Long Term Trying To Conceive Vent Thread

oh and to matters worse...hubby and i have no interest in doing the BD whatsoever!!! its become such a chore as its gotten so technical regarding timing etc. I abolsutely dread it as its a harsh reminder oof how nothing we doing is working and how much of a failure I am:cry: i said something so horrible today i absolutely hate myslef for...I told him if we ever have a baby I never want to have sex again cos I hate it. He understands I said it out of anger and frustration and where its coming from but I still HATE the mean nasty person i have become:cry::nope::help:

Big hugs hun.
I completely understand although we are still trying to figure out with us what is wrong and haven't been able to move onto medication, IUI's or IVF yet.

I officially hate sex now. Both of us do. I do not like sex week, it is a fruitless chore that just makes me cringe. I want to just give up so that I can once again be a happy person that enjoys spending time with my DH instead my life revolving around my menstral cycle. FML
So yeah, my period is now super late and no sign of it. Last time I was this late I was having an ectopic so now I'm paranoid about that.

here's the me that may never be a mom: Cramps so bad that when the advil don't cut it, time for a stiff drink.

I know I'm supposed to be some kind of saint that never drinks a coffee, never has sugar or gluten or dairy or whatever is the evil thing a that moment. but eff-it. If I have cramps, just got my friendly visit from AF {like I do every damn month}, this chicks having a drink... and chocolate.
here's the me that may never be a mom: Cramps so bad that when the advil don't cut it, time for a stiff drink.

I know I'm supposed to be some kind of saint that never drinks a coffee, never has sugar or gluten or dairy or whatever is the evil thing a that moment. but eff-it. If I have cramps, just got my friendly visit from AF {like I do every damn month}, this chicks having a drink... and chocolate.

LOL. I hear you on that! I had been abstaining for coffee for over a year, but in the past few months I just said eff-it. It's bad enough not being able to have a baby, so at least I should be able to have coffee! It's not like abstaining has done me any good, and I feel really stupid not drinking it when tons of women are falling pregnant right and left while drinking rivers of coffee and alcohol.

I just try not to have more than 2 cups a day. I mean, the stuff doesn't even stay in your system that long so I don't see why would it keep you from getting pregnant.

Oh and BTW, good luck on your upcoming IVF! So exciting!!
here's the me that may never be a mom: Cramps so bad that when the advil don't cut it, time for a stiff drink.

I know I'm supposed to be some kind of saint that never drinks a coffee, never has sugar or gluten or dairy or whatever is the evil thing a that moment. but eff-it. If I have cramps, just got my friendly visit from AF {like I do every damn month}, this chicks having a drink... and chocolate.

LOL. I hear you on that! I had been abstaining for coffee for over a year, but in the past few months I just said eff-it. It's bad enough not being able to have a baby, so at least I should be able to have coffee! It's not like abstaining has done me any good, and I feel really stupid not drinking it when tons of women are falling pregnant right and left while drinking rivers of coffee and alcohol.

I just try not to have more than 2 cups a day. I mean, the stuff doesn't even stay in your system that long so I don't see why would it keep you from getting pregnant.

Oh and BTW, good luck on your upcoming IVF! So exciting!!

Yay! Hi Cali!! I know RIGHT!! I'm so over it at this point. I went to a new naturopath and she's trying to get me to eliminate every bloody thing from my diet - dairy, gluten, bananas FFS! My eyes were rolling out of my head. Lady if you caught me a year ago maybe... but at this point I don't think it's the yoghurt stopping me from getting preggo. UGH. I have no energy for that anymore. :wacko:
Now the bananas are supposed to be bad too?? LOL. I still think natural remedies are useful, but now I take all such advice with a million grains of salt.

I am still mad at myself for gaining 25 pounds because I thought it would help with my "blood deficiency".

I wish I had gone ahead to the RE first because now I'm at a point where I think acupuncture would be really beneficial but now I'm too broke to go!
OMG me too!! I packed on a good 15 pounds trying to correct "deficiencies". I can't find anyone to just give me straight up acupuncture without weighing in on what I'm eating and trying to sell me a bunch of herbs and concoctions. I'm down with acupuncture bc there's really good scientific studies backing it up, but the rest of it... pffft.

Plus the pseudo therapy sessions when they have no clue about what it's like to be infertile.... listen miss size 2 take your sympathetic head cock and glowing skin and your ovaries bursting with life energy and ... well you get the picture.
After visiting a friend to see how she us, her mum has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Think it started in her stomach and spread. Caught it ti late. Only matter of days. Walking back to house see heavily pregnant woman smoking wtf
My husband and I have been trying for two and half years now. I recently had a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) scan and they found what they thought was a mass between my cervix and uterus. I had surgery to do a hysteroscopy, DNC and redo the HSG scan. After I had the surgery I was told that there was no mass, there just appeared to be one do to the fact that my cervix was almost completely closed in that area. My doctor said she had to force my cervix openso they could to the HSG scan. I’ve never heard of a cervix being closed, has anyone else had this problem? I’m hoping my cervix will stay open and we will be able to get pregnant. Also the HSG scan showed that everything else was clear This is our first month trying after the surgery and I am super nervous…. I have no faith that it will work this time. The thought of getting my hopes up just to have them crushed by Aunt Flo makes me sick to my stomach. On top of all this stress, I found out that my arch nemesis; my evil-sister-in-law just announced she is pregnant. I had a hard enough time making it through both my sister’s recent pregnancy (and I was happy for them) I don’t know how I can make it through nine months of this b*tch shoving it in my face. I’m not a hateful person but she really is evil. Sorry for venting but I just needed to get it off my chest. No one around me really knows what I am going through.
My husband and I have been trying for two and half years now. I recently had a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) scan and they found what they thought was a mass between my cervix and uterus. I had surgery to do a hysteroscopy, DNC and redo the HSG scan. After I had the surgery I was told that there was no mass, there just appeared to be one do to the fact that my cervix was almost completely closed in that area. My doctor said she had to force my cervix openso they could to the HSG scan. I’ve never heard of a cervix being closed, has anyone else had this problem? I’m hoping my cervix will stay open and we will be able to get pregnant. Also the HSG scan showed that everything else was clear This is our first month trying after the surgery and I am super nervous…. I have no faith that it will work this time. The thought of getting my hopes up just to have them crushed by Aunt Flo makes me sick to my stomach. On top of all this stress, I found out that my arch nemesis; my evil-sister-in-law just announced she is pregnant. I had a hard enough time making it through both my sister’s recent pregnancy (and I was happy for them) I don’t know how I can make it through nine months of this b*tch shoving it in my face. I’m not a hateful person but she really is evil. Sorry for venting but I just needed to get it off my chest. No one around me really knows what I am going through.

I also recently had a HSG and they really struggled to keep the balloon in - and asked what surgery i had had on my cervix! At the time i said 'none' as i didn't think i had but I wasn't aware that cervix erosion treatment is classed as a 'surgery'. (only found this out yesterday when talking to a MW friend) and i had that done 15 years ago! When i had my follow up they said my cervix was closed!! they managed to get dye in my left tube eventually, but none in the right and they are saying it was due to my cervix being closed... and i had mine done the day before O (the day of my positive opk) and everything should have been very much open!!! I'm waiting on a lap and dye so they can investigate fully. I haven't had a chance to to tell Fs about the erosion treatment i had done but i really want to know if this has caused the problem! I was treated with some kind of 'acid' to burn of the effected cell growth - looked like a large match stick. It could explain almost everything if i have scar tissue from that procedure!
I've never heard of erosian treatment. You'll have to let me know what the doctor says. I wonder if you could remove the scar tissue.
Jziller, that must be so tough having two women who are close to you being pregnant, especially your evil SIL. Even your sister being pregnant I know must be rough. My SIL is about to give birth to her second child any day now. I happy for her and my brother because they have be supporting me, but I've been struggling every day to keep my jealousy and bitterness under control. Hopefully when the baby is born it won't be as hard!

Good luck TTC. Hopefully the dnc will improve your chances, but I know it must be hard to keep hope when you've been trying for so long.
Jziller, that must be so tough having two women who are close to you being pregnant, especially your evil SIL. Even your sister being pregnant I know must be rough. My SIL is about to give birth to her second child any day now. I happy for her and my brother because they have be supporting me, but I've been struggling every day to keep my jealousy and bitterness under control. Hopefully when the baby is born it won't be as hard!

Good luck TTC. Hopefully the dnc will improve your chances, but I know it must be hard to keep hope when you've been trying for so long.

It was really hard when both of my sisters, who had already stated they were done having kids. One had 3 kids at the time and the other had 2. Both were working on getting their husbands fixed and they were using other preventives. I cried when I found out on each one (a month apart). I tried really hard not to cry because I was really happy for them. Both of my nieces were born this past winter and here I am still trying.

I'm more angry at the universe for letting my sister-in-law get pregnant. I'm not one to judge but they have a horrible marriage. They fight all the time (cops have been called a few times) every other week they are threatening divorce. My husband's brother is an alcoholic and pill junky. I think they need to fix their problems before bringing another kid into this world. It aggravates me because here my husband and I are, a happily married couple, who are financial set and have so much love to give but can't get pregnant.
It was really hard when both of my sisters, who had already stated they were done having kids. One had 3 kids at the time and the other had 2. Both were working on getting their husbands fixed and they were using other preventives. I cried when I found out on each one (a month apart). I tried really hard not to cry because I was really happy for them. Both of my nieces were born this past winter and here I am still trying.

I'm more angry at the universe for letting my sister-in-law get pregnant. I'm not one to judge but they have a horrible marriage. They fight all the time (cops have been called a few times) every other week they are threatening divorce. My husband's brother is an alcoholic and pill junky. I think they need to fix their problems before bringing another kid into this world. It aggravates me because here my husband and I are, a happily married couple, who are financial set and have so much love to give but can't get pregnant.

Oh wow now that really sucks on all possible levels! So not only do your sisters get pregnant, but they get pregnant when they were trying to prevent it and already had 2+ kids. Sucks. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I feel really sad for your SIL's kids though. It's bad enough that women who would make excellent mothers have to go through the pain of IF while women who are lousy moms get pregnant without trying, but I can't help but feel so sorry for those children.
I just got up from my desk to go the kitchen area and as I walked past our administrative assistant (she's an older woman), she stopped me and straight up asked me if I am pregnant. I stumbled through it without crying, but now back at my desk I can't stop the tears.
I just got up from my desk to go the kitchen area and as I walked past our administrative assistant (she's an older woman), she stopped me and straight up asked me if I am pregnant. I stumbled through it without crying, but now back at my desk I can't stop the tears.

Sorry to hear. Thats got to be the worst. Hugs.
I just got up from my desk to go the kitchen area and as I walked past our administrative assistant (she's an older woman), she stopped me and straight up asked me if I am pregnant. I stumbled through it without crying, but now back at my desk I can't stop the tears.

WTF is it with the older ladies and asking totally inappropriate questions?? That's half the reason why I don't go to baby showers - all the moms and aunts etc hounding me with "so you're neeext????" Mind your effing business!

So sorry :hugs: I don't know what you say to that. Especially being taken totally off guard like that. ugh.
Thanks ladies. I've cried all my makeup off. What an awful woman. She's told me in the past that I'm "getting fat" or "getting rolls on your back" and this isn't the first time she's asked me if I'm pregnant in the 4 years I've worked here. She's just a hateful, mean woman.

I have this song stuck in my head now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nULKw8s061E

F&*k you very much, lady!
Dear FS nurse, sorry I ask so many questions, sorry that I ask about different things I've heard help, and sorry that I seem to be wasting your time! So tired of the nurse looking at me like I'm niev, or dumb! But this is my life and my future here! Of course I want to know the pros and cons of the message and procedures, of course I want to know if it's worth spending my money on!
I tried to give a coworker advice about her new dog that recently started nipping at her 5 yr old (she also has one on the way). I told her that she needed to go to some training classes with the pup and kid b/c there are warning signs before dogs bite and its important for kids to know them and that dog don't like hugs loud noises or taking their toys ......but her response was that they are going to put the poor dog down !!!! and I wouldn't understand b/c I don't have kids.....
I understand that you are an awful person for killing a dog without giving it a chance to learn the correct behaviors b/c your "too busy preparing for the new baby" ahhhh then don't adopt a dog...... and her little brat is probably pestering the poor animal

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