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Afternoon Ladies

Just had a quick catch up on your posts, Glad you're all thriving and doing well, your've reached the halfway mark. It seriously has flown by.

As for trying I don't think it matters if it is 1 month or over 2 years in my case, seeing AF instead of a BFP is crushing. I just wonder when I'm finally going to get lucky. I'm now halfway through the 2ww and feeling very positive this cycle. I hope to be joining you all soon.

Fay I can't wait for your scan and to find out what you're having.. My Guess is a Boy :D

Glad all is going well with you all :flower:
Afternoon Ladies

Just had a quick catch up on your posts, Glad you're all thriving and doing well, your've reached the halfway mark. It seriously has flown by.

As for trying I don't think it matters if it is 1 month or over 2 years in my case, seeing AF instead of a BFP is crushing. I just wonder when I'm finally going to get lucky. I'm now halfway through the 2ww and feeling very positive this cycle. I hope to be joining you all soon.

Fay I can't wait for your scan and to find out what you're having.. My Guess is a Boy :D

Glad all is going well with you all :flower:

Awww great to hear from you :D
Yes it is defo crushing when you don't get that BFP especially when it's all you've ever wanted, I really really hope that you are lucky this cycle! It has to be your time soon!! Can't believe it's been so long for you :(

I'll defo be letting you know how the gender scan goes :D Good luck with everything and we'll speak soon! xxxx
Yay!!! it's soo great to see the baby move isn't it?? :D Feel's more real, and to me it's a good sign that they are growing and moving about more :) I don't do anything in particular to get the baby to move, although I feel it most when i'm laying flat on my back or when i'm sat on the floor with my knees to my chest (like at work etc) sometimes if I have seen or felt baby then they decided to stop, I might give my belly a little wobble, but nothing too hard cause i'm like you, i'd be worried about popping the sac or something lol!! I guess i'm just really lucky to feel so much at the mo :) I don't SEE the baby moving all the time though, only when the baby's feeling particularly active lol xxx

Thanks for the info :) I have been feeling her several times a day, just never when Dalton (my husband) or Avery are around, but I guess I will take what I can get. Im sure before long they will feel her.
I'm having a bad morning, I stepped on the scale and it slapped me in the face... I REALLY hate to sound like I'm moaning about something like weight gain and please don't take it wrong. I KNOW I will gain weight and that's great, I just feel like I have let myself go-once I got my BFP I stopped running-hell, I stopped all exercise period! I was scared something would happen at 1st, then I just felt like crap and thats the last thing I felt like doing lol. UGH, I need to get my booty on my eliptical machine that sits in my bedroom staring at me! haha!!! I swore I wouldn't obsess over weight... why do I get on that damn scale! Please tell me Im not alone in this! :)
I hope you all have a great day! xx
Afternoon Ladies

Just had a quick catch up on your posts, Glad you're all thriving and doing well, your've reached the halfway mark. It seriously has flown by.

As for trying I don't think it matters if it is 1 month or over 2 years in my case, seeing AF instead of a BFP is crushing. I just wonder when I'm finally going to get lucky. I'm now halfway through the 2ww and feeling very positive this cycle. I hope to be joining you all soon.

Fay I can't wait for your scan and to find out what you're having.. My Guess is a Boy :D

Glad all is going well with you all :flower:

Its SO nice to hear from you. Thank you for checking in with us, we would love to hear from you more often! :flower: Fingers crossed for your BFP!!!!! :hugs:
Thanks for the info :) I have been feeling her several times a day, just never when Dalton (my husband) or Avery are around, but I guess I will take what I can get. Im sure before long they will feel her.
I'm having a bad morning, I stepped on the scale and it slapped me in the face... I REALLY hate to sound like I'm moaning about something like weight gain and please don't take it wrong. I KNOW I will gain weight and that's great, I just feel like I have let myself go-once I got my BFP I stopped running-hell, I stopped all exercise period! I was scared something would happen at 1st, then I just felt like crap and thats the last thing I felt like doing lol. UGH, I need to get my booty on my eliptical machine that sits in my bedroom staring at me! haha!!! I swore I wouldn't obsess over weight... why do I get on that damn scale! Please tell me Im not alone in this! :)
I hope you all have a great day! xx

OMG! I totally know how you feel with the weight thing!! lol I also am perfectly aware that I will gain weight, of course! But sometimes I look at myself in certain clothes and I'm like.....I just look frumpy rather than pregnant! And my main hang up at the min, is my love handles! ha! I just hate seeing them hanging over any jeans I put on etc, it's only a little bit, but I hate them! so i'm constantly wearing things that are stretchy or hide them! lol

I bought some lovely jumpers/dress jumpers for winter and lovely thick tights to go underneath and now my bumps a bit bigger I just feel they pad me out rather than show off my bump nicely lol! And the tights dig in to give me love handles lol! May have to go invest in some new leggings or something or stretchy jeans lol! I just want my bump to grow please! Not everything else lol. I'm with you on the exercise thing though, I was too knackered and also didn't want to risk it in first trimester, I have a free swimming pool I can use about 5 mins away and I have 2 work out dvds for pregnancy that I bought and they are also staring me in the face! I keep meaning too and I really want to I just never get the motivation to do them! And I finish work at 1, get home have my lunch then i'm too full up to do any exercise for a while, then hubby gets home about half 4 ish, and by that time I don't want to exercise whilst he's here, so feel time was wasted lol And i'm too starving when I get in from work to hold off lunch til after exercising....gonna have to sort something out though cause although I am happy with myself to a certain degree at the moment, I just don't wanna get worse! lol Maybe i'll have a small bit of food to take the edge off hunger, exercise then have more food lol! xxxx
Oh I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. I was worried you all would think I was ridiculous. I know what you mean about the love handles, I have these real comfy maternity jeans that I won't wear with a fitted shirt b/c it makes me have them. Grrrrr. Im lovin' the bella band though! It seems to hold them in. Do you have one of those? Im in awe with it. Im also living in yoga pants... soooo comfy!!!
I SO know what you mean about the timing of working out just not working. My day starts at 6:30 when I get Avery up and ready for school, then my daycare kids start piling in and don't leave until 5:30 pm. By that time i'm pooped :( I did a nice power walk last weekend, but one time is hardly going to help anything! lol. I can't wait until it starts staying lighter in the evenings, maybe I will feel like doing more walking :)
Thanks for letting me vent and not feel so alone in this. I don't like talking to other people about it because they think I am being silly and don't quite understand. :hugs:
Oh I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. I was worried you all would think I was ridiculous. I know what you mean about the love handles, I have these real comfy maternity jeans that I won't wear with a fitted shirt b/c it makes me have them. Grrrrr. Im lovin' the bella band though! It seems to hold them in. Do you have one of those? Im in awe with it. Im also living in yoga pants... soooo comfy!!!
I SO know what you mean about the timing of working out just not working. My day starts at 6:30 when I get Avery up and ready for school, then my daycare kids start piling in and don't leave until 5:30 pm. By that time i'm pooped :( I did a nice power walk last weekend, but one time is hardly going to help anything! lol. I can't wait until it starts staying lighter in the evenings, maybe I will feel like doing more walking :)
Thanks for letting me vent and not feel so alone in this. I don't like talking to other people about it because they think I am being silly and don't quite understand. :hugs:

Oh I totally understand! lol I went shopping earlier after my post to see if I could find any more comfy jeans/trousers to wear and I made myself worse by not fitting into most of them! haha! Ahh well gotta embrace it I suppose, I have seen those bands but didn't think much about it at the time to be honest, but if you recommend it then I will defo get one! I can see how they would work and hold in the love handles, think I defo need to get one! haha! I do have one pair of jeans however that have that little bit of a band around the waist and they are nice and comfy and I can't live in one pair of jeans. I wear yoga type trousers for work and you are right, they are soooo comfy!! :)

See I only work part time so I have no excuse really with the exercise! lol But I can understand with you working full time, I don't know how I could do full time work with children anymore haha! How many do you look after and is it in your own home like childminding? I was thinking of doing that once baby's here as I don't personally see the point in me putting my child into daycare whilst I look after other peoples children in daycare lol! Financially I don't see that being viable either.

Don't worry, we are perfectly entitled to moan about whatever we want!! Pregnancy hormones sure do effect us in the strangest of ways! lol Me and hubby have laughed a few times where I've been in a stinking mood and neither of us know why?! lol I don't even know myself, just one of those things I guess xxx

Oh I also have a salad for dinner....feeling like I need to have something healthy haha! x
Ooo a salad sounds lovely! I might have to make one myself. I ate a WHOLE cucumber yesterday for an afternoon snack while the kids were sleeping... I guess that is ok? I ended up being so bloated last night and had trapped wind, I was in so much pain I couldn't stand or sit or lay comfortably for about 4 hours. I got it worked out and felt better, I think it was from the cucumber though?!? Not too sure. But now Im alittle scared of the ruffage from vegetables eeeek! :)
Yes, I have an at home day care. I watch 7 kids. I started doing this when my son was born, it is nice to be able to be with your child and not pay someone else to watch after them. Now he started kindergarten this year :cry: and is getting so grown up! He is growing into a wonderful young man and that warms my heart. There's something to be said about the bond of a mother and a son. I LOVE it! I hope it's the same with a daughter and a mother, Im wondering how different raising a daughter will be? I can't wait to find out. :)
I hope you are having a fantastic day!
Aww sorry to hear that you had bad wind last night! It can get really painful can't it? I actually had a little heartburn which I don't usually get and I'm blaming that on scoffing down my lunch! haha! I am always so hungry when I get in and end up eating loads, I should slow it down lol!

Awww i've always imagined the bond between mum and son to be very special, mummy's boy! hehe But I also thought that about a girl because it's like a mini-you and that must be so special too, baking cakes and doing artwork etc when they are older, I think it'll be just the same :)

Wow 7 kids! Bet it gets hectic! Do they vary in age or are they similar? And are they all there all day, or do they come and go throughout the day? I think it's the way forward as a career for me later as I too want to look after my own children as well as getting paid for others :) xxx
I know what you mean about scarfing down food and the darn heartburn! Yikes!
They are all here alllll day long. It has it's advantages for sure... making money while raising your children is a great advantage! The part I don't like is I can't take off at noon if I feel like it.. if my son is sick or I have an appt I have to inconvience 7 parents so I can have the day off. Things like that. However, I suppose most jobs have disadvantages as well so I shouldn't complain, but apparently this is my week of complaining! hahaha!
Haha! yeah that must be an inconvenience for you though, like you say if you had to dash out for your son or something, wow, I bet the money out ways the negatives though haha!

I'm so glad it's friday tomorrow, I long for the weekends now lol and we have our gender scan on sunday! Can't believe it's nearly here already! So excited!!! :D xxx
Ohhh yes!! Can't wait for Sunday for you!!!!!!! Make sure you update us as soon as you can :)
I'm ready for the weekend as well!!!
Oh I will do don't you worry :) we aren't telling family or friends the gender or even that we are going for a gender scan so you'll be the first person to know after us hehe! :D xxx
Woohooo! Ooooh so you are keeping the gender a secret from everyone, that is exciting!!! I'm glad that you will still tell us :)
I was on cloud 9 last night, both Dalton (my DH) and Avery got to feel baby girl move around last night! FINALLY! :) She cooperated! hehe!
I hope you have a great friday!!!!
Woohooo! Ooooh so you are keeping the gender a secret from everyone, that is exciting!!! I'm glad that you will still tell us :)
I was on cloud 9 last night, both Dalton (my DH) and Avery got to feel baby girl move around last night! FINALLY! :) She cooperated! hehe!
I hope you have a great friday!!!!

Oh that's fantastic!! Yay!! brill news!! :D Bet they loved it! :D

Yeah I wanted to keep it a secret as I wanted to have some surprise for everyone else rather than "oh we're having a boy/girl and his/her name will be"...you know? So it's a bit more special when they arrive so everything can be announced then, rather than "so is 'name' born yet?" lol
Hope you have a great friday too :) xxxx
I KNOW!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! :D Only a few more hours to go then i'll be back on here with my news!! :) xxxxx
Sooooo!!.............................:D WE ARE HAVING A BOY!!!!!! YAY!!! hehe!!!:blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::happydance::happydance:

The sonographer said there was no mistaking it! Defo a boy!! haha he flashed us quite a few times as well!! defo a little willy there! haha!! We are sooooo over the moon :D Can't wait for him to arrive now :D yay!!!! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: xxxxxxxxxxx
oh and just noticed your now a banana!! hehe!! cute!! xxx

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