Hi everyone
Welcome Pusskins, I see you joined BnB at the same time that I did. It really hits me how long it's been when I see how far along the girls are that I remember getting their

since I joined. Hopefully it will happen soon for all of us.
Drakey, sorry to hear about your rubbish appointment, it's so unfair when you're discriminated against because of your age, stupid doctors. FX your appointment next week is more positive.
BizyBee, hope you enjoyed your break and good luck with this cycle.
Mummydee and quail, congrats on getting your o! Good luck xx
I'm 10dpo today, spent the day weeing yesterday, about every hour which drove me mad so will see if today is the same. Went and got some stuff for my thrush so hopefully that will be better soon too, I hate it!
I also caved in yesterday and did a hpt lol. Of course it was

, although there is a faint line now it has dried which seems to have a little colour. I know it's probably just an evap but I don't think I've ever had one on these tests before. Anyway, time will tell, I'm just so impatient! I had a chemical pregnancy back in January and I got my

and stronger symptoms on 11dpo.


for us all!
Gemma x