Looking for a buddy close in dates

Hello all

Haven't updated for a while as not much has changed, I'm still ill and signed off work with vertigo :dohh:

Had 20 week scan yesterday and all is well with baby - proper little stubborn wriggle bum we have :haha: So could only get one good shot after all the measurements..

I love the photo, looks like baby is blowing a bubble.

We're still team :yellow:

Hope everyone is well :hugs:


Great to see you on here! Sorry to hear your're still suffering though, hope you start to feel better soon.

Beautiful scan pics though :) We're also team yellow!!

Take care and have a fab Christmas xx
Morning Ladies

Just caught up on all the posts, Glad to see you're all doing well and all over 1/2 way now.

So far we've got a little girl :pink: & a little :blue:

Ali apologies if your've already announced what you're having but I couldn't see an announcement through the pages i've read back on

And Elle is team :yellow:

AFM: Well AF came :growlmad: I'm now back to CD3, So I won't be joining you this month. Here's hoping for a New Year :bfp:

If I don't manage to get on before christmas, I wish you, family & Bubs a Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012 :xmas6: :xmas7:

All my Love.. Rae xx

I haven't announced, we decided we wanted the surprise so are staying team :yellow: :D

Sorry to hear AF came :( Really hope you get good news in the New Year!

Have a very Merry Christmas :xmas9:
Thought I may as well do it now seeing as though I have a chance to get online lol Here's our baby boy! :D :happydance: love how baby is yawning in one, where he's so tired from all that wriggling haha! x

Love your pictures Fay, they're just amazing!

Hope you're having a wonderful time with your family and good luck not giving the gender away!

Have a very Happy Christmas and New Year :xmas16::xmas12::xmas6::xmas5::xmas7::xmas9:
Hi Ladies

Sorry been absent this week, have had a busy time trying to get ready for Christmas (to do list seems never ending!) and my sister and niece are here now so have been spending quite a lot of time with them. So glad that they're here for xmas :)

Have been reading back through and catching up on the posts for the week. Fay, so glad your scan went well today :D as Tara said you must on :cloud9:.

I'm with you both on the exercise thing. By the time I get in from work in the evenings I really don't feel like going back out to an exercise class and although I have a couple of dvds at home, always seem to find something else to do! I have avoided weighing myself so far but hate the thought of putting too much weight on. I did buy myself a pair of maternity leggings from M&S and have found them to be so comfy. I'm struggling with jeans/trousers though but that's because I'm on the petite size and normal sizes are too long. Apparently petite women either don't get pregnant or don't need maternity clothes!! I only have one pair of jeans so far which I'm already wearing out!

Tara, so glad that Dalton and Avery got to feel your baby girl move. I'm so happy for you :D


It's nice to hear from you Ali, I have been wondering where you were :) I'm glad you have your sister and niece there with you, how lovely! It's nice to be around family, I think I take that for granted since all of mine live in my town and Daltons family is just an hour drive away.
Today is a nice day and here I am finding excuses NOT to go for a nice power walk. I need to just GO do it!
I hope you are having a great Sunday :)

My sister is going to be moving back here in a couple of years time so can't wait for that as she will then be just down the road

Good luck with the exercise. I'm supposed to be going for a walk tomorrow morning!

Have a very Happy Christmas and New Year :)
Im due may 8th with 1st baby i'd like to join you ladies.
I miss you all! I hope you had a great Christmas! I can't believe we are entering 2012!!!! WOW!
I miss you all! I hope you had a great Christmas! I can't believe we are entering 2012!!!! WOW!

I know!! Can't believe it! We'll all be having our babies within 5-6 months :D

My christmas has been ok thanks, could have been better though to be honest lol! I just want to go home now! :( My family are brilliant, very welcoming and accommodating, but we are staying with hubby's parents and they can be very hit and miss, so it's not so great here, we just need our own space more than anything, there's 5 adults, 2 kids and a dog all under one tiny little three bedroomed house! It really is a struggle! lol But what with baby coming along next year things are gonna have to change from now on, won't be doing this again, just living in each others pockets and having our time planned for us! grrrr! I suppose there's always something going on when it comes to family! lol

Glad your x-mas was great :D hope you have a fab new year! I know we'll be making lots of resolutions!! ha! xxx
Wow that's quite a scary thought that we'll be having our babies in 5 months or so - where's that time gone?!!!

Fay, sorry to hear your Christmas didn't go so great, is always tough when trying to accommodate family! Hope you have a fab new year though :)

My christmas was good, lots of time spent with family and a nice long break from work :) Will be sad when my sister and niece leave next week though.

Anyone got plans for New Year? We haven't and I think I might be in bed before midnight this year! lol!

Have a very happy new year everyone and here's to a very very exciting 2012 for all of us! :D
Hello ladies!
Fay- Sorry to hear about your Christmas. I bet you are so ready to be home. When do you leave?
Yes this coming year will be SO SOOO exciting for all of us!!!!!!! Here's to a wonderful year of beautiful babies!!!
I know! very ready to be home now lol! Family is great but like you say can be not so great too at times lol!! We're here til the 3rd so not much longer :)

We are having a huge family get together on new years eve, so yes fingers crossed it will be a good night :D I think i'd prob be in bed too if we didn't have plans haha!

Have a wonderful new year everyone and here's to a fantastic 2012!! :D xxx
Safe travels to you today, Fay!
I hope you ladies had a great New Years! I was in bed by 10 ;)
Awww lucky you! I got into bed at about 3am cause being sober, I was driving everyone home! lol It wasn't too bad, but I so could of done with my bed at 10am too! lol I tell you now I'm not doing that again though, 5 adults, 2 kids and a dog all in a tiny house, plus our baby next year, just won't be happening! Too crowded and stressed! lol So alternative arrangements will be made next year with our own space! lol Apart from that it was good to get away for a bit, and to see everyone, now we won't be seeing anyone until the baby is born, unless they want to come and visit us. I'm sure that time will fly by now anyway!

I don't know about anyone else but my belly has just sprouted so much over the last two weeks!! I mean geeeze! I guess some of it could be put down to the lovely foods etc, but my belly sure has just popped out! lol Defo the baby too! lol :) And I seem to be getting niggling pains in my lower back which I didn't expect at this stage...not sure if baby is even big enough to cause that? Will be speaking to my midwife at my next appointment in a few weeks just to see if I can see a physio or something, maybe I just have a trapped nerve or my back just needs realigning or something, I can see it only getting worse otherwise, especially working with babies where I'm picking them up all the time and standing for longer periods etc, I can see it taking it's toll very quickly!

Back to work today, and I want to be off already! lol I just want my maternity leave to hurry up and come around now! I'm sure it will, what with only being a few months now! When has everyone decided to give up work? I have said ideally i'd like to work up until 38 weeks, meaning the 20th april but I can see me wanting to finish earlier than that, especially if my back plays up! Although saying that my friend has just had her first baby at 36 weeks!! So you never know with these things! She also paid for a gender scan who told her she was having a boy and she gave birth to a girl!!!! haha! So it just goes to show they aren't 100% after all! We're pretty certain, but will still be buying neutral things lol!

My mum has been knitting, bless her! Came home with two blankets, a cardigan and a pair of booties!! soooo cute! :) and she's still knitting more! lol Now is the time that we need to start getting the big things for the baby! Got a few bits in the jan sales, but none of the big items we have seen we're reduced so we'll be getting those over the next couple of months anyway, does anyone else have much stuff yet or still have lots to get like us! lol

Hope everyone had a fab x-mas and new year....it sucks to be back to normality now! lol! xxx
Hey there lovely! It's so nice to have you back!!!! I've missed having a buddy to chat with.

I'm glad that you made it home and I'm sure your bed never felt so good :)

As for back pain, I feel you there.. mine is more where my hips meet my butt lol. Real low. But it makes me waddle when its hurting and it's sometimes a shooting pain. Booooo!!!

I would love to see your belly-post a pic when you can :) I'll attach a pic from yesterday that I took. I feel so much bigger than I look in the picture tho. The scale is still a little lying machine I tell ya... it can't be right ;)

I have my 3D scan on the 25th and I can't wait-Im anxious to see her lady parts to make sure she's a she! I have been worrying about that, and then you posted that about your friend! Eeeeek! LOL.

I plan on working until I give birth, only because with running my own business, I won't get paid time off :( I will only be taking 4 weeks off when she is born. I would LOVE to just be a stay at home mommy instead of watching all the other kiddo's too-but it's not financially reasonable. :( How long will you take off once little man is born?

I hope you have a great day!!! xxxx
Whoops-forgot to attach this :) Here I am.. almost 24 weeks!


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Hey there lovely! It's so nice to have you back!!!! I've missed having a buddy to chat with.

I'm glad that you made it home and I'm sure your bed never felt so good :)

As for back pain, I feel you there.. mine is more where my hips meet my butt lol. Real low. But it makes me waddle when its hurting and it's sometimes a shooting pain. Booooo!!!

I would love to see your belly-post a pic when you can :) I'll attach a pic from yesterday that I took. I feel so much bigger than I look in the picture tho. The scale is still a little lying machine I tell ya... it can't be right ;)

I have my 3D scan on the 25th and I can't wait-Im anxious to see her lady parts to make sure she's a she! I have been worrying about that, and then you posted that about your friend! Eeeeek! LOL.

I plan on working until I give birth, only because with running my own business, I won't get paid time off :( I will only be taking 4 weeks off when she is born. I would LOVE to just be a stay at home mommy instead of watching all the other kiddo's too-but it's not financially reasonable. :( How long will you take off once little man is born?

I hope you have a great day!!! xxxx

Aww love the pic! I don't think you look big at all, but I understand how you may feel cause I feel the same even though people have said 'i'm all bump' I still feel like my bum and hips are huge! I'll have to get my camera out and take a pic tomorrow for you, I took some a few days ago but kept deleting them because my bum just looked too big for my liking in them! haha! Need to get the angle right!! haha!

OMG I totally agree with you about those pesky scales! I mean seriously?? is it even that possible to put on that much weight over a 2 week period?? Seriously in denial! I knew i'd put on weight in pregnancy, but naively thought it would hopefully just be my belly! lol And very gradual indeed! And my back pain sounds very similar to yours actually, mainly mines just on my left side though, and I also feel like I waddle! haha! I feel like I can't get away with those things being only nearly 23 weeks gone though!

I tell you what we both slept like babies the night we got back, we were sharing a bed that was bigger than a single but smaller than a double and with a pregnant lady and a guy who has a stiff back, that is not a good combination! lol

Oh I bet you can't wait for your scan! :D It's so lovely seeing baby like that, and you'll be a lot further along than we were when we had a preview so your little girl will probably be a lot more 'filled out' than ours :)

Oh that must be so annoying having only 4 weeks off for maternity leave! :( but at least you get to spend time with your little one still afterwards too :) It's great working for yourself but like you say when it comes down to it, financially things like leave or holiday just don't work out for you very well :( Let's hope you have a little angel of a girl who makes having a baby very easy for you with no hassle at all! hehe!

I'm entitled to 9 months off at my work and i'll be taking the full amount! But I won't be returning to work there because by the time my maternity leave has finished the hubby is due posting again shortly after, which means we will get moved somewhere else for 3 years (should be closer to family too) so there's no point in me returning there just or a couple of months. Then once we are settled in our new place we'll see how things are going and then I'll probably child-mind from home from then onwards, so I can have the best of both worlds like you :) look after my baby and get paid for looking after someone else's too :)

My day's been ok, been a bit stiff with the back, went for a walk to try and ease it a bit but hasn't helped much, hopefully sleeping tonight will help rest it :) Have a fab day xxx

P.S: I love having my buddy back too :D
Yes, I can't wait to see a pic :) I bet you look great!!!! I have baggy sweat pants on hiding the extra fat on my thighs and butt. UGH! :( I think my weight has gone to those to places and my boobs. lol. I've always had rather large boobs but when I get pregnant, they just get out of control! ha!!!
My husband was saying just last night that maybe the pain in my hips/butt area is my hips spreading to make room for babe to come out? He's no doc but it makes sense... and since you are having it too it makes me wonder. I feel like an old lady when I walk. I wonder if some of yours has to do with your sleeping arrangements the past couple of weeks? Could be part of it~ whatever it is, I hope it goes away for both of us!
I have got to say, I am REALLY jealous of all the time off you get. Is that what most ppl get? Here... they give you 12 weeks I think (most jobs anyway) which seemed like A LOT to me, but 9 months... that's AMAZING!!!!! Thats very exciting that you will be moving closer to family and will be able to stay home with your little one :) Nothing beats being able to raise your own child.
I'm sorry your day is crap~I hope it gets better soon for you!!!!
Yes, I can't wait to see a pic :) I bet you look great!!!! I have baggy sweat pants on hiding the extra fat on my thighs and butt. UGH! :( I think my weight has gone to those to places and my boobs. lol. I've always had rather large boobs but when I get pregnant, they just get out of control! ha!!!
My husband was saying just last night that maybe the pain in my hips/butt area is my hips spreading to make room for babe to come out? He's no doc but it makes sense... and since you are having it too it makes me wonder. I feel like an old lady when I walk. I wonder if some of yours has to do with your sleeping arrangements the past couple of weeks? Could be part of it~ whatever it is, I hope it goes away for both of us!
I have got to say, I am REALLY jealous of all the time off you get. Is that what most ppl get? Here... they give you 12 weeks I think (most jobs anyway) which seemed like A LOT to me, but 9 months... that's AMAZING!!!!! Thats very exciting that you will be moving closer to family and will be able to stay home with your little one :) Nothing beats being able to raise your own child.
I'm sorry your day is crap~I hope it gets better soon for you!!!!

Haha yeah I'm usually in pj bottoms to 'hide the bulge' lol! I actually bought a pair of maternity skinny jeans a few days ago and I thought the idea of it would be bad cause then it would defo show off the bulges but they have a thin band that goes round the top, not the ones that you pull over your belly though, they still sit under your bump, and I have to say they are amazing!! I feel really slim in them and they don't give me the love handles because of the band holding it in! lol So I took a pic for you today, I look slim in the pic actually which is not how I feel!! or looked in previous things I've worn! lol Think i'll live in these jeans then! haha!

Still can't believe how much my belly has grown! And wow! 12 weeks?? 9 months does seem a bit greedy compared to that!ha! I think it's something like full pay for the first 6 weeks, then 90% of your average weekly income up until the 9th month, then you can get a further 3 months off if you like but that would be unpaid.

Your husband does makes sense with what he's saying about the hips expanding for baby, but like you said i'm sure the sleeping arrangements didn't help either though! lol And you're right, I can't wait to raise my own child! :) My day at work was better today, hope you have a great day :) xxx
ooops forgot to upload pics too haha!


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OMG your bump is so freaking cute!!!!! You look adorable! I love that shirt :haha: I need one of those!!!! The skinny jeans are very appealing on you!!!
I've got to run, I'm glad that you are having a better day! Have a great friday! Woohoo!!!!

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