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I can't believe I will be 15 weeks tmrw! The time is sure flying for me, how about the rest of you ladies? How is everyone feeling? I seem to have some energy back through out the day.. however, Im still going to bed early!!!! Im ready to stay up past 8pm :)
I can't believe I will be 15 weeks tmrw! The time is sure flying for me, how about the rest of you ladies? How is everyone feeling? I seem to have some energy back through out the day.. however, Im still going to bed early!!!! Im ready to stay up past 8pm :)

I'm the same, since I told everyone about bring pregnant the last few weeks have flown in! I can't believe i'll be 14 weeks on monday!!! crazy!! And in about 6 weeks I'll be half way through! Crazier! lol
I've been feeling good too, my energy seems to be coming back, but not fully, still have days where I don't want to move! Others where I've done loads by 10am! lol I too am going to bed early, but I kind of used to do that anyway, I love my sleep and I do get up at 6am every day so I like to get at least 8 hrs sleep! lol 9 if I can :D

I have found though that I am getting very easily irritated and stressed out slightly with my dog! Does anyone else have this problem with any pets? It just seems like if he's not farting and stinking the whole house out, he annoys me with his loud screechy barking whenever someone's at the door, it really annoys me and I've said time and time to my hubby we need to get him training as we can't have that when baby is asleep etc, and it just doesn't seem to bother him! Grrrr! I would never ever get rid of my dog, but I do feel sometimes I just need some space away from him! lol. I can see this whole door situation taking ages to correct with him though, so we best get started soon, gonna have to put my foot down with the hubby! lol xxx
I can't believe I will be 15 weeks tmrw! The time is sure flying for me, how about the rest of you ladies? How is everyone feeling? I seem to have some energy back through out the day.. however, Im still going to bed early!!!! Im ready to stay up past 8pm :)

I'm the same, since I told everyone about bring pregnant the last few weeks have flown in! I can't believe i'll be 14 weeks on monday!!! crazy!! And in about 6 weeks I'll be half way through! Crazier! lol
I've been feeling good too, my energy seems to be coming back, but not fully, still have days where I don't want to move! Others where I've done loads by 10am! lol I too am going to bed early, but I kind of used to do that anyway, I love my sleep and I do get up at 6am every day so I like to get at least 8 hrs sleep! lol 9 if I can :D

I have found though that I am getting very easily irritated and stressed out slightly with my dog! Does anyone else have this problem with any pets? It just seems like if he's not farting and stinking the whole house out, he annoys me with his loud screechy barking whenever someone's at the door, it really annoys me and I've said time and time to my hubby we need to get him training as we can't have that when baby is asleep etc, and it just doesn't seem to bother him! Grrrr! I would never ever get rid of my dog, but I do feel sometimes I just need some space away from him! lol. I can see this whole door situation taking ages to correct with him though, so we best get started soon, gonna have to put my foot down with the hubby! lol xxx

I don't have a pet, so I can't relate... well, that's a lie, I have a fish. However, I can't say that he has ever irrritated me hehe. I'm sorry you are having problems with your pup, Im sure everything will work out the way it's suppose to in the end. I can understand your frustration though!!! I hope you had a great weekend!
I don't have a pet, so I can't relate... well, that's a lie, I have a fish. However, I can't say that he has ever irrritated me hehe. I'm sorry you are having problems with your pup, Im sure everything will work out the way it's suppose to in the end. I can understand your frustration though!!! I hope you had a great weekend!

My wknd's been pretty boring actually lol husbands away so ive not had much to do really, although on the upside I have had plenty of time to scour the internet to look at travel systems and cot beds etc lol Have you been looking at anything like that yet? if so what ones take your fancy? We'd like a dark wood cot bed and I think i'm set on a travel system from mothercare that I have seen, here's the link - https://www.mothercare.com/Motherca..._1_15&nodeId=180180031&sr=1-15&qid=1320597565

The dog must of sensed my frustration cause he's actually been ok this wknd lol! Hope you have had a good wknd? x
I don't have a pet, so I can't relate... well, that's a lie, I have a fish. However, I can't say that he has ever irrritated me hehe. I'm sorry you are having problems with your pup, Im sure everything will work out the way it's suppose to in the end. I can understand your frustration though!!! I hope you had a great weekend!

My wknd's been pretty boring actually lol husbands away so ive not had much to do really, although on the upside I have had plenty of time to scour the internet to look at travel systems and cot beds etc lol Have you been looking at anything like that yet? if so what ones take your fancy? We'd like a dark wood cot bed and I think i'm set on a travel system from mothercare that I have seen, here's the link - https://www.mothercare.com/Motherca..._1_15&nodeId=180180031&sr=1-15&qid=1320597565

The dog must of sensed my frustration cause he's actually been ok this wknd lol! Hope you have had a good wknd? x

FAY! Welcome to 2nd tri! :):):)
I haven't been looking at anything yet... I think with me, I need to know if I'm having a boy or girl. However, that travel system is realllly cute! And I already know that I will get the dark wood for his/her crib set.. so we have some similar taste :)
I'm glad your dog has simmered down for you, I'm sure that gives you some relief!
FAY! Welcome to 2nd tri! :):):)
I haven't been looking at anything yet... I think with me, I need to know if I'm having a boy or girl. However, that travel system is realllly cute! And I already know that I will get the dark wood for his/her crib set.. so we have some similar taste :)
I'm glad your dog has simmered down for you, I'm sure that gives you some relief!

Thank you!!! I am a lemon!! hehe!
Yeah see that is the trouble I am having with wanting to buy stuff, I take it you want to find out the gender then? At first I was team yellow until the end, but curiosity is really getting the better of me and I may have to find out the sex! lol Do you still have any feelings of the gender? Mine seems to have disappeared now and I'm not sure anymore, think that's why I also want to find out lol. But we have agreed that if we do then we would still keep it a secret from everyone else until the birth. I would still buy a lot of gender neutral things just incase they are wrong, but I think it'll be nice to have an almost guaranteed idea in your head of what the gender could be. We would be happy with either so it really doesn't matter but I think it's nice to know anyway :)

Yes my dog is very attention seeking at times and he just needs to be put in his place, I think he acts up more when my husband is away as he's probably thinking 'don't you leave me as well!' lol But he's coming back today so all is good :)

I don't know about you but dark wood furniture for a nursery is relatively rare over here, you can buy it, but the more common ones are pine and white ones, which tends to make the dark wood ones a tad more expensive, which is annoying, but i've found a cot bed that I like which is a good price, which will be worth the money as it'll convert into a junior bed for when they are older. We'll get a little moses basket too for the first few months, i'm looking forward to buying these big things! It will make it more realistic I think, as at the moment it still doesn't seem 100% real lol! I suppose I would feel more socially accepted shopping for these things with a massive bump! haha! xxx
I agree, I think when I start buying it will feel more real. Or once I start showing or feeling movement. I am soooo looking forward to all these things, as Im sure most women are :) Yes, we are finding out, I have my next about in a week and we will book my scan appt that day. I am going to try and convince them to let me go in at 18wks instead of 20, will see how that goes. :) How does your DH feel about finding out the gender?
That's really too bad that it's more expensive for dark wood, Im actually not sure if it is here or not?
I'm still thinking boy, only because i've felt that I would have 2 boys since my 1st son was born over 5 years ago. Everyone else seems to think girl-but what do they know? hehe.
I agree, I think when I start buying it will feel more real. Or once I start showing or feeling movement. I am soooo looking forward to all these things, as Im sure most women are :) Yes, we are finding out, I have my next about in a week and we will book my scan appt that day. I am going to try and convince them to let me go in at 18wks instead of 20, will see how that goes. :) How does your DH feel about finding out the gender?
That's really too bad that it's more expensive for dark wood, Im actually not sure if it is here or not?
I'm still thinking boy, only because i've felt that I would have 2 boys since my 1st son was born over 5 years ago. Everyone else seems to think girl-but what do they know? hehe.

Oh brilliant, you'll have to let me know how your app goes and when your scan will be booked for, mine is bang on 20 weeks on 19th Dec, 6 weeks away, can't wait!! lol

My DH wanted to know the gender at the beginning, and I didn't, and now that I do, he still wants to know but is maybe now slightly more reluctant because he would worry it would be wrong...but if we want either gender then it wouldn't matter if it was wrong I suppose. Like I said we'd still buy gender neutral things at first anyway. But he is happy to find out if I want to as well....I think we will....but maybe in the new year? I'll see how the 20 week scan goes first (i've been told that the hospital where I get my scan doesn't tell you AT ALL if it's a girl or boy, so if that's the case then we'll get one privately after that) The private gender scan isn't too expensive actually over here and they do a 4D view for you as well so I guess it would be more accurate to make out girl or boy bits :)

Aww I didn't realise you already had a little boy, should have looked a bit closer at your signature really lol! what's his name? :) how does he feel about being a big brother? :D bet he's excited! xxx
I agree, I think when I start buying it will feel more real. Or once I start showing or feeling movement. I am soooo looking forward to all these things, as Im sure most women are :) Yes, we are finding out, I have my next about in a week and we will book my scan appt that day. I am going to try and convince them to let me go in at 18wks instead of 20, will see how that goes. :) How does your DH feel about finding out the gender?
That's really too bad that it's more expensive for dark wood, Im actually not sure if it is here or not?
I'm still thinking boy, only because i've felt that I would have 2 boys since my 1st son was born over 5 years ago. Everyone else seems to think girl-but what do they know? hehe.

Oh brilliant, you'll have to let me know how your app goes and when your scan will be booked for, mine is bang on 20 weeks on 19th Dec, 6 weeks away, can't wait!! lol

My DH wanted to know the gender at the beginning, and I didn't, and now that I do, he still wants to know but is maybe now slightly more reluctant because he would worry it would be wrong...but if we want either gender then it wouldn't matter if it was wrong I suppose. Like I said we'd still buy gender neutral things at first anyway. But he is happy to find out if I want to as well....I think we will....but maybe in the new year? I'll see how the 20 week scan goes first (i've been told that the hospital where I get my scan doesn't tell you AT ALL if it's a girl or boy, so if that's the case then we'll get one privately after that) The private gender scan isn't too expensive actually over here and they do a 4D view for you as well so I guess it would be more accurate to make out girl or boy bits :)

Aww I didn't realise you already had a little boy, should have looked a bit closer at your signature really lol! what's his name? :) how does he feel about being a big brother? :D bet he's excited! xxx

His name is Avery :) He is soooo excited to become a big brother... he has been asking for a couple of years, but we just weren't ready until now. I think he will be of great help with his sibling. He's sooo sweet, he hugs and kisses my belly a few times a day. It's precious.
Now I remember you saying your hubs was wanting to know the gender. I'm surprised the hospital doesn't tell you! Why is that, do you know??? Ok-so whats the difference in a 3D scan and a 4D scan? Ive heard them referred to as both, and Im confused! I know it's the more detailed one, but why do some call it 3D and some 4D? Am I missing something? December 19th isn't far at all! Im so impatient-I could wait but Im going to try and convince them to do it sooner :)
His name is Avery :) He is soooo excited to become a big brother... he has been asking for a couple of years, but we just weren't ready until now. I think he will be of great help with his sibling. He's sooo sweet, he hugs and kisses my belly a few times a day. It's precious.
Now I remember you saying your hubs was wanting to know the gender. I'm surprised the hospital doesn't tell you! Why is that, do you know??? Ok-so whats the difference in a 3D scan and a 4D scan? Ive heard them referred to as both, and Im confused! I know it's the more detailed one, but why do some call it 3D and some 4D? Am I missing something? December 19th isn't far at all! Im so impatient-I could wait but Im going to try and convince them to do it sooner :)

Awww that is sooo sweet and Avery is a lovely name! :) I'm not sure why they don't tell you the gender I think it is partly to do with religion, over here in N.I there are strong catholic and protestant communities and I think it would go back to the older days where they thought that if you knew the sex you may try and abort it if you weren't happy, abortion is illegal over here too, and I think partly because they could get it wrong so they don't want to risk any uproar from parents if they do get it wrong lol. We are only living over here for another 2 years as my husband is in the army, it is a pain living over here sometimes though because of a few things like that, which are different to what we are used to back in our home town in England.

As with the 4D scan's, i'm with you on that one! lol I thought that 4D meant that you would get a video of the baby instead of just images, but I guess maybe I'm wrong on that too, unless one is sound as well?? Maybe I should look it up? lol I think 3D and 4D are basically the same anyway lol!

Fingers crossed they do get an appointment for you sooner :) xxx
His name is Avery :) He is soooo excited to become a big brother... he has been asking for a couple of years, but we just weren't ready until now. I think he will be of great help with his sibling. He's sooo sweet, he hugs and kisses my belly a few times a day. It's precious.
Now I remember you saying your hubs was wanting to know the gender. I'm surprised the hospital doesn't tell you! Why is that, do you know??? Ok-so whats the difference in a 3D scan and a 4D scan? Ive heard them referred to as both, and Im confused! I know it's the more detailed one, but why do some call it 3D and some 4D? Am I missing something? December 19th isn't far at all! Im so impatient-I could wait but Im going to try and convince them to do it sooner :)

Awww that is sooo sweet and Avery is a lovely name! :) I'm not sure why they don't tell you the gender I think it is partly to do with religion, over here in N.I there are strong catholic and protestant communities and I think it would go back to the older days where they thought that if you knew the sex you may try and abort it if you weren't happy, abortion is illegal over here too, and I think partly because they could get it wrong so they don't want to risk any uproar from parents if they do get it wrong lol. We are only living over here for another 2 years as my husband is in the army, it is a pain living over here sometimes though because of a few things like that, which are different to what we are used to back in our home town in England.

As with the 4D scan's, i'm with you on that one! lol I thought that 4D meant that you would get a video of the baby instead of just images, but I guess maybe I'm wrong on that too, unless one is sound as well?? Maybe I should look it up? lol I think 3D and 4D are basically the same anyway lol!

Fingers crossed they do get an appointment for you sooner :) xxx

Oh my goodness, I can't believe there are ppl that would abort a baby because of the gender!!!!!! I guess I can understand why they wouldn't tell you then. Wow, that just blows me away!
Is your husband in the military?
Ohhh ok-now that makes more sense about the 3D and 4D, I guess I could've looked it up too hehe. Thanks :)
Oh my goodness, I can't believe there are ppl that would abort a baby because of the gender!!!!!! I guess I can understand why they wouldn't tell you then. Wow, that just blows me away!
Is your husband in the military?
Ohhh ok-now that makes more sense about the 3D and 4D, I guess I could've looked it up too hehe. Thanks :)

I know it's disgusting isn't it?! Poor babies! And there are so many people out there having troubles trying for a baby and then there are others who abort babies like it's an every day occurrence! :(

Yes husband is in the military, we've been pretty lucky so far and he's only been away twice since we've been together, and the first time was 6 months in iraq and the second was 4 months in afghan, so not as long as your military serve. I don't know how I would ever cope if he was away for a year to 18 months at a time!!

Don't quote me on the 3d/4d thing, that's just my guess lol, still haven't looked it up yet lol! xxx
Yes, Im not sure how people cope with their spouse being gone for so long.. even you.. that's a long time! You must be a strong woman! I hope you are having a great day. I wish it was Tuesday already hehe ( i hate wishing my life away) but I can't wait to schedule my sono and see my baby and find out if we are having a he or she :) :)
Yes, Im not sure how people cope with their spouse being gone for so long.. even you.. that's a long time! You must be a strong woman! I hope you are having a great day. I wish it was Tuesday already hehe ( i hate wishing my life away) but I can't wait to schedule my sono and see my baby and find out if we are having a he or she :) :)

I know how you feel, I don't like wishing my life away but sometimes you feel so impatient don't you? lol
Yes it is very hard when he's away, I guess you spend months in advance preparing for it and what you'll do to pass the time and that helps a bit, I get to speak to him almost everyday whilst he's away too, so that helps too, but it's never the same....secretly hoping one day he'll find an equally well paid job that he enjoys that doesn't involve going away! lol Especially now we're starting a family :)xxx
Yes, Im not sure how people cope with their spouse being gone for so long.. even you.. that's a long time! You must be a strong woman! I hope you are having a great day. I wish it was Tuesday already hehe ( i hate wishing my life away) but I can't wait to schedule my sono and see my baby and find out if we are having a he or she :) :)

I know how you feel, I don't like wishing my life away but sometimes you feel so impatient don't you? lol
Yes it is very hard when he's away, I guess you spend months in advance preparing for it and what you'll do to pass the time and that helps a bit, I get to speak to him almost everyday whilst he's away too, so that helps too, but it's never the same....secretly hoping one day he'll find an equally well paid job that he enjoys that doesn't involve going away! lol Especially now we're starting a family :)xxx

I bet you do, I would wish that too if I were you. I have a friend who has a 2 yr old I believe, maybe he's 3. But she just announced they are expecting another-she's due mid May. And her husband just left this week for a year. I think that would be so hard.. for all of them. Man, I'm just not that strong!
I bet you do, I would wish that too if I were you. I have a friend who has a 2 yr old I believe, maybe he's 3. But she just announced they are expecting another-she's due mid May. And her husband just left this week for a year. I think that would be so hard.. for all of them. Man, I'm just not that strong!

Oh no! that is horrid, a year is a LONG time! 6 months is a long time!! I do struggle with it to be honest, but I knew it would be like that when we got together so I can't really ask him to change his career, he's always said though, if it ever got to the point where we weren't happy any more and it was to do with him being away all the time, then his family would always come first....I just don't know what that point would be lol! I'm hoping that when he see's his child his priorities may change, but at the same time he's always said to me that he wants to be able to provide for us all, so unless it was a great job then he wouldn't really be able to earn the same money as he's on now, doing something out of the army with his qualifications etc.....so catch 22 really.

There are a lot of perks though which kind of out-weigh the bad, but for now it's ok...just gotta take each day as it comes I suppose lol.

Hope you have a nice wknd anyway :) xxx
Hi Ladies!

Sorry been absent for a while, we had a slight crisis when we discovered our bathroom has a leak so been trying to sort that out. Not quite what we expected to be doing at the moment! There's a lot to catch up on on here so please forgive me if I repeat something that's already been said!

Fantastic bump pictures, looking very lovely so far and I think we're now all in the 2nd tri aren't we?! :happydance: I'll try and get a pic up soon as well. It doesn't look much to me at the moment but I have had to start to looking at maternity trousers for work as my usual ones are getting uncomfortable so guess there must be something there!

Tara have you had your scan yet or is it next Tuesday? I've got my next midwife appt next tues, the weeks are starting to fly by now!!

I'm finally starting to feel better, much less nauseous and more energy though I'm still ready for bed by about 8.30! I'm not having to sleep when I get in from work though which is a step forward! I have had a cold this week though which has not been fun so really hope you all manage to steer clear of any germs.

What's everyone got planned for the weekend? xx
Hi Ladies!

Sorry been absent for a while, we had a slight crisis when we discovered our bathroom has a leak so been trying to sort that out. Not quite what we expected to be doing at the moment! There's a lot to catch up on on here so please forgive me if I repeat something that's already been said!

Fantastic bump pictures, looking very lovely so far and I think we're now all in the 2nd tri aren't we?! :happydance: I'll try and get a pic up soon as well. It doesn't look much to me at the moment but I have had to start to looking at maternity trousers for work as my usual ones are getting uncomfortable so guess there must be something there!

Tara have you had your scan yet or is it next Tuesday? I've got my next midwife appt next tues, the weeks are starting to fly by now!!

I'm finally starting to feel better, much less nauseous and more energy though I'm still ready for bed by about 8.30! I'm not having to sleep when I get in from work though which is a step forward! I have had a cold this week though which has not been fun so really hope you all manage to steer clear of any germs.

What's everyone got planned for the weekend? xx

HI there! It's nice to hear from you :)

No, here in the states (atleast from where I am from) they don't do scans until around 20 weeks. So crazy if you ask me. So, no, my appt tuesday is just for my 16 week check up-however, they will be setting up my scan appt that day and I am soooo excited to start counting down the days for that!

Sorry to hear about your leaking bathroom.. that can't be any fun to deal with! I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, that is such a relief! As for sleeping... if I am up past 8:30 then I am doing good!!!! So I get you there :) I am ready to be able to stay up later tho.

Have either of you ladies felt your babes yet? I have started feeling mine and I loooove it! If I was pregnant for the 1st time, I probably wouldn't realize what I was feeling... but I know for certain it's my little one. :cloud9:

I have nothing planned for the weekend, maybe a little Christmas shopping but that is about all. How about you?
I bet you do, I would wish that too if I were you. I have a friend who has a 2 yr old I believe, maybe he's 3. But she just announced they are expecting another-she's due mid May. And her husband just left this week for a year. I think that would be so hard.. for all of them. Man, I'm just not that strong!

Oh no! that is horrid, a year is a LONG time! 6 months is a long time!! I do struggle with it to be honest, but I knew it would be like that when we got together so I can't really ask him to change his career, he's always said though, if it ever got to the point where we weren't happy any more and it was to do with him being away all the time, then his family would always come first....I just don't know what that point would be lol! I'm hoping that when he see's his child his priorities may change, but at the same time he's always said to me that he wants to be able to provide for us all, so unless it was a great job then he wouldn't really be able to earn the same money as he's on now, doing something out of the army with his qualifications etc.....so catch 22 really.

There are a lot of perks though which kind of out-weigh the bad, but for now it's ok...just gotta take each day as it comes I suppose lol.

Hope you have a nice wknd anyway :) xxx

I'm sure it is a catch 22 and I can't imagine how hard of a decision it would be for you and your husband to try and switch career paths. It will all work out the way it is suppose to, I imagine :) Have a great weekend!
Hi Ladies!

Sorry been absent for a while, we had a slight crisis when we discovered our bathroom has a leak so been trying to sort that out. Not quite what we expected to be doing at the moment! There's a lot to catch up on on here so please forgive me if I repeat something that's already been said!

Fantastic bump pictures, looking very lovely so far and I think we're now all in the 2nd tri aren't we?! :happydance: I'll try and get a pic up soon as well. It doesn't look much to me at the moment but I have had to start to looking at maternity trousers for work as my usual ones are getting uncomfortable so guess there must be something there!

Tara have you had your scan yet or is it next Tuesday? I've got my next midwife appt next tues, the weeks are starting to fly by now!!

I'm finally starting to feel better, much less nauseous and more energy though I'm still ready for bed by about 8.30! I'm not having to sleep when I get in from work though which is a step forward! I have had a cold this week though which has not been fun so really hope you all manage to steer clear of any germs.

What's everyone got planned for the weekend? xx

HI there! It's nice to hear from you :)

No, here in the states (atleast from where I am from) they don't do scans until around 20 weeks. So crazy if you ask me. So, no, my appt tuesday is just for my 16 week check up-however, they will be setting up my scan appt that day and I am soooo excited to start counting down the days for that!

Sorry to hear about your leaking bathroom.. that can't be any fun to deal with! I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, that is such a relief! As for sleeping... if I am up past 8:30 then I am doing good!!!! So I get you there :) I am ready to be able to stay up later tho.

Have either of you ladies felt your babes yet? I have started feeling mine and I loooove it! If I was pregnant for the 1st time, I probably wouldn't realize what I was feeling... but I know for certain it's my little one. :cloud9:

I have nothing planned for the weekend, maybe a little Christmas shopping but that is about all. How about you?

Wow that is a long time to wait for a scan, I think I'd go stir crazy by then!

That's incredible that you've started feeling your baby! I don't think I have yet but as this is my first I'm not really sure what to look out for. What does it feel like?

ooh, hope you had fun Christmas shopping! I've had quite a busy day catching up on housework and doing a few things in the garden. Tomorrow off for a walk and pub lunch. This'll be the longest walk I've done since becoming pregnant so will be interesting to see how far I get...

Now it's getting way past my bedtime, lol, so g'night ladies, enjoy the rest of the weekend :) xx

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