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Fay, I completely agree with your rant! It really bugs me when you say something about how you're feeling and there's always someone who has to put a dampner on it or be really negative.

I also really hate it when I see pregnant women doing things like smoking, it's like do you not know how lucky you are??

Anyway, back to happier topics! Can't believe you had some snow! I love snow but I'm right down on the south coast so it's quite rare that we get it here. Keep hoping for a white christmas though!

OMG! I totally know what you mean about doing things in pregnancy that you shouldn't! My sister in law smoked through both her pregnancies and didn't see how bad it was, she completely gave up alcohol though as she thought that one single drop would give the baby alcohol poisoning! I agree that I wouldn't personally want to drink during pregnancy, but come on! Her theory is a little far fetched, as there has been no evidence of what is and isn't a safe limit of alcohol to drink in pregnant women, they just advise against it to be safer. And she also gave up all mayonnaise because 'everyone made her feel bad', shop bought mayo is fine as the egg's been pasteurised!! And it makes me laugh how she felt bad about mayo but not smoking??!!! She is seriously delusional!

Aaaaanyway! lol I hope the snow comes back lol it melted, we're going back down south for x-mas so I totally understand about hardly ever seeing snow down that way! lol xxx

I had my 18 week antenatal appointment with the midwife today, everything went well, heard the baby's heartbeat and tests all came back ok and normal, although my blood pressure was low but I've just read that it is at it's lowest between weeks 18-20, so fingers crossed it'll be back to normal in a few weeks, that does make sense now though as the last few days I have felt a little more tired than usual and sluggish, and a little light headed when I stand up too quickly, so I guess I need to just keep making sure my diet is ok so that it doesn't reduce even further!

Made an appointment for my 25 week check up too which is end of Jan, and I got my dates for the antenatal classes at the hospital, I didn't have to book a place on it though, when I rang she just said to pop along so I guess it's a little different where I am in Northern Ireland, I am starting to notice changes though, things I read about aren't always happening over here etc, what with not revealing the gender, not booking onto the classes, we get free prescriptions as well, even when you're not pregnant (bonus!) and they also didn't offer me any testing to see if there were problems with the baby (not that I wanted them anyway, but normally you would get offered it at least) so I suppose I should just expect for things to be done a little differently over here lol!

Hope everyone is well anyway xxx
Good morning! (well, afternoon for you-right? ) :)
I'm happy to hear everything went well! That's always such a relief! Not too much longer until your scans!!!!!! Woohoo!
It seems so crazy how things can be so different in different countries!
Back to what you were talking about yesterday, you know.. before I started trying to conceive, I didn't realize what stupid things I would ask ppl and probably offend them. I would ask married couples about when they were going to start having babies ect. Once I started trying myself (because my son was a surprise... best surprise ever, but didn't try) I didn't realize that it could take so long to get pregnant-if ever. And I realized that I have NO idea if these people are struggling and when ppl ask it's like a dagger to the heart. I just don't think some people realize that. I sure didn't!!!! However, the smoking and drinking or taking drugs while pregnant... oh man that erks me!!!!!! 9 months out of your life is NOTHING! I won't start, or I will get worked up. Anyway, Im glad all went well for you today!
Have a great day!!! xxx
Good morning! (well, afternoon for you-right? ) :)
I'm happy to hear everything went well! That's always such a relief! Not too much longer until your scans!!!!!! Woohoo!
It seems so crazy how things can be so different in different countries!
Back to what you were talking about yesterday, you know.. before I started trying to conceive, I didn't realize what stupid things I would ask ppl and probably offend them. I would ask married couples about when they were going to start having babies ect. Once I started trying myself (because my son was a surprise... best surprise ever, but didn't try) I didn't realize that it could take so long to get pregnant-if ever. And I realized that I have NO idea if these people are struggling and when ppl ask it's like a dagger to the heart. I just don't think some people realize that. I sure didn't!!!! However, the smoking and drinking or taking drugs while pregnant... oh man that erks me!!!!!! 9 months out of your life is NOTHING! I won't start, or I will get worked up. Anyway, Im glad all went well for you today!
Have a great day!!! xxx

Haha yeah I definitely understand what you mean about saying things that could offend pregnant women, and not actually realising it at the time, a common one with me was 'wow your bump's getting so big!' and my intention was how amazed and wonderful it was about how the baby is growing, but in fact you could accidentally offend if they are feeling fat and frumpy for example, they may just think you're saying they look big in general! lol

So I get that one! And yes people asking how the baby plans are going, I can relate to, it only took us two months so were really lucky, but I fell out with a so-called friend because she told another friend of mine that we had been trying for a baby for a long time and that we were having trouble! Now I wouldn't call not falling pregnant in the first month of trying, having trouble! I fell pregnant in the second month of trying so I was sooooo annoyed at her about that, we still don't speak today, but that wasn't just the reason why, she's done a lot of bad things that built up to enough being enough anyway. Some people are insensitive on purpose I feel, but I try not to take certain comments to heart because I can relate to understanding that they may generally not know that they could be offending someone.

But yeah the topic of people deliberately putting their baby's health in danger really gets me talking too, so we'll not start a whole big thread on that! haha!

OOOOooo I can't wait for my scan! I watched a little programme about 4D Ultrasound Scans and it was so special to see the faces of the baby's! I'd love to see our baby like that but they are sooooo expensive! I'm told they do a 4D freeview on the gender scan but I'm guessing that is just to confirm the gender parts rather than looking at the face etc. xxx
Wow, she sounds like a horrible friend. What business was it of hers to tell anyone your personal stuff... Grrrr. And to lie about it to boot! I didn't tell but my mom and sister that we were even trying because I didn't want to pressure of people asking, "are you pregnant yet." It took us 7 months to get pregnant, which might not seem like a long time but it FELT like forever. I realized after 4 months of trying that our timing was off and starting using OPKs and softcups ect, that seemed to have done the trick, thank goodness :)
Is your scan next week? I can't remember the date you said.
I can't believe Im halfway there!!!!!! WOW!
Have a great Friday!
Hi Ladies

Tara, I can totally relate to 7 months feeling like forever. That's how long it took us too and at the time it felt like it was never going to happen. Compared to how long it takes some people though I guess we were pretty lucky, it just didn't feel like it at the time!

Fay so glad your appointment went well, and how exciting that you got to hear baby's heartbeat :) Not long till the next scan!

Hope everyone's having a good weekend xx
Wow, she sounds like a horrible friend. What business was it of hers to tell anyone your personal stuff... Grrrr. And to lie about it to boot! I didn't tell but my mom and sister that we were even trying because I didn't want to pressure of people asking, "are you pregnant yet." It took us 7 months to get pregnant, which might not seem like a long time but it FELT like forever. I realized after 4 months of trying that our timing was off and starting using OPKs and softcups ect, that seemed to have done the trick, thank goodness :)
Is your scan next week? I can't remember the date you said.
I can't believe Im halfway there!!!!!! WOW!
Have a great Friday!

Yeah she was a horrible friend! The only reason why she knew about us, was because she fell pregnant about 2 months before me so we were close with that, but it really didn't end well! lol But yeah I know what you mean about people asking, no one else knew about us, people had ideas that we may eventually start trying but we didn't set anything for certain cause it is awful when people ask you about it, especially when it hasn't happened that month.

I can totally understand and empathise with you both about falling pregnant after 7 months, as one month of not getting pregnant was gutting for me, so 7 months must have felt like a life time! I swear people don't realise just how long a whole cycle takes, its like people think if it doesn't happen one week, try again the next! Some people seem clueless about the complete cycle of conceiving lol!

My scan is next sunday, so a week tomoro! That's the gender one, then we have the normal 20 week one the next day on the monday, soooo exciting now its getting so close! Can't believe we'll be finding out if it's a boy or girl in just over a week! ahhh exciting!! :D :D

Congrats on being half way there! :D The next half is gonna fly by I reckon haha! And oh my your now a small melon! haha! crazy! I am feeling kicks more often now and love it! My husband has even seen my belly move which is so exciting for him! He's felt it once or twice too, it's so nice for him to get involved with that as I feel it all the time, so it's nice for him to feel what I feel :) Hope you're having a good wknd xxx
Hi Ladies

Tara, I can totally relate to 7 months feeling like forever. That's how long it took us too and at the time it felt like it was never going to happen. Compared to how long it takes some people though I guess we were pretty lucky, it just didn't feel like it at the time!

Fay so glad your appointment went well, and how exciting that you got to hear baby's heartbeat :) Not long till the next scan!

Hope everyone's having a good weekend xx

I totally empathise with you with it taking 7 months, like I said to Tara, one month of not falling pregnant was so gutting for me, so I can only imagine what it felt like to have that over and over every month for months, I bet it did feel like it would never happen, and it causes all sorts of worries like if something was wrong etc :( sooo glad it all came together and we can share this experience together :) It was meant to be!

Yeah sooooo excited for the scan! Can't wait to find out if its a boy or girl!! ahhhhh! Crazy! :D Have you felt much movement yet? xxx
Yes, it's so great that we can share this experience together, it's so good to be able to talk to you both on here about what's happening and compare our journeys :)

Can't wait to hear what you're going to be having, so exciting!

That's great that you're been feeling lots of movement :) I've been starting to feel more and more in the last few days in particular and today hubby felt it too which is so amazing for him :)

I'm really looking forward to my scan tomorrow but nervous too that everything is going to be ok. Will let you both know how I get on!

Happy 20 weeks Ali!! Tomorrow is your scan? YAY! I hope you update us as soon as you can. Everything will be just fine, Im excited for you :)
7 months DID feel like forever, and even though I already had a child, I was beginning to think we had the 2nd infertility thing going on and that it wasn't going to happen for us, then BAM, when I least expected it! So happy we all get to be in this together.
I was just thinking about how in a few short months we will be having our babies! How crazy is that?!?! Soooo exciting!
I have been feeling movement everyday now since a week ago. Before it was just a few times a week. But I have yet to get my husband or our son to get to feel her. She seems so stubborn already hehe. Anytime I feel her, I lift up my shirt to see if I can see my stomach moving and she immediately stops. As if she knows she's on display :) I know soon enough she won't be able to hide in there, but Im ready to share in the joy with my loved one's. So glad both of you ladies have been able to have your husbands feel your baby :)
Have a great day ladies!! xx
Yes, it's so great that we can share this experience together, it's so good to be able to talk to you both on here about what's happening and compare our journeys :)

Can't wait to hear what you're going to be having, so exciting!

That's great that you're been feeling lots of movement :) I've been starting to feel more and more in the last few days in particular and today hubby felt it too which is so amazing for him :)

I'm really looking forward to my scan tomorrow but nervous too that everything is going to be ok. Will let you both know how I get on!


Oooo so exciting! Let us know how you get on! :) It's great to be feeling movement now isn't it? makes it feel more real :) and reassurance that baby must be growing bigger :) can't wait to hear about your scan x
Happy 20 weeks Ali!! Tomorrow is your scan? YAY! I hope you update us as soon as you can. Everything will be just fine, Im excited for you :)
7 months DID feel like forever, and even though I already had a child, I was beginning to think we had the 2nd infertility thing going on and that it wasn't going to happen for us, then BAM, when I least expected it! So happy we all get to be in this together.
I was just thinking about how in a few short months we will be having our babies! How crazy is that?!?! Soooo exciting!
I have been feeling movement everyday now since a week ago. Before it was just a few times a week. But I have yet to get my husband or our son to get to feel her. She seems so stubborn already hehe. Anytime I feel her, I lift up my shirt to see if I can see my stomach moving and she immediately stops. As if she knows she's on display :) I know soon enough she won't be able to hide in there, but Im ready to share in the joy with my loved one's. So glad both of you ladies have been able to have your husbands feel your baby :)
Have a great day ladies!! xx

Yes a lot of people said that when they least expected to fall pregnant after trying for a few months, is when they did, our bodies are amazing and they obviously know when we are tense and under pressure to make something happen, just relaxing and letting nature do it's course obviously does the trick, but it's sooo much easier said than done sometimes though lol!

Aww I hope your husband and son can feel your daughter soon :) I can imagine the look on Avery's face! so cute! :) I know what you mean about being stubborn though, mine did that to begin with lol, I was like "oh look, my belly's moving" or "put your hand here quick" and then nothing! lol Defo feel like they "know" they are on show lol! See because i've been getting loads of wriggles, I think that's why I think it's a boy, part of me is like no way could a girl be this active? but then people also say boys are lazy and stubborn in pregnancy so you never know lol! I really hope my family get to feel and possibly see my belly moving at x-mas because that'll be the last time I see them before baby's born I think, what with it being so expensive to travel all the time, so that would be nice :)

And I know it's exciting thinking in a few more months we'll be having our babies! :D and I wonder if it will all go in order of who's furthest along etc, or whether one will be stubborn and overdue, or one may come early lol! Awww then we can post pictures :D Soooo exciting already haha! It was crazy a few days back too, as we have been invited to a wedding in march 2013, and I said to her omg, i'll have a 10 month old by then!!! haha!! Love it! :D I'll have to get a cute little outfit :) We are also going to a wedding end of June 2012, and baby will only be about 6-8 weeks old, bit iffy about travelling but they are such close friends that we really want to go and it'll be a good chance to see our families at the same time too, hopefully everything will be fine anyway, and what a tiny little outfit we're gonna have to get for that one!! haha! soooo cute! xxx
Happy 19 weeks Fay :)
Oh I hope your little one cooperates when you are with your family and lets them share in your joy. Are you family here in the states? I bet it isn't cheap to travel, I hope you get to spend a lot of time home with your family. I can't imagine being so far away from them. Bless your heart.
It will be so fun to go to those weddings and introduce your new little bundle of joy to everyone! How fun!!!!!
I hope you are having a great Monday! And I hope Ali gets on and tells us how her scan went :)
Hi Ladies
Sorry to keep you waiting!!

Today was just absolutely AMAZING!! Felt really quite emotional seeing my baby onscreen, still feel in absolute awe that there's this little being we created growing inside me :)

Anyway the sonographer went through what we were looking at and all the different measurements he was taking and it was just incredible that we could see so much detail. Baby is developing well and looking very healthy so just so relieved and happy :happydance: We managed to avoid finding out the sex though we both said afterward that we have an inkling of a boy so we'll see!!

Tara, hope your husband and son get to feel your daughter soon :) It's just the most amazing feeling isn't it when you start feeling them move inside, I know what you mean about wanting to share it with others :)

I can't believe we're only a few months away either from having our babies, time's just flying by!

Fay, hope your family gets to feel your little one move too, especially with seeing them over xmas :)
It sounds crazy talking about having a 10 month old in March 2013 but soo exciting too! Great fun shopping for little outfits though and, as Tara said, it'll be so much fun being able to introduce your little one to everyone!

Hope you've both had a fab Monday! xx
Awwww yay!!!! Im soooo happy for you!!!! It's so amazing isn't it! I was just sitting here thinking about you and wondering if you got a glimpse of the private area.. it would be easy to accidentally move the wand over that area :) So I decided to get on and see if you had posted yet. So SO happy for you! Enjoy your day!!! xxx
Awww yay!! sooo pleased that your scan went well!! :D just want mine to hurry up and come now!! :D It must be so lovely to see everything in a bit more detail, as the first scan(s) were very small still :) And well done for not cracking and finding out the sex at the scan haha! Awww can't wait to hear if you're incline was right :D

We are currently in Northern Ireland Tara, and our family just live back in southern england, and you would think we were wanting to fly to the states the amount it costs to travel over! it's ridiculous! it's only an hour flight, and the ferry isn't any cheaper what with taking the car etc if we did it that way lol! Fingers crossed the family will be able to see/feel the baby over x-mas though :) I often get a harder bit on my belly somewhere and I think it's either the head, back or bum! lol So it will be cute for them to feel that :)

Do you have your family with you yet Ali? I can't remember when you said they were coming to visit?

Hope you are all having a good day xxx
Is there something you do to get your little one to move around? I'm always afraid to poke around too much, although I know I won't be poking her eye out but that's a worry of mine lol. She just doesn't move when I want her too :)
I'm glad you only have a hour long flight! It's too bad it's going to cost an arm and a leg, however-it will be worth it :) When do you leave?
Yay!!! it's soo great to see the baby move isn't it?? :D Feel's more real, and to me it's a good sign that they are growing and moving about more :) I don't do anything in particular to get the baby to move, although I feel it most when i'm laying flat on my back or when i'm sat on the floor with my knees to my chest (like at work etc) sometimes if I have seen or felt baby then they decided to stop, I might give my belly a little wobble, but nothing too hard cause i'm like you, i'd be worried about popping the sac or something lol!! I guess i'm just really lucky to feel so much at the mo :) I don't SEE the baby moving all the time though, only when the baby's feeling particularly active lol xxx

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