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It's not been easy not gong out and buying things! It's only really because of having to do our bathroom which was a complete disaster in the end and took up a lot of our time (and we're only just finishing off now) so buying baby things had to take a bit of a back seat. It's also meant that we're only now getting round to sorting out the spare room and I haven't really wanted to get too much until we've got places to put everything. I'm itching to get started though and have got lots of lists of things I now want to go out and buy!!

What did hubby say about moving the bedroom furniture around?!

Oh yeah! That's a fair one, you had other things to crack on with, but hopefully you can start to get it all sorted now :D hehe! I know what you mean about having space to put everything though, we sorted out our spare room before we bought stuff too, it's nice for the things you buy to have a place :)

Hubby loved the room change around, he kept saying yesterday how lovely the house was looking and it was all thanks to me :D bless him! Although he also said he hasn't been able to sleep properly for the last to nights, so I don't know if it's due to the change of bed lol! But I've slept fine! lol

I had a bit of an off day yesterday, talk about emotions! I just felt really low and started crying! Hubby didn't quite know what to do lol! I was driving at the time too which made it worse ha! Hormone overload I think! Feel better today, it must be a sunday thing too, cause I always find myself feeling a bit off on a sunday, think it's cause i'm due back to work the next day and for us sundays are pretty boring, we have no family to visit and I get most things done on a saturday, so sunday just feels like a weird day unless we have plans....sometimes I can do lazy days in, but a lot of the time I feel like I need to get out and do things! It irritates me to just sit in and watch daytime tv, especially on a sunday lol!

I was thinking today, I have 15 weeks left until my due date and next week i'll be joining you ladies in the third trimester!! how crazy is that! Hasn't that flown by??! lol xxx
Happy 25 weeks Fay! Yes, time is flying... I hope the remainder doesn't drag, Im getting anxious to have her!
Hormones are a crazy thing, aren't they? lol. Im glad you are better today though! I find myself tearing up at the smallest things these days, I try to hide it so I don't feel so ridiculous :haha:.
I dislike Mondays too... but I love Sundays!! Any day off of work is a great day to me :)
I hope you have a great day!
Happy 25 weeks Fay! Yes, time is flying... I hope the remainder doesn't drag, Im getting anxious to have her!
Hormones are a crazy thing, aren't they? lol. Im glad you are better today though! I find myself tearing up at the smallest things these days, I try to hide it so I don't feel so ridiculous :haha:.
I dislike Mondays too... but I love Sundays!! Any day off of work is a great day to me :)
I hope you have a great day!

lol I know, one minute i'm great, the next i'm a wreck! lol Damn hormones!

Good luck for your scan tomorrow! :D Bet you're excited!! :D :happydance:

Can't wait to see the pictures :D xxx
yay! when's your app? bet you can't wait! good luck! xxx
My appt is at 3pm my time... it's 11:40 here right now, so a little over 3 hours! It's so crazy but Im sooo worried that we will see a little wee wee this time hahaha! I hope not, not that I would care, but I have fallen in love with the little girl inside me. I hope that didn't come across wrong because boys are sooooo wonderful! :) I will update as soon as I can!
I included the "it's a girl" picture :haha: Shes perfect :cloud9::cloud9:


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awwwwww!!! she's gorgeous!!! :D So special those pics aren't they! :D And it's great to confirm it's a girl, I know what you mean as you get your heart set on what you've been told, not that you would be disappointed otherwise, but I understand how you feel :) congrats! lovely pics :D bet you're over the moon and can't stop staring at them! xxxx
Amazing pics!! You must be so thrilled and great to get confirmation it's definitely a girl :D
Fay, glad hubby like the room change around!

The hormones can be a nightmare can't they?! I've had days like that where I just start crying for no reason, hubby just tends to hold me until I'm done and I feel so much better for it! I'm with you both on not liking Mondays though - I dread having to start the whole week of getting up for work again. Don't want to wish the pregnancy away but will be so glad when I do finish work!

Have a great day ladies! xx
Thanks ladies!!! I am in love with her little face :) She slept the whole time, she likes this place snugged up right against my uterus... so we never got a full face shot. They even had me drink some pop and eat some chocolate to get her going... she wasn't having it. At the end of the scan, she put her hand over her face almost like "ok guys... enough is enough" hahahaha.
I hope you all have a fantastic day!!!!! :hugs:
Thanks ladies!!! I am in love with her little face :) She slept the whole time, she likes this place snugged up right against my uterus... so we never got a full face shot. They even had me drink some pop and eat some chocolate to get her going... she wasn't having it. At the end of the scan, she put her hand over her face almost like "ok guys... enough is enough" hahahaha.
I hope you all have a fantastic day!!!!! :hugs:

Haha! awww that is sooo cute! She's was like, I'm trying to sleep! haha!
Sooo cute! I want another one! lol

I had my 25 week appointment today, and I can't help but feel slightly disappointed with them too be honest, I was in there all of about 3 minutes! She took my blood pressure, tested my urine, heard the babies heartbeat and measured my bump (bang on schedule by the way! bit of a relief as I feel huge! lol) and that was it! Told to make another app for 3 weeks time, where they'll test my bloods again too.

I have all this info in my maternity folder which should be discussed with me, and half of it hasn't even been covered yet, I guess they still have time to let me know about the info in there, but most of it is stuff that I should be given or told about before now, like my 20 week scan and health in pregnancy etc etc! It's a bit late to preach about those when i'm almost near the end! lol Oh well! I don't know what I expected really, I suppose they see soooo many women all the time that they just don't really see it as being as special as we do. Hope that's not a hint for things to come when it comes down to giving birth....hopefully not!

Anyway, my days been ok so far thanks :) We put up our cot-bed yesterday as it arrived on tuesday and the room looks soooooo much nicer now that it's starting to take shape, I can't stop looking in there everytime I walk past :) Washed some of the babies stuff too so we could put the sheets etc on the cot and I'm just so excited about it all :) really can't wait to start this new beginning now :) get rid of work and take on my new job role, full time mum :D hehe! xxx
Hi Fay!

That really stinks that your appt was so quick and you feel slighted. I would too... We wait ALL month for our appts, and for it to last 3 mins, just isn't right. :'(
I'm glad that your nursery is coming along! I would love to see pics sometime :) :) Do you have the bedding all picked out too? I can't remember if you had mentioned that or not. We are getting soooo close ladies, it's crazy! For me, 27 wks down 13 to go! Wow!!!!! Im guessing I will be induced around 39 weeks tho (if she doesn't come sooner) so more like 12 to go! Wahooo! :)
Have a great Friday!!!! :hugs:
Do either of you know what a sweep is? I was looking through the 3rd tri section and I keep seeing things about that... I've never heard of it.
Hi Fay!

That really stinks that your appt was so quick and you feel slighted. I would too... We wait ALL month for our appts, and for it to last 3 mins, just isn't right. :'(
I'm glad that your nursery is coming along! I would love to see pics sometime :) :) Do you have the bedding all picked out too? I can't remember if you had mentioned that or not. We are getting soooo close ladies, it's crazy! For me, 27 wks down 13 to go! Wow!!!!! Im guessing I will be induced around 39 weeks tho (if she doesn't come sooner) so more like 12 to go! Wahooo! :)
Have a great Friday!!!! :hugs:

I know that's how I feel, waiting around for my apps, for them to just be over in mins :( oh well, I suppose I should thank myself lucky that nothing is wrong and they don't need to see me for any longer.
I'll attach some pictures when we have completed the room as it'll be better for you to see it once it's all done I think :) hehe!

I can't believe how close we're getting! I was thinking that the other day! I didn't realise that they would plan to induce you at 39 weeks? Over here, they like to let you go 2 weeks past your due date before intervening (as long as everything is ok and looking healthy) so potentially I could have to wait up to 42 weeks! ha! crazy! I hope not, I figure baby would be sooo big by that point that I'll have a big baby or something! I'm hoping I will go into labour naturally between 37-40 weeks anyway :) I'll be ok with that lol!
So I have 10 weeks left at work, really can't wait!! lol Unless my back keeps playing up, quite a few people have said if it's really bad towards the end before my leave I should just go sick for the last few weeks and rest as much as I can....so we'll see how bad it gets! lol

A sweep, as far as I am aware, is something that they do before inducing you to try and bring on labour naturally, and basically I think it is where they insert their fingers and 'sweep' their fingers across the cervix or something to try and stimulate the uterus to contract...something like that anyway. They can do that a couple of times I think before deciding to induce you if that is unsuccessful.

Hope you have a good weekend! xxx
Thanks ladies!!! I am in love with her little face :) She slept the whole time, she likes this place snugged up right against my uterus... so we never got a full face shot. They even had me drink some pop and eat some chocolate to get her going... she wasn't having it. At the end of the scan, she put her hand over her face almost like "ok guys... enough is enough" hahahaha.
I hope you all have a fantastic day!!!!! :hugs:

That's so cute! :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Fay, sorry to hear about your appt, I can imagine how disappointed/frustrated you're feeling. It's such a long wait since the last appointment that you feel they should be spending more time going over things with you at this stage. Hopefully you'll get a bit more information at the next one, as it gets closer to the date.

That's great about the nursery though! Look forward to pics of when it's finished :) We bought a few more bits yesterday including a bouncer from the Bright Starts range at Asda, it's so cute!

Have either of you been asked about the birth yet, what type you want to have and where etc? Friends keep asking me if I've written a birthing plan (which I haven't) but the midwife hasn't mentioned it yet so not sure at what point I need to start making these decisions!

Tara, I'd not heard of sweeps either! Can't believe we're almost into the third trimester already though! I didn't realise they'd induce you at 39weeks, like Fay said here they let you go up to 42 weeks. I'm hoping my baby won't be that late though!

Off for a walk shortly so will catch up with you later! Have a great day xx
Good morning ladies!
My dr told me at my last appt that he would induce me anywhere from 38 1/2+ weeks on. At that point, I told him I wanted to go naturally and experience the surprise (since I was induced with Avery) but the more I thought about it, with Dalton working on the road during the day and me running a daycare, it makes so much more sense to try and plan it out. Unless ofcourse she comes earlier :)
No, I haven't written a birth plan... I did'nt with Avery either. I'm not sure if they do those here??? Are you planning a hospital delivery? I'm not sure if we have dicussed this or not. I will deliver in a hospital (that is most common in the states).
We are so close to the end, i am realllly ready t o meet my girl! Ali--are you still feeling like you are having a boy? :)
We purchased our car seat and stroller set yet... very girlie-and I love it!!!
I hope you enjoyed your walk, have a lovely Sunday!!!
Hi Ladies,

Fay, sorry to hear about your appt, I can imagine how disappointed/frustrated you're feeling. It's such a long wait since the last appointment that you feel they should be spending more time going over things with you at this stage. Hopefully you'll get a bit more information at the next one, as it gets closer to the date.

That's great about the nursery though! Look forward to pics of when it's finished :) We bought a few more bits yesterday including a bouncer from the Bright Starts range at Asda, it's so cute!

Have either of you been asked about the birth yet, what type you want to have and where etc? Friends keep asking me if I've written a birthing plan (which I haven't) but the midwife hasn't mentioned it yet so not sure at what point I need to start making these decisions!

Tara, I'd not heard of sweeps either! Can't believe we're almost into the third trimester already though! I didn't realise they'd induce you at 39weeks, like Fay said here they let you go up to 42 weeks. I'm hoping my baby won't be that late though!

Off for a walk shortly so will catch up with you later! Have a great day xx

Yeah that's what I was thinking, hopefully nearer the time i'll get more info etc, they prob do that incase half the mums forget what they were told a few months prior to when they need to I suppose. I just crave information! lol

I seriously think that our nurserys are gonna be very similar! haha as we got our swing from bright starts at asda, is it the little safari one? it's so cute! :) Show's we have good taste haha! But saying that to be honest there isn't much in the way of gender neutral stuff out there that is still nice and colourful, cause as much as creams and browns are nice, they can get a bit boring and bland after a while lol! Even though we are 99% it's a boy, I defo don't want to risk getting boy stuff in case there is a miracle and it's a girl! lol

Not been asked about my birth plan yet either, but i've always had a rough idea of how I would like things to go anyway, so when the time comes to putting some details down on paper, I think it'll be pretty easy for me. It's only a rough guide anyway as nothing can be planned. I suppose your friends and family are just so excited for you and want to know everything already! lol And it's better to get a rough idea now and research about it all so you don't get made to feel like you have to rush any decisions last min if you're not sure what certain things are etc you know? Like the sweep for example.
Your birth plan can always be changed at any time right up until the word go anyway, a lot of midwives ask you questions over and over anyway not always reading your notes, so we'll prob repeat ourselves lol!

Hope you enjoyed your walk, it's raining here! pretty much always does over here! lol xxx

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