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Wow, Fay I can't believe some of things your sister in law said to you! I've not had to deal with comments quite that intense but can understand how annoyed it would've made you feel. As you say, every child and parent is different and not every parent will necessarily experience the same things in the same way. Yes, it's great to get advice when you need it but there are times as well when you wish people would just butt out!!

I also agree with Tara, I don't think you've overpacked your hospital bag at all, it sounds like everything you're going to need and the last thing you or your husband will want to worry about is 'popping' home to pick up things you could've packed in the first place! Definitely better to be over prepared, I know I will be! At the rate I'm going with my list I'll be taking two bags to the hospital not just one!!

Tara, I know what you mean about wanting to get new stuff. Although we're getting quite a lot of things second hand, there is a part of me that really wants to be buying everything new! It kind of feels at the moment that the nursery is being decided by other people just because we're not picking out the furniture but I have to keep telling myself it will only be for the first 1-2 years until we've got more money behind us to buy new. I'm determined to buy all new bedding etc though so at least the rest of the nursery will be what we've chosen!

Hope you've both had a good day! xx
Wow, Fay I can't believe some of things your sister in law said to you! I've not had to deal with comments quite that intense but can understand how annoyed it would've made you feel. As you say, every child and parent is different and not every parent will necessarily experience the same things in the same way. Yes, it's great to get advice when you need it but there are times as well when you wish people would just butt out!!

I also agree with Tara, I don't think you've overpacked your hospital bag at all, it sounds like everything you're going to need and the last thing you or your husband will want to worry about is 'popping' home to pick up things you could've packed in the first place! Definitely better to be over prepared, I know I will be! At the rate I'm going with my list I'll be taking two bags to the hospital not just one!!

Tara, I know what you mean about wanting to get new stuff. Although we're getting quite a lot of things second hand, there is a part of me that really wants to be buying everything new! It kind of feels at the moment that the nursery is being decided by other people just because we're not picking out the furniture but I have to keep telling myself it will only be for the first 1-2 years until we've got more money behind us to buy new. I'm determined to buy all new bedding etc though so at least the rest of the nursery will be what we've chosen!

Hope you've both had a good day! xx

Ahh I know! she really annoyed me! And to be honest, she's not the best person either, she is extremely selfish and bitchy and has probably fallen out with most family members at some point or other lol! I could actually write a whole book about how and why she is a horrible person! And it would be so easy for you all to believe why we get frustrated with her lol! It's one of those things though where you have to get along to some extent because they are 'family' lol! I would most certainly would not speak to her if she was not anyway!

I swear sometimes she just say's these things to deliberately give me bad advice or something so that I end up struggling or missing out on something if I choose to listen to her advice you know? Well it's not happening! I've grown far too warey of her and her games now that I 100% don't trust her, so wouldn't take anything she says lightly anyway.....just wish I could stop her trying to 'give me advice!' lol Maybe she'll get the hint if I keep repeating my opinions with her! lol

And don't worry about buying everything new, second hand is fantastic for the early months/year cause like you say they will grow out of it soooo quickly, then they'll need a junior bed or something so you'll have to get some new bits later on anyway, and better to have what you want eventually than not at all, so defo be worth the wait :) It's like for us, we'll be moving when babies about a year old then in the new place we'll re-decorate it according to baby's age and interests etc something slightly more grown up rather than babyish if you know what I mean? Oooooo it's all so exciting just talking about the future already haha! I really don't want to wish it away i'm just super excited about all the different milestones and age groups and stuff you'll be able to do with them :)

I went to my antenatal class last night at the hospital and it was ok, to be honest a lot of it was common sense! lol But I did learn a few things, one being what is probably up with my back...well I say back, it's actually my pelvis, it's called pelvic girdle pain or something, and you can get it either on the pubic bone at the front, along the bone around the back (what i'm getting) or on either one side of the hip bones at the back (which is how it started) but she said it's not pregnancy related, although it will be more pressure on it as everything's relaxing during pregnancy, it's when your hips move asymmetrically, which mine do, as I know one's stiffer than the other. So I am going to go back to the doctor and get referred to the physio after all as she said it was very treatable in physio, so fingers crossed! Just takes ages to get a damn appointment! lol

Not that I would personally want to but she also said it was against the law to take photos or video the actual delivery itself, she said you can take them after but not during, something about child protection...which I didn't know! So learn something new every day! lol

Hope you are all having good days xxxx
Just thought I would update my bump pictures, feeling bigger!! and I defo have a waddle going on when I walk! haha! This is me at 27 weeks, excuse my face on the full length shot, need to put some make up on really!! lol x


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Your sister in law sounds like a real piece of work!!!!!!! Sorry you have to deal with her, hopefully you don't have to see her too often!
Wow, I bet it's nice to have some answers about your back! I hope they can get you in sooner than last time!!!
You are just TOO cute! You are all BABY!!!!!!! Lucky :-) Lookin' fab!!!! I'll post my newest one too :)


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Awwww cute pic!! You are all baby too! I think it's the way I took that photo cause I am seriously feeling frumpy around my middle now! eurgh! not good! lol I love being pregnant and I don't wanna wish it away but I am soooo looking forward to getting my pre-pregnancy body back, and my clothes fitting again haha!

Unfortunately my sis in law has moved 10 doors down from us so there's no escaping her! :( although it's not too bad as for how close we live, we don't see an awful lot of her, thank goodness! lol xxx
Hey ladies! I hope you all are doing well!!! I think I over did a power walk the other day because my hip area is back to hurting again. Booo. It's been pretty intense. I'll get over it, though :)
I have my check up tomorrow and also a 2 hour glucose testing. :( I'm not looking forward to that. Do you ladies have to do glucose testing? I have to fast for 12 hours, my appt isn't until 10am then I have to stay there while they do blood work for 2 hours. They make me drink this sugary mixture... then repeatedly test my blood sugar level. I am not excited about it... but I am excited about my regular check up. Which will be done during my 2 hour stay (since this is all taking place in my doctors office.) I am hoping we will book my induction date! I will report back after words!!! :hugs:
Evening ladies!

Cute pics both of you! Such great looking bumps :) Will try and get one on here in the next couple of days! Fay you are definitely not looking frumpy! I made the mistake of weighing myself today and have put on 5 pounds so feeling a bit big at the moment :( I know I said I wasn't too worried about my weight but I am now starting to worry a bit about how much I could put on in the last trimester and getting too big. Need to chill!!

Been feeling a bit under the weather today and sooo tired. Not sure if it's just down to the pregnancy or if I'm coming down with something, really hope I'm not, I don't want to be ill! :(

Tara, hope your hip gets better soon :hugs:

I don't have to do a glucose test as far as I'm aware - I think here it's just if you show certain symptoms/health issues that are cause for concern but I have to admit I don't know too much about it. Good luck with your appointment!

Hey ladies! I hope you all are doing well!!! I think I over did a power walk the other day because my hip area is back to hurting again. Booo. It's been pretty intense. I'll get over it, though :)
I have my check up tomorrow and also a 2 hour glucose testing. :( I'm not looking forward to that. Do you ladies have to do glucose testing? I have to fast for 12 hours, my appt isn't until 10am then I have to stay there while they do blood work for 2 hours. They make me drink this sugary mixture... then repeatedly test my blood sugar level. I am not excited about it... but I am excited about my regular check up. Which will be done during my 2 hour stay (since this is all taking place in my doctors office.) I am hoping we will book my induction date! I will report back after words!!! :hugs:

Oh no! that sucks about your hip, that's the thing we try and exercise and be healthy and we end up paying for it in injury lol! damn it! I really hope it gets better cause I know how it feels and it's awful! It restricts everything you do doesn't it? :(

My backs been playing up the last few days and I have another app with my doctor so he can refer me to the physio this time! Especially after what the physio said at the antenatal class about it being treatable, so fingers crossed it all goes well and I won't need to wait ages for an appointment with the physio.

That sounds horrible about the glucose testing but yeah as far as I am aware over here you only need to have that done if you show any reason to have it, like high sugars in urine or something like that? not entirely sure either, but defo not a routine thing over here for everyone, so that sucks for you! Hopefully it will go quickly for you and your normal appointment will perk you up a bit through it.

Exciting about your induction date though, makes things more definite if you don't labour naturally before then! :D xxx
Evening ladies!

Cute pics both of you! Such great looking bumps :) Will try and get one on here in the next couple of days! Fay you are definitely not looking frumpy! I made the mistake of weighing myself today and have put on 5 pounds so feeling a bit big at the moment :( I know I said I wasn't too worried about my weight but I am now starting to worry a bit about how much I could put on in the last trimester and getting too big. Need to chill!!

Been feeling a bit under the weather today and sooo tired. Not sure if it's just down to the pregnancy or if I'm coming down with something, really hope I'm not, I don't want to be ill! :(

Tara, hope your hip gets better soon :hugs:

I don't have to do a glucose test as far as I'm aware - I think here it's just if you show certain symptoms/health issues that are cause for concern but I have to admit I don't know too much about it. Good luck with your appointment!


Oh I hate those damn scales!! They are wickid! :( try not to worry though, the third trimester is where we'll put on a bit more than other trimesters I think as baby's putting on their fat stores, I totally understand what you mean though, although I know i'm not fat or anything, it's just what you are used to before you are pregnant isn't it? and when you put on a few extra pounds you worry cause of what you were used to before. You can just feel it on yourself and wonder if it's normal or not? Also I find that my scales are sooooo unpredictable, I mean one day it said I'd put on 7lbs from the week before and then the next day it said 3lbs, so it's so annoying not having a more accurate way of monitoring proper weight gain, as mine fluctuates all the time :( I have a chart in my book that tells you averagely what you should have put on by how many weeks you are etc, and for 28 weeks, it's something like 20lbs-22lbs I think which is nice to go by to get a rough indication to what is 'acceptable' at this stage! lol

Hope you start to feel better, I defo think it may be pregnancy related too though with hormones etc as over the last week or so I have been really up and down with my emotions and find i'm really emotional about everything! Feel sniffly every now and then too, but I have been putting that down to working with kids! lol

Hi ladies!
I totally understand about the weight gain... as much as I tell myself I won't worry, I can't help BUT stress over it. Last weekend I got on the scale and then cried to my hubby. He just comforted me and told me that I AM going to gain weight, there is nothing I can do about that. And that I NEED to for the baby. It will all be ok, that's what I keep telling myself. But it is hard and I completely get it :hugs:
My appt went well, I passed my glucose test. It was not fun tho! I got there at 10 and didn't leave until 12:30.. I was hungry and grouchy by then, but I came home and ate and feel better now.
I am right on track with what my doctor says. He said that my uterus is high and kind of larger than he was expecting, and wants another sono done at 34 weeks to see if I have a big baby. However at my 3D sono she measured right on track. My uterus is WAY high, right under my boobs, it happened over night (about 3 weeks ago). So we will see. He also said the hospital won't let him book the induction until 2 weeks before but he said to plan on April 19th or 20th. Which is 10 weeks from today!!!! WOW!!!!!! Tmrw I will be single digit weeks away from meeting my child! :cloud9:
I hope you ladies have a great day!!!!
Fay-hows your back? I hope it's better today! Mine *knock on wood* is feeling the best is has all week. :)
Hi ladies!
I totally understand about the weight gain... as much as I tell myself I won't worry, I can't help BUT stress over it. Last weekend I got on the scale and then cried to my hubby. He just comforted me and told me that I AM going to gain weight, there is nothing I can do about that. And that I NEED to for the baby. It will all be ok, that's what I keep telling myself. But it is hard and I completely get it :hugs:
My appt went well, I passed my glucose test. It was not fun tho! I got there at 10 and didn't leave until 12:30.. I was hungry and grouchy by then, but I came home and ate and feel better now.
I am right on track with what my doctor says. He said that my uterus is high and kind of larger than he was expecting, and wants another sono done at 34 weeks to see if I have a big baby. However at my 3D sono she measured right on track. My uterus is WAY high, right under my boobs, it happened over night (about 3 weeks ago). So we will see. He also said the hospital won't let him book the induction until 2 weeks before but he said to plan on April 19th or 20th. Which is 10 weeks from today!!!! WOW!!!!!! Tmrw I will be single digit weeks away from meeting my child! :cloud9:
I hope you ladies have a great day!!!!
Fay-hows your back? I hope it's better today! Mine *knock on wood* is feeling the best is has all week. :)

Yeah the weight gain thing is something that I can almost guarantee EVERY pregnant lady will go through at some point or another x

Glad your test is over with now and all was fine! Bet that was horrible, do they not realise that starving a pregnant lady is a big no no! lol
That's strange about your uterus being especially high? Not heard of why that could be, maybe she just wants to be up higher closer to your heartbeat hehe! Would that be a problem though? I guess maybe the bigger she gets the more it could press down on your lungs and cause shortness of breath?
That's strange how it came up high all of a sudden though lol! Mine is still quite low as far as I can tell, mine seems to be low but spreading round my waist as I often feel baby right round my side! lol

So you still have a few weeks to check about your uterus then, you'll only be a few weeks away by then! eeeeek! :D so is that your next app then? you don't need to be seen before that?? Seems quite long inbetween?

I have my 28 week app on thursday so we'll see what they say about my measurements, and they are taking more blood too, so I need to up my iron intake to make sure it doesn't come back low! lol I sometimes struggle with low iron, and if it's too low then I may not be able to give birth in the birthing centre I want to, so gotta make sure that's all good! :)

Wow I can't believe he gave you a rough idea of when your induction will be! ahhhhh that's sooooo exciting!! :D Single figures too haha! Crazy how quickly it's coming round!! :D Awww I can't wait until we are all sharing baby pics instead of bump pics hehe! :D :cloud9:

Today my pelvis is feeling fine, I had an awful nights sleep last night though as i'm feeling a bit bunged up and couldn't breath properly! But I feel fine today actually, which is great, just sometimes it's better than other times.

Hope your having a good weekend so far :) Mike's away for three weeks now on a course so that sucks! :( can't believe next time I see him, i'll be 31 weeks! crazy! x
Good morning!
No, the doctor wasn't worried.. I think he is just thinking I have a bigger baby in there, so he is wanting me to have another sono to see where we are at. However, after talking with Dalton, he thought the same thing when I was pregnant with Avery and ordered a 3rd tri sono. And Avery was a 7lb baby. So I think maybe it's just the way I carry my babies?? idk!! It's like one day i could see my ribs, woke up the next day and they were gone lol! I think that might be why Im having such horrible indigestion and such. Makes sense anyway.
I'm glad your pelvic area is feeling better now, I hope they can get you into the physio sooner rather than later :flower:
Good luck at your 28 week appt! It seems so strange, I swear we were just talking about your last appt and how you felt so rushed!!!!! Was that 4 weeks ago aleady???? WOW! Time is flying.
I'm so sorry that DH is gone for 3 weeks :( How boring that must be!!! When are you done with work again? 36weeks? I bet you are so excited about that!
I hope you have a great Sunday!!!
Good morning!
No, the doctor wasn't worried.. I think he is just thinking I have a bigger baby in there, so he is wanting me to have another sono to see where we are at. However, after talking with Dalton, he thought the same thing when I was pregnant with Avery and ordered a 3rd tri sono. And Avery was a 7lb baby. So I think maybe it's just the way I carry my babies?? idk!! It's like one day i could see my ribs, woke up the next day and they were gone lol! I think that might be why Im having such horrible indigestion and such. Makes sense anyway.
I'm glad your pelvic area is feeling better now, I hope they can get you into the physio sooner rather than later :flower:
Good luck at your 28 week appt! It seems so strange, I swear we were just talking about your last appt and how you felt so rushed!!!!! Was that 4 weeks ago aleady???? WOW! Time is flying.
I'm so sorry that DH is gone for 3 weeks :( How boring that must be!!! When are you done with work again? 36weeks? I bet you are so excited about that!
I hope you have a great Sunday!!!

Oh that's good, yeah like you said it's obviously just the way you carry your babies hehe! Great that you get to have another scan and see your little girl again though :D I want another one just to see my boy again hehe! :D

I know, it's been 3 weeks since last app, well it will be on thurs, but yeah that has flown by! lol I hope the next three weeks do too! lol

I am still finding it hard to cope with my dog sometimes, it has to be pregnancy hormones as it's only since becoming pregnant that I have had on and off phases with him :( He is quite obedient and calm when indoors, but when I take him on a walk, he stresses me out like i've never been stressed in my whole life before, he tends to pull me and bark at the slightest thing including any kind of animal, and it seriously upsets me :( Mike has been walking him mainly anyway so i've been ok to walk along but not actually hold him, but now that he's away it falls on me and already I am really upset with the dog :(

I was having a great morning, decided to take him for a walk, and when we got in I just burst into tears! :( It's really not good on me or baby to keep getting upset and stressed like I am with him, and not good on the dog either, I have decided that I'm gonna need to get someone to come and walk him for me like a dog walking service or something whilst mikes away, as I can't go on like this anymore, it's getting to the point where it would break me if we had to get rid of him as he's ours and part of our family, but sometimes I catch myself thinking, I just wish he wasn't here! and that's not good :nope::cry:

It also doesn't help my pelvis when he pulls on his lead either, so that's another thing! We've tried so many leads too, I just don't know how to get him to stop it! :( may have to get a professional in at some point and just pay the expense. I feel like such a failure though not being able to walk my own dog without getting upset and losing my connection with him....since baby's come along I feel like all my focus and energy has been completely transferred. It makes me feel awful but I can't help it, I just hope that when babies born my hormones will settle down and I can start to feel better towards him again and we can all bond as a family again. He's very much a man's dog anyway, so I just feel like he plays up for me when mikes away. Sorry for the massive dog rant lol! Seems pretty petty to be upset about a dog, but you know how we get upset about the slightest of things! lol

But yeah finishing work at 36 weeks, which is the 6th april! really can't wait for that! It's really dragging but time is at the same time going by quickly so I guess it'll be here before I know it! lol xxxx
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time with your dog :( It's really amazing how out of wack our hormones get when we are pregnant. Getting a dog walker while Mike is away definitely sounds like a great idea!!! You don't need any extra stress. So he doesn't do any of that when Mike is walking him? He is like a child then huh? He knows he can get away with stuff with you there and not the man of the house. I hope you can look into that and get it taken care of to relieve your self of that stress. I am sure once you have that sweet boy that your hormones will go back to the way they were before and you all will be one happy family :) Especially since you say this is something that never happened before you were pregnant. I am sure it will all work out. Only a couple more months :hugs:
I hope you are having a good Sunday. Take care dear!
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time with your dog :( It's really amazing how out of wack our hormones get when we are pregnant. Getting a dog walker while Mike is away definitely sounds like a great idea!!! You don't need any extra stress. So he doesn't do any of that when Mike is walking him? He is like a child then huh? He knows he can get away with stuff with you there and not the man of the house. I hope you can look into that and get it taken care of to relieve your self of that stress. I am sure once you have that sweet boy that your hormones will go back to the way they were before and you all will be one happy family :) Especially since you say this is something that never happened before you were pregnant. I am sure it will all work out. Only a couple more months :hugs:
I hope you are having a good Sunday. Take care dear!

Thank you, was having a right moan yesterday! haha!

He does tend to pull on the lead with anyone, even mike, but I don't know if it's cause mike is stronger and able to control him a bit better or just the fact that mike just doesn't get annoyed enough about it to get upset or stressed lol!
But yeah it does seem like he plays up a bit more for me, and I was thinking maybe it's just because when mikes away, our dog feels the need to 'man up' and be super protective of me, which comes out in an annoying way rather than loyal! lol

But yeah I have emailed a few people about getting prices for walking him a few times a week and i'll just see what they say :) Defo worth the money for the stress it will save me though! lol Mike is due away again for two weeks in march too, so it'll defo come in handy, and when baby comes, it may be good for someone to come and take charlie off our hands during the first week or two and walk him for us whilst we have the baby to take care of :)

I feel better today, he gave me LOADS of cuddles earlier as I think he knew he'd upset me yesterday, didn't move off his bed all afternoon in fear of upsetting me again I think! lol

Anyway, another week has started, hope it's a good one for you xxx
Awww that's so sweet that he gave you cuddles, must have known you needed them :hugs:
I'm glad you looked into a dog walker, I hope it all works out for you!!!
Yesterday I had quite a scare. My crib arrived at my moms (she will be storing it at her house until we move.. bless her) But I wanted to take it all out of the box and make sure it wasn't damaged and that all the parts were there. So Avery and I went over yest and nobody was home at the time (which I knew would be the case) so I grabbed a pair of scissors and started down the stairs, and I wasn't holding them like I preach to Avery about holding them (shame on me!!!) and after the second step I slipped.... luckily I landed on my back side but I slide down the remainder of the stairs. I bruised up my forearm and my back side hurts but you know, I am counting my lucky stars thats all that happened! It could have been soooo bad!!!!!!!! I need to slow down and remember Im carrying a human inside me. I just sat on the steps to process what had happened. My poor son came over crying and rubbing my belly... he was afraid something bad had happened to her :cry: Man... what an experience!!!!
But.... the crib is beautiful and it was really hard to box it back up, I just wanted to take it home and set it up.. somewhere :( I keep telling myself that we won't need it right away anyway, but it's sad not having a nursery.
Anyway... have a great day!!!!! :hugs:
Awww that's so sweet that he gave you cuddles, must have known you needed them :hugs:
I'm glad you looked into a dog walker, I hope it all works out for you!!!
Yesterday I had quite a scare. My crib arrived at my moms (she will be storing it at her house until we move.. bless her) But I wanted to take it all out of the box and make sure it wasn't damaged and that all the parts were there. So Avery and I went over yest and nobody was home at the time (which I knew would be the case) so I grabbed a pair of scissors and started down the stairs, and I wasn't holding them like I preach to Avery about holding them (shame on me!!!) and after the second step I slipped.... luckily I landed on my back side but I slide down the remainder of the stairs. I bruised up my forearm and my back side hurts but you know, I am counting my lucky stars thats all that happened! It could have been soooo bad!!!!!!!! I need to slow down and remember Im carrying a human inside me. I just sat on the steps to process what had happened. My poor son came over crying and rubbing my belly... he was afraid something bad had happened to her :cry: Man... what an experience!!!!
But.... the crib is beautiful and it was really hard to box it back up, I just wanted to take it home and set it up.. somewhere :( I keep telling myself that we won't need it right away anyway, but it's sad not having a nursery.
Anyway... have a great day!!!!! :hugs:

Oh my goodness!!!! I hope you are ok? :( what a horrible scare for you, and bless Avery! I bet he was scared too :( awwww! I think you should go and get checked out just in-case as they always say to get checked out if you have a fall just to ease their minds etc. Poor you! But yes also very lucky that you didn't land in any other way, bet your heart jumped right into your throat!

It's the craziest thing though isn't it? I do often catch myself 'forgetting' (for a moment) that i'm carrying another human in me too and figure I can get away with doing things that I may have done before without really thinking. It just goes to show that yes you do need to be more aware about the risks etc, especially with balance as they say that is a big thing to change in pregnancy, bless you! :( Glad you are ok though and just a bit bruised.

I'm glad that the crib is all well and gorgeous! I can totally understand though how it must of felt for you to put it all back again, it's just a mother's instinct to want everything set up and ready before baby arrives, even if you won't be using it right away, but seeing as though you'll be moving you know it's for the best, just think of it as a new exciting gift you'll get for when you move hehe! take some of the stress out of moving :) xxxxx
It is strange how we can forget that we are carrying a baby. Sometimes I wake up thinking... man I am so bloated this morning.. then remember I am 29wks pregnant. LOL. That probably sounds strange...
Do you celebrate Valentines day? I have never liked the day... I celebrate for Avery but that's it. Dalton and I don't buy eachother things. I think I spent too many Vdays single, makes you dislike the day. Anyway... Happy V-Day!!! :)
I hope you have a great day!!!!
It is strange how we can forget that we are carrying a baby. Sometimes I wake up thinking... man I am so bloated this morning.. then remember I am 29wks pregnant. LOL. That probably sounds strange...
Do you celebrate Valentines day? I have never liked the day... I celebrate for Avery but that's it. Dalton and I don't buy eachother things. I think I spent too many Vdays single, makes you dislike the day. Anyway... Happy V-Day!!! :)
I hope you have a great day!!!!

I know and I don't know about you but sometimes i'll walk around and be like....actually my bumps pretty small still and like you say I may just feel a bit bloated and not THAT pregnant yet lol! My bump looks bigger and smaller in certain things I think lol.

Hmmm I suppose we do and we don't celebrate v-day, i'm like you can't really be bothered with it as it's a waste of money! But we always end up getting each other a card at least lol! Mike's away anyway so we gave each other the cards before he left anyway, so yeah today's just a normal day , I actually have my other antenatal class at the hospital tonight...without mike! lol so i guess i'll be looking all lonely haha!! I don't mind!

I ordered an extended safety gate to put in-between our living room/diner so that I can keep some space separate from Charlie (our dog) instead of shutting him out in the hall (where he moans and whines) so when I have guests or when baby's here, we can come in the living room without Charlie getting all up in our space because he's over-excited etc lol, but at the same time he can still see us and be in the room with us but just be kept back by the gate so that we have some space. It arrived today and i've been setting it all up, but I need mike here to drill some holes in the walls so I can fix it to the wall, and that's gonna annoy me now I have to wait for 3 weeks until it's in place haha! Talk about impatient! :P lol It's not a major thing so I can wait haha! I'm usually fine with D.I.Y, but drilling holes in walls is probably something I shouldn't attempt haha!

Hope you have a great day xxxx

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