Oh I know what you mean, I am the type of person who wants it done NOW. So I see your frustration, and although I feel like I can do most things myself, as you stated... drilling holes in walls is something I wouldn't attempt either. I bet you are super excited to get that gate up! It sounds like the perfect solution!!!!
Just out of curiosity, have either of you ladies decided on a name? I know neither of you are sharing your names, just wondering if you have set one in stone yet? In my mind, our little girl is named but Dalton doesn't want to set anything in stone incase we run into a name that we like better. However, being pregnant for almost 30 weeks, neither of us have found a name that we like better yet.. so I don't see it happening. I am such a planner that it is driving me crazy that she isn't 100% named. Is that strange?
I know! A squash!!! I hate that we don't change fruits/veg every week anymoreSo it's exciting when we do!!!!! You're super close too
Have a great day!!!
Hi Fay!
I'm glad to hear your antenatal classes are going well! It is so crazy that we are talking about birth already! It's super exciting tho! I will be 30 weeks tomorrow!!!!! I feel like that is FINALLY the home stretch!!!!!
That's great that you have picked a name that you are in love with!!!And I completely agree about being so in love with someone we haven't even met. I was watching parenthood the other night (do you happen to watch that show?) It's my fav! And I was thinking about how terribly hard it would be to give your baby up for adoption. It is such an amazing act of kindness for someone to do, but can you imagine? You would really have to shut out all emotions and feelings during your pregnancy. Oh man, I just can't imagine. My cousin is in the process of adopting a child from Ethiopia, they have been in this process for about 3 years, and it looks like it could be a couple more years until they get their sweet baby. During this process she has since become preg and just gave birth.
Their little girl is so precious!! But their heart still aches for their adopted child.
Anyway, I hope you have a great day!
Im glad your appt went well and everything is going just as it should. It sure makes you feel better doesn't it?
They called yest and told me I have low iron and to take an iron supplement even with my prenantal... maybe it will help me feel more energized. I have hit the 3rd tri fatigue! Have you?
The adoption process is so long because they are adopting from another country. You still wouldn't think it would take THIS long, because, there are soooo many kids in need of adoption in Ethiopia. I guess they keep changing the laws on them. And once they got pregnant, they pushed them back in line. I think you have to have your bio child for 6m or a yr before they let you adopt. The rules are a lot more intense over there, it seems. But when asked why they want to adopt in Ethiopia, they say "bc that's where our child is". So I guess they will take the wait and leave it in Gods hands.
I have heard of a lot of ppl that watch one born every minute, but I haven't seen the show. I might look to see if it airs over here
Have a great day!
Hi Ladies!
hope you're both doing ok![]()
Tara, sorry to hear about your fall, hope you're ok. Must be a week for it as I slipped on ice at the weekend - really scared myself at the time but luckily kind of fell backwards so my knee took the brunt (now nicely bruised) and I landed on my backside. Haven't got checked out yet as haven't had any unusual pains and have still been getting a lot of movement from baby but wondering if I should just to be sure. It was a bit of a wake up call as like you've both said I do sometimes forget I'm carrying a human around inside me and sometimes do a double take when I catch my bump in a mirror! So glad it's not just me!
Fay, glad your midwife appt and antenatal classes are going well. Mine don't start for another few weeks but I'm itching to get started with them! It does seem crazy to think we're starting to talk about the actual birth and going through labour now!
I've definitely hit the 3rd tri tiredness. I'm back to needing to sleep around lunchtime (if I'm home) or crash out as soon as I get home from work. I think that's why I've been feeling so rubbish this past week as I'd been overdoing things and not resting.
We've not decided on names yet though we have narrowed down our shortlist. It's something we need to start thinking about very soon though!
Im glad your appt went well and everything is going just as it should. It sure makes you feel better doesn't it?
They called yest and told me I have low iron and to take an iron supplement even with my prenantal... maybe it will help me feel more energized. I have hit the 3rd tri fatigue! Have you?
The adoption process is so long because they are adopting from another country. You still wouldn't think it would take THIS long, because, there are soooo many kids in need of adoption in Ethiopia. I guess they keep changing the laws on them. And once they got pregnant, they pushed them back in line. I think you have to have your bio child for 6m or a yr before they let you adopt. The rules are a lot more intense over there, it seems. But when asked why they want to adopt in Ethiopia, they say "bc that's where our child is". So I guess they will take the wait and leave it in Gods hands.
I have heard of a lot of ppl that watch one born every minute, but I haven't seen the show. I might look to see if it airs over here
Have a great day!
Aww well I hope the iron supplements do help you feel more energised, you'll have to keep an eye on your bowel movements too as it's quite common to get constipated on those! lol But they may be able to change the supplement if you get that
But oh my goodness! Yes I have soooo hit the third trimester fatigue! It's been over the last week or two and I wondered if I was the only one? haha! I have had to nap in the afternoon some days, or get early nights. I think for me too though it's because I seem to have a lot of spare time on my hands at the moment, I finish work after lunch, so I have the rest of the afternoon free and I just feel like I have nothing to do anymore....I can't remember what I did with my time before lol! If I try and think of things to do, they all seem to cost money, which we are trying to avoid as we want to save money for baby stuff etc, and what with mike being away, I feel like I'm twiddling my thumbs alot, and believe it or not pottering around bored is exhausting! lol I really need to come up with more things to do to pass the time as i'm going insane some days! I bet it seems crazy me saying this as anyone who works full time would be killing for more time off to rest! lol I am sooo appreciative of the time off in the afternoons, and wouldn't want to work full time again but it's that viscous cycle of keeping occupied with things other than cleaning and housework! There's only so much of that for just me and the dog living in the house lol.
Anyway, that's annoying about the adoption protocol, must be so frustrating for them! Fingers crossed they will get their other child in the end
Hi Ladies!
hope you're both doing ok![]()
Tara, sorry to hear about your fall, hope you're ok. Must be a week for it as I slipped on ice at the weekend - really scared myself at the time but luckily kind of fell backwards so my knee took the brunt (now nicely bruised) and I landed on my backside. Haven't got checked out yet as haven't had any unusual pains and have still been getting a lot of movement from baby but wondering if I should just to be sure. It was a bit of a wake up call as like you've both said I do sometimes forget I'm carrying a human around inside me and sometimes do a double take when I catch my bump in a mirror! So glad it's not just me!
Fay, glad your midwife appt and antenatal classes are going well. Mine don't start for another few weeks but I'm itching to get started with them! It does seem crazy to think we're starting to talk about the actual birth and going through labour now!
I've definitely hit the 3rd tri tiredness. I'm back to needing to sleep around lunchtime (if I'm home) or crash out as soon as I get home from work. I think that's why I've been feeling so rubbish this past week as I'd been overdoing things and not resting.
We've not decided on names yet though we have narrowed down our shortlist. It's something we need to start thinking about very soon though!
Yes, sorry for the absence this week, think it was down to feeling to rubbish so I haven't really been online very much as just been feeling super tired. Feeling much better now though thankfully so I'm back!!
Fay, I think you're def right that the midwife has missed an appt out for me. I'm going to give them a call on Monday and check if I should be going in between and also just check about my fall to be on the safe side. Was definitely scary and feel very lucky that I did only come away with a bruised knee. Tara, how have you been since your fall? Not too bruised either I hope?
I've got 3 antenatal appointments to go to, I think two are two hours long and one is an hour and a half so will be interesting to see how they compare to yours. I've never heard them called parent craft workshops before though!!
Names are becoming a bit tricky to decide on! We have got to pick two (well, four I guess if we're going for middle names too!) since we don't know the sex yet. We do have shortlists for boys and girls but struggling to narrow down at the moment!
Have been feeling super strong kicks this week, particularly very low down which is such a strange feeling! Also, occasionally get what feels like a foot pressing really hard against my belly - usually lasts about 30 seconds then moves again. Does anyone else get this? Is so strange but such a great feeling at the same time
Hope you both had a great Friday! xx
I absolutely remember missing being pregnant... and I actually missed it until I got pregnant againAnd I still love it as much as I did when I was pregnant with Avery. I have never understood how a woman could NOT like growing a human inside of them... the movement, the kicks... the pure joy.
I remember the 1st shower I took... very vividly... and washing my stomach, it was the strangest thing ever. I touched it and was so weirded out that there was no longer a baby inside. I washed it so slowly, and touched it so softly... Im not sure why THAT part of it was so strange to me, but it was!!! Touching my stomach was also the 1st thing I did after I had Avery... I remember thinking it was the craziest feeling for my stomach to be FLAT again. Anyway... there's my story
Fay.. I wonder if maybe you will go early before us then! I *think* that kind of thing is heriditaryI can't wait til we are all at that stage. Have you ladies noticed that in the 3rd tri section, it all seems to be about women who are giving birth already? I feel like I don't belong over there, but yet, the 2nd tri section--I feel way over all that stuff.
I hope you guys had a great weekend. It's FunDay SunDay now![]()
lol, it sometimes doesn't feel like there's much more room for the little one to move around!
Will most definitely post nursery pics when we've finished itI'm not sure if there's a section for keeping in touch after the births - can we just carry on posting in this thread do you think? Although I guess it's pregnancy buddies so maybe not? Will be so good to keep up to date with how everyone's getting on and post pictures of the babies.
Fay from what you say about your family history you could well be the first of us to go into labour!! I'm not sure about being induced though one of my friends went 2 weeks overdue and she said she was so fed up by the end of it so will probably just see how I go. I know what you mean about coping with the labour and birth - I feel quite calm about it at the moment but who knows when the time comes!
Tara, I know what you mean about the 3rd tri section - I go on it occasionally but yeah, don't really like I belong there at that moment but also feel way beyond the 2nd tri!
Wow, just seen the time, is quite late for me nowadays! Time for bed methinks!