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Hey ladies!
I just bought a crib, Im so excited! Even though we won't be able to set it up or use it until August, I figured we would buy it now because moving isn't cheap and I don't want to be w/o it when we move. Here it is :) I hope you ladies have a great Friday!!!!
aww that's lovely! :D love the dark wood! Ours is dark wood too, here's a link to ours:


One thing I noticed when looking at pictures of cribs that you can buy in the states, is that they pretty much all have that higher bit at the back, on one side (the sleigh bit) and with ours they are all pretty plain and simple and symmetrical lol! Or we would class the top or front of the cot with maybe one of the shorter sides being slightly higher, if that makes sense? lol Wonder why that is?

Anyway, it's soooooo exciting isn't it?! it's a shame you can't out it up yet, but you'll just have it all to look forward to! August will fly by just like april/may will! ahhhhh! sooooo exciting! :D I bought a little suitcase a few days ago to use as a hospital bag as I only have a massive one or a small handbag lol! So I started getting a few bits together to put in there, seriously getting ahead of myself there!! But I just love getting things organised for baby, anything to do with baby I get so excited doing :) hehe! Bought a change bag today, so I was even excited about putting a few nappies in that haha! I must be crazy! :p xxxx
oh and happy 28 weeks!!! :D wow!! x
Aww I love your cot!!! So beautiful! That dark wood is my fav!!!!!
I completely agree with you about buying/getting things ready for the baby.. I have such a hard time spending on myself... but for my loved ones, I don't bat an eye :) I love buying!!! What kinds of things are you packing in your hospital bag? I don't think you are jumping the gun, in my opinion, one can never be too organized ;) Did you buy a bedding set yet? I can't remember if you answered that or not. Excuse my pregnancy brain :)
Aww I love your cot!!! So beautiful! That dark wood is my fav!!!!!
I completely agree with you about buying/getting things ready for the baby.. I have such a hard time spending on myself... but for my loved ones, I don't bat an eye :) I love buying!!! What kinds of things are you packing in your hospital bag? I don't think you are jumping the gun, in my opinion, one can never be too organized ;) Did you buy a bedding set yet? I can't remember if you answered that or not. Excuse my pregnancy brain :)

Yeah I am the same, I love buying things for other people! Makes me feel so happy when I see their faces or look at what i've bought for baby knowing they'll be a little spoilt hehe!

Well so far I've put some of baby's clothes in the bag, 3 vests, 3 sleepsuits, 2 hats, blanket, scratch mits, muslin squares....errr stuff like that, then i've put nappies, wipes, some travel toiletries, maternity pads etc..then I suppose at a later date i'll put in stuff like change of clothes for me, towel, (gonna hire a tenns machine, so that will be in there) change of underwear, swim suit for the water pool if I go in it, hairbrush, make up etc ha! Wow I think I may need a bigger bag! :p lol No I should be ok to fit it all in :)

We have decided not to get a bedding set instead we'll be using the moses basket with blankets etc at first and then when they are big enough for the cot we are going to use those Gro-Bag's, don't know if you have heard of them? They are like baby sleeping bags, it's helps to stop covers coming off when they wriggle and getting too hot or cold etc in the night, here's the link to the one we've got, and we've just got some fitted sheets for the cot too :) Have you chosen a bedding set yet? Over here they can be sooooo expensive too, hence why we also decided to just buy the basics lol!



Most of the stuff we have is from this Little circus range, so we are able to brighten up the cot area with wall stickers and the mobile etc instead of having the bedding stuff all in the cot.

It's so exciting hehe! Can't wait for it all to be finished x
Ohhh yes, I've seen those! They are suppose to be safer for the baby right? I don't know about there, but here they don't recommend blankets, or crib bumpers... so those are perfect!
No we haven't bought any yet... I have started a registry for my baby shower and thought about putting a set on there... even though it will probably be just for looks. lol. Are you having a baby shower? Your family is all far away huh? :( I wasn't going to have one since this is my second child, but since I am having a girl, my family all thought I should.
How is your back???
Ohhh yes, I've seen those! They are suppose to be safer for the baby right? I don't know about there, but here they don't recommend blankets, or crib bumpers... so those are perfect!
No we haven't bought any yet... I have started a registry for my baby shower and thought about putting a set on there... even though it will probably be just for looks. lol. Are you having a baby shower? Your family is all far away huh? :( I wasn't going to have one since this is my second child, but since I am having a girl, my family all thought I should.
How is your back???

Yeah they also recommend that they are safer for baby and suggest that crib bumpers and duvets etc are un-necessary, so another reason why we decided against them as like you say it'll just be for show really, to look pretty. With us over here we don't really have baby showers, if anything people tend to buy you clothes when the baby is born, and parents offer to pay for some things like cot or pushchair etc, but we'll be getting pretty much everything else. So another reason why we decided against things that we don't really 'need'. Save money lol! But yeah if you have the chance to have another baby shower then defo go for it! Bet it comes in really handy with most things getting bought for you as gifts and the fact that you get to write out a list of stuff you like is even better cause then you know you'll be getting stuff you like rather than something that's maybe not to your taste lol!

My mum and sister will be coming over for 2 weeks when baby is born, so that will be nice :) then we are going back to england for a wedding in June so we will get to see the rest of the family with the baby then, so not too long to wait for everyone else :) xxxx
Oh I see! It's nice that the parents generally chip in on the bigger things to cut back on costs. Im sure that it will be nice to have them around once the baby is born. Is this the 1st grandchild on either or both sides? Does your sister have children? I'm sure either way, they are over the moon excited!
It's getting so close and sooo real. Not that it hasn't been real, but having the baby stuff set up has made it even more real! I can not wait! My stroller and car seat came in the mail yesterday, and I decided to set the swing up this morning. Now Im really antsy!! hehe.
My sister in law came by today and brought me a sweet gift, I will post a pic. I love it!!! It was so thoughtful. I hope you are having a great weekend!


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Awww that is lovely! very thoughtful of your sis in law :) so sweet! :)

It's going to be the first grandchild for my parents and 3rd for mike's parents as mikes sister has two girls already, so if the scan is correct and it is a boy then it will be the first grandson for them anyway, so it'll be nice to have that as a 'first' for them :) But yeah my family are super excited to have the first grandchild on the way! hehe! My mum is very crafty and has been making us things already, she's made us a blanket, a cardigan and some booties, when we went back for x-mas and she's also making us a playmat for baby to lay on and other items of clothing, it's so sweet! Really exciting! I just can't believe how lucky we are, don't wanna jinx anything, but we are so happy and welcoming a baby into our home and lives is just such the right thing for us at the moment, we are soooo ready for it!

I hear a lot of people moaning about how your life will change and you won't have a social life etc and I just think I know! lol I am perfectly aware of what I am taking on responsibility wise and I welcome it because my baby is a joy for us and a welcomed addition not a burden! If you parent correctly and balance things right then there is always time to be social and go out every now and again, but I have been doing that for years, and now is the time for us to be parents and it's an exciting prospect for us! :D

It defo feels more real and near when you get the big items and set some up doesn't it? :D our next big item will be bought next month and it will be a nursing chair, this month we are just getting a few of the smaller bits, but not much.

Hope you are having a good weekend? We are having a roast dinner today :) yum! xxx
Have you managed to keep the sex a secret??? If so, you are GOOD!!! I would have cracked by now. But if I remember correctly, you were not going to let them know that you even knew, is that right? That is super exciting that he will be the 1st grandchild on your side and the 1st boy all around!!!!!! Babies are such a joy!! Avery was the 1st grandchild for Dalton's side but the 4th for my side, as my brother has a boy and twin girls :)

I know what you mean about people telling you that your life will change and you won't get any sleep and you won't have a social life... ect. Welllll... some people WANT that change and are fully aware of what is coming. I LOVE being a mommy and my favorite place to be is at home with my husband and our son... not out partying with friends. So I say BRING IT! :)

A roast sounds very yummy!!!!!!! Enjoy dear :)
Have you managed to keep the sex a secret??? If so, you are GOOD!!! I would have cracked by now. But if I remember correctly, you were not going to let them know that you even knew, is that right? That is super exciting that he will be the 1st grandchild on your side and the 1st boy all around!!!!!! Babies are such a joy!! Avery was the 1st grandchild for Dalton's side but the 4th for my side, as my brother has a boy and twin girls :)

I know what you mean about people telling you that your life will change and you won't get any sleep and you won't have a social life... ect. Welllll... some people WANT that change and are fully aware of what is coming. I LOVE being a mommy and my favorite place to be is at home with my husband and our son... not out partying with friends. So I say BRING IT! :)

A roast sounds very yummy!!!!!!! Enjoy dear :)

Yes we have! haha to our amazement! we have said to people that we personally think it may be a boy, gut instinct lol, so if we slip up by saying him, then it's not too bad ha! But I thought it was a boy from the beginning anyway :p haha! And yeah they don't know that we know either, but we have that dvd where you can blatantly see the boy parts! lol so i'm gonna show it to them when baby's here and be like 'yeah it was obvious at the scan! but we wanted to keep it a secret for everyone else' lol

Exactly my point with being parents! lol For some people it's a joy! and for some people, children are planned additions to the family!! lol Yeah I love having family days, even if it is just me, mike and the dog at the mo lol, once baby comes it'll be complete! :D

Oh and about the back, I forgot to answer before, it is feeling better actually, still get twinges with it, mainly in the morning but a lot better that before, so that's good, either that or i've learnt to cope with it ha! How about you, are you still getting slight pain there? xxxx
Hi Ladies!

Hope you've both had good weekends. I've been enjoying the snow here today :)

I'm so glad to hear you both say about people telling you what to expect with a baby and having no life etc like you don't know things are going to change! Ever since we started talking about wanting to start a family some people have been like 'oh get ready for no sleep, social life etc' like I would be expecting our life to carry on exactly as before! We know it's going to be a big change but we so want it and are ready for it that, like you've both said, we're looking forward to family life and the whole new experience it will bring. We really aren't into the whole going out partying anymore (and haven't been for a while really anyway!). Sorry, slight mini rant there but I just get really annoyed at some of the comments we get!!

You two are putting me to complete shame with how organised you are! I've not got anything for hospital yet (though have started a list so I guess that's not too bad!). I did pick a few things up for the baby yesterday though at a baby and toddler nearly new sale so everything was a real bargain - like you Fay we're trying not to overspend and just buying the real essentials at the moment. We also got given a second hand set of a wardrobe and a chest of drawers for the nursery last week which we weren't expecting so that's going to be a big help :) Now can't wait to get the nursery decorated and get the furniture in there!

Love both of your cots, they look gorgeous. I love the dark wood furniture :)

Enjoy your Sundays :) xx
Have you managed to keep the sex a secret??? If so, you are GOOD!!! I would have cracked by now. But if I remember correctly, you were not going to let them know that you even knew, is that right? That is super exciting that he will be the 1st grandchild on your side and the 1st boy all around!!!!!! Babies are such a joy!! Avery was the 1st grandchild for Dalton's side but the 4th for my side, as my brother has a boy and twin girls :)

I know what you mean about people telling you that your life will change and you won't get any sleep and you won't have a social life... ect. Welllll... some people WANT that change and are fully aware of what is coming. I LOVE being a mommy and my favorite place to be is at home with my husband and our son... not out partying with friends. So I say BRING IT! :)

A roast sounds very yummy!!!!!!! Enjoy dear :)

Yes we have! haha to our amazement! we have said to people that we personally think it may be a boy, gut instinct lol, so if we slip up by saying him, then it's not too bad ha! But I thought it was a boy from the beginning anyway :p haha! And yeah they don't know that we know either, but we have that dvd where you can blatantly see the boy parts! lol so i'm gonna show it to them when baby's here and be like 'yeah it was obvious at the scan! but we wanted to keep it a secret for everyone else' lol

Exactly my point with being parents! lol For some people it's a joy! and for some people, children are planned additions to the family!! lol Yeah I love having family days, even if it is just me, mike and the dog at the mo lol, once baby comes it'll be complete! :D

Oh and about the back, I forgot to answer before, it is feeling better actually, still get twinges with it, mainly in the morning but a lot better that before, so that's good, either that or i've learnt to cope with it ha! How about you, are you still getting slight pain there? xxxx

I'm so glad your back is better!!! Mine has been really good lately, I have noticed that the baby isn't sitting as low as she was before, (she was just above my pubic bone before making it very uncomfortable) and Im wondering if that has something to do with it? I have also stopped crossing my legs, after you said your dr said to try that. I really didn't think it would help, but it seems to have. Thank goodness. So good news all around!!! :)
Hi Ladies!

Hope you've both had good weekends. I've been enjoying the snow here today :)

I'm so glad to hear you both say about people telling you what to expect with a baby and having no life etc like you don't know things are going to change! Ever since we started talking about wanting to start a family some people have been like 'oh get ready for no sleep, social life etc' like I would be expecting our life to carry on exactly as before! We know it's going to be a big change but we so want it and are ready for it that, like you've both said, we're looking forward to family life and the whole new experience it will bring. We really aren't into the whole going out partying anymore (and haven't been for a while really anyway!). Sorry, slight mini rant there but I just get really annoyed at some of the comments we get!!

You two are putting me to complete shame with how organised you are! I've not got anything for hospital yet (though have started a list so I guess that's not too bad!). I did pick a few things up for the baby yesterday though at a baby and toddler nearly new sale so everything was a real bargain - like you Fay we're trying not to overspend and just buying the real essentials at the moment. We also got given a second hand set of a wardrobe and a chest of drawers for the nursery last week which we weren't expecting so that's going to be a big help :) Now can't wait to get the nursery decorated and get the furniture in there!

Love both of your cots, they look gorgeous. I love the dark wood furniture :)

Enjoy your Sundays :) xx

Oh the organized one is Fay.. not me ;) I haven't really put much thought into the hosptial bag, although I need too!
How exciting that you were able to buy some baby stuff this weekend, it's SOOO fun isn't it? Are you finding a lot of gender neutral stuff then? You have such a big surprise coming, with not knowing the sex. How exciting!!!!
We were suppose to get snow here yesterday and it missed us, we have had such a mild winter here, and for where I live... it's pretty unheard of. We just enjoyed a nice nature walk with 50 degree weather. It's been so nice that each weekend we have been able to go out and walk in different parts of the city on these trails that run through the town. I hope we continue to have nice weather. ENjoy your snow though :) It is so pretty!!!
Have a nice Sunday!
I love buying baby stuff, it's sooo exciting!! :D

I've found some gender neutral things, though the only trouble is they can be a bit boring so I'm just trying not to go to mad with buying stuff at the moment! We'll hopefully be given quite a lot clothes and things once the baby's born as well, another reason not to get too much now!

I'm really looking forward to having the surprise though and am just getting sooo excited at the thought of meeting my little one:D

That's great that you've been able to get out for walks, it's so good to have stuff like that right on your doorstep :) We've had a fairly mild winter too up until now so it's nice to have a bit of snow for a change! I do love it, especially when we can get out for walks in it. We've both got a day off work tomorrow as well so hoping that it lasts till then!
I hope you enjoy your day off with your hubby tmrw :)
Oh and happy 28 weeks!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Hi girls,

Tara- good to hear that your back is doing better! maybe that's the same for me as well then with the not crossing your legs thing, as i've been trying really hard to correct myself when I catch that I'm doing that, so yeah I didn't think it could be that helping to relieve some pressure :)

Ali- Oh I know exactly what you mean about people sticking their noses in with unwanted comments! I mean seriously?? why do they do it? surely instead of them 'warning us' of what's to come, it's only highlighting their own shit parenting skills and experiences! lol It's not all bad!! Great news about getting some bits for baby though, and even better when you get given stuff like your furniture set, those things really come in handy!!

Oh I had my sis in law come over yesterday for that roast dinner, and she really annoyed me with her comments like that too, she has two kids, one and three, and she was saying stuff like oh you'll have to get used to them spilling drinks and snotty noses all over your furniture and poo etc! And when we showed her what the nursery is like at the moment, she noticed my hospital bag and was like 'oh you won't need half of that, you always over-do everything with your first one, you'll learn with your second!' And I was thinking 'f**k you!' lol seriously everything in that hospital bag at the moment, I WILL need, nappies, maternity pads, baby clothes etc!, I seriously haven't over-packed on this one! I haven't even got half of it in there yet anyway! lol why does she think I won't need those things??? and she was like 'just take one outfit for baby, towel and a few toiletries and if you need anything else, mike can come back and get it' errrrr no! why would I want mike to keep leaving the hospital to come back and get me things? if I can fit it in the bag then i'd rather get it all in there so he doesn't have to leave us! I mean geeez his first born will have just arrived, I don't think he's gonna wanna keep leaving us to come back and forth to get things I didn't pack on purpose! she can be soo frustrating!

She also kept saying 'oh you won't make half as much effort with everything when it's your second either, you learn with your first that a lot of it doesn't matter!' I just kept thinking ' are you mad?? do you know that basically you are saying that you don't care for your second child as much as your first! lol, I mean I know you won't need to buy as much stuff cause you'll have a lot that you can re-use with the first, but I'm sorry I don't think i'd ever 'not bother as much' with any future children I decide to have! Again they are not burdens to me! If I choose to have them then I take all the responsibility for them and treat them all equal, I mean how could you not??

For example, her first child hit all the milestones very quickly as she spent loads of time with her, with her potty training, speech, crawling, walking etc etc and she did a great job, and she said with her second she's not pushing anything on her, she'll just do it when she wants to, and I haven't got time to spend on her like I did with the first! Her second is just over one and has only just started to crawl and can say maybe one or two words, now I know some kids are late developers etc and that is absolutely nothing wrong with her second at all, but I just know that if she had put in a bit more effort with her second, that she would equally be developing well like her first child did! It's like she doesn't care about openly admitting that she 'can't be arsed' to spend as much time helping her second child like she did her first......like I said before, she's just pointing out her bad parenting skills, rather than trying to tell me how I am gonna follow in her footsteps and treat my second child with less effort than my first!

Sorry that was a MASSIVE rant there! haha I was sooooooo annoyed though! Every child is different, every parent is different, I hate when people are so adamant that you will experience everything they have, just because they already have kids and think they are the experts! Just can't wait to prove her wrong! lol I'll do it my way and my child will most defo benefit from it thank you very much! lol

Anyway....haha sorry! Hope everyone is having a good day, defo a good day for walking, we haven't had any snow either, which is weird for northern ireland! we just seem to get rain! lol xxxx
I know just what you mean... I am a 2nd time mom and I am JUST as excited as I was with Avery. I had someone (my sister in law, actually) tell me that she thought it was silly that we were buying new stuff for the baby. Well for starters, it's none of your damn business... and 2ndly, me and Dalton were quite a bit younger when we got pregnant with Avery, weren't in the best fiancial situations so we couldn't afford much. We had lots of hand me downs (which are fine and dandy) but we didn't even get to pick out his crib. ANd the crib we did end up with, I never really liked. This time around, we are better off fiancially and are able to buy what we want and when we want... so for someone to tell me I am being silly for buying new stuff... they can go elsewhere with their comments.
I can totally relate to you, and I am just trying to ignore the nonsense. I guess since I am a 2nd time mom, I don't get a lot of what 1st time moms do with all the comments, but I still hear them. It bugs me.
And for your sister in law to imply that you don't care about your 2nd child as much as your 1st, or you don't try as hard with them is just crazy! I am sooooo ready to begin our new journey.
Oh and when she was telling you about what not to pack in your hospital bag... It wouldve been so hard to not snip back at her if it were me. Like you said, better to be over packed (which I don't think you are) than to wish you would've put more into your bag. Im sure your husband will not want to be running back and forth from the hosp to the house. UGHH!!! Some ppl!!!!!!!
Well, I hope you feel better after getting that off your chest.. I feel better :)
Have a great day!!!!!!!
I just remembered Fay, I thought your Dr was mad for suggesting that the back ache was from crossing your legs... but i was in so much pain I decided to try it. lol... I really think she was sitting on a nerve or something but idk... It could've been a mixture of both.
Happy 27 weeks!!!!!! :flower:
I know just what you mean... I am a 2nd time mom and I am JUST as excited as I was with Avery. I had someone (my sister in law, actually) tell me that she thought it was silly that we were buying new stuff for the baby. Well for starters, it's none of your damn business... and 2ndly, me and Dalton were quite a bit younger when we got pregnant with Avery, weren't in the best fiancial situations so we couldn't afford much. We had lots of hand me downs (which are fine and dandy) but we didn't even get to pick out his crib. ANd the crib we did end up with, I never really liked. This time around, we are better off fiancially and are able to buy what we want and when we want... so for someone to tell me I am being silly for buying new stuff... they can go elsewhere with their comments.
I can totally relate to you, and I am just trying to ignore the nonsense. I guess since I am a 2nd time mom, I don't get a lot of what 1st time moms do with all the comments, but I still hear them. It bugs me.
And for your sister in law to imply that you don't care about your 2nd child as much as your 1st, or you don't try as hard with them is just crazy! I am sooooo ready to begin our new journey.
Oh and when she was telling you about what not to pack in your hospital bag... It wouldve been so hard to not snip back at her if it were me. Like you said, better to be over packed (which I don't think you are) than to wish you would've put more into your bag. Im sure your husband will not want to be running back and forth from the hosp to the house. UGHH!!! Some ppl!!!!!!!
Well, I hope you feel better after getting that off your chest.. I feel better :)
Have a great day!!!!!!!

Ahhh i'm so glad you understand my frustration! lol It's soooo annoying! And i'm getting so impatient with people! grrrrrr! lol

It's been 'easier' to keep my mouth shut up until now for the sake of mike really as I know he'll be the one that ends up getting it in the neck if I disagreed with something his sister or mother said!

But to be honest, i'm not gonna put up with it any longer! If they can say things to me, then i'm gonna say how I feel too! If they even try and tell me how to parent or what I should/shouldn't be doing then I will be kicking off! Helpful advice is fine, but comments like that are helping no-one! I figure if they want to maintain a civil relationship with us, and see our child then they will have to accept our views and opinions!

After all the trouble we had a x-mas with his family, it's gonna take me a whole other year to get over it I think! ha! And I feel it's because we kept it all bottled up! Just gonna have to vent from now on! haha!

Yeah maybe you had a trapped nerve, it's quite common isn't it? And after saying that my back was better I woke up and it was sore again today ha! typical! oh well, it'll get better again, just one of those things :) I feel my belly is getting so big now! lol My skin feels a lot tighter around my belly too, I don't know if it's skin or muscles? But I am defo putting on more creams to keep everything hydrated and moisturised to try and help prevent stretch marks if I can! lol so far i've been lucky! fingers crossed it'll stay that way! :) xxx

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