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Awww thank you, yes me 2! Hopefully he'll get on the course no problem :)
Yes I can't wait to be closer to family, as like you said especially now little one's on the way, I know how much it means to my mum to be around her grandchild/ren more than a couple times a year, so I can't wait for that!

Yeah it is a shame about that class, but on the other hand I think it's given me the kick up the bum I needed to get those workout dvd's on the go and do it myself from home :)

Haha it does feel great and weird when baby kicks you hard! lol I don't know about anyone else, but lately I've been feeling more kicks down below! lol Feels like if baby kicks too hard he'll kick his way out! Has anyone else felt kicks in that region? lol! That certainly feels odd!

I had a lovely day yesterday, went and got a moses basket, some wall transfers, a bath box, and some sleep suits for baby, so feel very excited that it's all coming along nicely! :D My mum is paying for out cot-bed for us, so i'm really excited to get that in the next few weeks! And what with the swing we ordered too, I just can't wait for baby to be here to use it all now! :D xxx
I always feel baby right above my pubic bone, is that the region you are talking about. She seems to be sitting really low. But I feel her all over as well, just always down there. Must be her cozy spot. :hugs:
I've been feeling quite a few kicks lower down too, though also get them all over. My baby seems to move around a lot!

Fay, you sound so much more organised than I am! It's so exciting starting to get all the baby things though isn't it?! I had an overwhelming feeling today that I can't wait to meet my LO. I guess it's not that far off now though :D
I know it's great! We can't seem to help ourselves now, especially when we have seen so many bargains in the jan sales etc :D

I get kicks all over! lol But lately it has felt like I am getting kicked right down under in the vagina! lol (excuse the graphicness!) But on the inside, very weird indeed! like baby's standing up inside me and doing a jig or something! lol!

Got my doctors app tomorrow about my lower back so hopefully he can refer me to a physio or something soon to get it checked out.

Approx 10 more weeks at work! sounds crazy thinking of it like that, and so soon! But at the same time, it's too long as well! Just getting fed up of my job now, not long though :) Hope everyone's had good wknds? xxx
Hey girls,

Doctors was ok, although every time I go there I feel like it was a waste of my time! I knew everything he told me anyway, but at least there is no underlying problem, just to do with pregnancy so.....gotta be better with my posture now! lol

I managed to get on that yoga course after all as I guess she didn't want to lose my custom and squeezed me in. So I start that on thursday evening :) Looking forward to it :D

Work are being a bit annoying again, I told them that I wanted to change my maternity leave to 6th april and leave at 36 weeks instead, and I asked her about how much holiday I have to take before I leave and she said I had 4 days, which is fine. She then said it might just be easier for you to leave at the end of march so that we don't have to put you on april's payroll just for a weeks pay, and at the time I didn't really think about it and just said yeah maybe (as the thought of finishing earlier always interests me! lol)

But then when I got home yesterday I thought about it and thought, well I changed it to 36 weeks to get a bit more time off and that was fine for me, finishing at 35 weeks seems a bit too early really and then i'll also be missing out on a weeks wages, so I went in again today and just said, I'd still like to keep it to 6th april instead of end of march and she said well it'll just be easier for us if we say end of march and I said well I'll miss out on a weeks wages if I do that, and she said well you've already changed it from the 20th april to 6th, and I said which i'm perfectly entitled to do! and then she said again, well we need to do what's best for the business and I said well I need to do what's best for me! and she just said she'll talk it over with her boss.

I just thought how rude! It's my maternity leave and I'll decide when to finish! Not you or what's best for your payroll system!! If she's that bothered about it then she can pay me the first week in april in advance in my march wages! There's no way that she can force me to finish when it suits her otherwise that would be like sacking me, which is illegal to do to someone who is going on maternity, bloody cheek of it! grrr! I have already decided that I won't be returning once I've had the baby so they can see, they've shown their true colours since we started talking about maternity stuff, and they are treating me quite unfair about it like i'm such a big burden to them! Well they can shove it! lol Not gonna take my baby to see people who don't really give a shit!

Anyway...rant over lol! Hope everyone is ok today? xxx
Oh and not long til your 3D scan tara!! :D x
Hi Fay!

Im sorry you are having such issues with work, how rude of them! You are right, they are acting this way because they know that you aren't returning. Just stand your ground and finish when YOU want to! Hell with them :)

That really sucks about the doctor... so they just told you it was part of pregnancy pain? I understand that being uncomfortable is part of it, but when it hurts to sit, stand, lay down.. there is obviously something more going on!

Oh and I totally know what you mean about getting kicked in the lady parts, I have been feeling that too, and in the bum! Have you felt that one? I think my LO was turned around for a couple weeks b/c most of my kicks seemed to be on the inside! Now I think she is turned back around and kicking out instead of in. So crazy! LOL.

Well, I hope you have a great day!!!! :hugs: Oh and 8 days!! hehe :)
Hi Ladies!

Fay, sorry you're having so much trouble with work, really the last thing you need at the moment :( As you and Tara have said it sounds like they're doing it as they know you're not going back but you have got to make sure you persevere and do what's best for you, which it sounds like you are! Good riddance to them I say!

That's great that you got onto the yoga class! Hopefully that'll help your back a little bit, though I have to agree with Tara that it sounds like there's def more going to than just pregnancy aches and pains.

I've not long got back from my 25 week midwife appt which went really well :) The midwife measured my bump and felt for the position of the baby (apparently bum up and head down!) and also found the heartbeat which was just perfect :D She also said that it was good LO is so active as it means the baby is taking all the nutrient s/he needs. Yay :happydance:

Is anyone else suffering from restless legs at night? It's driving me crazy!! Takes me ages to settle down to sleep which is not great when I'm getting tired anyway!

Hope everyone having a good day, 8 days isn't long Tara! :) xx
I hate to tell you this Ali, but I got restless leg when I was pregnant with Avery and IT NEVERRRRR WENT AWAY!!! It is so annoying, isn't it? I hope yours will pass when you have your LO, I wasn't so lucky :'( I have heard that iron helps with it, but my prenatal has iron in it and doesn't seem to make it stop. Booo!
I'm glad your appt went well :) Sounds like LO is good and healthy!
Have a great day!
oh no, hope it goes away soon, it just drives me crazy! I'll give the extra iron a try though and see if that works!
Hi Fay!

Im sorry you are having such issues with work, how rude of them! You are right, they are acting this way because they know that you aren't returning. Just stand your ground and finish when YOU want to! Hell with them :)

That really sucks about the doctor... so they just told you it was part of pregnancy pain? I understand that being uncomfortable is part of it, but when it hurts to sit, stand, lay down.. there is obviously something more going on!

Oh and I totally know what you mean about getting kicked in the lady parts, I have been feeling that too, and in the bum! Have you felt that one? I think my LO was turned around for a couple weeks b/c most of my kicks seemed to be on the inside! Now I think she is turned back around and kicking out instead of in. So crazy! LOL.

Well, I hope you have a great day!!!! :hugs: Oh and 8 days!! hehe :)

I know I think they are being funny cause i'm not returning! I figured well they legally have to give me maternity pay so what have I got to lose by standing my ground! :)

I know, I feel like there's never any point in me raising concerns about issues like that with the doctor! It was annoying though cause at that specific moment in time where I had my appointment, my back felt fine! lol So I had to just go from the pain I remember and the positioning of it etc. Ahh well, hopefully with a better posture and some yoga and pilates that I will see an improvement :)

Haha haven't felt the kick in the bum yet, got that one to look forward to! lol It is funny feeling those kicks in different places though, some catch you off guard and you're like 'oh hello!' lol

wooo not too long, 9 days til my 25 week app :D xxx
Hi Ladies!

Fay, sorry you're having so much trouble with work, really the last thing you need at the moment :( As you and Tara have said it sounds like they're doing it as they know you're not going back but you have got to make sure you persevere and do what's best for you, which it sounds like you are! Good riddance to them I say!

That's great that you got onto the yoga class! Hopefully that'll help your back a little bit, though I have to agree with Tara that it sounds like there's def more going to than just pregnancy aches and pains.

I've not long got back from my 25 week midwife appt which went really well :) The midwife measured my bump and felt for the position of the baby (apparently bum up and head down!) and also found the heartbeat which was just perfect :D She also said that it was good LO is so active as it means the baby is taking all the nutrient s/he needs. Yay :happydance:

Is anyone else suffering from restless legs at night? It's driving me crazy!! Takes me ages to settle down to sleep which is not great when I'm getting tired anyway!

Hope everyone having a good day, 8 days isn't long Tara! :) xx

Yeah defo gonna be selfish and do what's best for me! After the way they are acting, they can shove off! lol

Yeah I'm sure that the yoga will help, fingers crossed :) It's not been too bad lately, hopefully keeping an eye on my posture will help too, try not to slouch or cross my legs doctor said lol!

Oh so glad that your 25 week app went well! I have mine next thursday! Can't wait! I would love to see if i'm growing ok according to how many weeks I am lol, always worry that I'm too big for my weeks or something lol! I feel like my baby's laying side to side at the mo, always seem to feel two hard bumps on either side of my belly, so bum and head i'm assuming! best not be like that nearer to giving birth!! lol That's great that she said about baby being active, mine's always on the go! so that's reassuring, and I am noticing how much bigger the baby is getting as I can feel him through my belly more often now :) where as he used to hide sometimes before lol!

I haven't experienced the leg thing as of yet, touch wood! I can imagine how frustrating it is though as I have got it on a rare occassion but it always goes pretty quickly and it is soo annoying! :( hope that gets better for you! xxx
Happy Friday lovelies!!!! I hope you all have a great weekend! I'm really looking forward to next week!!!! (Someday I will learn to stop wishing my life away... :haha:)
ha! I know what you mean! I'm wishing my time at work away! :p
Happy friday! and happy 26 weeks! woo hoo!! :D
I went to yoga last night and it was really good, I enjoyed it and am defo gonna get my yoga dvd out now and do that too :) Hopefully she can teach me some positions to help with the back pain :) Oh and we ordered out cot-bed too!! ahhhh! exciting! can't wait for it to get here so we can put it all together :D xxx

Have a great wknd! xxxx
Yay for yoga! You ladies are making me look bad... :haha: :) How exciting that you ordered your cot bed! Is that the same as a crib? That will really make you want to have your baby here like NOW! I remember putting Averys together and it made me long for him. We put a baby doll or something silly in there while we waited :hugs:
Yay for yoga! You ladies are making me look bad... :haha: :) How exciting that you ordered your cot bed! Is that the same as a crib? That will really make you want to have your baby here like NOW! I remember putting Averys together and it made me long for him. We put a baby doll or something silly in there while we waited :hugs:

The cot-bed is like a crib yeah, but it converts to a junior bed once they outgrow it so it should last them until they are old enough to go in a normal single bed :) Yeah i know what you mean, I will defo want him here once the nursery looks almost complete! lol

You girls don't need to answer this if you don't feel comfortable, but I feel like I have put on a lot of weight already, does anyone else feel like this? How much weight have you put on so far in your pregnancies? I am going from the weight I was at 11 weeks at my booking appointment up until now, and I've put on like 14lbs already! :( don't know if that's average or bad lol! Just feel like i'm getting bigger and bigger and I haven't even got to the end yet!

I know i'll be able to work it off after the birth, I just can't help feeling a little down about my weight gain at the mo. It's odd cause when i'm dressed I don't feel like I look too heavy or anything, it's just the scales that I hate! lol But I feel I need to keep using them so that I can keep track and not go completely off the rails and put on so much more than I should! I'm 5.8" so I suppose I carry it off well to look at me, I guess what with my first pregnancy I didn't know what to expect and how quickly/slowly weight would creep on lol!

Hope you're having good weekends anyway xxx
Hey Fay!
I know exactly what you mean about gaining weight... I keep telling myself that I am not going to worry about it and then I obsess about the scale. I even told myself I would stop weighing, but I can't manage to do that. I, like you, want to make sure Im not going crazy over board. But I have had a steady weight gain throughout this whole pregnancy, so I suppose I should stop weighing and just go with it. Since my 12 week check up I have put on 15 lbs... I keep feeling like I don't know where all the weight is, I know my legs are thicker than they were before, but I don't feel like I have put on a bunch of fat... with that being said, I gained 30lbs when I had Avery and left the hospital up 15lbs pre pregnancy weight that is... and I managed to work all that off plus some! I started this pregnancy 20lbs lighter than I was when I got pregnant with Avery. So that gives me some hope :) It will all come off in the end... when we aren't hurting from baby sitting wrong or whatever the reason and are able to enjoy nice lovely walks/runs outside! Thats what I keep telling myself. It sounds like we are pretty spot on weight wise so we must be right where we need to be!!!! I have rambled on in this, I apologize :) I hope you have a great day! :hugs:
Hey Fay!
I know exactly what you mean about gaining weight... I keep telling myself that I am not going to worry about it and then I obsess about the scale. I even told myself I would stop weighing, but I can't manage to do that. I, like you, want to make sure Im not going crazy over board. But I have had a steady weight gain throughout this whole pregnancy, so I suppose I should stop weighing and just go with it. Since my 12 week check up I have put on 15 lbs... I keep feeling like I don't know where all the weight is, I know my legs are thicker than they were before, but I don't feel like I have put on a bunch of fat... with that being said, I gained 30lbs when I had Avery and left the hospital up 15lbs pre pregnancy weight that is... and I managed to work all that off plus some! I started this pregnancy 20lbs lighter than I was when I got pregnant with Avery. So that gives me some hope :) It will all come off in the end... when we aren't hurting from baby sitting wrong or whatever the reason and are able to enjoy nice lovely walks/runs outside! Thats what I keep telling myself. It sounds like we are pretty spot on weight wise so we must be right where we need to be!!!! I have rambled on in this, I apologize :) I hope you have a great day! :hugs:

No don't apologise! I like reading what other people have to say, it helps me feel somewhat normal! lol Thanks for sharing your details with me, it makes me feel better that we are on the same track and we both obsess over the weight thing sometimes lol! I know we have to let our bodies do what they are supposed too, and fingers crossed we can just keep up the 'excess' weight gain then and try and stay within the average guidelines lol! I also put on about half a stone before getting pregnant so I am also hopeful that I will lose a bit extra after baby is born than what I weighed to begin with. I know i'll get it off in the end, just gotta stop fretting I suppose! Just needed to get it off my chest I think lol! Thanks for listening though :) And you are right, I will continue (if not increase) my walks and gentle exercise, so just make me feel better that I am doing something to try and help with the excess weight gain rather than just being lazy cause i'm pregnant lol! :D xxxx
Hi Ladies!
Hope you're having great weekends :)

I'm not sure I'll be much help on the weight issue. I've not really worried about it so far which is actually a little unusual for me as I'm only 5'1 so it really shows if I do put on weight and like to keep fairly slim. I wasn't weighed at my booking appt so don't know how much I've put on exactly but I think about 10-12lbs so far. I lost quite a lot before I got pregnant though and have kept fairly active (except for the first trimester) with hill walking. I also have to walk up 6 flights of stairs every day for work which I think has helped. Having said all that I have noticed my thighs getting chubbier which I hate! At least once we've had our babies we'll be coming into the summer so will be able to get out and about more!

Fay, that's great about the yoga, glad you're enjoying it :) That's exciting that you've ordered your cot-bed, I can't wait to get started on our nursery!

Tara, happy 26 weeks :D

I bought my first set of sleep suits for the little one today, so cute!

Hi Ladies!
Hope you're having great weekends :)

I'm not sure I'll be much help on the weight issue. I've not really worried about it so far which is actually a little unusual for me as I'm only 5'1 so it really shows if I do put on weight and like to keep fairly slim. I wasn't weighed at my booking appt so don't know how much I've put on exactly but I think about 10-12lbs so far. I lost quite a lot before I got pregnant though and have kept fairly active (except for the first trimester) with hill walking. I also have to walk up 6 flights of stairs every day for work which I think has helped. Having said all that I have noticed my thighs getting chubbier which I hate! At least once we've had our babies we'll be coming into the summer so will be able to get out and about more!

Fay, that's great about the yoga, glad you're enjoying it :) That's exciting that you've ordered your cot-bed, I can't wait to get started on our nursery!

Tara, happy 26 weeks :D

I bought my first set of sleep suits for the little one today, so cute!


Haha those stairs would defo help! You'll have a nice pert bum too! lol :) You've prob got the best attitude though cause it is inevitable to put on weight, as long as we're healthy and exercising then we shouldn't be worrying really. Defo be good to get out and about in the summer though to work off the weight, I couldn't imagine getting out and about after baby is born if it was freezing cold and winter!! So that's defo a bonus! lol

You've been so patient with buying things for little one, think I bought our first set of sleep-suits at about 12-14 weeks! ha! I can't wait to get it all sorted, I suppose it does mean i'll have to wait longer once it's all done before baby can use it all lol!

Hubby goes to football every saturday so I always find myself cleaning the house then getting carried away and moving things or changing things around lol! So this week I have changed out bedroom furniture around so we have room for the moses basket, which I have also put in our bedroom now (way too early I know! lol but figured if the cot is arriving next week then i'll need the room in the nursery for that! :D lol) Hubby always comes home and wonders what i've done this week! We'll see what he says when he gets in hehe!


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