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oh and just realised your baby is the size of a squash!! haha! awww not long until mine is too :D hehe crazy!! xxx
Oh I know what you mean, I am the type of person who wants it done NOW. So I see your frustration, and although I feel like I can do most things myself, as you stated... drilling holes in walls is something I wouldn't attempt either. I bet you are super excited to get that gate up! It sounds like the perfect solution!!!!
Just out of curiosity, have either of you ladies decided on a name? I know neither of you are sharing your names, just wondering if you have set one in stone yet? In my mind, our little girl is named but Dalton doesn't want to set anything in stone incase we run into a name that we like better. However, being pregnant for almost 30 weeks, neither of us have found a name that we like better yet.. so I don't see it happening. I am such a planner that it is driving me crazy that she isn't 100% named. Is that strange?
I know! A squash!!! I hate that we don't change fruits/veg every week anymore :( So it's exciting when we do!!!!! You're super close too :)
Have a great day!!!
Oh I know what you mean, I am the type of person who wants it done NOW. So I see your frustration, and although I feel like I can do most things myself, as you stated... drilling holes in walls is something I wouldn't attempt either. I bet you are super excited to get that gate up! It sounds like the perfect solution!!!!
Just out of curiosity, have either of you ladies decided on a name? I know neither of you are sharing your names, just wondering if you have set one in stone yet? In my mind, our little girl is named but Dalton doesn't want to set anything in stone incase we run into a name that we like better. However, being pregnant for almost 30 weeks, neither of us have found a name that we like better yet.. so I don't see it happening. I am such a planner that it is driving me crazy that she isn't 100% named. Is that strange?
I know! A squash!!! I hate that we don't change fruits/veg every week anymore :( So it's exciting when we do!!!!! You're super close too :)
Have a great day!!!

Haha yeah very excited, it's odd this month though as we bought and set up so much stuff for the baby last month, and this month we've not got anything really so it's odd not having anything to 'faff' with lol!

Yes we have decided on a name for baby, sometimes we'll even refer to baby by his name if we are alone, but we try not to do that too often in case one day we'll let slip in front of others or something lol! But yeah we are pretty 100% on the name, and we also have a girls name which is also pretty 100% in case the scan was very very wrong! lol Although I am certain it's a boy, I still can't fully allow myself to speak about our baby like it's a boy, I guess it's because no-one else knows it's a boy so we have to be pretty neutral about it with others anyway lol!

But I understand how frustrating it is not fully having a name sorted, although like you say you are pretty certain, it still must feel slightly odd not having anything for defo, even though our baby's aren't here yet, it's still nice to think of them using their names isn't it? lol! Before we found out it was a boy, I was more secure about our girls name and liked our boys name but wasn't 100% for some reason, it just didn't seem as strong as the girls name we had picked, but now that we know it's a boy, I am so in love with the boys name we have picked and it just feels so right, I just can't wait to start using it for the whole world to know! hehe!

Isn't it crazy how much we have fallen in love with these bundles of joy already without properly meeting them yet! I love him so much and now he's getting bigger, the days are drawing nearer and nearer and i'm soooo excited!!! :D I went to another antenatal class at the hospital last night and they talked to us about labour and coming to the hospital etc, pain relief too, and at on point I thought to myself, how mad is this that they are talking to me about this already?? I still don't feel far enough along yet! lol Part of me thinks I have ages to go, and the other part of me catches a glimpse of actually how close it is! :D I feel like there is a void in my life now and I need baby to fill it, i'm so ready and can't wait for it all to start :D xxxx
Hi Fay!
I'm glad to hear your antenatal classes are going well! It is so crazy that we are talking about birth already! It's super exciting tho! I will be 30 weeks tomorrow!!!!! I feel like that is FINALLY the home stretch!!!!!

That's great that you have picked a name that you are in love with!!! :-) And I completely agree about being so in love with someone we haven't even met. I was watching parenthood the other night (do you happen to watch that show?) It's my fav! And I was thinking about how terribly hard it would be to give your baby up for adoption. It is such an amazing act of kindness for someone to do, but can you imagine? You would really have to shut out all emotions and feelings during your pregnancy. Oh man, I just can't imagine. My cousin is in the process of adopting a child from Ethiopia, they have been in this process for about 3 years, and it looks like it could be a couple more years until they get their sweet baby. During this process she has since become preg and just gave birth. :) Their little girl is so precious!! But their heart still aches for their adopted child.
Anyway, I hope you have a great day!
Hi Fay!
I'm glad to hear your antenatal classes are going well! It is so crazy that we are talking about birth already! It's super exciting tho! I will be 30 weeks tomorrow!!!!! I feel like that is FINALLY the home stretch!!!!!

That's great that you have picked a name that you are in love with!!! :-) And I completely agree about being so in love with someone we haven't even met. I was watching parenthood the other night (do you happen to watch that show?) It's my fav! And I was thinking about how terribly hard it would be to give your baby up for adoption. It is such an amazing act of kindness for someone to do, but can you imagine? You would really have to shut out all emotions and feelings during your pregnancy. Oh man, I just can't imagine. My cousin is in the process of adopting a child from Ethiopia, they have been in this process for about 3 years, and it looks like it could be a couple more years until they get their sweet baby. During this process she has since become preg and just gave birth. :) Their little girl is so precious!! But their heart still aches for their adopted child.
Anyway, I hope you have a great day!

I can't believe how quickly it's come round! 30 weeks! haha! And I know what you mean, I feel the same, when I reach 30 weeks i'll be like wow! it's really near the birth now!! lol :)
Not heard of that parenthood, not sure if we get that over here? We've got one born every minute on our TV at the mo, I think you have a US version, but not sure what it's like compared to the UK one? lol I love watching that one at the mo, as it shows a variety of people giving birth in a variety of different circumstances from natural water birth which looks effortless, to c-sections and epidural births that go on for days!

I can't imagine what it must be like to give your baby up for adoption, I think you must have to be in a really really bad place in your life to decide that the baby would be better off with someone else, regardless of how much you want to keep that baby :( it must be very sad indeed. Wow I can't believe how long the process is to adopt! Your cousin must be so patient, bless her, but that is great that even after having her own child they still long for the one they want to adopt! I understand why there have to be various checks to adopt etc, but wow that just seems ridiculously long!! why the long wait? surely they'd want to put a child in another secure loving family as soon as they can to benefit them? I think 3 years seems like a long time to know that they mean business and aren't just thinking about it as a sper of the moment decision!

I had my antenatal appointment with the midwife earlier and all is well, she said my pubic bone is really low, so when measuring me it came back as 30cm, and they say you should roughly be measuring in cm what you are in weeks, but she said I have absolutely nothing to worry about because she said my bumps actually so small and neat looking, it's just that where I'm tall my torso is long and my pubic bone is low down which just brings the measurements above by a few cms. I don't mind though, I know that my bumps not too big or anything and she's right in what she says as sometimes when I lay down, my stomach goes really flat and I'm like where is my baby hiding in there??? lol She said I must have good stomach muscles lol!

Just gotta wait for my blood results which she said they'll look at over the weekend and get back to me if there is anything low. So all in all, pretty good, baby was such a wriggler when she was examining me too haha! But she thinks that baby is head down already, so that must mean that it has been his bum and legs I have been feeling on my belly and his arms that have been punching me down below!! haha!

Hope you have a good day xxx
Im glad your appt went well and everything is going just as it should. It sure makes you feel better doesn't it? :flower:

They called yest and told me I have low iron and to take an iron supplement even with my prenantal... maybe it will help me feel more energized. I have hit the 3rd tri fatigue! Have you?

The adoption process is so long because they are adopting from another country. You still wouldn't think it would take THIS long, because, there are soooo many kids in need of adoption in Ethiopia. I guess they keep changing the laws on them. And once they got pregnant, they pushed them back in line. I think you have to have your bio child for 6m or a yr before they let you adopt. The rules are a lot more intense over there, it seems. But when asked why they want to adopt in Ethiopia, they say "bc that's where our child is". So I guess they will take the wait and leave it in Gods hands.

I have heard of a lot of ppl that watch one born every minute, but I haven't seen the show. I might look to see if it airs over here :)

Have a great day!
Hi Ladies!

hope you're both doing ok :)

Tara, sorry to hear about your fall, hope you're ok. Must be a week for it as I slipped on ice at the weekend - really scared myself at the time but luckily kind of fell backwards so my knee took the brunt (now nicely bruised) and I landed on my backside. Haven't got checked out yet as haven't had any unusual pains and have still been getting a lot of movement from baby but wondering if I should just to be sure. It was a bit of a wake up call as like you've both said I do sometimes forget I'm carrying a human around inside me and sometimes do a double take when I catch my bump in a mirror! So glad it's not just me!

Fay, glad your midwife appt and antenatal classes are going well. Mine don't start for another few weeks but I'm itching to get started with them! It does seem crazy to think we're starting to talk about the actual birth and going through labour now!

I've definitely hit the 3rd tri tiredness. I'm back to needing to sleep around lunchtime (if I'm home) or crash out as soon as I get home from work. I think that's why I've been feeling so rubbish this past week as I'd been overdoing things and not resting.

We've not decided on names yet though we have narrowed down our shortlist. It's something we need to start thinking about very soon though!
Im glad your appt went well and everything is going just as it should. It sure makes you feel better doesn't it? :flower:

They called yest and told me I have low iron and to take an iron supplement even with my prenantal... maybe it will help me feel more energized. I have hit the 3rd tri fatigue! Have you?

The adoption process is so long because they are adopting from another country. You still wouldn't think it would take THIS long, because, there are soooo many kids in need of adoption in Ethiopia. I guess they keep changing the laws on them. And once they got pregnant, they pushed them back in line. I think you have to have your bio child for 6m or a yr before they let you adopt. The rules are a lot more intense over there, it seems. But when asked why they want to adopt in Ethiopia, they say "bc that's where our child is". So I guess they will take the wait and leave it in Gods hands.

I have heard of a lot of ppl that watch one born every minute, but I haven't seen the show. I might look to see if it airs over here :)

Have a great day!

Aww well I hope the iron supplements do help you feel more energised, you'll have to keep an eye on your bowel movements too as it's quite common to get constipated on those! lol But they may be able to change the supplement if you get that :)
But oh my goodness! Yes I have soooo hit the third trimester fatigue! It's been over the last week or two and I wondered if I was the only one? haha! I have had to nap in the afternoon some days, or get early nights. I think for me too though it's because I seem to have a lot of spare time on my hands at the moment, I finish work after lunch, so I have the rest of the afternoon free and I just feel like I have nothing to do anymore....I can't remember what I did with my time before lol! If I try and think of things to do, they all seem to cost money, which we are trying to avoid as we want to save money for baby stuff etc, and what with mike being away, I feel like I'm twiddling my thumbs alot, and believe it or not pottering around bored is exhausting! lol I really need to come up with more things to do to pass the time as i'm going insane some days! I bet it seems crazy me saying this as anyone who works full time would be killing for more time off to rest! lol I am sooo appreciative of the time off in the afternoons, and wouldn't want to work full time again but it's that viscous cycle of keeping occupied with things other than cleaning and housework! There's only so much of that for just me and the dog living in the house lol.

Anyway, that's annoying about the adoption protocol, must be so frustrating for them! Fingers crossed they will get their other child in the end :):flower:

Hi Ladies!

hope you're both doing ok :)

Tara, sorry to hear about your fall, hope you're ok. Must be a week for it as I slipped on ice at the weekend - really scared myself at the time but luckily kind of fell backwards so my knee took the brunt (now nicely bruised) and I landed on my backside. Haven't got checked out yet as haven't had any unusual pains and have still been getting a lot of movement from baby but wondering if I should just to be sure. It was a bit of a wake up call as like you've both said I do sometimes forget I'm carrying a human around inside me and sometimes do a double take when I catch my bump in a mirror! So glad it's not just me!

Fay, glad your midwife appt and antenatal classes are going well. Mine don't start for another few weeks but I'm itching to get started with them! It does seem crazy to think we're starting to talk about the actual birth and going through labour now!

I've definitely hit the 3rd tri tiredness. I'm back to needing to sleep around lunchtime (if I'm home) or crash out as soon as I get home from work. I think that's why I've been feeling so rubbish this past week as I'd been overdoing things and not resting.

We've not decided on names yet though we have narrowed down our shortlist. It's something we need to start thinking about very soon though!


Glad you popped by, was starting to wonder if you were ok as we hadn't heard from you in a while :) Glad you are well, but also sorry to hear about your fall as well!! Oh my, must be something in the air, let's not hope I add to the list too lol! Would defo be so frightening, but yeah you should get checked out anyway just to be safe and also it will give you a chance to see the midwife again as your next appointment was 34 weeks wasn't it?? Which still seems crazy to me, I had my 28 week one today and they said for me to make another one in 3 weeks at 31 weeks, then another one after that at 34 weeks, so it's like they are missing one out for you :(

How many antenatal classes do you have? Mine were actually re-named 'parent craft workshops' lol and I only had two, one each week at an hour and a half in length, but that felt about right really as I don't know how much else they could of covered or talked about with us after those two sessions.

Yeah I think it can be easy to overdo things as well, as it's going to take time to re-adjust and realise you can't really do everything at the pace we all used to, even things like walking and walking up some stairs, I find i'm out of breath so much quicker now lol! Makes me feel so unfit, but I just keep thinking, well i'm breathing and supplying blood for two now, so I have to expect it! lol Defo need to slow down a bit if you can though, as you don't want it to become a problem for your blood pressure or anything like that later on down the line :) xxx
Im glad your appt went well and everything is going just as it should. It sure makes you feel better doesn't it? :flower:

They called yest and told me I have low iron and to take an iron supplement even with my prenantal... maybe it will help me feel more energized. I have hit the 3rd tri fatigue! Have you?

The adoption process is so long because they are adopting from another country. You still wouldn't think it would take THIS long, because, there are soooo many kids in need of adoption in Ethiopia. I guess they keep changing the laws on them. And once they got pregnant, they pushed them back in line. I think you have to have your bio child for 6m or a yr before they let you adopt. The rules are a lot more intense over there, it seems. But when asked why they want to adopt in Ethiopia, they say "bc that's where our child is". So I guess they will take the wait and leave it in Gods hands.

I have heard of a lot of ppl that watch one born every minute, but I haven't seen the show. I might look to see if it airs over here :)

Have a great day!

Aww well I hope the iron supplements do help you feel more energised, you'll have to keep an eye on your bowel movements too as it's quite common to get constipated on those! lol But they may be able to change the supplement if you get that :)
But oh my goodness! Yes I have soooo hit the third trimester fatigue! It's been over the last week or two and I wondered if I was the only one? haha! I have had to nap in the afternoon some days, or get early nights. I think for me too though it's because I seem to have a lot of spare time on my hands at the moment, I finish work after lunch, so I have the rest of the afternoon free and I just feel like I have nothing to do anymore....I can't remember what I did with my time before lol! If I try and think of things to do, they all seem to cost money, which we are trying to avoid as we want to save money for baby stuff etc, and what with mike being away, I feel like I'm twiddling my thumbs alot, and believe it or not pottering around bored is exhausting! lol I really need to come up with more things to do to pass the time as i'm going insane some days! I bet it seems crazy me saying this as anyone who works full time would be killing for more time off to rest! lol I am sooo appreciative of the time off in the afternoons, and wouldn't want to work full time again but it's that viscous cycle of keeping occupied with things other than cleaning and housework! There's only so much of that for just me and the dog living in the house lol.

Anyway, that's annoying about the adoption protocol, must be so frustrating for them! Fingers crossed they will get their other child in the end :):flower:


I know, Im worried about the iron clogging me up. I hope it doesn't!!!

I'm sure it is hard (but also nice) having the afternoons off and being bored and tired. There's really only so much you can do around the house, and as you said, if you go anywhere... you're spending money. So I say, NAP!!!! For me too!! :haha:

I hope you have a fabulous Friday!!!
Hi Ladies!

hope you're both doing ok :)

Tara, sorry to hear about your fall, hope you're ok. Must be a week for it as I slipped on ice at the weekend - really scared myself at the time but luckily kind of fell backwards so my knee took the brunt (now nicely bruised) and I landed on my backside. Haven't got checked out yet as haven't had any unusual pains and have still been getting a lot of movement from baby but wondering if I should just to be sure. It was a bit of a wake up call as like you've both said I do sometimes forget I'm carrying a human around inside me and sometimes do a double take when I catch my bump in a mirror! So glad it's not just me!

Fay, glad your midwife appt and antenatal classes are going well. Mine don't start for another few weeks but I'm itching to get started with them! It does seem crazy to think we're starting to talk about the actual birth and going through labour now!

I've definitely hit the 3rd tri tiredness. I'm back to needing to sleep around lunchtime (if I'm home) or crash out as soon as I get home from work. I think that's why I've been feeling so rubbish this past week as I'd been overdoing things and not resting.

We've not decided on names yet though we have narrowed down our shortlist. It's something we need to start thinking about very soon though!

Hi Ali!
Nice to hear from you!!! I'm sorry to hear that you fell as well! Man, it is a bad week for falling! It sounds like you landed in a way that was safe for the baby tho, as did I. Which I am sure makes you feel better. I hope you aren't too bruised up and sore. It sure is scary, isn't it?!
I'm glad to know we aren't the only ones who have not decided on names, although, It's probably harder for you because you have to come up with 2 names that you love! A boy and a girl name, right?
I hope you have a great day! Don't be a stranger :)
Hello! :)

Yes, sorry for the absence this week, think it was down to feeling to rubbish so I haven't really been online very much as just been feeling super tired. Feeling much better now though thankfully so I'm back!!

Fay, I think you're def right that the midwife has missed an appt out for me. I'm going to give them a call on Monday and check if I should be going in between and also just check about my fall to be on the safe side. Was definitely scary and feel very lucky that I did only come away with a bruised knee. Tara, how have you been since your fall? Not too bruised either I hope?

I've got 3 antenatal appointments to go to, I think two are two hours long and one is an hour and a half so will be interesting to see how they compare to yours. I've never heard them called parent craft workshops before though!!

Names are becoming a bit tricky to decide on! We have got to pick two (well, four I guess if we're going for middle names too!) since we don't know the sex yet. We do have shortlists for boys and girls but struggling to narrow down at the moment!

Have been feeling super strong kicks this week, particularly very low down which is such a strange feeling! Also, occasionally get what feels like a foot pressing really hard against my belly - usually lasts about 30 seconds then moves again. Does anyone else get this? Is so strange but such a great feeling at the same time :D

Hope you both had a great Friday! xx
Hello! :)

Yes, sorry for the absence this week, think it was down to feeling to rubbish so I haven't really been online very much as just been feeling super tired. Feeling much better now though thankfully so I'm back!!

Fay, I think you're def right that the midwife has missed an appt out for me. I'm going to give them a call on Monday and check if I should be going in between and also just check about my fall to be on the safe side. Was definitely scary and feel very lucky that I did only come away with a bruised knee. Tara, how have you been since your fall? Not too bruised either I hope?

I've got 3 antenatal appointments to go to, I think two are two hours long and one is an hour and a half so will be interesting to see how they compare to yours. I've never heard them called parent craft workshops before though!!

Names are becoming a bit tricky to decide on! We have got to pick two (well, four I guess if we're going for middle names too!) since we don't know the sex yet. We do have shortlists for boys and girls but struggling to narrow down at the moment!

Have been feeling super strong kicks this week, particularly very low down which is such a strange feeling! Also, occasionally get what feels like a foot pressing really hard against my belly - usually lasts about 30 seconds then moves again. Does anyone else get this? Is so strange but such a great feeling at the same time :D

Hope you both had a great Friday! xx

Yeah would be good if you could just get another check up before your next one, as it's so annoying waiting for the next one to come along isn't it? lol

Oh yes you'll have to let me know how your antenatal classes go as it's a bit longer than my ones, maybe they'll just spread all the info out instead of cramming it in like ours ones lol!

Sometimes people can't choose the name of their baby until they see him or her, so I guess as long as you have a short list of names then it may be something that you feel more passionately about when you see your baby, like yeah that's defo a 'so-in-so' or defo not a 'so-in-so' if you know what I mean? lol

Oh my I have also been feeling much stronger kicks!! lol Baby's getting stronger now! Sometimes on the very odd occasion it's caught me off guard and i've been doing something and all of a sudden i've flinched or held my belly cause it was really strong and unexpected lol! Mine have moved from down below now and more to the middle either side of my belly button, mainly on the right side (which midwife said she thought was a bum and legs) but sometimes i'll feel two equally sized bumps on either side of my belly like baby's laying transverse and one's the head and one's the bum lol But who knows, still to early to tell really for me. But defo feeling stronger kicks too :D I love it too though, so special, it'll be weird once baby is here and we no longer feel anything inside us lol! Sometimes i'll get that feeling like baby's stretching their leg too and foot is pressing on my belly lol not too much at the moment though, but defo feels slightly odd lol xxxx
lol, yeah know what you mean about flinching at unexpected kicks. I sometimes sit at my desk at work and either jump or grab hold of my belly. Not sure what my co-workers think! :haha: Will def feel weird no longer feeling our babies inside us, one of my friends said she really missed it at first.

Finally started decorating the nursery today so been stripping wallpaper and pulling stickers off the wall (was a little girls bedroom before so all pink princesses!). So excited that we've finally made a start and feels like we're now making a bit more progress in getting things ready :)

Just been reading through a couple of the posts that I missed last week. Fay hope you're getting on ok with Mike being away and not getting too bored. Bryan goes away occasionally for his work but usually only for a couple of nights which I find bad enough.

Tara, that's so exciting that you know roughly when you're induction will be. It's not that far off now!! :) And Happy 30 weeks!!

Hope you're both having good weekends! xx
Now you've said that I've been noticing even more now the stronger kicks! lol How much stronger will they get I wonder?? lol And especially when baby gets bigger, they're not gonna have much room left in there to wriggle round as much so I have a feeling i'm gonna be constantly getting kicked in the ribs or something haha!

Oh that's great news that you have things started on the nursery! :) It's so exciting isn't it? :D Feels so much closer once things start to take shape hehe! Once I've completed our nursery then I will take a few pics and you can see what it's like, be good to see yours too once it's done, I know Tara isn't setting much up until they move though, so I look forward to seeing it at a later date! hehe! Which makes me think....is there a section to carry on keeping in touch once we have our baby's? It would be great to keep in touch still to hear and see pics about how we are all getting on with our baby's hehe! How crazy is that to think that one day we'll actually be seeing pictures of each others baby's that are currently inside us?? haha! weird but so exciting!!

I don't know why, maybe it's because i'm pregnant, but this time around since mike's been away, i'm finding it a bit harder for some reason, I just especially hate being without him now, I hated it anyway whenever he's away but almost managed to change my way of thinking and cope with it, just count down the days, keep myself busy etc, but being pregnant seems to be limiting my options of things to do to keep busy and socialise with certain people etc, maybe it's also subconsciously the fact that if the worse did happen and I went into labour early or something then i'd have to wait for him to get on a flight home instead of being there right away with me....but i'm sure nothing like that will happen, but your mind goes wild sometimes doesn't it? lol (touch wood!) It is slightly more comforting to know that if baby was born now then baby's a lot more likely to get through any complications with a little help on the neonatal ward anyway, but still, wanna keep him in me for at least another 8 weeks!! lol

But yes happy 30 weeks tara! 30!! haha almost in single figures now for the countdown! and if they induce you early then it is single figures actually isn't it!! ahhhh!! exciting! :D
And happy 30 weeks to you as well for tomorrow Ali! Oh I can't wait to be at that point, I'm a week and a few days behind you girls! lol You'll both be waiting for me to have my baby I bet! unless you go over Ali, are you wanting to wait up to two weeks after due date or will you see if they can also induce you a bit earlier?

I spoke to my mum about her births (me, my sister, and my twin brothers) and she was 37 weeks with my sister, 38 with me and 37 with my twin brothers, I was a c-section as I was breech (the awkward one lol) but the other two births were natural and vaginal with no pain relief!! even with twins! My mum is therefore a bit of a hero in my eyes when it comes to child birth and I only hope to be able to cope with it like she did, and if the labours are anything to go like, then I too may not make it to my due date either, but I really don't know if anything like that is hereditary??

It's very intriguing to me to think how I am going to cope in labour and birth, I'm looking forward to it in a way, to see how I cope and learn something new about my pain threshold! lol So many people rush to tell you how it's going to be and I just want to see what type of person I will be in that situation myself lol!

Anyway, i'm rambling! lol Hope you are having good wknds too :) xxx
I absolutely remember missing being pregnant... and I actually missed it until I got pregnant again :) And I still love it as much as I did when I was pregnant with Avery. I have never understood how a woman could NOT like growing a human inside of them... the movement, the kicks... the pure joy. :confused: I remember the 1st shower I took... very vividly... and washing my stomach, it was the strangest thing ever. I touched it and was so weirded out that there was no longer a baby inside. I washed it so slowly, and touched it so softly... Im not sure why THAT part of it was so strange to me, but it was!!! Touching my stomach was also the 1st thing I did after I had Avery... I remember thinking it was the craziest feeling for my stomach to be FLAT again. Anyway... there's my story :haha:
Fay.. I wonder if maybe you will go early before us then! I *think* that kind of thing is heriditary :confused: I can't wait til we are all at that stage. Have you ladies noticed that in the 3rd tri section, it all seems to be about women who are giving birth already? I feel like I don't belong over there, but yet, the 2nd tri section--I feel way over all that stuff. :wacko:
I hope you guys had a great weekend. It's FunDay SunDay now :haha:
I absolutely remember missing being pregnant... and I actually missed it until I got pregnant again :) And I still love it as much as I did when I was pregnant with Avery. I have never understood how a woman could NOT like growing a human inside of them... the movement, the kicks... the pure joy. :confused: I remember the 1st shower I took... very vividly... and washing my stomach, it was the strangest thing ever. I touched it and was so weirded out that there was no longer a baby inside. I washed it so slowly, and touched it so softly... Im not sure why THAT part of it was so strange to me, but it was!!! Touching my stomach was also the 1st thing I did after I had Avery... I remember thinking it was the craziest feeling for my stomach to be FLAT again. Anyway... there's my story :haha:
Fay.. I wonder if maybe you will go early before us then! I *think* that kind of thing is heriditary :confused: I can't wait til we are all at that stage. Have you ladies noticed that in the 3rd tri section, it all seems to be about women who are giving birth already? I feel like I don't belong over there, but yet, the 2nd tri section--I feel way over all that stuff. :wacko:
I hope you guys had a great weekend. It's FunDay SunDay now :haha:

Haha yeah I bet it will be weird to feel your stomach after baby's been born, I know that will be something I do actually is feel and look at my stomach afterwards! I know it will take a while to go back to 'normal' but it'll still be odd lol! and I bet when you look at your baby, you're thinking, how on earth did u fit inside me? lol

Hmm it'll be interesting to see when we all go into labour, it won't be long until we come on here waiting for the post that things may be happening! lol I so understand what you mean about the 3rd trimester section, i'm the same, people talking about mucas plugs and waters breaking and i'm like 'hmm....not there just yet!' lol We will be though, not too long :)

Funday sunday! ha! I like it! :D xxx
lol, it sometimes doesn't feel like there's much more room for the little one to move around!

Will most definitely post nursery pics when we've finished it :) I'm not sure if there's a section for keeping in touch after the births - can we just carry on posting in this thread do you think? Although I guess it's pregnancy buddies so maybe not? Will be so good to keep up to date with how everyone's getting on and post pictures of the babies.

Fay from what you say about your family history you could well be the first of us to go into labour!! I'm not sure about being induced though one of my friends went 2 weeks overdue and she said she was so fed up by the end of it so will probably just see how I go. I know what you mean about coping with the labour and birth - I feel quite calm about it at the moment but who knows when the time comes!

Tara, I know what you mean about the 3rd tri section - I go on it occasionally but yeah, don't really like I belong there at that moment but also feel way beyond the 2nd tri!

Wow, just seen the time, is quite late for me nowadays! Time for bed methinks!

lol, it sometimes doesn't feel like there's much more room for the little one to move around!

Will most definitely post nursery pics when we've finished it :) I'm not sure if there's a section for keeping in touch after the births - can we just carry on posting in this thread do you think? Although I guess it's pregnancy buddies so maybe not? Will be so good to keep up to date with how everyone's getting on and post pictures of the babies.

Fay from what you say about your family history you could well be the first of us to go into labour!! I'm not sure about being induced though one of my friends went 2 weeks overdue and she said she was so fed up by the end of it so will probably just see how I go. I know what you mean about coping with the labour and birth - I feel quite calm about it at the moment but who knows when the time comes!

Tara, I know what you mean about the 3rd tri section - I go on it occasionally but yeah, don't really like I belong there at that moment but also feel way beyond the 2nd tri!

Wow, just seen the time, is quite late for me nowadays! Time for bed methinks!


Yeah I suppose we could just stay on here for a while after the births, if we get 'evicted' lol then we can always swap emails and facebook addresses etc to keep in touch, that would be nice :)

Oh I hope my birth wasn't anything to go by, a breech baby ending in a c-section may just drive me a little bit mad! haha! Time will tell! :P x
Happy 29 weeks Fay!

Do you ladies ever feel like birth is never going to happen? I woke up feeling that way today... blah.

Have a great day! Im moody today... :haha:

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