeAwait - I'm glad you're feeling reassured now :) I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound! That's going to be really exciting to tell your families as well.

Mommyxofxone - Sorry to hear about your grandpa :hugs:

Silas - Yay for getting to see your little one and his/her beautiful heartbeat!

AFM - 10dpo today. Two days ago (I think) I start getting some minor breast tenderness and yesterday I woke up with a horribly stuffy nose. I swear I see faint lines on my ICs, but OH doesn't see them so I think I just have terrible line eye. I'm going to test again in the morning with a FRER, but I'm not holding my breath.
Awful news. I've lost my baby. Ultrasound showed it stopped growing at 9 weeks. Going in tomorrow for a D&C so I can start healing. I'll be taking some time away from the boards, and I guess I'll have to wait a couple of cycles before we can start trying again.

Best of luck to all of you ladies, and thank you so much for all of the support. :hugs:

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