Not that I want you all to feel the way I do, but it is comforting. I feel so encouraged by your words, ladies. Thanks. Was having a bit of a rough time of it last night. :/
Anyway- Idk when I ovulated, if we caught it, it would've had to have been around 10/23-25 or something like that, which would mean a normal 28 day or so cycle if you LP is supposed to stay the same each cycle.
I guess I could test a week from today, i was thinking of waiting til next Sunday, not the 3rd but the 10. And omgsh... Just hit me- hubby's bday is Nov 15, so I could give him an early bday surprise if I get my BFP!! but doubting it will work out so perfectly. Feels like every other month, there is some perfect time to tell hubby or would make for a perfect due date... And I just have this feeling i won't get either, but it'll just end up being perfect in its own way haha, not any way I can come up with lol
I'm so tempted to POAS right now.... But it wouldn't even be FMU and I'm prob only like 5dpo or something crazy early haha