Hi Ladies!
Sorry been absent for a while, we had a slight crisis when we discovered our bathroom has a leak so been trying to sort that out. Not quite what we expected to be doing at the moment! There's a lot to catch up on on here so please forgive me if I repeat something that's already been said!
Fantastic bump pictures, looking very lovely so far and I think we're now all in the 2nd tri aren't we?!

I'll try and get a pic up soon as well. It doesn't look much to me at the moment but I have had to start to looking at maternity trousers for work as my usual ones are getting uncomfortable so guess there must be something there!
Tara have you had your scan yet or is it next Tuesday? I've got my next midwife appt next tues, the weeks are starting to fly by now!!
I'm finally starting to feel better, much less nauseous and more energy though I'm still ready for bed by about 8.30! I'm not having to sleep when I get in from work though which is a step forward! I have had a cold this week though which has not been fun so really hope you all manage to steer clear of any germs.
What's everyone got planned for the weekend? xx
HI there! It's nice to hear from you
No, here in the states (atleast from where I am from) they don't do scans until around 20 weeks. So crazy if you ask me. So, no, my appt tuesday is just for my 16 week check up-however, they will be setting up my scan appt that day and I am soooo excited to start counting down the days for that!
Sorry to hear about your leaking bathroom.. that can't be any fun to deal with! I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, that is such a relief! As for sleeping... if I am up past 8:30 then I am doing good!!!! So I get you there

I am ready to be able to stay up later tho.
Have either of you ladies felt your babes yet? I have started feeling mine and I loooove it! If I was pregnant for the 1st time, I probably wouldn't realize what I was feeling... but I know for certain it's my little one.
I have nothing planned for the weekend, maybe a little Christmas shopping but that is about all. How about you?