long cycles support thread :) the yelping vaginas club! (closed group)

I am not sure Rachel. Emma tends to sleep OK but feeds twice a night. I would like to try to get her down to one feed a night before I return to work, but that will probably mean a few nights of crying and I don't have the heart for it right now. Is Shaelyn waking because her pacifier falls out? That is really common, and I guess I should embrace Emma's thumb sucking for that reason!
I guess that's possible because she typically falls asleep with it. But she doesn't always wake often, just some nights. She sucks on her hands and has found her thumb here and there so I think she will be a thumb sucker at some point and maybe it will get better then.
Thanks ladies. We'll keep at it. I'm probably just being a wuss and stopping before things could get better. We'll keep trying. :thumbup:

Rachel - Claire sometimes wakes up and fusses but she falls back to sleep. I think it's because she sleeps in her swing at night. I'm dreading the move to the crib. I've gotten pretty lucky so far, the last three weeks Claire has been sleeping 8-12 hours straight at night. I hope it continues, I've gotten quite attached to my uninterrupted sleep again. :haha: Hopefully Shae will start sleeping more soundly for you soon.
Wow I'm jealous! I can't wait till Shae sleeps that long. Do you breastfeed or formula or both?

Does Claire nap well too? Does she also nap in her swing? Do you ever put her in the crib for naps?
Wow I'm jealous! I can't wait till Shae sleeps that long. Do you breastfeed or formula or both?

Does Claire nap well too? Does she also nap in her swing? Do you ever put her in the crib for naps?

I express my milk and bottle feed. It's usually 60 percent breast milk 40 percent formula. I was using a nipple shield to nurse but it just wasn't working. The flow was too slow and Claire was falling asleep and wasn't getting enough so now I feed her 4-6 oz every 3-4 hours.

Claire naps pretty well too. She usually takes 3, 1.5-2 hour naps a day in her swing. The last few days I've been trying to get her to nap in her crib but she wakes up after 30 minutes and then I have to bounce her back to sleep and put her in her swing and she usually sleeps another hour and a half. I've got to start putting her down drowsy and not asleep but she cries and cries and I just can't stand it and I just have to rock her/bounce her for now. :cry:
I have the same problem with the crib. But she takes quite awhile to fall asleep when I lay her down and also cries then she wakes after a short time and needs me to help her back to sleep, it gets so frustrating that I have been avoiding the crib because its so much easier getting her to nap in her swing. I really need to get her used to the crib though. When I put her in the crib after she falls asleep on me she instantly wakes up wide awake and gets excited thinking its play time.

I think Shaelyn sometimes wakes often at night because she is overtired from not napping enough. I am trying to get better at getting her to nap, it can be tough sometimes. She will sometimes stay awake up to 6 hours straight with maybe a couple short 10 min naps in between. Usually I can get at least one 2+ hour nap out of her and another 30 minute or so nap but she needs more than that. She just fights it so much sometimes and maybe I give up too early and need to be persistent in getting her to nap.

Breastfeeding can be so difficult! I had so many issues with her and had to supplement with formula for a few weeks in the beginning because I wasn't producing enough and she lost 1 pound within a few days of her life. I was able to get my production up by pumping around the clock so we have been back to just breastfeeding but I then had another challenge And had to quit dairy and soy because she was sensitive to it. I will say though there is a plus side to this diet, i am 3 pounds below my pre pregnancy weight and i dont even have time to work out! Good job on giving Claire expressed milk. I know how much work pumping and then bottle feeding is.

What time does Claire go to sleep for the night? We are working on getting shae's bedtime earlier. Right now we shoot for 8:30 but a lot of times she won't actually fall asleep for the night until 9:30 and typically wakes for the day between 7:30-8:30
Should hopefully find out about out house offer today! Doubt we will get it but still nervous lol

And I took a bump pic at 25+4. Def notice a difference from past bump photos. Hubby is going to start taking weekly ones for me wearing the same clothes :)


Bethany how you doing? Xxx
great bump katya! it's usually around the +3 or +4 mark that I take an extra one, I must grow in those days :haha:

I've got a picture for every week, I love making comparisons pics! if it is a boy then this will all be in vain because he won't be interesting in my documentations of pregnancy :rofl: but one day his girlfriends and kids will be at least :haha: or hopefully his boyfriend will if he's gay :haha:
Love the bump Katya!

Nat you crack me up! I am sure if its a boy he will love to see the bump pics :)
i hope so :haha: davie's mum has a little book from when she was pregnant with him and he honestly couldn't care less about it - she gave it to me to keep because i loved it. one day i will pass my lovely pregnancy journal on to my son's wife :lol:
good idea :cloud9:

i've been loving thinking about grandchildren, i'm such a thinker-aheader :rofl:
Just looking at Emma, and how m y mum dotes on her, makes me excited for Emma to have babies. :haha: She might not even want any!
maybe that's why people have a second child, just in case the first one doesn't want to give them grandchildren :haha:

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